Liberty University
Property of Selah Yearbook Return to Building 17
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A World of Differen Changing our world one In/ one, Sim ring Jesus Christ God's 0/7/1/ Son. Reaching out and touching people's lives, caring for those who are hurting listening to their silent cries. Weeping with those whose wounds never seem to mend, Being there for the lonely ones
Bearing the burdens of those in despair, Showing them Juno much we really do care. Showing Christ'slove Ion and compassion in even/thing we do, We are making a world of difference So can you. -Valerie H. •*,
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The Rockets vs.the Hawk By Mike Gathman The Houston Rockets defeated being d o w n by 16 points, the Hawks Rockets. H e also grabbed eigl the Atlanta Hawks 120-107 in the fought back to tie the game but never bounds in the game first National Basketball Associa- took the lead. Wilkins led the home team Hawks ton played in the game and a I tion game held at the Liberty Uniwith 20 points. W h e n asked what he scored. Three starters scored 14 t versity Vines Convocation Center in Lynchburg, Va., on October looked to gain from a preseason game, more points, playing in less than Wilkins said, "It's early, and I a m just minutes at the most. Forward Ot 19,1991. A n enthusiastic crowd of 8,475 working on the little things in the Thorpe scored 19 points and guai Eric "Sleepy" Floyd scored 14 poin cheered as N B A superstars Do- game." along with Maxwell's 23 points. The Houston team, w h o led for minique Wilkins and H a k e e m Atlanta guard Rumeal Robinsi most of the game, was led by guard Olajuwon, both six-time All-Stars, was the second leading scorer wil Vernon Maxwell, w h o scored 23 tuned up their games during the 16 points in the game. Backup guai preseason game. The crowd ex- points. None of the Hawks seemed ploded several times when Wilkins surprised to see Maxwell score big. slammed the ball h o m e on Wilkins said, "If you watch him a lot, for the losing Hawks. Houston's backup forward, La he will do that many times." breakaways. Smith, led the Rockets with 13 Rookie guard from the University Houston defeated Atlanta fairly bounds in only 22 minutes. Atla of Nevada-Las Vegas, Stacey A u g m o n easily, winning by 13 points. After forward, Kevin Willis, led the Hav started the game and scored seven 8:05 in the first quarter, the Rockets never relinquished the lead. The points in 28 minutes for the Hawks. Houston turned the ball over Neither team worked any players was in the third quarter when, after for more than 25 minutes because it times compared to 14 turnovers I was still early in the Atlanta. However, it was the Rock preseason. Olajuwon scored only s/turno nine points in 20 min- points. utes of action for the
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Student Life
The 1991 Celebration o By Becky Griggs As the leaves turn into beautiful shades of autumn, Liberty prepares to celebrate it's most anticipated weekend of the year - Homecoming. It's a time when students welcome their parents into town. This gives them a chance to enjoy being spoiled by eating out all weekend and watching teleThe student body also welcomes back alumni and former students. Many friends are reunited, and familiar faces of dre past can be spotted at various activities throughout the weekend. The campus is curious as to which senior girl will be the next Miss Liberty. Hundreds of fear-seeking visitors attend YouthQuest's annual Halloween production, Scaremare. A n exciting concert usually takes place during the weekend. The big Homecoming football game takes place on Saturday afternoon. Thousands of spectators fill the football stadium, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, cheering the Flames to victory. These things are traditions of Homecoming weekend. They add to the spirit and excitement. They produce lasting memories.
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During the Friday of H o m e c o m i n g , chapel wa held for the 20 semi-finalists of the Miss l.iberh contest. After the girls were narrowed d o w n to h© finalists, each student voted for the contestant of theii choice. The musical group "4-Him" m a d e a pre concert performance during the contest, which was a Friday night, "4-Him" appeared in concert before a large, responsive crowd. The former members ol "Truth" praised the Lord as they dazzled audiences and sang their w a y into the hearts of students and guests. Scaremare w a s held for its final weekend and was ahugesuccess. Over 1,000 people were saved throughout the three weekends. M a n y parents and other visitors were impressed by the ministry of Scaremare. The junior class sponsored a H o m e c o m i n g bonfire on Friday night. A large crowd gathered for a pep rally and roasted marshmallows over the bonfire. The junior class plans to m a k e this a tradition. The L B C Chorale and Singers had a reunion Saturday, in addition to the annual alumni reception. The Flames defeated T o w s o n State 38-28, and Carole A n n e Lindquist was crowned Miss Liberty 1991 at halftime. Dr. Guillermin, w h o had recently undergone surgery, m a d e a surprise appearance at the presentation. The L B C Chorale and Singers performed the last event of the weekend at T h o m a s Road Baptist Church. Over 200 joined together in singing m a n y well-known songs of the past. H o m e c o m i n g 1991 w a s a huge success. It was a time of fun and fellowship with friends and family. It was a time of recalling special memories. It was a time of rekindled friendships. Most of all, it was a time ot creating special memories that will never be forgotten
By Kim Davis Carole Anne Lindquist is a "girl next door" typea prayer leader for three semesters. She has also of person. worked as a tutor and lab attendant in the academic "Becoming Miss Liberty is an opportunity for computing lab and has been a member of Kappa God to work through me," she said. "My main M u Epsilon, the math honor club, for two years. goal is to show people that they don't have to have Until October, "Miss Liberty" had only been the a lot of money, fancy clothes, a perfect face or hair, reminder of an ironic freshman-year joke for Carole or know a lot of people." Anne. "I was a typical freshman during m y first This honor came as a surprise to Carole Anne. "Iyear here," she said. "I was always busy going to really couldn't believe it was happening to me," class or some kind of activity, so m y roommate she said. "I was pretty overwhelmed - everything Janet started calling m e 'Miss Liberty.' W h e n I told happened so quick. I was especially happy for m y m y dad about it, he misunderstood what I said and parents because it was their first time at Liberty."told everyone back home that I was Miss Liberty. Dorena McFarland, first runner-up to Miss Lib-W h e n I went home for Thanksgiving break, I had to erty 1990, was Carole Anne's Resident Assistant explain the mixup to everyone., It was so (RA) during her first two years at L U and has beenembarassing. N o w when I go home/1 have a few of an inspiration to her. "She is such a godly woman,them say, 'Are you really Miss Liberty this time?'" even in subtle ways," Carole Anne said. "When I Although representing L U as Miss Liberty has first found out that I made the top 20,1 called her, brought some adjustments to Carole Anne's life, and she gave m e Proverbs 16. I meditated on that her goal is to remain the same. "I don't want to the whole time. One of m y prayers was just to letconform now to what people think Miss Liberty people see w h o I am, not someone fake or glossed-should look like or act like," she said. "I just want to over." be myself." Carole Anne, math major from Clifton, N e w After graduating in May, Carole Anne would Jersey, decided to attend L U in the fall of 1989, like to work on the mission field. "I would like to after visiting the school with a friend. Since then,go on a short-term missions trip," she said. "This she has worked hard and is graduating in three time away will help m e decide how to best use m y degree. It will also give m e the opportunity to years. During her freshman year she became a member experience missions and search for God's will in of Kenya Team Eight w h o was scheduled to do this area." Her heart's desire is to serve the Lord in whatmissions work in Africa during the 1991 spring semester. After the trip was cancelled in the fall ofever she does. "My main goal is to someday raise 1990, Carole Anne's hopes of returning to L U werea close, godly family," Carole Anne said. "Not many people have that today, and I feel it is an slim. It wasn't until the end of the semester that her important Biblical principal. By doing this, I hope grandfather decided to pay the remaining part of to make an impact on the people around m e for her school bill. "The Lord has really worked in Christ." She also wants to work with the deaf. "There is each situation for the best," Carole Anne said. While at L U the Lord has given her the opportu-such a need for interpreters," she said. "Not many nity to be an R A in Dorm 25-2. "I've really enjoyed people can communicate with the deaf unless they getting to know all the girls," Carole Anne said. take the time to learn their language. It's really a desire the Lord has given me." "Each one has a special place in m y heart." Carole Anne is grateful for the opportunity she Rooming with Kari Foster, her roommate of two years, has been an added blessing. "She's been a has had to participate in the Miss Liberty program. very special person in m y life while here at Lib- "I a m so honored that the student body chose me, erty," Carole Anne said. " W e both knew since our she said. "Any one of the 20 girls would have been freshman year that w e wanted to be RA's together, a good choice. It amazes m e to see everything the Lord has brought m e through and how He's worked and that's what w e prayed for." Prior to becoming an RA, Carole Anne served as in m y life."
1991 Graduation:
Newt Gingrich, Republican Whip in the House of Representatives, spoke to 1,881 graduating seniors on M a y 10,1991. Gingrich encouraged the class to change America through drive and commitment. "Attack illiteracy. More will read and write," Gingrich said. "America will be cost effective, and we'll have better health care programs. We'll also be able to get rid of welfare for those w h o do not need it and be able to give welfare to those w h o do...If you can do that, then we'll have a stunningly prosperous America." Gingrich challenged the graduates to be true citizens and told them to remember the unique opportunities in their future. "Live life to the fullest. Fight for liberty, and take the risk of being great," he said. "Create jobs, and work for a better market and a better life by working to- together."
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A Day to Remember
Newsong August 27,1991
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Photos by Jenn Hankins
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Al Denson September 20,1991
Photos by Tim Albertson
October 25,1991
Photos by Tim Albertson
Morgan Cryar November 8,1991
Photo by Tim Albertson
December 6,1991
Photos by Tim Albertson
Mark Lowry January 18,1992
Photos by J.R. Buchanan
D.C. Talk & The Newsboys October 31,1991 E.C. Glass High School
Photos by Tim Albertson
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"The Little Foxes" The vicious promotional poster for "The Little Foxes" raised a few eyebrows and shocked s o m e m o r e sensitive passers-by, yet it also accurately reflected the tone of the play. The poster portrayed two snarling foxes attacking each other's throats, and the play w a s full of people doing just that. Selfishness, greed and pride were attitudes displayed by most of the main characters. Jennifer Roberts performed spectacularly as the snobbish, greedy Regina Giddens. Excellent performances were also given by the rest of the cast, including Jeffrey Cole, Jeffrey Thomas, Nathan Alexandar, Christopher Rosevelt, Jeff Riffle, Jennifer Miller, Beverly Garrett, Natasha Marstiller, and Dejohn Porsch. O n opening night, there were a few nervous stumbles and a couple of wrinkled tuxes, but, o n the whole, the play was very professionally done. Directed by David Allison, the chairman of Liberty's department of drama, the play w a s set at the turn of the century with excellent stage design and costumes. It w a s an exciting plot, built around a money-making scheme in which Regina and her brothers, Oscar (Jeffrey Cole) and Benjamin (Jeffrey Thomas), are involved. Regina tried to get her husband, Horace (Christopher Rosevelt), to participate because she wanted to use the profits to go to Chicago and live in high society. Horace refused, however, and the plot twists and turns its w a y to an intriguing conclusion. Not only w a s this play good entertainment, but it also taught several important lessons. Even a m o n g Christians, the effects of greed and materialism canbe widespread. This play showed that happiness does not c o m e from m o n e y and high position, and that doingrightis more important than being wealthy.
"The Pirates of Penzance" "The Pirates of Penzance," Gilbert and Sullivan's goes back, no matter what the cost. The pirates attempt to take the major general's wards, comic opera, was an action-packed show for those w h o but the police rescue them just in time. Ruth then are entranced by pirates. Rachel Heer played Mable, the lead female charac- convinces the police that the pirates are gentlemen gone ter, and Johnny Prettyman played Frederick, the lead bad, and they are pardoned. male character. The ending leads the audience to believe that Frederick In the play, Frederick's parents give his governess will marry his true love, Mable. Ruth (played by Elizabeth Burns) orders to train Heer's role is a dream come true for her. "Ever since Frederick to be a pilot. Ruth misunderstands their I saw the show when I was nine years old, I wanted to orders and trains him to be a pirate instead. play Mable," she said. "Once I was in the chorus in a Ruth wants to marry Frederick. H e agrees to marry professional production of 'The Pirates of Penzance.' her until he meets Mable, the daughter of Major N o w m y dream has come true after seeing the show General Stanley (played by Joe Gray). Frederick then numerous times." denounces Ruth and plans to marry Mable. The play was directed by Dr. Wayne Kompelien. After Ruth discovers this, she and the pirate king Other cast members included: Christian Vandenheuvel, (played by Luke Woodard) persuade Frederick to Sergeant of Police; Dorie Donaldson, Edith; Carrie come back to her. Frederick, being true to his duties, Moore, Katie; and Jennifer Roberts, Isabel.
Photos by Vangie
Opera Workshop Dr. Wayne Kompelien of Liberty's music department is trying to dispel the myth that opera is boring by "exposing all to American opera." H e created the Opera Workshop, which began two years ago, to successfully complete this endeavor. The workshop was held December 19, 21 and 22. The title of the workshop was, "Is it Broadway, or is it Opera?" The production numbers were selections from "Sweeney Todd," "Les Miserables," "Phantom of the Opera," "West Side Story," "Showboat," "The Ballad of Baby Doe," "Susannah" and "Porgy and Bess." The workshop has a different goal for music students. It gives them a chance to perform on stage, display a character and maintain singing. It may also be considered a singing-acting class. "The workshop molds singer and actor," Kompelien said. There are 12 to 13 people in the class, which is only offered during the fall semester. Most of the students are music majors and singers w h o are already familiar with acting. " W e provide another opportunity to perform," Kompelien said. Each student was involved in either a solo or duet. The cast performed in "Sweeney Todd." Mrs. Vanessa Norman, a new full-time faculty member, accompanied them on the piano. The performers were Cris O'Bryon, John Stroupe, Elizabeth Burns, Joel Gay, Steven Custer, Rachel Heer, Daniel Prunaru, Daniel Vinersar, D a w n Tuttle, Jennifer Kelly, Elizabeth Maben, Jennifer Roberts, A m y Chrispher, and Dr. Kompelien, director and performer. The workshop was a success each night with an open and receptive audience. Next fall another performance will be given by the workshop.
