1 minute read
Commitment to Life
By Melody Walker
The Liberty Godparent Home (LGH) is a commitment to life. Thisspecialministrybeganasacrisispregnancycenteron January 22, 1982 -the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade (1973), which legalized abortion intheUnitedStates.
Today theministry centersaround aprofessionallystaffed home for unwed mothers The home provides housing services, which includes a staff of houseparents; medical services, which includes a nurse on 24-hour call; counseling therapy, which provides spiritual guidance and emotional support; educational services, which places students in Lynchburg Christian Academy and LU School of LifeLong Learning;and an adoption agency,named Family LifeServices.
Julie Clinton, director of LGH, explained the ministry's operation."Thehome isrunbystaffand volunteerswho come from the community, church and Liberty University," she said "We couldn'tdo thework without everyone's help."
Girls ages 13 to 21 are admitted to the program LGH is designed to help them throughout theirfullterms of pregnancy. In addition toschool work,specialactivitiesinclude picnics,swimming, shopping, and LU sporting events and concerts. The girls all attendThomas Road BaptistChurch.
By theend oftheirstay,40percentofthegirlsdecidetoplace theirbabiesup foradoption and 60 percentdecide to parent.
The girls do not have to be Christianstocome toLGH,but according to Clinton, many ofthem leavetheprogram witha new life in Christ.