2 minute read
Rap Group Crusades inInner-City
By Becky Griggs
"Rapping in the church or on the street, No matterhow you hearit, Christis King."
Thisis the evangelisticmessage of Transformation Crusade. Thegroupconsistsof LibertystudentsDaryl Fitzgerald and ChrisWilliamson, and formerLiberty studentAndre Simsand his wifeKathy television,andhas opened for suchwell-known artists asWhite Heart, Steve Camp,D.C Talk, and Wayne Watson.
Thegroup startedin January1988. "We saw a need for evangelism intheinner-city," Chrissaid. "We've added to thattheneed for good Christian music."
The lyrics of their songs emphasize two main things. "They are evangelistic and discipleshiporiented,"Chris said "We aretrying toreach as many unsaved peopleas possible.We are giving Christians good music tolistentoand atthesame timefeeding their souls."
"The most excitingthing aboutbeing apartof the group is thatwe getnationalexposure and publicity withoutseekingit," Chrissaid "God foundus andhas promoted ourministrywithoutushavingto manipulate peoplein any way."
Transformation Crusade'sgoalis tomake an impactonthe rap musicindustry."Somepeoplesay that theyneverlikedrapmusicuntil theyheard us," Chris said.
Thesecrusadershavebeenverybusy,anditdoesn't looklike things are goingto changemuch. Chriswas married in Decemberand graduates fromseminary in May Daryl graduated withhis B.A degreein December and was married in April. Their third album should be outinMay 1992, and thegroup willbein Nashvillein June
The group travelsalmost every weekend all over the United States. "It is hard to get into public schools becauseof our Christianlyrics," Chrissaid. "We set up in places like drug traffic streets, jails, and amusement parks."
Theirbiggestaudience is teenagersages 13-17, but all age groupsenjoytheirmusic."We would liketo see (Christian) rap becomeas largeand effectiveas secular rap," Chris said. "We want to have as much of an impacton kidsasother groups."
The group has made appearances on livecable
In the future,Andre and Chris want to pastor churches. Daryl wants to work in marriage and family counseling. Kathy is interested in fashion merchandising.
They may all have theirown individual plans, but for now theyare anticipating their partin the growth of Christianrap music.
Jane m
Larissa Morgan, Jill Keeler, Darlene Rander, Madeline Atchley, Maryanne Emmons , Ki m Sorenson, Kisha Turner, Rebekah Brackett. Ro w 2-Nannette Weirich, Pamela Walck, Kimberly Walborn, Christian Risker, Daw n James, Heather Paul, Wend y Brong, Tammi e Ogilvie, Tiffany Madden , Paula Dunn , Susie Jewell, Linda Looker, Tanya Posey, Jennifer Parrish, Sharifa Stewart. Ro w 3—Joy Skelton, Lisa Wiggins, Beth Hesters, Jaunita Montgomery, Lori Slippy, Deborah Lotz, Laura Love, Aprill Moore, Alisa Winn, Jennifer Watson, Melody Ragains, Jamie Kisby, Heather Spaman, Denys Higgins, Melanie McCloud, Tarda Louis y Ann e
Christine Martin, Rebecca
Jackie Herold, Jennifer Maka , Shelah Simpson, Katrina Bower, Kathy Dyer, Constance Bennett, Casey McGlone, Holly Watson, Cynthia Schrock, Melody Shumaker, Hop e Moore, Maria Dalia Ro w 2-Renee Rogers, Michelle Weisberg, Lani Miller, Wend y Jacobs, Jennifer Cademartori, Sherri Craig, Christine Semple, Jennie Brew, Trade Ligon, Carol Kramer, Michelle Delapenha, Beth Hamilton, Heidi Small, Kristen Johnston, Chantal Masterson Ro w 3~Shannon Schaap, Tionne Howard , Paula Sivley, Lisa Wray, Kathleen Hunt, Lisa Leslie, Krishna Sewell, Lisa Sammons , Johanna Rothfeld, Sharon Allison, Julie Garrison, Cindi Fitzgerald, Cassie Dillow, Heather Hogue, Lynea Keith Ro w 4~Mercedes Hetes, Karla Hill, Christa Barber, Kimberley Matherley, Mind y Deal, Heather Bulson, Sandra Jordan, Heather Pearson, Am y Mackinrire, Bobbye Boyle, Rebecca Neff, Leslie Stewart- iCJmV.^1 Parson, Heather Totin, Michele Mullenix