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Photos by Vangie
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Rick Amato
Dr. Dmitri A. Kouzentsov
Photos by Vangie
Luis Palau
Photo by Vangie 51
Bobby Boyles
Photos by Vangie 52
J. Harold Smith
Beverly LaHaye
Photos by Tim Albertson
Thanksgiving Day of Prayer The Day of Prayer was instituted at Liberty in 1985, when Vernon Brewer was diagnosed with cancer. During that time, the campus gathered in prayer for his healing. Since then, it has become a wellknown tradition for the L U students, staff, faculty and administration to gather and pray. "It is important that w e band together as students and set that time aside to seek the Lord," Dwayne Carson, assistant campus pastor, said. It is also a time for students to worship the Lord and make their petitions known. "Prayer is a basic part of Christian life," Carson said. "Too many times, w e take it for granted that w e can come before the Maker of the universe." O n November 24 and 25, the student body assembled throughout the day and night at the prayer chapel to pray for such things as God's direction in their lives, their families, their churches, Dr. Falwell and his ministries, U.S. leaders, revival in America and world evangelization.
Photos by Vangie
Spiritual Emphasis Week Spiritual Emphasis Week is held once every semester. Its purpose is not evangelism, although salvation decisions are made. Its main goal is to get the students' focus on the Lord. It is a time for students to examine their o w n lives and to open themselves to receive God's blessing. " W e want the semester started off with what's important, and that's what Liberty was founded on," Rob Jackson, campus pastor, said. " W e try to bring in speakers w h o are vibrant and real, not only with the kids, but more importantly with the Lord." O n Sept. 1-4 Jay Strack along with the singing group Truth ministered to the hearts of students. Rick Stanley spoke, and Al Holley brought the music for the second week which was held Jan. 19-22. During these two weeks many came to know Christ, while others rededicated their lives and made personal commitments to serve God full-time in some capacity.
Photos by Vangie
Liberty Grad Chaplains Help Change Lives in the Persian Gulf
By Kim Davis McBride received orders to leave for Saudi Arabia The Gulf War resulted in recognition for Gen. Norman Schwarzkoff, Gen. Colin Powell and only two weeks after he had been placed on active thousands of military men. Chaplains, however, duty and stationed at Fort Bragg, N C . The news came as a shock to his family. "We often got lost in the crowd. Their stories were not told in newspapers or magazines, but they will be weren't prepared for it," McBride said. "My family was really hit hard, and I didn't know when I would told in a book - the book of life. "What an opportunity to share the Lord," Chap- come back. They told us that w e could be gone lain (Capt.) Terry McBride said after returning anywhere from 12 to 18 months." McBride instantly began debating whether or not from the Persian Gulf. "The soldiers were away from friends, family, booze, drugs - there was he had made the right decision in becoming an A r m y chaplain. nothing to help them out but the Lord." "I began wondering if I had made the biggest It has been reported that thousands of U.S. military m e n and w o m e n trusted Christ as Savior mistake of m y life," he said. "I felt really overduring the Gulf War. Before returning to the U.S., whelmed and scared, because I didn't know what to McBride was able to baptize 28 of the 65 soldiers he expect." O n Sept. 27 McBride left for the Persian Gulf and had personally led to the Lord. "I baptized them in a baptism pool w e made out was assigned to the 18th Airborne Corps. H e began of the wooden flooring that was in the bunkers," he holding five Bible studies a week, Monday through said. "It was a real blessing. I'll probably never see Friday. that kind of ministry unless I go back into combat." "The guys were very responsive to the gospel, McBride graduated from Liberty Baptist Semi- especially when w e first got there," McBride said. nary in M a y 1990. While he was in school, he "The chapel services were packed." served in the A r m y reserves and pastored a church H e held five church services on Sunday. During in Roanoke. this time the soldiers received Bibles, sang from hymnals and took communion. "We had to use Kool-Aid and Saltine crackers," McBride said. "It was all w e had out there." McBride also helped with the work that had to be done. H e filled sand bags, built bunks, and set up tents, barbed wire and camouflage netting. "I pulled m y weight, and I was accepted very well," he said. From September to December, McBride's unit was stationed 35 miles southwest of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. They then moved to King Khalid Military City on Jan. 2. After the air war started on Jan. 16, they moved again, traveling approximately 450 miles to a location six kilometers from the Iraqi border. The 18th Airborne Corps, along with the 24th Infantry Division, engaged the enemy for the first time on Feb. 24, day two of the ground war. The unit then moved on to Al-Basara, where they came into combat with the Republican Guard, an elite Iraqi force. After the cease-fire came into effect, McBride and his unit were given orders to return to Log Base Charlie, their previous location, six kilometers from the Iraqi border. The ground war had been short, but intense. During this time McBride saw some of the most
grueling outcomes of war. Tanks and cities were de- These added troops tripled the size of his battalion. stroyed, and thousands of Iraqi soldiers were killed. H e went out to talk and share Christ daily "It w a s the most unbelievable thing I've ever experi- with the soldiers as they were leaving for Saudi enced in m y life," he said. Arabia. H e also held a memorial service for the O n e of the most difficult things for McBride was Marines w h o were killed at the Battle of Kafji, being a w a y from his family for seven and one-half and he shipped Bibles to the soldiers. months. "I had a two-year-old son and nine-month"At the beginning of the war, the Saudi Araold twins," he said. " W h e n I came home, m y twins bian government would not let us send relididn't even recognize me." gious materials into their country," This w a s also hard on his wife Becky. "She had some Druckenmiller said. "They would open perreal struggles trying to take care of the kids and do the sonal boxes and confiscate it, so w e stuffed as things I normally do," McBride said. "She got very m u c h as w e could in the equipment that was little sleep." being shipped over." Chaplain (Capt.) David Druckenmiller graduated Although Druckenmiller was not able to minfrom LBS in M a y 1989. H e was also at Fort Bragg w h e n ister in the Persian Gulf, his commitment rethe war began, but unlike McBride, he never m a d e it to mained the same - to share Christ. Approximately 117 soldiers have accepted Christ as Saudi Arabia. The troops started deploying during his two-week Savior during his first year at Fort Sill. To him, the opportunity of witnessing to such training with the National Guard. H e was then placed a responsive group of soldiers was a blessing. on active duty and stationed at Fort Bragg. O n August 19, he went to the Green R a m p where the "There was a lot of fear about this being the troops were loading their equipment and getting ready last war of the world," he said. "The soldiers to deploy. Each morning, he w a s able to hold 15- were talking about Bible prophecy, so it gave m e minute chapel services and talk with 400-800 soldiers the opportunity to share what the Bible does say as they were boarding the planes for Saudi Arabia. will happen in the Middle East." These two chaplains m a d e a world of differDuring his time at Fort Bragg, 221 soldiers accepted Christ, 84 of which were saved and baptized during ence in the lives of those soldiers w h o accepted Christ. They had a different fight. They had a their two-week training with the National Guard. Druckenmiller then transferred to Fort Sill, Okla- different weapon. They had a different goal. h o m a , on Sept. 30, where he became the first chaplain A n d they had a different outcome - victory, an ever assigned to the l-78th, the largest field artillery eternal victory in the kingdom of God. "For w e wrestle not against flesh and blood, battalion in the world. By the time he arrived, most of the troops had already but against principalities, against powers, deployed. Druckenmiller worked with his battalion as against the rulers of the darkness of this world, well as the Marines, infantry and inactive ready re- against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12. serves w h o were coming to train for deployment.
Year in Review
The World, America and the Gulf War B y Ben LaFrombois
August 1990: Iraq rolled into Kuwait. January 1991: the U.S. triumphantly m o v e d into Kuwait, shattering the Iraqi presence and liberating the oil-rich nation. Displaying America's military strength, troops m o v e d into Kuwait City, the capital of Kuwait. A massive attack on Iraq w a s launched, with Gen. N o r m a n Schwartzkoff leading the way. A n unexpectedly quick and easy military victory w a s completed within 45 days. It w a s the first time our nation w a s at war since Vietnam, which ended in the early 1970s. The overpowering victory raised America's hopes and renewed its confidence. The military w a s raised u p from the ashes of earlier defeats. This victory w a s like few America has ever experienced, nor similar to what w a s expected. America dominated from the m o m e n t her planes began to fly until the last Iraqi w a s captured or killed. Fighting, especially in the desert, w a s second nature to the Iraqis w h o had been at war with Iran during most of the 1980s. The Iraqi army w a s Soviet supplied and trained and had years of desert combat experience. O n paper, America and its allies were even at a loss. Iraq had 545,000 troops in the region while the U.S. had'530,000. Iraq had 4,230 tanks; the U.S. had 3,360. Iraq had 3,110 artillery pieces; the U.S. had 3,633. displayed the technology the U.S. had acquired since the O n ground, the numbers were equal, but in the air and Vietnam conflict. The patriot would track an incoming at sea America outnumbered Iraq, having 1,800 more missile from the time it left the ground until it was close aircraft in the region, 1,800 more helicopters and 60 more enough to shoot d o w n . The system would fire a missile at ships. the incoming target and destroy it in the air before it could The U.S. build-up of troops began shortly after the damage anything on the ground. August invasion by Iraq. By January, the allies' presence M a n y heroes came out of the war, which began on exceeded one-half million. President Bush had garnered January 15, 1991. The first phase of the war displayed the support of most of the world's nations. America's air power. Thirty-nine days of continual air The U.S. Congress had voted to support the Gulf con- attacks crushed the Iraqi army, allowing the ground flict, first called Operation Desert Shield and then Opera- forces to clean up. tion Desert Storm, once fighting began. The American The first night of the war, America destroyed Iraqi people were behind the president. Even 45 percent of communications and airports, not allowing Iraqi planes Americans supported the use of tactical nuclear weapons to even get in the air. if needed. Overall, 35,000 sorties were flown. Fifty percent were The U.S. assumed it was going to have to fight a great combat missions. Amazingly, only 20 planes were lost in power. Estimates of Iraq's total army were as high as the entire war, a casualty rate of .06 percent. This figure 1,000,000 troops with great quantities of chemical weap- was well below the 3 percent planned. ons, long range shelling capabilities and the possibility of The victory in the air paved the w a y for ground troops nuclear weapons. to clean u p in 100 hours war. O n February 23, ground Another threat to victory w a s that Israel would enter the troops m o v e d into undefended Iraq behind Iraq's army, war, causing the Arab nations to unite against Israel. A encircling them and leaving them without escape. holy war would ensue, leaving America in the middle of By February 28 Kuwait City w a s free and U.S. forces religious warfare. began the cleanup. The allies only lost 149 troops, while Israel w a s attacked during the war by S C U D missiles, Iraq's losses were estimated at over 100,000. Totals could but did not fight back since the U.S. w a s already carrying not be determined since saturation bombing of the enout the war. A U.S. patriot missile system was set u p to trenched buried m a n y Iraqi soldiers. protect Israel from incoming missiles. Iraq lost 4,000 of their tanks; the U.S. lost four. Iraq los The patriot system w a s one of the heroes of the war, and 2,140 artillery pieces; the U.S. lost one.
