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Dr. FieldsResignsAfter14Years
Dr. Dennis Fields, vice president for administrative relations, resigned December 15after being with Liberty since 1977.
Fieldsleft in pursuit of full-timeChristian work "God has been dealing with me," he said. "I had been involved with the ministryas alayman for 10 or11 yearsbeforecoming to Liberty, but Iknew even then thatGod had called me to preach."
Fieldshad beendirectlyinvolved in several schoolprograms, including Christian/community service, Selah, The Liberty Champion,alumni relations, ROTC and aviation.
Fieldsclaimsthattheuniversityhashad apositiveinfluence on hisfamily. "The influence oftheuniversity as a whole has been afamily-wide influence," he said. "My wifeis a graduate of Liberty,my son isa graduate,and my daughter will be a graduate of Liberty this May. So,it'sbeen a total personal growth forall of us."
TheonethingFieldswillmissthe mostis the studentbody. He offersthem some strongadvice "Betrueto yourself,andbetrue to God. Maintainyourintegrityin the face of anycircumstance. Capitalizeon theeducational opportunities atLibertyUniversity," hesaid.
Fieldsinfluenced theministry inmany ways,and he willbe greatlymissed intheyearsahead.