Campus Pastor Bi
By Becky Griggs and Kathleen Craig
LU Campus Pastor Rob Jackson wants to set a good example for his family and students. "I see m y most important role as keeping m y relationship right with the Lord," he said. "That way, I will be an encouragement to students in their walk with Jesus Christ." Although Rob has been involved with Liberty for 11 years, he has only been the campus pastor for three years. Before coming to Liberty, he was in the U.S. Air Force Academy for almost two years. After that, he went to Life Action Ranch in Buchanan, Michigan, where he was a team director and helped run a camping program. H e met his wife T a m m y there, and they were married on May 23,1980. H e came to Liberty as a student with no job, but he felt God wanted him here. Because of his experience in the service, he got a job with campus security working midnight shift. After finishing his B.S. in pastoral studies, he became the associate dean of m e n and then the associate director of Light Ministries. Later, Vernon Brewer contacted Rob and told him that Dr. Falwell and he would like Rob to fill the office of campus pastor. "I didn't know the position was open and I never applied, but I had been praying for a more extensive and positive ministry that dealt more directly with a pastoral position. God definitely answered m y prayers." Rob received his master's degree in the division of religion on January 28,1991. H e graduated S u m m a C u m Laude. His goal as campus pastor is for every student to be The rest of his time is spent with his wife, T a m m y , and his able to answer this question in a realistic way: "Where do three children, Beth, 10, Jessica, 5, and Ryan, 2. I fit in God's plan to evangelize the world?" "If they can't Rob sees a big spiritual need in the lives of L U students. fit in, I don't feel like they've gotten what they should "The greatest need in America and the church is genuine, have at LU," Rob said. "The bottom line of L U and m y Holy Ghost revival," he said. "Revival that breaks d o w n office is to equip people to use gifts and talents God has the walls of L U and spreads to Lynchburg and then the given them to affect the world for Jesus Christ, no matter nation. That is encouraging about LU. There is so much what their vocation." potential for revival because hundreds of students have Rob is very pleased with the format of Wednesday made a commitment to Christ and are serious about their night services, in which he has had an active part. "It has relationship with Him." become a participant-oriented service," he said. "There is Rob is content with his position and hopes to stay for a segment for prayer requests and a testimony time, as long as the Lord allows. "I can't believe I get paid for along with some preaching." what I do, because I love the vast majority of it," he said. There are many programs at Liberty that impress Rob. "As long as the school sees the need and God gives m e the "I like the excitement and vibrance of individual relation- freedom, I plan on staying." ships with the Lord," he said. "I also like the vision Dr. Rob wants to be remembered in two ways. "First, as a Falwell has of using intercollegiate sports as an outreach father and husband w h o loved his wife and kids and w h o to youth in America. I have enjoyed being the soccer they could see Jesus in," he said. "Second, not by m y team's chaplain, as well as working with the tennis team accomplishments, but because of the presence of Christ in the things I do get accomplished." and occasionally traveling with the wrestling team." Rob spends some of his free time outdoors, hunting "I get blessed more in this job than I could ever hope to and fishing. H e also plays raquetball three times a week.bless others. I count it a great privilege to be here."