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Exemplifying Godly Success
By Melody Walker ^ *
Overcoming obstaclestobecome thebestis what sportsis all about.
NicoleNice came toLU asa soccerrecruit. Her parentsfelt thatsoccerwas toorough ofa sport and made Nicolepromise totryout forvolleyball. Inthe fall of1988shebecame one oftwo tomake the volleyballteam asa walk-on out of34who tried out.
Nicolenow playsmiddle hitter and defense. Shealso provided leadershipfor theteam during hersenior year while serving as co-captain.
New coach Beth Dalton has alsomade a great contribution to the team. "Coach Dalton is a professional woman and coach," Nicole said. "She isexciting and holds authority well I enjoy playing for her."
Nicole'syoungersister,sophomoreTriciaNice,rooms next door toher in dorm 19. She was also avolleyball walk-on. "Tricia isa better defensive player," Nicole said.
Althoughvolleyballtakesupmostofher timebetween practices, games and traveling, Nicolehascontinued to maintaina4.0 gradepointaverageduringherfouryears at LU. She was a candidate for Miss Liberty and is pursuing a degree inpsychology.
Her successbothonand off the courtis a resultof hard work and dedication Nicoleputsherstudiesbeforeher social life. "I pressmyselfto perform in classes and I do my best,"shesaid.
Nicolealsogivesher parentscreditfor her accomplishments. She livesby what they told her, "commitment, stickingwith it and doing your best."
Nicoleisengagedand willbe marriedonMay 23,1992
She met her fiance, EarlAllmond,involleyball class. Earlplayed on the men'svolleyballteamfrom 1988-1990 and the men's basketball team in 1987. He will graduatein May 1992withasports managementdegree. Nicolewill graduatein December 1991. They will live in Lynchburg forthefirst year.
Nicolered-shirtedasafreshman and still hasone year of eligibility Shehopesto come back in thefall and play volleyballasa graduatestudent.
Nicolevalues her relationship with theLord. Psalms 119:11is oneotherfavorite verses. "Thy word haveI hid inmine heart, thatImight notsinagainst thee."
"We need thewhole Bibleand we need toapply all of God's principles,"Nicolesaid Nicoleenjoystalking topeople and always tries tobe therefor herfriends. She alsowants peopletobe able to seetheLord throughher.
One of the highlights of playing on LU's volleyball team isthe witnessing opportunity involved This isa greatchallengeto Nicole,especiallyat home games. "The opposing team often does not want any part of it," she said. "They seem to have pre-conceived ideas of what Liberty is all about."
At away games, however,Nicole finds people to be more open "The Lord alwaysgivesyou an opportunity to witness,"shesaid. "Thereis alwaysonequestionthat opens up thewholeconversation."
AlthoughNicolewasnervousat firstaboutwitnessing, itbecameeasiereachtime."Youdon'twantthe opposing teamplayerto rejectwhatwillgivethem eternallife," she said. "Youcan see itin theireyesthatthisiswhattheyneed."