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Dalton Returns to Liberty
By Ki m Davis
There's no place like home for Beth Dalton, Liberty's volleyballcoach. "I feellikeI'm backat home,"she said. "Everyonehasbeenverysupportiveand encouraging."
BethplayedvolleyballatLiberty. ShebeganhercoachingcareeratMiddleTennesseeStatein 1980, threemonths aftergraduation atage 21, thus making her one ofthe youngest coaches ever in Division I. She coached at Libertyfor fouryearsbeforemoving to Arizonato coach at Grand Canyon University. She also coached at Randolph Macon Woman's College and Samford Universitybeforereturningto Lynchburgwithher husband Rodney and their two children, Broderick and Blythe.
Since playing at Liberty,Beth has been involved in USVBA as a player and coach,reaching national and internationalcertificationand recognitionasa setter,
Her greatest satisfaction, however, comes from the results shesees inherplayers. "It is very rewardingto know thatyou arehaving an inputinayoung person's life," she said. "Through thevehicleofvolleyball, you canteachathletes many importantthingsaboutlife and themselves, likeself-esteem and self-discipline, keysto successthat willbe withthem throughout life."
According to Beth, Liberty's entrance into the Big South Conference provided thebiggestand mostposi- tivechangeforthevolleyballprogram."The team used tohave to complete the season witharegulargame," she said. "Thisgives ussomethingto work towards. Italsogives the team a chance to develop friendships within the rivalry of healthycompetition."
With only two returning starters and no contributing recruits,Coach Dalton hashad a difficult rebuilding year. Sheis XSSeah°W sr- PhCobyTimAlbertson ture. "Theteam had little courtexperience,butplaying suchadifficultschedulethis seasonwilldirectus for the future," shesaid. "With strongrecruitment, Ibelievewe will haveamarked improvement nextyear."