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Dr. Haag TeachesFrom Experience

By Becky Griggs

Dr. Larry Haag knows missions. He has been there. "Onceyou'vebeenonthe missionfield,you'llneverbe thesame,"he said.

Haag and hisfamily spent 10 yearsasmissionaries in Sao Paulo,Brazil. Their main emphasis was on evangelism, church planting, and leadershiptraining. In the short amount of time they were there,they planted four churches and worked with three other churches.

Haag, who is now thechairman oftheLU missions department, prayed fortheopportunity toteach missions someday. Through contacts at Baptist Bible College, the Libertymissionsdirector contacted Haag in1981 whilehe was on themission fieldinBrazil It was during that same year that Haag and his family came to Lynchburg on furlough, and their prayers were answered. He started teaching missions that year

Haag is alsothemissionsdirectorforThomas Road Baptist Church and is responsiblefor theorganization oftheWorld Impact Conference.

He has three sons and two daughters Three have attended Liberty inthepast, and two sonsstill attend Haag enjoys teaching "The personal interaction with thestudentsis great,"he said "I reallyenjoythe classroom setting."

His missions experience has helped him become a betterteacher. "My experiencehelps me to know how topresent thepracticalsideofmissions and thechallenges before the students," he said. "It's not just reading a book, it's sharing actual experiences that you've had."

One of his mostmemorableexperienceswas leading one particularBraziliantoChrist. He saw thisyoung man go through the Bible institute that was attheir church, study missions, and eventuallybecome amissionary in the jungles of Brazil. This man left an impression on his life.

Many studentshave gone through theLU missions program since Haag has been here. "Approximately 350 graduates have either been on the field or are currentlythere," hesaid "We havemissionarygraduateslocated on every continent. The missions major has grown more thisyear than any other time that I have beenhere."

Haag isawareof the importanceof missionarytraining. "It givesyou insight into cultural differences,"he said. "Ithelps a student become sensitive todifferences. W e allstressthatthe people of the world are different, but not inferior."

Haag has fulfilled two separate missions He has beenamissionary, and hehasbeenableto teachothers how tobemissionaries.

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