3 minute read
Service Creates Opportunities
By Becky Griggs
A person who shares what they have with others cares about the well being of the people around them.
Organizations are fullof these kinds ofpeople. Peoplewho careand giveofthemselves. Peoplethat can be looked up to.
Many organizations could not survive without people who contribute their time and efforts to worthy causes. Volunteers are a vitalpart of any organization and are often strongly driven forthe cause which they areinvolvedin.
Our societyis ahighly organizationalone There areorganizations for nearlyevery causethatcanbe thought of. Perhaps some ofthegreatestorganizations are thosethatare formed to helpthosein need.
LU has many clubs and organizations that are aimed athelping people, but it is up tothe student tobecome involved
What motivates people to volunteer? Ittakes a kind and caring person todonate time out of their schedule toan organization. Perhaps these people are driven by the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Although it is truethatwhen onebecomesa Christianheshould be compelled to give,there are many non-Christians who aregiving as well.
People who volunteer aredrivenby anumber of things. It may be thattheypossessaburden for the homeless because they have witnessed it first hand inthecity in which theylive.Peoplemay volunteer for an organization such as the American Cancer Society becausetheyhavelostsomeone close to cancer Perhapsthey may volunteertheirtimeto achurchor Christianorganization because oftheirburden tolead lostsoulsto Christ.
Whatever the reason,thereis no doubtthatvolunteersplay a vital role in our society. Many organizations could not survive without them
The purpose ofthe clubs and organizations atLU is twofold. The first is to promote student involvement ina particularinterestareaormajor. The second is totrain those people to make a difference in that area. Many ofthese organizations areaimed athelpingothers
Chi-Alpha,a club forwomen, allows female students the opportunity toserveChristand make a differencein other's lives. They have many ministriesintheinner-city aswellas the LibertyGodparentHome and severallocalnursinghomes.
The Circle K Club is nationwide,and Liberty's chapteris greatly involved with helping others They have sponsored such projects as the Red Cross blood drives and cards for servicemen.
Youth Quest, one of thelargerclubson campus, is a ministryclubgeared toward youth. Many people aresaved as the resultof Youth Quest sponsored activities suchas Scaremare, Clearwater Beach Alive and New York Quest
There aremany more organizations thataresponsoredby Liberty forministry outreach. Many studentswork together on their own for a cause. Students can participate in antiabortionrallies, such astheNationalLife Chain in October of 1991. Thesestudentsdonated theirtimeto defend the livesof thousands ofunbornbabies.
InadditiontotheorganizationsavailableatLiberty,there aremany other organizations within the community.
The United Way ofCentralVirginiais anon-profit organizationwhich raisesmoney forunder-privileged people. People of all agesareinvolved intheUnited Way,because it isa well-known,trusted organization. Although some peopledo nothave thetimeto volunteer, theygive money through payrolldeductions. Giving ina tangibleway can be equally important asgivingtime
Therearealsonationalorganizationsthatfocusonpeople with diseasesorchronicillnesses One of themost famous is theMuscular Dystrophy Association. Thisorganization has raised money to further research for a cure to the disease. Their annual Labor Day Telethon isone of the biggest fundraising drives of any national organization. Thehost,JerryLewis,hasputmany yearsofhislifetowards the cause of muscular dystrophy He has been able to change the lives of many individuals and theirfamilies. Because of his contributions, the children who have the diseasehave been named "Jerry'sKids."
Itisimportant for everyone to support atleastone organization Therearemany organizationsthatneedvolunteersand one person can make adifference.
Lifewould bedifficulttoimaginewithoutorganizations. The people involved comprise a large percentage of our work forceand area vitalpartof America, aswell asthe world
The organizations available at LU are a great way for students to prepare fortheirfutures. Students aretaught how to dealwithotherpeopleand personalgrowth. Every studentshouldmake involvementinoneorganizationatop priority intheir education
Dorml : Ro w 1-Richard Dunn, Bob Foster, Brad Atwell, Mitchell Steeves, Mar k Sexton, Mar k Kresge, David Brigman, Jonathan Barr, Duanne Barbour, Dallas Elek. Ro w 2~Tim Barnett, Mike Rowles, Keith Horton, Craig Beach, Dea n Bays, Mar k Dymond , Richard Bausum, Jeff Steele, Gary Banziger, Jose Benitez, Vathana Biv, Jeremy Blanford Ro w 3—Mark Stallings, Mike Staples, Mike Gardner, Kevin Hart, Sid Ryner, Graha m Carroll, Jonathan Nazigan, Steve Ewaka, Kevin Absher, Craig\Baker, Jeremy Grey, Pablo Acanda, To m Ahrens, Jason Bell Ro w 4~Lance Howe , Will Austin, Jeff Smith, Ed Hooke, Eric Reynolds, Keith Bordeaux, Jeff Pisney Ro w 5—Andrew Rein, Danny Vezmar, Bryan Wyatt, Darren Zimmerman , Greg Peterson, Matt Dethe, Damien Pettitt, Danny Fehsenfeld, Tim Heacock, Mike Barclay, Matt Jones, Glenn Decker
Dor m 2: Ro w 1-Sarah Abbas, Gwe n Tucker, Faith Brown, Carrie Cruthers, Belinda Dellinger, Rachel Ward, Lucille Croce, Kristin Robinson, Sally Meekins, Melinda Keys, Beth Hensley. Ro w 2~Clare Davis, Mindy Gordon, Elisa D e Leeuw, Suzanne Lanier, Vicki Pederson, Katherine Freeman, Emily Morris, Shelli Poore, Nicole Zawodny, Lecia Richardson, Ki m Sclineider, Bethany White. Ro w 3-Bashara Green, Michelle Apgar, Jennifer Tuthill, Mchelle Norman , Ki m Sleets, Mara Dolinga, Rebecca Johnson, Jeanna Talley, Melissa Dillon, Stacy Taing, Barbara Soistmann, Sara Burgan Ro w 4~Wendi Cockrum, Am y Young, Susan Mauney, Staci Williams, Mand y Ear, Kathy Enger, Becky Durham, Sheri Rice, Michelle Renz, Ramon a Davidson, Sheri Adair, Sherryl Heidebrink Ro w 5-Melissa AHman , Monica Lane, Valeri Bates, Brooke Musser, Mar y Dolinga, Christi Johnson, Donielle Ancar, Jennifer Beard, Stephanie Norman , Victoria Cash, Carie Anderson, Renee Tubiolo.Row 6-Deanna Snow, Aimee Vaillancourt, Laurel Thompson