Koreans Minister In Nation's Capital By Ruth Gutierrez Grace and James Choi give of themselves in a unique way. They are friends working together to m a k e a difference in the lives of international people in the nation's capital. Grace Choi is from Seoul, Korea. She w a s born in 1965 and grew u p in a Christian home. After rededicating her life at a church retreat, she became determined to m a k e a difference in other people's lives. She received a B.S. degree in G e r m a n and literature and is presently pursuing her M.S. degree in religious education here at Liberty. It is not always easy being an international student, but for Grace, the L U students have m a d e everything worth it. "I've met a lot of good friends w h o are very sincere and faithful," she said. "In the Christian life friends are very important, because w h e n I a m discouraged they can give m e a special word." Grace is currently involved with the Korean Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., where she travels faithfully every weekend. Although the trip is sometimes difficult to m a k e and decreases her study hours, the opportunity for ministry is irreplaceable. "God gives m e the special chance to serve the small children," she said. By serving as a children's ministries director, she has Photo by Tim Albertson been able to gain experience in teaching, training teachers, and organizing programs. This Christian he decided to transfer to Liberty. According to James, this decision came as a result of service has not only been as demanding as a full-time his n e w desire for spiritual growth. " M y Christian life job, it is preparing her for the mission field. "The only was d o w n , and I decided to work for God," he said. "I w a y to be successful is to trust in God," Grace said. "I came to a Chriscan't do anything, tian school to but if G o d gives m e boost m y spirithe w i s d o m and tual life." understanding of While visitthe Bible, I can do ing Washington, everything with D.C.James met a Him." pastor w h o inGrace is very imvited him to help pressed with the as a youth leader mountains and at the Korean trees in Virginia. P resbyterian She also described Church. This has Americans as alm a d e an impact ways smiling and on his life. "It has saying "hello," proven to be very even if they were helpful to m e complete strangbecause of m y ers. involvement James Choi, junPhoto by Tim Albertson helping other in ior mathematics people spiritually," he said. major, is more experienced with the American w a y of James' goal is to reach out to the spiritual needs of life than Grace. In 1983 his family left their h o m e in Seoul, Korea, and m o v e d to Orlando, Florida. H e was others through missionary work in the countryside of studying aerospace engineering at E m b r y Riddle Korea. Getting involved in this Christian service has MI Aerospace University in Daytona Beach, Florida, w h e n given him a good foundation for reaching his goal.