into Moscow as well as several Baltic capitals. Broadcast stations and government buildings were seized. O n Tuesday afternoon the coup began to unravel. Several leaders quit or "became ill." The end of the overthrow was at hand. O n Wednesday morning Yeltsin prepared to visit Gorbachev. A 3-mile-long line of tanks began to leave for Moscow. The Soviet parliament nullified all coup decrees and demanded the return of Gorbachev. O n Thursday Gorbachev and his family returned home. The coup was over, and order was momentarily returned to the state. Although it failed, the coup emphasized the ailing state of communism. O n one side, Gorbachev and Yeltsin pushed for reforms that would ultimately bring about the ruination of communism. O n the other side, the leaders of the coup and other hard-line communists, who detested Gorbachev's direction, sought to take the union. As the mighty Russian empire lay in ruins, several problems arose. The most pressing of these, from a western standpoint, is w h o will control the Soviet Union's vast arsenal of nuclear warheads. Approximately 27,000 warheads are scattered throughout the By Douglas R. Dempsey region, many outside the direct control of Moscow. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and stayed their for nearly Western leaders, as of yet, do not foresee problems. 75 years. N o w , hopefully, Humpty Dumpty has fallen, his mighty Even the warheads that could fall under the control of wall has been toppled, and communism is dead. It's hard toa newly-independent state are unlikely to be used. The same safeguards that prevented their use before the believe, but it's true. communist breakup are still in place. Mutual destrucAfter 74 years of terror, death, and aggression, the mighty communist war machine has fallen into disarray. N o longer tion, while not openly discussed anymore, is still a will Eastern Europe be dominated by the monolithic gov- factor ensuring stability. A second problem, one that is internal, is the skept ernment that once held so many in its powerful iron fist. What remains of the once awesome union of communist cism of many Russians towards the supposed "new nations has n o w disintegrated. The republics have declared order." In spite of the sweeping changes in the Soviet their independence. Gorbachev has resigned. Red is dead, Union, the attempted coup, the nuclear disarmament treaty and a host of other radical movements, little ha and the cold war is over. Communism toppled virtually overnight. Party offices changed for most Russians. As the rest of the world looks on with anticipation, were closed, the leadership disbanded. The most dramatic the Russian people are skeptical. example of this collapse was the August coup attempt that "Politicians always make promises about h o w life ousted Gorbachev for three days. will be better, but they never fulfill them," Nikolai The events of the coup will probably never be fully revealed. What w e know has been gathered from limited sources, but a Petrovich, a retired factory worker and military veteran sketch of the events gives a hint of how communism died. said. "I've been around a long time, and I've seen O n Sunday, August 18, rebel soldiers arrived at Gorbachev'sthings change in Moscow again and again, but nothing door. They demanded his cooperation, but he refused. Fi- ever changes for us." "For peasants and workers, it just gets worse," nally they overpowered him and took him away. Petrovich continued. "Why should it be any different O n Monday morning tanks began rumbling into Moscow. now?" A state of emergency was declared. Protesters of the coup Yes, the Berlin Wall has fallen. The Soviet Union ha began gathering outside the Russian parliament building, a fragmented. Communist leaders are resigning, and foreshadowing of the massive protests yet to come. O n Monday afternoon Boris Yeltsin entered the picture. Soviet leaders promise even more reforms. W h e n the Yeltsin climbed on top of a tank and declared that the coup smoke finally clears, will there be anything different? was illegal. H e called for massive strikes and civil disobedi- After 74 years, it is hard to imagine a world withou the evil empire. Hopefully, the events of the past ye ence in an effort to topple the coup. O n Monday evening an announcement was made claiming will signify a positive change. Humpty Dumpty, it Gorbachev was "ill," an ominous statement that had many seems, is finished.
The Upheaval of Communism
Year in Review-1991
Rhode Island shut d o w n 45 credit unions and banks. Governor Bruce Sundlan ordered their closings after their private insurer became insolvent.
4 Congressional leaders announced that a debate would be held on U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf before the January 15 U.N. deadline for the Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. 6 Kimberly Ann celebrated her 21st birthday. 22 U.S. Congress voted Bush the authority to use "all means necessary" to drive Iraq from Kuwait. 16 An international force led by the U.S. launched air and missile attacks on Iraq and Iraqi-occupied Kuwait. The attack was launched less than 17 hours after the expiration of a U.N. Security Council deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. 17 IR two broadcast messages, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein sounded a defiant tone and called for the whole nation to join in the fight against "the invaders." Iraq responded to attacks by firing one Scud missile at Saudi Arabia and eight Scuds into Israel.
Bush Controls Gulf War
Every president has a particular image he wants to portray during wartime. George Bush chose to show self-control in every situation. Bush had to make all the major calls of the Gulf War. H e had to lay d o w n the rules, but as calmly After suffering a kidney failure, Boston Jack metas he possible could in response to the situation. his untimely death and was accidentally creDespite his emotional nature, Bush strove to mated. control his emotions. H e appeared unruffled in times of stress. H e did not respond openly to lg Three cases of AIDS were linked to Dentist David grief, for this would discourage many Americans J. Acer. Acer lacked in several sanitary procew h o would be watching him on the news. Indures. Kimberly Bergalis was awarded $1 million stead, he tried to be a strong leader in times of for being infected with AIDS by Acer. stress. 27 The Giants defeated the Bills in Superbowl XXV, In private, Bush spoke of the horrors he saw in 20-19, in the closest Superbowl ever played. World W a r II. Yet when it came time to address the nation, Bush cut out any mention of his own combat experience. "George Bush believed it was important that he Marcos Collects More Than Shoes be as strong and as steady as he could be," said a Shoes weren't the only thing Imelda Marcos col-senior White House official. "His emotions were lected. A n estimated $7 million to $14 million worth not relevant. In fact, it was important to him that of "ill-gotten wealth" was waiting to be got at they not show." Christie's in N e w York City, where it was auctioned. Bush often turns to ministers for support. The The proceeds will help fund the Philippine Rev. Billy Graham spent the night at the White government's agrarian-reform program. With a $28 House on the evening the war began, comforting billion debt, the government could use the money. the president during his hour of crisis. Although Mrs. Marcos tended to bid primarily on Bush was no pushover during the Gulf War. what was "most expensive," the folks at Christie's Through it all, he remained confident that the U.S. say she wasn't a bad collector. It seems the Marcos would succeed. This was a big comfort to the years really were filled with roses. American people. 64
Year in Review-1991
February 1
A n earthquake, registering 6.8 on the Richter scale, killed 1,200 in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Dan Quayle The youthful looking vice president was criticized as a liability to the presidency, but Quayle overcame the criticism and worked well with President Bush. Quayle and his wife Marilyn have three children—Tucker, 17; Ben, 14; and Corinne, 12.
Thirty-four people were killed and another two dozen injured w h e n a USAir jet collided with a smaller commuter plane while landing at Los Angeles Airport. 4 The Board of Directors of baseball's Hall of Fame voted 12-0 to bar any player ineligible to participate in Major League Baseball from induction. This directly affected Pete Rose, w h o was banned in 1989 for his gambling activities. £ President Bush signed into law a bill that would compensate Vietnam veterans by providing permanent disability benefits to those w h o had been exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange.
-I o Iraq claimed that several hundred Iraqi civilians died w h e n U.S. b o m b s destroyed a Baghdad building where people were sheltered. U.S. officials said the building was being used for military communications. 21 The U.S. military accused Iraq of setting fire to some 150 Kuwaiti oil wells. 23 President Bush announced at 10 p.m. that the ground war had begun. 97 President Bush announced at 9 p.m., exactly 100 ~~ hours after the ground war began, that allied forces had liberated Kuwait and would suspend further military combat operations. President Bush sent Congress a $1.45 trillion budget for fiscal 1992.
Kuwait Oil Well Fires Firefighters were unprepared for the sight they met in Kuwait - scores of oil wells sending plumes of red and orange flames 30 yards into the air. Oil lakes and soot blackened the sand. During the seven-month Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, more than 730 oil wells were damaged or set ablaze. Firefighting crews began the difficult and dangerous recapping work in March 1991. W h e n the effort to combat the blazes began, it took an average of four days to put out one well
fire. The teams averaged 8.5 wells each day, and all the wells were capped before the end of the year. The faster rate of progress was attributed to the increase in the number of firefighting companies, the availability of needed equipment, the completion of the water system and the growing experience of the firefighters. Teams from the United States, Canada, China, Iran, Kuwait, Hungary and France all worked together to clean u p this environmental disaster.
Year in Review-1991
March All 25 passengers and crew members on board a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 jet were killed w h e n the plane mysteriously crashed while approaching Colorado Springs Airport.
Romanian officials announced that most restrictions on foreign exchange were abolished.
Iraqi P O W s were released.
14 Four Los Angeles police officers were arrested for the vicious beating of a black man, and the country plunged into a debate on the rise of complaints against cops. 15 Yugoslav President Serbie Bellicose quit, resulting in political chaos.
2 0 David Baltimore, Nobel-Prize-winning molecular biologist, retracted controversial paper because of fraudulent evidence. 22 P°n tax *n Britain was eliminated. 28 Criminal case against Exxon Corp. arising from the 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Alaska, was settled. Exxon pleaded guilty to four misdemeanor violations of environmental statutes and agreed to pay a $100 million fine. C o m p a n y payments stemming from the spill could total $1.1 billion. Turmoil arose between Soviet political leaders Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.
Baseball Hall of Famer Jim Palmer's attempted pitching comeback ended in a torn hamstring.
The Recession
The longest recession since the 1930s continued 1£ Soviet athlete Sergei Bubka became the first ever to cripple the American people throughout 1991. to pole vault 20 feet. Federal deficits more than tripled the national debt since 1980, followed by a stock market crash in Seven members of the band that accompanied 1987. Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in country-western singer Reba McEntire were July 1990, oil prices sky-rocketed, which pushed the killed in a plane crash. U.S. into a slump. 20 The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that employers W h e n the recession hit hard in 1991, m a n y could not bar w o m e n from jobs where they might people found themselves unemployed. The unembe exposed to materials hazardous to developing ployment rate rose to 6.8 percent in 1991, leaving fetuses. m a n y families in hard times.
Iviovi I n J\ft\ 66
Year in Review-1991
April The D u k e Blue Devils w o n the N C A A basketball tournament, defeating previously unbeaten U N L V and the Kansas Jayhawks. Atheists celebrated their national holiday. Minimum wage increased from $3.80 to $4.25.
Kevin Seabrook w a s nominated for teacher of the year. A Bangladesh cyclone killed thousands; millions are left homeless.
Kurdish Refugees
About 2 million Iraqi Kurds and other minorities fled north in April 1991 w h e n Kurdish rebels in the north and Shiite Muslim rebels in the south failed to oust President S a d d a m Hussein in the aftermath U.N. passed Persian Gulf cease-fire resolution. of the Persian Gulf War. At least 6,700 of the Iraqi refugees died fleeing to the Turkish border. Iraq accepted U.N. ceasefire demands, and the The most c o m m o n causes of death a m o n g the U.S. began its withdrawal. Kurds were diarrhea, respiratory infections and trauma, the Center for Disease Control reported. H Unemployment rates rose to a four-year high, A n d 63 percent of all deaths occurred a m o n g chilfrom 6.5 percent to 6.8 percent. dren under the age of five. Military units from the United States and at least 16 Space shuttle Atlantis launched a Gamma Ray seven other countries participated in a relief effort observatory. along with civilian agencies from about 20 countries. The relatively quick, cooperative response 17 William Kennedy Smith was accused of rape. helped keep the death rate as low as it was. "There were U.S. soldiers, Dutch nurses and Red Cross workers working side by side. There w a s 21 Allied troops established a haven for Kurds. very little friction," Dr. Michael J. Toole of the CDC's International Health Program Office said. "It 24 Sununu's military flights publicly questioned. really w a s an unprecedented effort." The United States spent about $443 million on the 30 Exxon plea bargain was rejected in Alaska oil Kurdish relief effort. spill; $100 million fine deemed insufficient. The Ozone was discovered to be shrinking twice as fast as before thought.
5 6
Year in Review-1991
May 1
Rickey Henderson of the Oakland Athletics broke Major League Baseball's record for stolen bases in a career (939).
4 President Bush was hospitalized for irregular heart rhythm. g The U.S. space shuttle "Discovery"concluded a military mission devoted to astronomical data for the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars). The flight was the tenth launch for the "Discovery". 9 Police arrested Ted Kennedy's nephew and formally charged him in connection with the alleged rape of a 29-year-old w o m a n at the Kennedy family's vacation estate in Palm Beach, Florida.
Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi, 46, was killed by a bomb blast. The b o m b was carried in a bouquet of flowers.
Biosphere 2
A sealed structure of steel and glass will be "home" for two years to four m e n and four women. The structure, called Biosphere 2, is about the size of 2 1 /2 football fields and contains all the necessi14 Winnie Mandela was convicted of charges arising ties of life. For two years, nothing will be introfrom the abduction and beating of four black duced from the outside. youths at her Soweto home in 1988. In addition to eight humans, Biosphere 2 houses 3,800 species of animals and plants and five ecosys17 French researcher Luc Montagnier published new tems. findings on aids research. This $100 million project has taken seven years to put together and hopes to be the model for self20 Michael Jordan of the Bulls won his second NBA sufficient environments. Planets other than Earth *~ Most Valuable Player award. (Biosphere 1) may one day be the base for similar structures. 21 The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against counseling M u c h skepticism has been expressed by the in federally funded abortion clinics. scientific community, however. M a n y scientists seem to feel this experiment is a ridiculous sham, Hampton U. students visiting the University of designed to draw spectators w h o will spend Virginia staged a silent protest against a comaround $10 just to view the sphere and spend even mencement address by President Bush. more in the gift shop. Both participants and backers of the Bio maintain that the project will provide significant data.
Year in Reveiw-1991
June 3
France v o w e d to sign 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
7 U.S. District Judge Robert H. Schnacke rejected a request by a San Francisco television station to allow televised coverage of an execution. 12 The Mt. Pinatubo volcano, located about 55 miles northwest of Manilla, erupted in a huge mushroom cloud. Sixteen thousand U.S. troops and civilian employees were evacuated. The Chicago Bulls won the finals of the NBA playoffs to earn the first championship in the club's 25-year history.
Marshall Steps Down Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American m e m b e r of the Supreme Court, was less than a week shy of his 83rd birthday w h e n he announced on June 27, that he w a s retiring after 24 years of service on the bench. Marshall's pioneering civil rights career helped reshape the racial norms of the nation and earned him a respected and noteworthy place in the Court's history.
Civil War In Yugoslavia
Boris Yeltsin carried about 60 percent of the vote to win the presidency of the Russian republic in the first-ever democratic election for a Soviet republic president.
