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The restofhis timeis spentwithhis wife,Tammy,and his threechildren, Beth, 10, Jessica, 5, and Ryan, 2.
Robseesa big spiritualneedin the livesofLUstudents "Thegreatestneedin Americaandthe churchisgenuine, HolyGhostrevival," hesaid."Revival thatbreaksdown thewallsof LU and spreadsto Lynchburg and thenthe nation.Thatis encouragingaboutLU. Thereis so much potential for revival becausehundredsof students have made a commitmentto Christandare seriousabouttheir relationshipwith Him."
Rob is content withhis positionand hopesto stay for as longas the Lord allows. "I can'tbelieve Iget paid for whatIdo, becauseIlove the vast majorityof it," he said "As longas the schoolseesthe needandGod givesme the freedom, Iplanonstaying."
Robwantsto be remembered in twoways. "First, as a fatherandhusbandwho lovedhis wifeandkidsand who they could seeJesus in," he said. "Second,not by my accomplishments, butbecauseofthepresenceof Christ inthethingsIdo get accomplished."
"I get blessed morein thisjob thanI couldeverhope to bless others Icountit agreatprivilegeto behere."