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Bell Enjoys the Challenge
The name Bell and soccer are synonymous at LU. Andrew Bellwas born in Leeds,.England, where he wasraisedthroughhispreteenyears. Overadecade ago, he moved with his family to Los Angeles and laterto Lynchburg
He played soccer at Lynchburg Christian Academy andthenplayedunderhis father'scoachingatLU, where therewerepressuresto excel. "1 feltlikeIhadtobebetter becausemy dad was thecoach,"hesaid
In 1988Andrew became LU's assistantsoccercoach. "It was alittleweirdbecauseIwas coachingsome of my ex-teammates,"hesaid.
From that pointin his life, Andrew didsome moving around. During thistime, hegained furtherexperience in coaching and obtained a master's degree in speech communications. After graduating in the summer of 1991, Andrew returned toLynchburg and resumed his JobasLU'sassistant soccer coach.
Some ofhis biggestchallengesincoaching dealwith attitudes. "Yougetagoaldown,youloseagame,butyou can'treallybediscouraged,"Andrew said."Youhave to besupportiveofthe headcoach,and staypositiveall the time."
This includes supporting his dad in coachingdecisions. "If we everdisagree, it is easilyresolved-we do what he wants," he said. "He definitely listens to my input though."
Andrew alsovalues his relationshipswith the players. "When you meet their parents, you feel responsible spiritually and academically,notjust withsoccer," hesaid.
Andrew also
PhotobyVangie teachesspeech at LU. "It's hard todividetimebetween teachingandcoaching," he said. "It's likeswitchinggears inacar, butthatmakes itmoreinteresting."