-I 7 The last U.S. combat troops left Kuwait. Thousands of spectators gathered in N e w York City and Washington D . C to welcome them home. Two female students from the University of Florida in Gainsville were found murdered in their apartment. The killings followed the unsolved murders of five University of Florida students. The 12th U.S. President Zachary Taylor's body w a s exhumed to determine cause of death.
Both Croatia and Slovenia proclaimed independence on June 25, and within 24 hours, military tanks were rolling toward border crossings and airports, attempting to secure the country. The exchange of artillery fire began. Strong ethnic and political divisions have existed in the country for centuries, but the peaceful co-existence that had been maintained in the region for decades w a s splintered. Serbia's Communistturned-Socialist president, Slobodan Miloevic, wanted Yugoslavia to survive as a federation even if Slovenia and Croatia seceded. But he said the Serb minority in Croatia must remain part of the federation. H e w a s accused by Croatia of covertly backing Serbian militants in the neighboring republic w h o were fighting for the territory. The Croatians claimed the federal army was siding with insurgents, a charge the army denied. M o r e than 5,000 people were killed after the civil war broke out.
Year in Review-1991
July Solar Eclipse
President Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to fill the Supreme Court seat of retiring Justice Thurgood Marshall.
O n July 11 the m o o n slipped over the sun in the celestial ceremony of the eclipse, turning day into night for thousands of viewers and scientists. About 500 astronomers and tens of thousands of tourists came to see the m o o n line up between the sun and Earth and plunge into darknesss a 160-milewide swath stretching from Hawaii to Mexico's Baja Peninsula, central and southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Brazil. One objective of the scientists was to learn more about w h y the sun's corona is about 3 million degrees Fahrenheit, while the sun's surface is only 10,000 degrees. Other experiments involved taking photos through the sun's atmosphere and watching the effect on earth's atmosphere by the swift passage of the moon's shadow.
The "abortion pill" that induces miscarriage during the early stages of pregnancy was cleared for use in Britain. International Business Machines Corp. and Apple Computer, Inc. announced that they had signed a letter of intent to form an alliance. Bush lifted U.S. trade and investment 10 President sanctions against South Africa. The International Olympics Committee also ended its 21-year boycott on South Africa. H
Moslem pilgrims' jet crashed in Saudi Arabia, killing all 261 passengers and crew. It was reported to be the tenth worst in aviation history.
G-7 Economic Summit
Leaders of the world's seven largest industrial democracies gathered in London for the July 15-17 economic summit focusing on aid for the Soviet Union. -i c The last of the Allied troops left Northern Iraq. Mikhail Gorbachev made a two-hour presentaThe death count of the U.S. Persian Gulf War tion to the leaders of the United States, Britain, tallied 268. Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. By the close of the summit, the Group of Seven 22 Police arrested 31-year-old Jeffrey Dahmer in had offered Gorbachev technical assistance and a Milwaukee after discovering human heads and special association with the International Monetary body parts in his apartment. Fund, but not the enormous economic aid he had sought. Although financial aid was not forthcoming, 26 Children's television show host Paul Reubens Ljubo Sire, director of the Center for Research into ("Pee W e e Herman") was arrested in Sarasota, Communist Economies, said, "The very fact that this Florida. meeting has taken place has improved the chances Actress Elizabeth Taylor announced she would be for the Soviet Union to attract investment." "It always makes a difference when the Western married for the eighth time. countries become interested in the fate of a country with which trade is possible. Businessmen become 30 Bush and Gorbachev held Moscow Summit and aware of the possibilities." signed the S T A R T agreement. Chancellor Helmut Kohl will host the next summit in Munich, Germany in July 1992. 70
Year in Review-1991
August 6
The Justice Department filed a friends-of-thecourt brief in a case in which pro-life demonstrators were seeking to overturn a federal judge's order prohibiting them from blocking the entrance to two abortion clinics in Wichita, Kansas.
18 Hurricane Bob tore up the eastern seaboard of the U.S., causing 16 deaths and more than $1 billion in property damage. Before d a w n on Thursday, August 22, an Aeroflot jet arrived at Vnukovo airport, Moscow, bringing h o m e Gorbachev and his entourage.
19 Top Soviet hard-liners attempted to oust Gorbachev. The coup failed as Yeltsin led resistance. 22 J°hn Wilson and Kimberly Ann were engaged. 24 Gorbachev quit as the communist party leader. 29 U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet voted to suspend all activities of the communist party. Long jumper Mike Powell leaped 8.95 meters to break the world record set by Bob Beamon in the 1968 Olympic games.
Crowds of people wandered a m o n g the Soviet tanks parked in Red Square during the military coup. (St. Basil's cathedral in background.) Convoys of Soviet tanks moved into Moscow, rolling u p to the Russian Parliament building. But Russian President Boris Yeltsin was there and called on the Russian people to resist the takeover Resist they did, constructing a protective h u m a n wall around Yeltsin's headquarters.
During a speech denouncing the coup and demanding that Gorbachev be allowed to speak to the Soviet people, hands were raised in applause.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin waved the Russian flag from the Russian Federation building before a crowd of about 100,000 jubilant supporters celebrating the end of the three-day coup attempt. Bodyguards held bulletproof shields in front of him.
Year in Review-1991
September 2
Carolyn Marie celebrated her 21st birthday.
14 Six U.S. Navy servicemen were killed when their helicopter crashed and sank in the Persian Gulf. This raised the number of non-combat deaths in the war to 71. 20 Four men and four women sealed themselves in Biosphere II, a giant glass and steel greenhouse. The inhabitants will grow their o w n food and recycle their waste. 21 Richard Worthington shot and killed a nurse during an 18-hour hostage drama at the Alta View Hospital Woman's Center in Sandy, Utah.
South African Leaders Sign Peace Pact
President F.W. de Klerk, African National Congress President Nelson Mandela and Zulu Inkat Mangosuthu Buthelezi came together when black and white leaders gathered to sign a peace pact in a bid to end factional fighting that has claimed hundreds of lives in South Africa. The accord, which created groups to investigate violent acts by police and citizens, marked the first joint agreement between the government and the two main black movements. It was also seen as an important test of whether the main political groups can work together for reforms to end white-minority rule. The government and the A N C reached a cease-fire in August 1990, and Mandela and Buthelezi agreed to peace terms in January 1991. But in both instances, the violence raged on. At least 6,000 people have been killed in the past six years.
Miss AmericaCarolyn Suzanne Sapp On Sept. 14 Carolyn Suzanne Sapp from Honolulu, Hawaii, shed tears of joy as she was crowned Miss America. Within days, however, her experience of physical abuse became public knowledge. In 1990 Sapp sought a restraining order against her then-boyfriend, professional football player Nuu Faaola, for alleged physical violence. Both Sapp and Faaola were disappointed that their previous problems had been publicized. Sapp stated, "That incident.. .was personal then and it remains personal now." Carolyn put the trauma behind her and went forward with strength and courage to win the Miss America crown. She selected the issue of parental responsibility as the social issue she will focus on during her reign.
Year in Review-1991
October 1
Haitiian President Aristide was ousted and fled to 1 2 Arlette Schweitzer became the first w o m a n in the Venezula as the coup leaders established a threeU.S. known to give birth to her o w n grandchild. Schweitzer, 42, had been impregnated with eggs m a n junta to head the country. The U.S. cut economic aid to Haiti, and the European commufrom her daughter. nity froze $148 million in aid to Haiti. 13 Damien Noel celebrated his 22nd birthday. fo Anita Hill, a former aide to Supreme Court 14 Clarence Thomas was confirmed by the full nominee Clarence Thomas, publicly accused him Senate as the 106th U.S. Supreme Court Justice. of sexual harassment during 1981-1983. The 52-48 vote was the closest for a Supreme 11 The Senate Judiciary Committee held three days Court Justice in this century. of televised hearings over the accusation of sexual 1^ George Hennard of Belton, Texas, open-fired harassment against Judge Thomas. a crowded cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. The worst U.S. mass shooting in U.S. history resulted in 24 Redd Foxx, 68, a black comedian best known for dead and at least 20 wounded. his role as junkyard owner Fred Sanford in the television series "Sanford and Son," died after suffering a heart attack on the set of his new TV 27 The Minnesota Twins won the Major League baseball World Series over the Atlanta Braves, series, "The Royal Family." four games to three.
Thomas Installed on Supreme Court "Only in America," Clarence Thomas said after President Bush announced his nomination as the second black justice on the Supreme Court. O n October 18 Clarence Thomas was inducted as the 106th United States Supreme Court Justice. Thomas succeeded Thurgood Marshall, w h o retired at age 83. Thomas, 44, grew up poor, black and Democratic in Pinpoint, Georgia, but later switched parties and became a controversial symbol of black conservatism.
Twins Win World Series After all the twists, turns and tension, the closest of World Series ended in the closest of games. The Minnesota Twins and Jack Morris squeezed past the Atlanta Braves 1-0 on pinch-hitter Gene Larkin's single in the bottom of the 10th inning on October 27 to win G a m e 7 and end baseball's most dramatic odyssey. Never before had three Series games gone into extra innings, and the Braves and Twins saved the best for last, matching zero for zero, pressure pitch for pitch, even turning back basesloaded threats in the same inning. "Someone had to go home the loser, but there's no loser in m y mind," Morris said. "Those are two of the greatest teams. I just didn't want to quit. Somehow, w e found a way to win this thing." 73
Year in Review-1991
November Five Presidents Get Together Ronald Reagan threw open the doors of his presidential library on November 5, and invited the public to judge his turn in the White House. A crowd of 4,200 invited guests cheered as President Bush and former Presidents Carter, Nixon and Ford joined Reagan in the first gathering ever of five past or current presidents. The National Archives will operate the library at an estimated $1.5 million annual cost to taxpayers. "The doors of this library are open n o w and all are welcome," Reagan said. "The judgment of history is left to you, the people." 2 Jennifer Diane celebrated her 21st birthday. 7 Los Angeles Laker guard "Magic" Johnson, among the greatest and most popular players in the history of the N B A , announced that he had tested positive for the H I V virus that causes AIDS. H A report announced that U.S. scientists had taken the first photographs of the h u m a n brain as it performed simple tasks. 12 Robert M. Gates took the oath of office and became the 15th director of the country's Central Intelligence Agency. l^ Former Gov. Edwin Edwards (D) defeated State Rep. David D u k e (R) in a runoff election for governor in Louisiana. The race attracted intense interest nationwide, largely due to the candidacy of Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the K u Klux Klan. 20 The Senate by voice vote approved William P. Barr to be U.S. Attorney General. 23 World heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield retained his title with a technical knockout of Bert Cooper in Atlanta. 29 Seventeen people were killed and more than 150 injured in a series of chain-reaction collisions involving 104 vehicles over a four-mile stretch of Interstate H i g h w a y 5 near Coalinga, Calif. 74
Mideast Peace Talks Arab and Israelis representatives met for talks in Madrid, Spain, smashing a 43-year taboo on direct Israeli-Arab talks, and setting in motion a process of face-to-face negotiations to resolve one of the most intractable regional conflicts in the world. The negotiators left Spain with mixed feelings of frustration and anticipation after an intense foray into the realm of peace. However, all sides promised to meet again. The United States and the Soviet Union sponsored the N o v e m b e r talks. The late-night talks in Madrid were the first-ever direct discussion between Israel and Syria, and they lasted five hours into the early hours of the morning. But the enemies failed to move even an inch from their positions, or even to shake hands. A second round of talks took place in Washington in January 1992, but the two sides could not even agree on procedural matters, m u c h less substitive peace issues.
Year in Review-1991
December 1
France w o n its first Davis C u p title in 59 years by upsetting the U.S., the defending champions, at the finals in Lyons, France.
2 U.S. hostages in Lebanon, Joseph J. Cicippio and Alann Steen, were freed. Federal officials confiscated nearly 12 tons of cocaine at a warehouse in Miami, the secondlargest seizure of illegal drugs in U.S. history. 4 Hostage Terry Anderson freed. Pan American World Airways ceased operations after it ran out of cash. They became the third major carrier after Eastern Airlines and M i d w a y Airlines to shut d o w n in 1991.
Hostages Freed
EJ President Bush named Transportation Secretary Samuel K. Skinner to replace John H. Sununu as White House chief of staff.
Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson, the longest-held Western hostage in Lebanon, was freed by the Shiite Moslems after 2,454 days in captivity. The three released m e n , including Joseph Cicippio, and Alan Steen, were the last of 17 Americans held captive in Lebanon between March 1984 and December 1991.
/: The Labor Department reported that the number of payroll jobs in the U.S. decreased by 241,000 in November, while the nation's unemployment rate w a s unchanged at 6.8 percent. H Evangeline celebrated her 23rd birthday.
William Kennedy Smith, 31, the nephew of Sen. Edward M . Kennedy, was found not guilty of charges that he had raped a w o m a n at his family's Palm Beach, Fla., vacation estate on Easter weekend.
rj U.S. military veterans observedthe 50th anniversary of the surprise Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii in 1941. President 17 Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev held a Bush m a d e a speech urging U.S. veterans of the private discussion with Russian republic Presiattack to forget their rancor toward Japan. dent Boris N. Yeltsin in the Kremlin. After the talks, Yeltsin announced that Gorbechev had The turmoil in the Soviet Union took a stunning accepted as imminent the demise of the U.S.S.R. turn, w h e n the leaders of the three Slavic repubH e also told reporters that all Soviet federal lics signed an agreement forming a " C o m m o n functions would either be dissolved or formally wealth of Independent States" to replace the old transferred to the newly created Commonwealth U.S.S.R. of Independent States in 1992. 1 Q The Supreme Court, in a unanimous 8-0 decision, declared unconstitutional the "Son of Sam" law, a lg General Motors announced that it would reduce its payrolls by 74,000 employees, or 18 percent, N e w York State law that limited the ability of close 21 of its 125 North American factories and criminals to profit from selling stories of their pare capital spending during the next four years crimes for books or movies. in an effort to return to profitability.
