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Ethiopia: A Wealth of Opportunity
By Genie Poggemiller
Sara Tewolde boldly claims that she is from "the most beautiful country in the world." She is from Ethiopia in East Africa. Her country's wealth is not measured inmoney, butinthetreasuresof its natural beauty, its culture and its people Ethiopiais amountainous countrywithmany lakes and rivers. The famous NileRiveris at its heart. It is alsohome to many kindsof exoticbirds, tropical trees and flowers. Sara's family livesin the capitalcityof Addis Ababa,a citywhich attracts many tourists
Hospitalityisimportantto Ethiopianfamilies "The people ofEthiopia arethevery definitionof hospitality," Sarasaid. "Ourhomesare alwaysreadyand open to sharewithotherswhatwe haveas thoughtheywere members ofour family."
Although Ethiopiaisconsideredto be a Third World nation,itisnot because of a lack of resources. It is rather the result of political oppression and unrest. The chief industry in Ethiopia isagriculture,which caused thecountry toprosper inthepast, priortothe communist domination which started 18yearsago.
During theyearsofcommunist power,thecountry suffered a swift economic and agricultural decline. Thisled totheterrible famines, which brought worldwide attention and assistance. However, communist rule finally came to an end in 1990, leavingthecountry ina stateofeconomic depression.
The Tewolde family representsa wealth of cultural and religious perseverance. "Though we are a very closefamily,we have crossedmany cultural barriers," Sarasaid. "We havetakenourfaith withus." Sarahas a brother living in Canada, another in Washington D.C., and a sisterin Italy
Saracame to Libertywiththehelpof herfamily and through an international work scholarship provided by LU. She heard about Liberty through herbrother, TekleTewolde,who graduated from LU in 1990
Aftercompletingherstudies, Saraplansto return to her country asa worker with theSudan InteriorMission. SIM recentlyinformedSaratheywillbeministering bothphysicallyand spirituallyto faminevictimsin WesternEthiopia.
Sara speaks threelanguages:English, Amharic (the official languageof Ethiopia), and Tigrignal(oneof75 tribal languages)
Sara'sparentsreceived theGospel from missionarieswho came toEthiopia on a work permit. When theybecameChristianbelievers, theybecame a part of the harshreligiouspersecutionunderthe communists. "With anew and democratic government,Ihope that thiswillchange," Sarasaid."Onlytimewill tellifitwill really beademocracy If itcontinuesto change for the better, new doors willbe opened tothe Gospel."
With the doorsof opportunityreopening, morefruit from missionsin Ethiopiashouldbeforthcoming, such as the familyof SaraTewolde, atreasurebeyond price.