Photo by Tim Albertson
Photo by Tim Albertson
Romanians Eager to Minister By Jennifer Cox and students should come from other countries if they What comes to mind when you think of Romania? It m a y just be the idea of a country in turmoil, yet for feel that Liberty would be right for them." some Liberty University students, this country is home. Senior Rob Ghitea lived in Romania until he was in Romanian student D a n Vinersar has led a life some- the fifth grade. His family then m o v e d to Los Angeles, what different than most students at Liberty. D a n California. The English language was the hardest adjustment was involved in the revolution that took place in December of 1989. "After being shot in the revolution, I for Rob. "I didn't have a difficult time adjusting due to was in the hospital for two months and stayed h o m e for the fact that m y youth was spent in America." Rob and his family attended a Romanian church in Los Angeles, three months," he said. This absence caused D a n to lose his job. H e wanted keeping their ties with their h o m e country. The Communist Party ruled the country w h e n Rob to work with the church and received a scholarship to lived there. H e was teased in the schools of Romania Liberty University. D a n notices a total difference between Americans because his parents weren't a part of the Communist and Romanians. "Americans have a different style of Party. Rob had the opportunity to spend four months in life, dress, walk, and talk than Romanians do," D a n Kenya last year working with the Turkana tribe. His said. "I a m sad that m y parents don't have this." D a n misses different aspects of Romania, such as team was able to help construct a school for the deaf, Romanian carols. "I hope to go h o m e for Christmas help build apartments, and work with orphans. "If I had the opportunity, I would definitely go again," Rob next year," D a n said. H e is majoring in vocal performance, and would like said. In about five years, Rob hopes to go back to Romania to sing opera. "I would like to sing here or in R o m a to be a pastor. H e had the opportunity to work with a nia," D a n said. Romanian pastor last summer. "I would love to start a H e would one day like to perform in the National Opera. "Singing and music are traditions in m y fam- Bible study program for the Romanians someday," Rob said. ily." Neither D a n or Rob have lost sight of the needs of D a n considers Liberty a good place for those w h o are their country. Both are eager to minister for Christ to interested in the ministry. "I like it because it is clearly Christian," D a n said. "America has m a n y nice places, their o w n people. itti