2 minute read
North Campus Move Causes Change
By JenniferS. Blandford
Whether welcomed or feared, changes must be made. A greatdealofchange took placethis yearas every office at Liberty's North Campus was relocatedto the main campus in November
After the sale of the North Campus buildingsto StephensReal Estate Inc., the need to move nearly 200 peopleto new offices in atimeperiodof less thantwo weeks wasinevitable
Libertyknew inAprilthattheywould beforced to sellthe buildings afterrevampingthe the SchoolofLife LongLearningprogram to meetthe Southern Association of Colleges and Schools'accreditationrequirements Oncethe cutsweremadeandthe program was reduced, the full spacewas nolonger needed.Liberty officials then decided tomove theoffices tothemain campus and putNorth Campus up for sale.
Theoriginalplanwasto sellthe buildingsand move the offices into the oldcafeteria oncethe newcafeteria was completed. However, due to the financial situation these plans had to bechanged. Theproperty was officiallyon themarket forthreemonths, but in that time therewerenoacceptableoffers, forcing the buildingsto beauctioned at $3.9 million.
At thebeginning of November,EarlSargeant, vice president foruniversity services, began hisplan for the reorganization of the main campus in order to make room for LUSLLL, LibertyHome Bible Institute, administrators and supportstaff, admissions counselors andrecruiters,employeerelations,payroll,personnel, data preparation and donor services.
Thisresultedin agiantshiftingprocesswhichtouched every LU studentand employee in some way.
Perhapsmost affectedwere the studentswho were uprooted from their friends and roommates to be moved to anotherdorm. The men in dorms 3and 18 and the women in senior dorm 29, quad 4,found themselvesrelocated throughoutthe campusjustprior to Thanksgivingbreak.
"At first I was upset," Scott Schwartz,a former resident of dorm 18, said, "butI understand why they moved us. I think mostof the guysrealize theyhadto moveus. Itwasnot abig deal. Thebiggestdisappointment was being separated from theguys on the hall after we'd all becomefriends."
Scott Eigenhuis was one of the students who receiveda new roommate. "I didn't like getting a roommatethislatein the semester," he said. "Wewereall set up."
Not onlydidNorth Campus experiencea change, many of the offices and departments on the main campus were moved to adifferent location.
The studentweight room was moved from behind thepostoffice to the"nose-bleed"sectionoftheMultipurposeCenter tomake room forprinting services. Securityheadquarters,electronicrepairservices,ROT© engineering, and purchasing moved to dorm 3,while the menin thatdorm weremoved to dorm 8. The deans and campus counselorsweremoved to dorm 13 The LibertyHome Bible Institute wasmoved to the former TV loungein dorm 3,and the yearbook staff occupied three different offices in oneday. They did notfinda permanent home until January
Most studentsarehappy with theway thingshave turned out, although ittooka whileto findanybody
Dor m 25-2 Ro w 1-Carole Ann e Lindquist, Tina Davis, Marielina Esperanza, Dannette Rausch, Eunice Hagen,
Rachel Murphy, Belkis Becerra, Kenia Santos, Kristina Beauvais, Lisa Reimer, Am y Graham, Karen Godsey, Ann a Benolt, Am y Brown, Liz Curd Ro w 2-Karen Biehler, Kari Kauffman, Debbie Dorey, Rachel Shinn, Nicole Boodram, Stephanie Stetina, Tara Knowles, Natalie Meeks, Allison Peters, Andrea Kerlin, Sabrina Kent, Julie Beauvais, Kendra Lockie, Amand a Pitkin, Trina Knowlton Ro w 3-Lisa Gerig, Julie Wright, Linda Kennedy, Marina McFarland, Vicky Burkett, Jenice Oliveras, Christy Brown, Jennifer Kelly, Branch' Barnum, Jennifer Scram, Christina Sites, Jaime Davis, Holly Ross, Daw n Taylor, Allyson Machovina, Mar y Grubbs
Ka y
Joy Turtle Ro w 2Melissa Nickerson, Ginger Vertican, Am y Lipscomb, Leigh Stegall, Angelita Dodson, Chrissy Lauzier, Stacey Densmore, Krista Yoshihara, Christine Stull, Wend y Latham, Jennifer Hall, Mar y Lipscomb, Deena Simonelli, Carrie Hawley Ro w 3~Wynonn a Cooper, Tamar Canty, Ginger Davis, Ivana Payne, Deborah Sweeney, Wend y Simmons, Margie Lovett, Gina Cotlet, Dan a Church, Stephanie Hayes, Zulay Maldonado, Sue Tober, Cherry Lanmon Ro w 4~Bonnie Saul, Jennifer Kirkpatrick, Monique Bourgond, Ki m Lance, Anita Steppe, Ki m Hazelwood, Ki m McKnight, Melissa Vert, Christy Walker, Barbara Zamora, Joanna Knudson, Linda Simmons