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Coupland BelievesInConsistency
By LeoUnitix
Danny Coupland is notjustanother resident assistant. Heisa friendwho iswillingto listen,and hecares forthetheneeds ofthose onhis hall.
Consistency isthekey todoing a good job. "It is important tonot show favoritism,"Danny said.
Manygu)s onDanny's hall agreethat heis a fun guy and a real friend toanyone whotakesthetime to gettoknow him. "Iadmire thestrength of his character," one guysaid "He is not superficial."
Danny,ajunior, is majoring inSpanish andminoringin chemistry. His futureplansinclude attending medical school "I want tobe apediatricianina large hospitaloronthemission field," he said.
He was born in Missouri and lived inOntario, Canada forsixyears. His parentsaremissionaries in Panama, where hespentafouryears of his life. There, he learned tospeak fluent Spanish.
Collecting hockey goaliepostersis oneof Danny's hobbies. He also likes cliff-diving in Panama, an annual family traditiononChristmas morning.
Danny'ssisters, whoattended Libertyat the time of his highschoolgraduation, influencedhim to cometo LU.
As a freshman, Danny learned to love it. "The academics and the sports were good, but itwas the people thatkept me here,"he said.
Danny is nowa residentassistant.This hasbrought added responsibilities and false perceptions. "Having been handed thetitle ofResidentAssistant, Ifeel that I have been stereotyped ina way that isnot me," Danny said. "Iconsider my position asmore of a friendship with the guysrather than just ajob. I feel if yourespectthem they willrespect you."
Danny has served as theFlames' mascot for two years. He was themascot for his highschool, as well, and asked to be Liberty's mascotwhen hearrivedon campus Aftera quicktryout he beganrallyingthe fans and cheering the LU athletic teams as the Liberty Eagle. "The most rewarding thing is getting thekids involved. Ithink thestudentbody enjoyed the game more."
Interesting experiences also came with being the mascot. "I've never had my picture taken so many timesin my life," Danny said "Ialso got mobbed after thegames bylittle kidswho wanted my autograph." Theseexperiencesalsoincludedbeingthrownout of a basketballgame. "Therewas aarticle about itin the newspaper thenextday," Danny said. "Icut itoutand sentit tomy mom."
"Entertainment Tonight" also did a segment on college mascots and showed a clip of him sliding acrossthegymfloor
Thisis notthe end of Danny'sinvolvement During his first two years, hewas also amember of the men's volleyball team. The time devoted tobeing an together with the increasing demands ofhis school work caused him to giveuphis positionontheteam. "SinceI'vebeen atLU, thatis thehardest thing I've had to do," Danny said "Volleyballismy love,but I'm heretogetan education."
Danny considers ChrisEasley, his RA partner, to be hisbest friend. "Compatibility isessential toa profitablepartnership,"he said "Chris hasmade my job easier, and Ihope thathecansaythe same thing about me."
Even though hisroommate sharesinthe responsibilities, Danny admits that life as an RA can be stressful. "If you relyonGod'sstrengthinsteadof your own, you cannot helpbut succeed."