New York Stock Exchange The N.Y. Stock Exchange continued to hit n e w highs. Not long after school began in 1991, the market was closing over 3,00 on a regular basis. The United States was still in a recession, but the U.S. stock market continued to m o v e to n e w heights.
1991 Wrap-up
Michael Landon,
California Brush Fire The brush fire that killed 19 people in Oakland, Calif, w a s the costliest blaze in U.S. history — the damage w a s put at more than $5 billion. This surpasses the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Pushed by 25 m p h winds across brush that had been dried by five years of drought, the October 1991 blaze destroyed more than 1,800 houses and 900 apartments, city officials said. In addition to the 19 killed, 148 were injured, and 5,000 were evacuated, according to Sheriff Robert Jarrett. President Bush declared the fire site a major disaster area, opening the door to federal aid for the rebuilding. The w o o d e d area, with its postcard views of San Francisco Bay, w a s a disaster waiting to happen because of the drought, officials said. M a n y of the area's once-elegant homes were reduced to rubble, their bare chimneys looming like giant tombstones. Forestry Department spokeswoman Karen Terrill said, "The very thing that makes the wildlands attractive and romantic, like the trees, is what makes the wildlands deadly."
star of m a n y family-based TV series (Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven), died of cancer on Julyl. After it was announced on April 8 that Landon had fallen victim to pancreatic cancer, he fought a ferocious final battle. Landon died with his family gathered near his bedside.
Magic Johnson announced on November 7 that he had tested positive for the H I V virus and w a s retiring. "Because of the H I V virus I have attained, I will have to announce m y retirement from the Lakers today," Johnson told reporters at the Forum, where he played 12 superstar seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers. Johnson, whose given n a m e is Earvin, received his nickname from a sports writer after a 36-point, 18rebound, 16-assist performance in high school.
Don Mattingly received national attention in August for more than his baseball expertise. A flat refusal to get a haircut resulted in his being benched just before the N e w York Yankees' g a m e against Kansas City.
Harassment Charges Caught Attention By Jennifer S. Blandford Throughout October, America's eyes were glued to the unbelievable scandal unfolding. It was a nightmare which captured everyone's attention and kept them fixed on the television for several days. The battle between Clarence Thomas, a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, and Anita Hill, a professor at the University of Oklahoma, lasted several days. A fascinated America watched as they fought and testified their way to fame over the ugly charges of sexual harassment. Hill, a former co-worker of Thomas', claimed that a decade earlier Thomas had offended her with lewd jokes, crude comments, and conversations that were inappropriate for the office. Thomas repeatedly denied these charges, reminding Hill of what he said were the facts. H e reminded her that she voluntarily followed him from their first job together at the Department of Education to their next job with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). H e talked about the friendly relationship which Hill had kept up following their work at the EEOC. During this time, she made more than 10 recorded personal phone calls to Thomas' office. She also, after accepting her current position with the University of Oklahoma, invited him to spend time with her on several occasions while he was in Tulsa on business. Hill did all this, even though she said she found Thomas to be offensive. In fact, she thought his conduct to be so offensive that, even 10 years after the fact, she was willing to put her o w n credibility on the line to make it It is understood by most people, that a supervisor public, just as Thomas was about to reach the high point demanding sexual favors from a w o m a n in exhange for of his career. A n d why? Because, in her o w n words, she continued employment is a legitimate case of harassfelt she had to "tell the truth." ment. But what about aggressive flirting? Or un welcomed Suddenly, everyone in America needed to know the jokes? Or off-color remarks? These are also considered "truth," even though she had never before voiced or forms of sexual harassment. implied any complaints against him. Webster's dictionary defines harassment as "to trouble, At the end of this grueling hearing, America watched worry, or torment, with cares, debts, or repeated quesanxiously as Hill's claims were finally pronounced im- tions." pertinent to Thomas' ability as a judge on the Supreme Within the last decade, many improvements have been Court. made in dealing with sexual harassment. Although these hearings are over, they won't soon be In 1980 the E E O C stated that employment based on the forgotten. This sad case did more than question the grounds of sexual activity was forbidden by the Civil credibility of both Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, they Rights Act of 1964. forced America to face the serious issue of sexual harass- Since then, most companies have written the definiment. tion of sexual harassment into their employee rules of Sadly enough, for w o m e n in the work place, sexual conduct. They have also included in their company harassment has become a fact of life. In a Newsweek Poll,policies the steps to be taken when harassment is re21 percent of the w o m e n surveyed said they had been a ported. victim of harassment, and 42 percent said they knew But many w o m e n feel these improvements are not someone w h o had been harassed. Other surveys taken enough. W o m e n need to come forward with their comindicate that over one-half of America's working w o m e n plaints of harassment, without having to fear losing their will face some form of sexual harassment at least once in jobs, to let m e n know that they will not tolerate their careers. unwelcomed advances or comments any longer. Many w o m e n feel that the root of the problem is that men are rarely harassed and do not realize what it is. They do not understand h o w a w o m a n feels when her boss, supervisor, or male co-worker sneers a suggestive comment about her figure or her appearance. 77
Former LU Stars Shine in NL Playoff Series By Dr. Al Snyder
they have Liberty baseball fans cheered for both teams during therealized that there was still a great void in their 1991 National League championship series between the lives," Bream explained. "Even for a pro player, that void Atlanta Braves and the Pittsburgh Pirates. And with goodcan only be filled by Christ." reason. In the Atlanta line-up at first base was Sid Bream, Bream and Tomlin were teammates on the Pirates and in the Pittsburgh starting pitching rotation was Randy during the 1990 National League championship series. Bream played three Tomlin, both former baseball stars at LU. Late in the third game of the series, Bream stepped to years for the Los Angethe plate and blasted a 400-foot home run to center field,les Dodgers and five adding the knockout punch to a Braves' victory. A T V years for the Pirates, camera quickly switched to the left field stands and zoomedreaching the play-offs in on a big, white-sheet banner which read, "Liberty for the first time in 1990. University loves Sid Bream," proudly held up by L U Tomlin had been called up by the Pirates in professors Dr. Carl and Carolyn Diemer. "It was great to know that some Liberty friends were August 1990, but he was not included in the there cheering for me,"Bream said. Tomlin started on the mound for the Pirates in game team's post-season four, but ran into trouble quickly when the Braves scoredroster and did not play two quick runs in the first inning. Tomlin then struck outin the series. Tomlin said that slugger Ron Gant for the third out and settled d o w n to Bream was a great help pitch scoreless ball for the next six innings. The Pirates to him when he first won, 3-2, in the tenth. "It was a thrill to be playing in the championship came up with the Piseries," Tomlin said. "And it was a special moment to m e rates. "Having Sid to strike out Gant and get out of trouble. If he had come there as a Christian friend helped m e a lot through with a hit, I would have been out of there." The Braves went on to win the National League cham- in m y adjustments to pionship in a gruelling series, four games to three. H o w - the majors," Tomlin ever, facing the Minnesota Twins for the World Series explained. They also talked together during the 1991 season whenever their championship, the teams played each other. They even talked during the Braves fought another championship series. "But I had to try to remember that tight and tense series, Randy was m y opponent," Bream quipped. falling short by the Bream added that Tomlin has been a tremendous major same margin, four league pitcher in his first full year, and that, barring games to three. injuries, he has the potential to stay up there in the majors "Although it was for a long time. definitely a thrill to First-baseman Bream holds numerous L U batting play in the World Serecords from his three-year Flames' career from 1979-81. ries," Bream related, H e hit for an amazing career batting average of .435. He "by the end I was alalso blasted 19 home runs during a single season and 38 most a mental zombie. in his three years. Tomlin w o n 18 games during his I'm glad I had the Flames' career, but even more impressive was his career Lord!" he added. 2.98 earned run average. "I'm so glad I have H o w could the Atlanta Braves pull off that unprecsomething to hold m e edented miracle of rising from last place to first in their up that the players division in one year? "They went out and aquired some w h o are not Christians good players with good attitudes, not necessarily the do not have," Bream greatest talent," Bream explained. "They had been a good continued. "It's tough young team on the verge of doing something , but they in the majors in lots of needed some help," he continued. "The new players ways. I don't know h o w the guys without Christ go through baseball. I'm brought not only some experience, but also the key ingredient of confidence that w e could win. And, of course, we always glad I have the Lord," he emphasized. Tomlin concurred with Bream's feelings. "As a Chris- did." tian, I a m able to keep things in perspective," he said. "The D o the Braves have what it takes to repeat as West Lord has helped m e with the struggles both on and off the Division champions in 1992? "There is no doubt!" Bream field," he added. "So I try to play for the Lord first, not fordeclared. " W e should be even better next season." other people." Can the Pirates also repeat as East Division champs in Bream said that Christianity is "on the upturn" in pro 1992? "Absolutely. I a m expecting it," Tomlin emphasports and that a good number of major league baseball sized. "I believe w e have the best defense and the best players have trusted Christ in the past few years. pitching staff in the division. Our pitchers are not over"They have had all the money they could hope for, and powering, but each one does his best to keep us in the they have experienced the thrill of accomplishment, but game and give us a char'"0 ¥r tT\ T*Mt78
An Attack that Changed the World December 7.1941: Pearl Harbor
B y Jennifer S. Blandford Fifty years ago, December 7, a quiet Sunday morning, America suffered a surprise attack that cannot be forgotten by her people. Shortly before 8 a.m. a squadron of 350 Japanese fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo planes swept in from the north and destroyed six American battleships, 163 aircraft and 2,403 soldiers while wounding 1,178. Most of this d a m a g e occurred within the first 20 minutes of a two-hour attack. The event w a s the attack on Pearl Harbor, and it brought America into World W a r II. This day has been called by m a n y , "the day of infamy" or "bloody Sunday." Following Pearl Harbor, the war carried on for several years with heavy fighting throughout m u c h of Southeast Asia and thousands of casualities on both sides. America finally ended it after dropping two surprise atomic bombs on the Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unfortunately, America's surprise attacks wiped out thousands of innocent Japanese civilians. From the m o m e n t after the first explosion and through the past 50 years, m a n y patriots have debated over h o w a nation as great as America could have allowed herself to be caught so off-guard by a lesser foe, such as Japan. The fact is that America w a s too preoccupied with Europe's bold fascists to pay any attention to Tokyo's imperialists. Over the years, the surprise attack has been turned into a kind-of heroic defeat for America. Stories have been told of scalded m e n s w i m m i n g through burning oil to rescue their bleeding comrades as they drowned in the harbor and of gallant soldiers firing round after round of ammunition into the sky with the hopes of downing a soaring Japanese plane. The results of the attack on Pearl Harbor and World But the fact remains that for America, the attack on W a r II have been positive for America. It brought her out Pearl Harbor w a s a devastating and humiliating event. of isolation and helped her to restore Britain's power, People seldom forget, nor do they want to forget, such free Japan from military rule and give democracy back to calamities. Western Europe, and it established amazing n e w ties The Pearl Harbor event w a s the first time w h e n the betweeen America and Japan. entire world stood still. It w a s a time w h e n people In a w a y unprecedented in history, the conquering around the country were experiencing the same emo- nation began immediately to help the conquered nation tions brought about by horror, fear, and disbelief. Most rebuild. U.S. occupational forces replaced a totalitarian Americans living at the time can pinpoint exactly where monarchy with a democratic, representative governthey were and what they were doing w h e n they first ment, which still exists today. heard the news of the attack. The U.S. government poured in economic aid to help Today m a n y Japanese are not ashamed of the Pearl the conquered nation build a free enterprise business Harbor incident, but m a n y feel that what is past is past and financial operation, which still thrives today. and should be forgotten. In fact, most Japanese history U.S. missionaries also helped to lift the people from text books do not include the facts of World W a r II for just spiritual devastation. America put Japan back on its feet, and today that tiny this reason. Of course, a country as great as America had no prob- Asian nation has developed into one of the leading lem recovering once the initial shock wore off, but such nations of the world. destruction is not easily forgotten.
Football :.<,
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R o w l~Jason Harrell, T.J. McCreight, Tue Due Nguyen, Dan Duncan, Jeff Curtis, John White, Paul Frazier, Sebastian Barrie, Bobby Green, Wesley McConnell, Calvin Thompson, Shelton Lewis, Dion Cook, Chris Hadley, Robby Justino, Wayne Monroe, L.G. Parrish, Brian Woolfolk, Pat Nelson, James McKnight, Shannon Rucker, Kevin Cash, Sedrich Watkins. R o w 2— Eladio Quentanilla, Weymouth Williams, Tim Herrmann, Dan Copp, Anthony Van Dyke, Chris Bouslough, Hassan Thomas, Daniel Whitehead, Matt Council, Kevin Lockwood, Jason Modling, Matt Doctor, Keith Vinson, Adrian Cherry, Curtis Adams, George Nimako, Scott Thomas, A d a m Cheyunski, Wayne Robertson, Tim McGill, Sheldon Bream, Edwin Miller, Felix Villaverdo, Ramon George, Sedrick Watkins.
