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NEW SAMARf Q A r* Good Samaritans
By Becky Griggs
Changing lives is what the Good Samaritan Center is all about
This program not only has changed the lives of those around the community, it has changed the lives of those who areinvolved working with it,aswell.
Heather Martin is an LU student involved with the bus ministry Itis notonly rewarding for her, butithas played animportantpartinhelpingher tobecome missions-minded "Ithelps me to love others and gives me a way to have a ministry."
TheGood SamaritanCenterisa ministryof Thomas Road Baptist Church and has been located in downtown Lynchburg sinceMarch 1988. Itis aspecialplace designed toreach out tothe downtown community and show them thelove of JesusChrist.
Although some students participate asa Christianservice,many othersgobecausetheyenjoybeinga partofwhat istaking placethere. Approximately 320people attend the serviceseach Sunday There areseparateclasses for all age groups, although the majority ofthesepeople areelementary age children. Students provide help wherever it is needed.
According to JenniferSonnen,who hasbeen teaching a children's classfortwo years, ithasbeen apositive experience. "Ido itoutofenjoyment," she said. "It touches my heart to see other lives grow spiritually A lot of these children don'treceivemuch loveat home,and theyappreciateany little thing you do forthem."
Inaddition totheSunday ministry, Liberty studentsalso helpon the busroutesas bigbusbrothersand sisters.Every
Saturday approximately 100 students go door-todoorvisitingthe familiesof peoplewho attendthe church They alsominister tothechildren on the buses every Sunday
The Good Samaritan Center continues to make a world of differenceinthecommunity aswellas intheheartsand livesofLU students who have given so much tomake the program asuccess.