2 minute read
KoreansMinister In Nation's Capital
By Ruth Gutierrez
Grace and James Choi give of themselves in a unique way. They are friends working together to make a difference in the lives of international people in the nation's capital.
Grace Choi isfrom Seoul,Korea. She was born in 1965and grewup inaChristianhome. Afterrededicatingherlife at achurchretreat, shebecame determined to make a difference in other people's lives. Shereceived a B.S.degree in German and literatureand is presentlypursuingherM.S.degreeinreligiouseducationhereat Liberty.
It is notalways easybeing an international student, but forGrace, theLU studentshave made everything worth it. "I'vemet alot ofgood friendswho arevery sincere and faithful,"she said "In the Christian life friends are very important,because when Iam discouraged they can giveme a specialword."
Graceis currentlyinvolvedwiththe KoreanPresbyterianChurch inWashington, D.C., where shetravels faithfullyevery weekend. Although thetripis sometimesdifficult to make and decreasesherstudyhours, the opportunity for ministry isirreplaceable. "God gives me the special chance to serve the small children," shesaid.
By servingasachildren'sministriesdirector,shehas been able to gain experience in teaching, training teachers, and organizing programs This Christian servicehas notonlybeen asdemanding asafull-time job, it is preparing herfor themissionfield. "Theonly way to be successfulis totrust in God,"Grace said "I can'tdo anything, butifGod givesme the wisdom and understanding of the Bible, I can do everything with Him."
Graceisveryimpressed with the mountains and trees in Virginia. Shealso described Americans as always smiling and saying "hello," even ifthey were complete strangers
JamesChoi,junior mathematics major, is more experienced with theAmerican way of lifethan Grace. In 1983 his family lefttheirhome in Seoul, Korea, and moved to Orlando, Florida. He was studying aerospace engineering at Embry Riddle AerospaceUniversityin DaytonaBeach, Florida,when
PhotobyTimAlbertson he decided to transfer to Liberty.
According toJames, this decisioncame as aresult of his new desire for spiritual growth. "My Christian life was down, and I decided to work forGod," hesaid."I came to a Christian school to boost my spiritual life."
While visiting Washington, D.C.Jamesmeta pastor who invited him tohelp asa youth leader at the Korean Presbyterian Church. Thishas made an impact on his life."It has proven to bevery helpful to me because of my involvement
PhotobyTim Albertson i n helping other peoplespiritually,"hesaid
James'goal is toreach out to thespiritual needs of othersthrough missionary work inthecountrysideof Korea. Getting involved inthisChristian service has given him a good foundation forreaching his goal. MI
Dor m 27-2 Ro w 1-Denise Braithwaite, Kristi Spangler, Janie Leonard, Robin Wittner, Elizabeth Mills, Renee Mix, Michelle Simmerson, Cheryl Foren, Jessica Stone, Gerri Miller, Shannon Lamdin, Tosha Lamdin, Lisa Lorey, Chris Burns, Jennifer CCarroll Ro w 2—Denise Gaerte, Kimberly Saxer, Jen Strait, Carolyn Dennis, Susan Stallings, Michelle Myers, Bridget Wise, Kymberli Wimbish, Stephanie Ratliff, Andrea Reo, Darla Hanson, Daw n Coe, Trish Howard , Yvonne Dick, Jennifer Wright, Crisandra Michaelsen Ro w 3—Jenn Pound, Connie Smith, Debbie Damask, Nikki Steele, Carrie Wiser, Letta Porter, Paula Pittman, Londa Rorer, Carrie Floyd, Am y Keiper, Krista Jenkins, Melissa McDaniel, Michelle Stoner, Kristen Wright, Lisa Moellring Ro w 4-Zaida Maldonado, Katie Pick, Jennifer Repkoe, Heather Collins, Ki m Jarris, Melissa Wright, Melissa Kemmerer, Jodi Horton, Carole Songer, Misty Gandy, Rose Timmons , Bethany Myers, Erica Bolen, Christine McClain, Jill Murphy , Sonya Mingo
Rowland, Julie Mullins, Wend y Wilson, Jasmine Stratos, Laura Murray, Jennifer Wilson, Lauran Stelter, Helene Mongiove, Melissa Young. Ro w 2-Renee Willard, Jennifer Zobel, Rebecca Enrico, Tori Henriques, Denise Colby, Kristy Springman, n Sallstorm, Wend y Ulm
Am y Newman
Jennifer Holland, Holly Thompson
Katherine Rutledge, Angel Ritter, Debra Sorrell Ro w 3-Cristi Kitchen, Jennifer Eveland, Stephanie Gilbert, Jill Bundy, Am y Wood , Kathy Thomas, Barb Strawn, Michelle Robb, Heather Dilmore, Mizchivette Robinson, Valerie Deville, Lori Meyers, Tamm y Weir Ro w 4-Carolyn Hemele,' Daw n Looney, Am y Covert, Sheri Williams, Jennifer Stuart, Susan Williams, Wend y Moore, Tonda Stewart, Michaela Terry, Tara Robertson, Rebecca Smith, Cynthia Stroud, Valerie Pack