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Romanians Eager to Minister
By Jennifer Cox
What comes to mind when you think of Romania?
It may just be theidea ofa country inturmoil, yet for someLibertyUniversitystudents,thiscountryishome.
Romanian studentDan Vinersarhasledalife somewhat different than most students atLiberty Dan was involved inthe revolution thattook place inDecember of1989. "After being shot intherevolution, I wasin the hospitalfor twomonthsand stayedhome for threemonths,"hesaid
Thisabsencecaused Dan to lose his job. He wanted to work with thechurch and received ascholarshipto Liberty University.
Dan notices a total difference between Americans and Romanians. "Americans have adifferentstyle of life, dress,walk,and talk than Romanians do," Dan said "I am sad thatmy parentsdon'thavethis."
Dan misses different aspects of Romania, such as Romanian carols "Ihope to go home for Christmas next year,"Dan said.
He ismajoringin vocalperformance,and wouldlike tosing opera. "Iwould liketosing here or in Romania," Dan said.
He would one day liketo perform in the National Opera. "Singing and music aretraditionsinmy family."
Dan considersLibertya good placefor thosewho are interested inthe ministry. "I like itbecauseitisclearly Christian,"Dan said. "America hasmany nice places, and studentsshould come from othercountriesifthey feel thatLiberty would be rightforthem."
Senior Rob Ghitea lived inRomania untilhe was in the fifthgrade.Hisfamilythenmoved to LosAngeles, California
The English language was thehardest adjustment for Rob. "I didn'thaveadifficulttimeadjustingdueto the factthatmy youthwas spentin America." Rob and his familyattendeda Romanianchurchin LosAngeles, keeping theirties with theirhome country
The Communist Party ruled thecountry when Rob lived there. He was teased intheschoolsof Romania because hisparents weren't a part ofthe Communist Party
Rob had the opportunity to spend four months in Kenya lastyear working with theTurkana tribe. His team was abletohelp constructa school forthedeaf, helpbuild apartments, and work with orphans. "If I had the opportunity, Iwould definitelygoagain,"Rob said
In aboutfiveyears, Rob hopesto gobackto Romania to beapastor He had theopportunity towork witha Romanian pastorlast summer. "I would loveto starta Bible study program for the Romanians someday," Rob said
Neither Dan or Rob have lostsightof the needs of theircountry. Both areeager tominister forChristto theirown people. itti