Great Expectations and Great Disappointments Great expectations for the 1991 Flames turned to on the road, whipping versatile Delaware State, 20-9, great disappointments, one after another, as the sea- and outlasting tough Youngstown State, 10-8, keepson rolled on. The team goal was to reach the ing faint play-off hopes alive. A n easy Homecoming national Division I-AA playoffs, barely missed the win over Towson State, 38-28, gave the Flames three past three years in a row with winning records. The straight wins and a 4-3 record. Flames played some exciting football and turned in Disaster then struck with three straight home losses, many memorable moments against the toughest which the Flames might have won. James Madison I-AA schedule in the nation, but suffered their first scored on a controversial two-point conversion with losing season in four years of I-AA with a disaptwo minutes left to nip LU, 35-34. Central Florida pointing 4-7 record. jumped out to a 21-0 first-quarter lead, watched the Starting the season on the road against two peren- Flames chip it to d o w n to 31-26, then stopped a finalnial national play-off powers produced two quick minute Flames charge at the 11-yard line to escape defeats, as the Flames lost to Boise State, 35-14, and towith the win. Furman, 31-7. After earning their first victory at The greatest disappointment came w h e n a home over West Virginia Tech, 39-11, L U tasted Kutztown University field goal with eleven seconds another disappointment when a last-minute field left upset the Flames, 17-16. Closing the season away goal gave Morehead State a close 12-10 win. The at Samford University, the Flames fell again, 34-19, for Flames bounced back with two great upset victories a 4-7 won-loss record.
R o w 3- Henry Coles, Gerald Amarro, Doug Caraballo, Steve Mock, Kirk Daniel, Rubin Ortega, James D'Amico, Bryant Bowden, Neal Bryant, Mick Mulcuck, Bobby Walker, Mark Thomas, Seth Campbell, Chris Goede, W a d e Ellis, Dwayne Corvin, Drew Dobler, Dan Pritchard, Mace McMonigle, Heath Bunting, John Gunther. R o w 4- Dwayne Carswell, Jason Smart, Corey Rice, Roosevelt Nivens, Drew Howard, J.D. McDuffie, Robby Justino, James Downey, David Beezer, Jon Stark, Tim Hahn, David Van Patten, Chris Miller, Eric Autenreith, Marcus Forney, Jason Baganz, A d a m Makkai, George Borsch, Carvelle Smith, Blake Mathers, Kent Nesselrotte, H u d Harsey, Shawn Davis, Larrye Weaver.
Amid the many disappointments of the season were the exciting performances of the Flames' passing combination of junior quarterback Robbie Justino and senior wide receiver Pat Nelson. Nelson set new L U receiving records by topping the 100-yards mark in four consecutive games and seventimesfor the year. H e also set a new all-time L U season record for number of receptions with 176. Justino started the year with three consecutive 300-yards passing games, then added three more. H e just missed the all-time single game L U record with 434 yards in the Towson State Homecoming game, but he moved into second place on the all-time L U passing yardage list with 7,127 yards, and he has one more year to play.
Dalton Returns to Liberty By K i m Davis tive change for the volThere's no place like home for Beth Dalton, Liberty's volleyball coach. "I feel like I'm back at home," she said. leyball program. "The "Everyone has been very supportive and encouraging." team used to have to Beth played volleyball at Liberty. She began her coach- complete the season ing career at Middle Tennessee State in 1980, threemonths with a regular game," after graduation at age 21, thus making her one of the she said. "This gives youngest coaches ever in Division I. She coached at us something to work Liberty for four years before moving to Arizona to coach towards. It also gives at Grand Canyon University. She also coached at the team a chance to Randolph M a c o n W o m a n ' s College and Samford Uni- develop friendships versity before returning to Lynchburg with her husband within the rivalry of Rodney and their two children, Broderick and Blythe. healthy competition." With only two reSince playing at Liberty, Beth has been involved in turning starters and U S V B A as a player and coach, reaching national and no contributing reinternational certification and recognition as a setter, Her greatest satisfaction, however, comes from the cruits, Coach Dalton results she sees in her players. "It is very rewarding to has had a difficult rek n o w that you are having an input in a young person's building year. She is life," she said. "Through the vehicle of volleyball, you XSSeah°Wsr- PhCobyTimAlbertson can teach athletes m a n y important things about life and ture. "The team had little court experience, but playing themselves, like self-esteem and self-discipline, keys to such a difficult schedule this season will direct us for the success that will be with them throughout life." future," she said. "With strong recruitment, I believe we According to Beth, Liberty's entrance into the Big will have a marked improvement next year." South Conference provided the biggest and most posi-
Bell Enjoys the Challenge
By Jennifer Hale time." The name Bell and soccer are synonymous at LU. This includes supA n d r e w Bell was born in Leeds,. England, where he w a s raised through his preteen years. Over a decade ago, porting his dad in he m o v e d with his family to Los Angeles and later to coaching decisions. "If w e ever disagree, it is Lynchburg. H e played soccer at Lynchburg Christian Academy easily resolved - w e do and then played under his father's coaching at LU, where what he wants," he there were pressures to excel. "1 felt like I had to be bettersaid. "He definitely listens to m y input because m y dad was the coach," he said. In 1988 A n d r e w became LU's assistant soccer coach. though." A n d r e w also values "It was a little weird because I was coaching some of m y his relationships with ex-teammates," he said. From that point in his life, A n d r e w did some moving the players. " W h e n around. During this time, he gained further experience you meet their parin coaching and obtained a master's degree in speech ents, you feel responcommunications. After graduating in the s u m m e r of sible spiritually and 1991, A n d r e w returned to Lynchburg and resumed his academically, not just Photo by Vangie with soccer," he said. Job as LU's assistant soccer coach. A n d r espeech w also at LU. "It's hard to divide time between S o m e of his biggest challenges in coaching deal with teaches attitudes. "You get a goal d o w n , you lose a game, but you teaching and coaching," he said. "It's like switching gears can't really be discouraged," A n d r e w said. "You have to in a car, but that makes it more interesting." be supportive of the head coach, and stay positive all the
Quarles Accepts Difficult Task By Ruth Gutierrez After running track competitively for years, Delethea Delethea also obQuarles has taken a new approach to the sport as LU's tained a psychology assistant women's track coach. degree while here at According to Delethea, coaching is fun but involves a LU, which has been lot of work. Recruiting is a difficult task in itself. useful to her since "I like to recruit, but it is discouraging when you don't graduation. "I think get the people you're trying to recruit because of grades m y psychology backor other reasons," Delethea said. "Recruiting is such a ground helps me gamble." deal with people," she Her job as assistant track coach came as a surprise and said. an honor. "I consider it a blessing," Delethea said. "A lot Delethea's goal is to of people volunteer their time to get into college level go to the 1992 Olymcoaching." pic trials. She would L U track competes on a N C A A Division I level. The also like to obtain a meets involve as many as 50 college teams and provide master's degree in an atmosphere of healthy competition. "Our rivals are counseling psychoourselves," Delethea said. "You want to win, but you go logically disturbed children. "I'm just out there to beat your o w n times." Delethea developed a love for track in high school and continuing to seek received a partial scholarship to Campbell University what God wants to do with m y life. and then transferred to LU. During this time, she broke school records and was ranked among the top 50 track runners in America.
Pastors Sticks to Details By Becky Griggs is not alBaseball is about as American as Grandma's appleCoaching pie, but for LU's assistant baseball coach, it is also a part of ways easy for Pastors, however. "The hardlife. Dave Pastors loves his job. "I don't have all the est part of coaching is being truthful with answers, but I learn as I go," he said. Pastors has been an assistant baseball coach for six the player," he said. years. Prior to coming to Liberty, he worked for one year "Most of our guys as an assistant baseball coach at Coastal Carolina. H e have a love for the came to Liberty in 1986 with Bobby Richardson, former game, and it is difficult to tell them that baseball coach. His family sparked his interest in baseball. "I grew up they don't have the with it," Pastors said. "My dad played pro, and m y older ability to play on our brother played pro. I can remember going to see the team." Pastors looks to the Pittsburgh Pirates play when I was only five years old. I Lord for his future. was born into baseball." Pastors' position carries a lot of responsibilities. "I "I'll go where the Lord directs me," he said. have a long list of details that I stick to each year," he said. "Some of the main things that I do are recruiting, on-the- "As long as I a m here, P h o t o b van V 9'e field coaching, paperwork with the budget, and making I would like for the baseball team to compete nationally and be able to share lodging arrangements." H e also puts the players in N C A A summer leagues. Christ with our contacts." This helps them keep in shape over the summer.
Women's Volleyball
R o w l~Lynne Heckman, Tricia Nice, Laura Miller, Sara Chappell, Nikki Keznor, Karen Kolb. R o w 2—Kathy Ives, Coach Beth Dalton, Lori Mattson, Marisa Keire, Kim Lawson, Robin Braaten Kellie Bundy, Nicole Nice, D a w n Elliott, Assistant Coach Jeff Schmidt.
Lady Flames Struggle, Finish Strong Although the 1991 Lady Flames struggled to a disappointing 11-28 record, they concluded the season in impressive fashion with a top-four finish in the debut in the Big South Conference tournament. Coach Beth Dalton's team advanced to the semifinals with a three-set sweep of Charleston Southern, then fell to champion Davidson in four sets. L U earned five wins against the four losses at home but played only nine of their 39 matches on their home court. Nicole Nice led the Lady Flames with 339 kills for the season, and she earned a spot on the Big South All-Conference team. Laura Miller led the team in assists with 902 and aces with 68, and she was named to the conference all-tournament team. Nikki Keznor recorded 344 digs to lead Liberty as a freshman, and Kim Lawson was the leader in blocks with 111.
Men's Soccer -^^•p^^^^
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R o w 1--Brent Ward, Mustafa Aksakal, Brian Stephens, Greg Wheaton, T o m Merchant, Darren Shelburne, Jonny Collins, Mark Senitz, Chad Baker, Terry Hassell. R o w 2--Trent Trautman, Bradley Styles, Freeman Turkson, Doran Tiutiu, David Olsen, Scott Godfrey, Demetrius Scouras, Jim Pereira.
Senitz Paces 1991 Flames The 1991 Flames tumbled to a disappointing 7-11-1 season, LU's first losing season since 1987. They also finished 1-6 in their first year in the Big South Conference. Injuries to key players proved tough for Coach Bill Bell and his team to overcome. The Flames went 5-3 at home, but struggled with a 2-8-1 record on the road. Forward Mark Senitz paced the team with 11 goals and 6 assists, despite missing several games because of injury. Brian Stephens climbed to second on the alltime L U points list with 64. Defenseman Freeman Turkson was selected to the AllBig South Conference team.
Women's Soccer
R o w 1-Kelly Endlich, Leanne Faulk, A m y Ingalls. R o w 2~Becky Durham, Darlene Saczawa, Jenice Oliveras, Heidi Schantz, Jenni Dayton, Katy Seiple, Naomi Hamilton. R o w 3~Darlene Rander (Manager), Jodi Laverty (Trainer), Holly Lightbody, Heather Whitten, Travis Baker, Heather Greene (Goalie), Jody Deur, Beth Aldridge, Barbie Ball, Kristina Sewell, Stacy Rander (Assistant Coach), Coach Long.
Flames Outscore Opponents The 1991 Lady Flames soccer team concluded its season with a record of four wins, six losses and onetie.L U outscored opponents for the season by 29 goals to 18. Leanne Faulk and A m y Ingalls led the team in scoring with seven goals apiece, while Jenice Oliveras added six. Faulk and Holly Lightbody paced the team in assists with four each. Heather Greene manned the goal for LU, allowing just 1.4 goals per game with four shutouts.
