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McBrayer DazzlesLibertyAudience

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By Becky Griggs

As the lights in the auditorium came up, Liberty studentswere thrilledtoseeone oftheir veryown in the spotlightas a member of the popularmusicalgroup Truth

Jody McBrayer,who attended Liberty forthree years, is fulfilling a dream hehas always had. "I knew aboutTruthsinceIwas13, but IneverthoughtIwould be amember,"Jodysaid.

At theage of17, Jody attended aTruth concert in Lakeland, Florida. Afterattempting to audition after the concert, RogerBreland toldhim he wastoo young. He recommended thatJodyattendLibertyUniversity.

Followingthe adviceof Breland, Jody came to Liberty He was soonacceptedinto the Soundsof Liberty and was an automatic stand-out. He dazzled audiences with his rich tenor voice,and was a favorite among many of the students.

SingingwithTruthhas beenanadjustmentfor Jody "Singing with a liveband is abig adjustment," Jody said. "Youhaveto learnto concentrateand not oversing. It's alsodifferent becauseeveryonein thegroup is an excellent performer,and there isnot as much individual attention."

In the short amount of time hehas beenwith Truth, his spiritual life hasgrown immensely. "I never understood the power of the Holy Spirit as much as Ido now," Jodysaid

The scheduleis hard for Jodyto adjust to Theonly vacationtimethat hegets is three weeksat Christmas. With the exception of a few revivals and spiritual emphasis weeks,Truth travels to a different place everyday.

In spiteofthishard schedule, Jody is constantly learningvaluablelessonsfromGod. "It was hardin the beginning,"Jody said. "Itook theplaceofsomeone they reallyloved. Through thattime, I realizedthat God had me there for a reason. IfHe would have wanted me to give up, He wouldn'thaveput me there inthefirst place."

Jodystudied businesscommunicationwhilehe was at Liberty, and would like to finish his 32credit hours through LUSLL

Inthe short amount of time that Jody hasbeen with Truth, hehas already been able to capture several solospots. He has even had the op-

Jodyhasfond memories of Liberty. "The thing Imiss themost is theclosenessof the studentbody,"hesaid. "It was great to seeeveryoneagain.I'll always be anumber onesupporter andrecruiterofLiberty."

Yes, thestudentbody missesJody and his superbvoice,but everytime they see him onstage with Truth, they willbe proud of where he came fromand whom he represents.

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