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Photo By Tim Kania
Service Creates Opportunities B y Becky Griggs A person who shares what they have with others for an organization such as the American Cancer Society cares about the well being of the people around because they have lost someone close to cancer. Perhaps they them. m a y volunteer their time to a church or Christian organization Organizations are full of these kinds of people. because of their burden to lead lost souls to Christ. People w h o care and give of themselves. People that Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that volunteers play can be looked u p to. a vital role in our society. M a n y organizations could not M a n y organizations could not survive without survive without them. people w h o contribute their time and efforts to The purpose of the clubs and organizations at L U is twoworthy causes. Volunteers are a vital part of any fold. The first is to promote student involvement in a organization and are often strongly driven for the particular interest area or major. The second is to train those cause which they are involved in. people to m a k e a difference in that area. M a n y of these O u r society is a highly organizational one. There organizations are aimed at helping others. are organizations for nearly every cause that can be Chi-Alpha, a club for w o m e n , allows female students the thought of. Perhaps some of the greatest organiza- opportunity to serve Christ and m a k e a difference in other's tions are those that are formed to help those in need. lives. They have m a n y ministries in the inner-city as well as L U has m a n y clubs and organizations that are the Liberty Godparent H o m e and several local nursing homes. aimed at helping people, but it is u p to the student The Circle K Club is nationwide, and Liberty's chapter is to become involved. greatly involved with helping others. They have sponsored W h a t motivates people to volunteer? It takes a such projects as the Red Cross blood drives and cards for kind and caring person to donate time out of their servicemen. schedule to an organization. Perhaps these people Youth Quest, one of the larger clubs on campus, is a minisare driven by the golden rule: "Do unto others as try club geared toward youth. M a n y people are saved as the you would have them do unto you." Although it is result of Youth Quest sponsored activities such as Scaremare, true that w h e n one becomes a Christian he should be Clearwater Beach Alive and N e w York Quest. compelled to give, there are m a n y non-Christians There are m a n y more organizations that are sponsored by w h o are giving as well. Liberty for ministry outreach. M a n y students work together People w h o volunteer are driven by a number of on their o w n for a cause. Students can participate in antithings. It m a y be that they possess a burden for the abortion rallies, such as the National Life Chain in October of homeless because they have witnessed it first hand 1991. These students donated their time to defend the lives of in the city in which they live. People m a y volunteer thousands of unborn babies.