LU Professor Shatters Record By K i m Davis
while on the trail. His diet consisted of five or six Skor Dr. David Horton is living a dream.. "For years, I had dreamed of running the Appalachian candy bars and an occasional Power Bar throughout the Trail (AT)," Horton said. "The summer of 1991 allowed day, a good breakfast (if available), a turkey and cheese sandwich around 12:30-1 p.m., and pasta and dessert for m e the opportunity to fulfill that dream." dinner, usually at a food bar or O n M a y 9, at 6:54 a.m., he buffet. started on a journey that would H e also drank 80 gallons of take him beyond the imaginable - conquering the longest continuConquest energy replacement ously marked footpath in the drink, wore out four pairs of world in a record-breaking 52 shoes, and only lost six pounds days. while doing it. "I tried to consume as many Horton's goal was to make this calories as I could," Horton said. trip on the A T in 56 days, four "During the last few days I could days faster than the previous 0£k M hardly eat. I was so tired, and it record, but 24-year-old Scott © J| took so much of m y energy." "Maineak" Grierson of Bass Harbor, Maine, had the same Horton's typical day began a goal. "Maineak" was an experilittle after 6 a.m. during the early enced hiker and started his quest stages of his run. H e averaged two days before Horton. seven hours of sleep and 10 hours "This gave m e a tremendous and 54 minutes on the trail duramount of incentive," Horton ing the first 43 days. said. "I a m not competitive -1 The first few days were rainy a m highly competitive. If I finand foggy. Horton's feet reished a day behind him, I still mained wet, and they soon dewould have broken the record, veloped blisters. H e also develbut I didn't want to just beat his oped tendinitis in his right ankle. record, I wanted to beat him to But this wasn't the end of the top of Mt. Katahdin." Horton's injuries. The A T officially opened in H e planned to walk the up1937 and extends 2,144 miles hill climbs and run the downhill from Springer Mountain, Georand level stretches, unlike gia, to Mount Katahdin, Maine. "Maineak" w h o put in more Eight hundred people begin hikhours and walked the entire way. ing it each year, but only about 100 actually finish it. During Horton's last day out of the Smokey Mountains, Horton, chairman of the physical education, recreation however, he ran the downhills too fast and developed and sports management department, had thought about shin splints in his right leg. They progressively worsened running the A T for years, but he did not decide to do it and began in his left leg a few days later. until July 1990. H e is from Marshall, Arkansas, and has "One of the big problems was getting adjusted," Horton been at L U for 13 years. said. "Adaptability is very important. Both shins were Although he has run off and on all his life, Horton did swollen, red and very painful to the touch, which pronot begin running consistently until March 1977. Since duced excruciating pains while running and walking then, Horton has gone on to win 29 out of 67 downhills." ultramarathons and has averaged seven-minute miles Horton's chances of finishing the trail seemed slim. "I for 50 miles. didn't know if m y body would physically allow me to H e runs an average of 70 - 75 miles per week regularly continue," he said. "To me, it would be humiliating if I and 90-100 miles per week during hard training. This didn't do what I said I would do." schedule did not change much when Horton began preThe 41-year-old Horton would not give up. paring for the AT. H e began taking anti-inflammatory medication. He "I practiced carrying a back pack, but I only had to also started icing his shins for two or three hours every carry it for one day," Horton said. "I was able to enlist night. This lessened the pain and allowed Horton to various people w h o graciously gave of their time and continue on the trail. resources to crew m e through the AT. This allowed m e H e stayed on schedule, averaging 38.3 miles per day. to do the A T as I would a typical ultra. Because of this, After recovering from his injuries, Horton increased his all I had to carry was a fanny pack and a water bottle." mileage. From days 26 - 43 he averaged 44.4 miles per Horton consumed an average of 6000 calories daily day.
n Appalachian Trail Run Horton was Christ w h o strengtheneth me,' and Philippians 4:19, 'But gaining ground on m y God shall supply all your needs according to his "Maineak" with riches in glory by Christ Jesus,'" Horton said. "He never each step. "I was failed me!" able to keep track O n June 30, Horton became the fastest person to ever of his progress by hike the Appalachian Trail. But this did not come withchecking the regisout a price. During the last one and one-half weeks, the ters at the shelters physical obstacle grew into a mental and emotional one, along the trail," he as well. said. "The trail was so tough in N e w Hampshire and Maine On day 39 that I started breaking down physically, mentally and Horton caught up emotionally," Horton said. "Every time I thought about with "Maineak" just m y family, home or climbing the last mountain, I would inside the Vermont break down and cry." border, 1,574.6 Another price he had to pay was being separated from miles from the starthis wife Nancy, especially on M a y 21 - their 20th weding point. "I ding anniversary. "At first it was O K , but it got very had only four difficult, because it was the longest w e had been sepamiles left for the rated," Horton said. "My wife was always there and day, so I walked supportive during this entire ordeal." and talked with These prices were not without their rewards. Horton him the rest of the not only set an A T record, he was able to enjoy the climb way," he said. up Mt. Katahdin with his 17-year-old son Brandon and For the next four his friends, Nancy Hamilton, Doug Young, Jack McGiff in days, they played and Glenn Streeter, while his wife drove to the other side leap frog. "He to meet him. would hike until 10 Since the opening of the AT, approximately 2,200 people or 11 p.m. and as a have gone the entire distance, but no one has done it result, would go beyond where I had stopped at 4 or 5 faster than Horton. p.m.," Horton said. "The following days I would pass "There is a tremendous feeling of satisfaction in having him at earlier and earlier points. The last time I saw accomplished this goal," Horton said. "I did it because of 'Maineak' was about 15 miles east of Hanover, N e w the challenge - to be the best. You want to be the best at Hampshire, on m y 43rd day out." something, and this is what I do. I think the Lord has Although the two had not previously met, Horton given m e a talent." enjoyed the time they were able to spend talking. "We Horton has a poster in his office which says, "There is had become good friends, and it was somewhat disap- no greater challenge than to challenge yourself." pointing not seeing him each day," he said. "He was very H e holds strongly to these words. "Dream dreams. If helpful in telling m e a great deal about what lay ahead foryou don't have dreams, you can't see them come true." m e on the trail." The last 10 days proved to be the hardest. During this time, Horton averaged 13 hours and 37 minutes on the trail. The greatest physical obstacle came in the White Mountains of N e w Hampshire. "They were unbelievably hard," Horton said. "The trails are extremely rocky and steep and have no switchbacks." The AT's combined elevation and descent alone totals 465,000 feet. That is the same as starting at sea level and going up and down Mount Everest 16 times. It is also equivalent to making 357 trips to the top of Sharp Top at the Peak's of Otter and back down (seven round trips a day for 52 straight days). Quitting, however, was never an option. "Many times when I would be climbing those vertical ascents in the White Mountains, I would claim God's promise in Philippians 4:13, T can do all things through
Men's Cross Country
R o w 1—Brett Honeycutt, Damien Bates, Brent Squires. R o w 2—Billy Khan, Dave McCombs, Mik Bukalew, Jason Hoffaker. R o w 3—Assistant Coach Steve Hurst, Jason Krull, Devin Schulenberg, Mark Szkolnik, Neill Sawyer, Coach Brant Tolsma.
Women's Cross Country
R o w l ~ D a w n M i h m , Christy Rininger, Jenn Reeder, Patty Bottiglieri, Betsy Moore, Ruth Boreland. R o w 2~Assistant Coach Steve Hurst, K i m Wolbert, Urlene Dick, Esther Mills, Lisa Smith, Coach Brant Tolsma.
Men's Volleyball
R o w 1 ~ Tim Willard, Brian Fox, Mark McNulty R o w 2 - Dan Williamson, Scott Arbogast, Rick Grantham, Alan Swihart, Coach Sam Skelton R o w 3 - Brent Helmick, Chris Barr, Kevin Small, Jim Woolace, Paul Collins.
Tanner Serves Ace On Men's Team By Becky Griggs
Photos By Vangie
When Kathy Tanner came to Liberty, she had no idea relationship with the guys on the team." that she would become a m e m b e r of the L U men's tennis Although Kathy enjoys playing basketball, tennis is team. her love. "I picked it because it's what I play best," Kathy Kathy, a business major, is a transfer student from said. "I switched from basketball because I enjoy tennis Indiana. She previously attended Ball State University more." and Grace College. Kathy previously played on a men's tennis team at Kathy transfered to Liberty from Ball State, where she Grace College. But the students there reacted differently was on the women's tennis team. She enjoyed her time at towards her. Ball State, but her parents encouraged her to leave be"They looked d o w n on m e and thought I was a snob," cause of the atmosphere. " M y parents were a big influ- Kathy said. " W h e n I m a d e the tennis team here, the only ence on m y coming here, because they didn't like the thing that m a d e m e hesitant was what people on campus atmosphere at Ball State," Kathy said. " M y m o m k n e w would think of me. The people here are great. They h o w m u c h I wanted to stay at Ball State. They felt bad encourage me, and I didn't expect that." Kathy has developed strategies that help her w h e n about m e leaving Ball State because Liberty didn't have competing against guys. "Girls tend to be more consisa women's tennis team." Kathy's mother contacted Liberty's tennis program, tent with their shots," Kathy said. "They aren't as risky and they encouraged Kathy to try out for the men's team. as guys. Guys hit tough shots, so I've learned to place the "At first I said 'no way,' but after a while I missed it," ball more." Kathy is constantly challenged by her competition. "I Kathy said. "I called Coach Deimer and asked to be manager. O n e day after hitting with the guys, Coach have to accept that guys are stronger," she said. "I also came u p to m e and said 'Congratulations you've m a d e have to tell myself that I have to expect to be beat. M y biggest challenge is having a good attitude, trying to win, the team.' I w a s very surprised." The guys accepted her right away and treated her as an and realizing that winning isn't everything." Imagine the looks on people's faces as Kathy comequal. "They took m e as a regular guy," Kathy said. "They weren't afraid to hit with m e . They are like m y petes against other men's teams. Opponents treat her with respect and accept it w h e n she beats them on the brothers." It is that bonding that makes the team special to Kathy. court. Full of competitiveness and spunk, Kathy awaits " W e are really close, and it is good to be part of a team the challenges that face her each day. w h o cares," Kathy said." It's not just tennis, it's a personal
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Men's Basketball
R o w 1—Chris Toomer, Matthew Hildebrand, Edwin Miller, Joey Thacker, Julius Nwosu, Mike Coleman, Cordell Robinson, Willie Roach, Brett Anthony, Derryck Thorton, Keith Ferguson. R o w 2~Danny Curbison, Jeff Bloom, Daniel Pratt, Darrius Hunter, Jody Chapman, Nathan Unruh, Ted McClain.
Women's Basketball
R o w l~Renee White, D a w n Coleman, Kathy Wooten, W e n d y Johnson, Jennifer Fairfax, Lynn James, Marsha Houff, Jerry Wiley. R o w 2—Christina Baker, A m y Peterson, Lourie Lalton, Cynthia Thomson, Anna Berrington, Ginnie Coleman, Angie Johnson, Sara Hillyer, Sandy Schwasnic, Jodi Bakleft, April Johnson, Michelle D e Boer.
R o w 1 -- Louis Hrebar, Matt Dawson, Matt Dernlan, Brady Hyatt, David H o m a , Bobby Gillespie, Michael Castellana R o w 2 - Bryan H y m a , Chris Goss, Sam Holiday, Steve Dernlan, Bubba Ferguson, Glen Decker, David Galyan, Aaron Sarra, Laura B a u m R o w 3 ~ Coach Don Shuler, Chris Neeley, Matt Kaminski, Aaron Bruce, Scott Wall, Rick Grantham, Gregg First, Coach Jeff Dernlan
R o w 1—Jeff Marshall, Bill Jones, Mike Torrance, Jon Seism, Bret Burrows, Sean Gazey, Andrew Sheldrake, Dimitrius Scoras, Bill Holiday. R o w 2-Coach Steve Griffin, Coach Gary Habermas, Scott Torrance, Dave Bauer, Brian Bauer, Erik Reynolds, Randy Wilkie, Kirk Fritz, Jeff Lycett, Craig Handworker, D a n Lane, Scott Kennedy, Steve Silvestor, Curt Johnson.
Exemplifying Godly Success By Melody Walker ^ * Overcoming obstacles to become the best is what graduate in M a y 1992 with a sports management degree. sports is all about. Nicole will graduate in December 1991. They will live in Nicole Nice came to L U as a soccer recruit. Her Lynchburg for the first year. parents felt that soccer w a s too rough of a sport and Nicole red-shirted as a freshman and still has one year m a d e Nicole promise to try out for volleyball. In the of eligibility. She hopes to come back in the fall and play fall of 1988 she became one of two to m a k e the volley- volleyball as a graduate student. ball team as a walk-on out of 34 w h o tried out. Nicole values her relationship with the Lord. Psalms Nicole n o w plays middle hitter and defense. She also 119:11 is one other favorite verses. "Thy word have I hid provided leadership for the team during her senior year in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." while serving as co-captain. " W e need the whole Bible and w e need to apply all of N e w coach Beth Dalton has also m a d e a great contri- God's principles," Nicole said. bution to the team. "Coach Dalton is a professional Nicole enjoys talking to people and always tries to be w o m a n and coach," Nicole said. "She is exciting and there for her friends. She also wants people to be able to holds authority well. I enjoy playing for her." see the Lord through her. Nicole's younger sister, sophomore Tricia Nice, rooms O n e of the highlights of playing on LU's volleyball next door to her in d o r m 19. She was also a volleyball team is the witnessing opportunity involved. This is a walk-on. "Tricia is a better defensive player," Nicole great challenge to Nicole, especially at h o m e games. "The said. opposing team often does not want any part of it," she Although volleyball takes u p most of her time between said. "They seem to have pre-conceived ideas of what practices, games and traveling, Nicole has continued to Liberty is all about." maintain a 4.0 grade point average during her four years At away games, however, Nicole finds people to be at L U . She w a s a candidate for Miss Liberty and is more open. "The Lord always gives you an opportunity pursuing a degree in psychology. to witness," she said. "There is always one question that Her success both on and off the court is a result of hard opens u p the whole conversation." work and dedication. Nicole puts her studies before her Although Nicole was nervous at first about witnessing, social life. "I press myself to perform in classes and I do it became easier each time. "You don't want the opposing m y best," she said. team player to reject what will give them eternal life," she Nicole also gives her parents credit for her accomplish- said. "You can see it in their eyes that this is what they need." ments. She lives by what they told her, "commitment, sticking with it and doing your best." Nicole is engaged and will be married on M a y 23,1992. She met her fiance, Earl Allmond, in volleyball class. Earl played on the men's volleyball team from 1988-1990 and the men's basketball team in 1987. H e will
Photos by Vangie
R o w l~Tim Collins, Shane McClung, Robb Egel, Bill Coleman, Jodie Bonadio, Dave Eeles, Jerem Tully. R o w 2~Toby Toburen, Jim Cleveland, Scott Harmsen, Bill Clark, Assistant Coach Dave Pastors, Coach Johnny Hunton, Assistant Coach M a c McDowell, Joe Breinig, Darren Bumbaugh, Charlie Kim. R o w 3-Chris Wick, Keith West, Karl Shoemaker, Todd Martin, Rodney Ashby, Casey Mittauer, Richard Humphrey, Kris Morton, Dan McGinnis, Danny Brahn, Kevin Camper. R o w 4~Beau Martin, Ethan Lucas, Kolt Jones, Mike Torrance, Bill Speek, Sheldon Bream, Travis Wilemon, Ryan Hutchinson, Mike Kreider.
