Coupland Believes In Consistency By Leo Unitix D a n n y Coupland is not just another resident assistant. H e is a friend w h o is willing to listen, and he cares for the the needs of those on his hall. Consistency is the key to doing a good job. "It is important to not s h o w favoritism," D a n n y said. M a n y g u ) s on Danny's hall agree that he is a fun guy and a real friend to anyone w h o takes the time to get to k n o w him. "I admire the strength of his character," one guy said. "He is not superficial." Danny, a junior, is majoring in Spanish and minoring in chemistry. His future plans include attending medical school. "I want to be a pediatrician in a large hospital or on the mission field," he said. H e w a s born in Missouri and lived in Ontario, Canada for six years. His parents are missionaries in Panama, where he spent a four years of his life. There, he learned to speak fluent Spanish. Collecting hockey goalie posters is one of Danny's hobbies. H e also likes cliff-diving in Panama, an annual family tradition on Christmas morning. Danny's sisters, w h o attended Liberty at the time of his high school graduation, influenced him to come to LU. As a freshman, Danny learned to love it. "The academics and the sports were good, but it was the people that kept m e here," he said. Danny is n o w a resident assistant. This has brought added responsibilities and false perceptions. "Having been handed the title of Resident Assistant, I feel that I have been stereotyped in a w a y that is not me," Danny said. "I consider m y position as more of a friendship with the guys rather than just a job. I feel if you respect them they will respect you." Danny has served as the Flames' mascot for two years. H e w a s the mascot for his high school, as well, Photo by Tim Kania and asked to be Liberty's mascot w h e n he arrived on campus. After a quick try out he began rallying the fans volleyball team. The time devoted to being an R A and cheering the L U athletic teams as the Liberty together with the increasing demands of his school Eagle. "The most rewarding thing is getting the kids work caused him to give u p his position on the team. involved. I think the student body enjoyed the g a m e "Since I've been at L U , that is the hardest thing I've had to do," Danny said. "Volleyball is m y love, but I'm more." Interesting experiences also came with being the here to get an education." Danny considers Chris Easley, his R A partner, to mascot. "I've never had m y picture taken so m a n y times in m y life," Danny said. "I also got mobbed after be his best friend. "Compatibility is essential to a the games by little kids w h o wanted m y autograph." profitable partnership," he said. "Chris has m a d e m y These experiences also included being thrown out of job easier, and I hope that he can say the same thing a basketball game. "There was a article about it in the about me." Even though his roommate shares in the responsinewspaper the next day," Danny said. "I cut it out and bilities, Danny admits that life as an R A can be sent it to m y m o m . " stressful. "If you rely on God's strength instead of your "Entertainment Tonight" also did a segment on own, you cannot help but succeed." college mascots and showed a clip of him sliding across the g y m floor. This is not the end of Danny's involvement. During his first two years, he was also a m e m b e r of the men's