1 minute read
New Zealander GainsConfidence
By Ruth Gutierrez
Carlene Baird is a natural when it comes to internationalexposure. Shewasbornin Nelson,New Zealand, in1967and described her home country asbeing an "absolutelygorgeous"place.Shehasalso livedin the Philippines and Australia with her parents on their missionaryventures. No w sheis studyingin the U.S.
Carlene, a senior elementary education major, is workingonher studentteaching.Herfirstimpression of the U.S. wasexciting."Ihadn'tseenstores,likewith cerealboxes,"shesaid. "I'mused to seeingonlythree orfourcereals,becausetheydon'teat alot of cerealin New Zealand."
Americans liketosocializewhile studying hard in school,butitisnotsoin the"Kiwi"country.Students donot normallyenterauniversityafterhighschool,as highschoolgraduatesdo in the U.S "Eitheryou have to be exceedinglyrichto goto auniversity,or you have tobe extremely intelligent,"Carlene said. "Most go out intotheworld,and thatis the norm."
Carlene likes the social and personal contacts the teachershave with theirstudents. She givescredit to her teachers in the Philippines formotivating herto become anelementary schoolteacher.Her familyhas alsoplayed abig partinher life.
Carlene attributes her international exposure to making her the person she istoday - confident and culturallyoriented "I loved itand I wouldn'ttradeit for theworld,"shesaid. "It has opened up my mind toso many things."
Rebecca Phillips, Lois
Vicki Ervin, Aimee Davis, Tracy Creager, Cristina Sburatura, Gabriella Boldea, Mihaela Anghel, Emelia Balog, Magdalena Docea Ro w 3~Aimee Moore, Debi Lopez, Clara Gonzalez, Heather Greene, Darleen Saczawa, Ivionise Noel, Karen Bonenberger, Gina Roberts, Stephanie Parrish, Leslie Davis, Susan Allison, Marie Walker. Ro w 4~Shannon Camby, Gretchen McClung, Lisa Lewis, Madeleine Tullier, Krisfy Angove, Laura Sharp, Wend y While, Christina Bregou, Simone Spieker, Maurina James, Allison Smith, Robin McDaniel, Michelle Toy. Ro w 5~Monica Miles, Cindy Snelling, Carla Thomas, Jennifer Heise, Susan Bray, Debra Waddell, Julie Hollenbeck, Jane Freel, Heather Hirshman, Am y Davis, Leslee Tester, Heide Clark Ro w 6—Debra Bense, Donna Geuter, Marsha Evans, Kristen Rodway, Daw n Ellero, Kerry Spadafora, Angela Roberts, JaeSook Gho, Robin Lockman, Melissa Tubiolo, Tracy Melton, Tami Laffoon, Holly VanSciver, Louise Svensson
Senior Dorm-Male : Ro w 1-Joel Gray, Christiaan Vande n Heuvel, Chris CBryon , John Jensen, Joel Pierce, Brian Walters, Mar k Denton, Scott Best, Matthe w Vaughn , Shane Hussey, Guillermo Larzabal, Al Malina, Bret Burrows Ro w 2-Osam a Daher, Mar k
Michael Stipe, Christopher Phelps, Peter Lacanienta, Donnie
Ashley Trunnell, Timothy Harmon
ErichHeegal Row 3-SungCha , LonetePeter,MogapiMoagi,Samuel Lupulescu, DanielGhitas,Theo Badea,John Phillips, Wo n H o Kang , Carvelle Smith, Erik Svendsen, Duan e DeVries, Ti m Faile. Ro w 4-Michael Menkloza, Scott Harris, Dannie Burgess, Herbie Becerra, Dav e Wave , Dav e Morad , Roberto Rodriguez, Sandro Soldesi, Rand y Lipscomb, Steve Sylvester Ro w 5~Duan e Copenheaver, Francis Dinkle, Donna n Burris, Wretched Nixon, Charles Taylor, Ro n Blackwood, Benjamin Toma , Alin Voicu, Reinhard Breckner, Dorin Igna, Albert Henderson