1 minute read
Islander Enjoys Tropical Paradise
By Ruth Gutierrez
The island life is a wonderful experience: tropical weather, friendly people,drives around the beachwhat more can one ask for?
Denise Braithwaite was born in the Turks-Caicos Islandsin1970. Thiscountry includesfive islandsand is located approximately 190 miles southeast of the United States. Itis predominantly ablacksociety, and thepeople arevery casualintheirdress.
A Regatta Day is one ofthespecialcelebrationsthat Turk-Caicos Islanders mark on their calendars The Regatta lasts three days and includes events such as goat racing, swimming and abeauty contest.
"Ienjoy spending time together with my friendsat thesespecialevents,"Denise said "I also like goingto thebeach and drivingnearby thereat night Imissthe clear blue water and thewhite sand."
Denise, however wanted a better education at a Christian university
RA duties,together with her pre-med major,have kept Denise's schedule very busy She,however, is determined not togive up. Her goal is tobecome an obstetrician. This would make her one of the few female doctors in her country. "Women doctors are rareon the island,"shesaid.
Compared to the Turks-Caicos Islands,moving to Lynchburg gave hersomewhat ofacultureshock and provided her with a big adjustment. "The style of living is very different,"she said. "The pace is much faster, and the weather is colder."
Denise is the oldest ofseven children and does not mind taking much oftheresponsibility. "I like it," she said. "They look up to me. I'm kind of the one who teststhe waterfirst."
She considersitaprivilegeto have been born into a Christianfamily."My motheristhe stableone, and she was very strict on us," Denise said.
She is also very thankful for the spiritual impact Libertyhasmade onherlife. "Attendingchapel,going to Bible studies and my peers have really been an encouragement to me."
Denise has abrightfutureahead ofher, and there's no stopping her now