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Photos by Vangie
North Campus Move Causes Change By Jennifer S. Blandford Whether welcomed or feared, changes must be made. Perhaps most affected were the students w h o were A great deal of change took place this year as every uprooted from their friends and roommates to be office at Liberty's North Campus was relocated to the moved to another dorm. The men in dorms 3 and 18 main campus in November. and the w o m e n in senior dorm 29, quad 4, found After the sale of the North Campus buildings to themselves relocated throughout the campus just prior Stephens Real Estate Inc., the need to move nearly 200 to Thanksgiving break. people to new offices in a time period of less than two "At first I was upset," Scott Schwartz, a former weeks was inevitable. resident of dorm 18, said, "but I understand why they Liberty knew in April that they would be forced to moved us. I think most of the guys realize they had to sell the buildings after revamping the the School of Life move us. It was not a big deal. The biggest disappointLong Learning program to meet the Southern Associa- ment was being separated from the guys on the hall tion of Colleges and Schools' accreditation require- after we'd all become friends." ments. Once the cuts were made and the program was Scott Eigenhuis was one of the students w h o rereduced, the full space was no longer needed. Liberty ceived a new roommate. "I didn't like getting a roomofficials then decided to move the offices to the main mate this late in the semester," he said. "We were all set up." campus and put North Campus up for sale. The original plan was to sell the buildings and move Not only did North Campus experience a change, the offices into the old cafeteria once the new cafeteria many of the offices and departments on the main was completed. However, due to the financial situa- campus were moved to a different location. tion these plans had to be changed. The property was The student weight room was moved from behind officially on the market for three months, but in that the post office to the "nose-bleed" section of the Multime there were no acceptable offers, forcing the build- tipurpose Center to make room for printing services. Security headquarters, electronic repair services, R O T © ings to be auctioned at $3.9 million. At the beginning of November, Earl Sargeant, vice engineering, and purchasing moved to dorm 3, while president for university services, began his plan for the men in that dorm were moved to dorm 8. The deans the reorganization of the main campus in order to and campus counselors were moved to dorm 13. The make room for LUSLLL, Liberty H o m e Bible Institute, Liberty H o m e Bible Institute was moved to the former administrators and support staff, admissions counsel- T V lounge in dorm 3, and the yearbook staff occupied ors and recruiters, employee relations, payroll, person-three different offices in one day. They did not find a permanent home until January. nel, data preparation and donor services. This resulted in a giant shifting process which touched Most students are happy with the way things have turned out, although it took a while to find anybody. every L U student and employee in some way. 185