R o w 1—Dale Tyre, T o m Anthony, Coach Mike Hall, Chris Turner, Garrick Stiles. R o w 2~Chris Easley, Gary Leeds, Todd Casabella, Jeff Thomas.
R o w l~Tom Ahrens, Mike Shenton, Glenn Kalnins, Pablo Acanda, Phil Dietrich. Row 2-Jeremy Gray, Dave Cornell, Darrell Johnson, Bernie Cornell, Jeff Cole, Will Austin, Graham Logsdon Mark Fisher, Coach Chuck Drane.
Senior Players Will Be Missed By Becky Griggs To three senior girls, this year's girls basketball team Senior Jeri Wiley waited two years before she joined w a s worth waiting for. the team. " W h e n I first came here, I w a s burnt out from Playing basketball at Liberty w a s different than I high school," she said. "I came here to study, not to play ^xpected," said Lynn James, a senior w h o has been on the ball. After two years of watching the team play, I missed team for four years. "I expected to have one coach, but I it. W h e n Coach Reeves came, he gave m e a shot." had three. I thought w e would have better teams in the The senior girls are aware of their responsibilities to the past, but this one w a s worth waiting for." underclassmen on the team. "I feel like I should be a good This year is the fourth year that the girls basketball example by going to classes (academics), having the right team has been Division I. Seniors Lynn James, W e n d y attitude and showing them that I care," W e n d y said. Johnson, and Jeri Wiley have played throughout those Playing basketball has helped enhance Jeri's time at years. Liberty. "I've met a lot of people that I wouldn't ha ve met, Division I is like a totally different g a m e from high like other athletes," Jeri said. "It has also helped m e school," Jeri said. "I've had to relearn the game. The skill discipline m y time as far as studies." of opponents adds a lot more pressure. The girls are Lynn said that the seniors have developed one main quicker, stronger and smarter." thing. "More of a team concept. In high school, w e were All three of the girls claim that second year Coach Rick all the best. Here, w e had to learn to work as a team." Reeves and playing Division I have both m a d e a differA s the seniors leave LU, they will carry lasting m e m o ence for the team. "Our playing ability has increased ries with them. tremendously," W e n d y said. "Coach Reeves works with " M y fondest memories will be away games, and just us individually, and goes over more fundamentals. Play- having fun together as a team," W e n d y said. ing Division I makes you want to practice hard." "The team is very close," Jeri said. "Where one of us is, Reeves said that the senior girls have provided great you always see two or three more." leadership for the team. " W h e n I first came, they acThe "senior leaders" have been a fine example to the cepted the fact that I did things differently. Last season girls on the team, and their m e m o r y will be cherished in w e set a win record for Division I, and n o w they believe the years to come. "They've had a dramatic influence on they can win. I've heard m a n y people say, 'They play our team attitude," Reeves said. "They have turned the hard and they never give up.'" program's attitude around."
•Jeri Wiley
Photo by SID
W e n d y Johnson
Photo by SID
Lynn James
Photo by SID 119
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R o w l~Cindy Schrock, D a w n Mihm, Fadhilla Samuels, Leeann Hayslett, Shelly Worthy, Gina Turner, Janet Rorer, Michelle Wilson. R o w 2—Lisa Pranter, Urlene Dick, Christi Rinninger, Patti Bottiglieri, Jennifer Reeder, Kim Wolbert, Betsy Moore, Lisa Smith, Esther Mills, Michelle LaFrance. R o w 3~Mike Reed, Eric Vreugdenhil, John Prettyman, Gerald Mosely, Todd Prettyman, Neill Sawyer, Dave McCombs, Steve Hockanson. Row 4Bobby Schueller, Billy Khan, Brett Honeycutt, Brent Squires, Mark Szkolnik, Jason Krull, Mike Buckalew, Keith Woody, Damien Bates. R o w 5-Ryan Werner, Robert Ugduba, Aaron Werner, Phil Currie, Jason Carroll, Charles Onyeanusi, Deyna Carter, Jason Hofacker, Kevin Schluenburg. R o w 6-Coach James, Coach Tolsma, Coach Hurst, Coach Quarles.
R o w l~Jon Wirsing, Kevin Brittingham. R o w 2-Marius Chira, Michael Ginghina, Scotty Curlee, Mark Allebach, Chap Hall, Scott Metzgar, Ursula Edwards.
Mosloy Determines to Win By Ruth Gutierrez and Becky Griggs
With the everyday pressures of going to class, doing h o m e w o r k and getting good grades, w h o has time for anything else? Senior broadcast journalism major Gerald Mosley considers running track as a w a y of breaking the monotony of being a typical student. Gerald is a sprinter on the L U track team and competes regularly in the 100, 200, and 400 meter sprints. Gerald did not come from a sports-oriented family. H e has a family of two brothers and two sisters. O n e of his brothers w a s a fast runner like Gerald, but he did not pursue track as Gerald did. Gerald discovered his God-given ability during his sophomore year at Rustburg High School after his coach told him he had running talent. Gerald began to realize Photo by Tim Albertson his dream during his junior and senior year, w h e n he was n a m e d the "Athlete of the Year" for the Seminole his knee and had to have a knee scope. His hopes bega District. "Sports opened u p the doors for m e to succeed to diminish as the universities began to withdraw their in life," he said. offers. This is w h e n L U Track Coach Brant Tolsma decided to While Gerald was in high school, several Division I universities offered him a scholarship to run track. His take a chance and offer him a scholarship. "I was happy running career looked positive until he tore cartilage in to become part of the program," Gerald said. Gerald's ability to run well includes several factors. "The running starts w h e n you go to bed, because you need enough sleep (eight hours worth) to do well in track," he said. "Without it, no sprinter can do well." Eating habits also play a big part in running. Gerald's diet consists of salads, potatoes, chicken and eggs. "Runners must maintain a certain weight," he said. Memories of running track will always stay with Gerald. In his sophomore year he beat a third-year track runner in a regional track meet. It was the 100-meter sprint, and Gerald beat him by one second. "I felt like running the race again," he said. " I had the feeling that I couldn't stop." In 1990 he had the opportunity to run in front of 44,000 people at the Penn Relays which was reported by ESPN. "The emotion of the crowd was like the Olympics. W h e n you receive the baton into your hand, everything is focused on you," he said. "The pressure is unbelievable." Gerald is determined to be a winner, and he remembers the advice of his parents every day. "Never give up, even if you're in the dumps. Give 110 percent regardless of h o w bad you do. We're always on your side." Although Gerald would be content being a sportscaster, he sees his career in track. "I don't k n o w what I would do if I w o k e u p in the morning and there was no such thing as sports," he said. Gerald has some advice for future runners. "Never give u p and use a die-hard attitude," he said. Gerald shows us this attitude every day in his success as a runner.
Photo by Tim Albertson
Alpha Epsilon Rho
Jenn Hankins, Secretary; Anita Wells, Co-Vice President; Chris Vohland, Treasurer; Jim Woolace, President; A m a n d a Schweinsburg, Co-Vice President.
Susan Markva; Holly Haff; Krista White; Jami Smith, President; Kristin Hallmark, Vice President.
Alpha Lamba Delta D a w n Dimuzio, Vice President; Kristine Keates, Public Relations; Christine Light, Secretary; Eugenia E. Poggemiller, Editor; Daniel Mallory, Public Relations; K i m Schneider, Junior Advisor; Kevin Newport, Treasurer; Claudia Eayres, President; David Tock, Historian & Senator.
Alpha Psi Omega Jeffrey Cole; Beverly Garrett, Vice President; Heather Edwards; Paula Sloan, President; Jeff Riffle; Brad Peck; Michael D. Harter; Monica Royer, Secretary &Treasurer; David Fake; Jeffrey Thomas; Michael Pierce; Kristi Klefeker; Crissy Benton; Laurie Bibighaus; Monica Howe; Dan Evangelisto.
Baptist Student U n i o n Corey Sharpe; David Simmons; Sherri Pearson; Robin McDaniel; Cathy Smith; Greg Gross; Charlie Benton; Jennifer Wamsley, Senator; David Hinshaw.
Association of Sport Administrators Melissa Meschke, Admini istrative Assistant; Brett Honeycutt, Assistant Director; Brent Squires, Director; Jon Rector, Treasurer.
Organizations • 1 3 1
B y K i m Davis Members of the Virginia Army National Guard aren't just soldiers, they're weapons! Over 20 L U students are in Headquarters and C o m p a n y C of the 2nd Battalion, 116th Infantry 29th Infantry Division (light). These m e n are not only trained to fight anywhere trouble breaks out, they are also trained to fight at a moment's notice and can reach their destination twice as fast as conventional infantry divisions. Specialist (SPC) Troy C h a m p n e y , junior business management major, joined the guard in January, 1990. Since then, he has had a growing appreciation for his division. "At first, I thought it w a s a joke," he said. " N o w that I'm in it, I can see the importance of it, and I respect this branch of service a lot more. It isn't as easy as I thought it w a s going to be there are a lot more challenges." The first and one of the most difficult challenges one must conquer after joining the guard is basic training. Private First Class (PFC) Chris Rusk, junior criminal justice major, returned from his 13 weeks in August, 1991. "Nothing can top that (basic) as far as difficulty," Rusk said. "You go on very little sleep with constant stress, both mentally and physically. A n y challenge is surmountable after going through basic." Rusk also said that his experience in basic Photo by Kim Davis taught him valuable lessons - especially in the area of discipline. "Life is a shamble without "They taught us third world guerrilla warfare discipline," he said. "If you can't discipline techniques, booby trap techniques, amphibious yourself, you'll never accomplish anything." assaults and jungle navigation," Zeh said. " W e also After basic training, those in the guard are learned h o w to find water and food as well as adapt required to serve one weekend a month and 15 to the harsh environment. It gave us an opportudays a year. During this time, the soldiers are nity to see h o w another culture lives." given classroom instruction, participate in The National Guard provides a wide variety of physical fitness training and learn infantry tac- training in a number of areas, such as aviation, tics. This prepares them in various areas: amengineering, artillery, communications, medical, bushing the enemy, using a variety of weapons, military intelligence, electronics, administration, land navigation (including the use of a compass aircraft mechanics and vehicle and power mechanand m a p ) , engaging the e n e m y properly, ics. rappelling out of a helicopter and first aid. According to Zeh, each area of training plays an The two-week training also gives the soldiers important part in the overall effectiveness of a an opportunity of traveling to various army soldier. "You have to put all your skills, leadership posts. Occasionally this m a y include an overand knowledge together w h e n it comes time to do seas tour. In June 1988 the unit went to Fort a mission," he said. "As a fire team leader in a rifle Sherman, Canal Zone, Panama. During this squad, I a m faced with managing people under the time, they underwent training in jungle warmost strenuous conditions possible in order to prefare at the Jungle Operations Training Center. pare for the possibility of future combat." Sergeant (SGT) John Zeh, senior administra"By being in the National Guard, I have seen the tion of justice major, has been in the guard for importance of the military in this country as a four years and w a s a m o n g those w h o went to soldier, not just a civilian," C h a m p n e y said. "It has Panama. Here, he learned proficiency in jungle taught m e to appreciate the sacrifices other soldiers warfare and survival techniques. have m a d e in the past."
Barbell Club Bryan Buckley, Vice President; Tommie Lee, Treasurer.
Black Student Fellowship Madrianne Allen, Secretary; Michael J. Goss, President.
** • •
Chi Alpha ©
K ^ T ^ ^wrtF A r • ir .ictf%* |VI\
Carrie Hawley, Beth Borgman, Julie Kaehne, Jennifer Reagan.
L m
^**z-MMk Organizations • 1 3 3
Chamber Singers W e n d y Latham, Sheri Boiling, W e n d y Mayers, Michele Costello, A m i Smith, Dorinda Donaldson, A m y Christopher, Jennifer Kelly, Vicki Creider, Charity Clegg, Wanice Boyd, Melisa Lehman, Elizabeth Moben, Elizabeth Burns, Dr. Wayne Kompelien, Steven Custer, Johnny Prettyman, Deron Peak, Paul Coyer, Joe Wooddell, Fitu Tafaoa, Chris O'Bryon, Daniel Vinersar, Johnny Harris, Daniel Prunaru, Joel Gay, John Lowe.
Chorale Michelle Riffe, Jenn Hill, Paula Giles, Paula Dunn, Laura Stephens, Bridget Hovey, Jacqueline Herold, Justine Jacobs, Charlotte Hostetter, Steve Riser, J.D. Critcher, Jennifer Clark, Lisa Fields, Julie Mullins, Karen Heinz, Elizabeth Mills, Cynthia Henefield, A m y Ray,. P a m Pelletier, Lori Wainwright, Hope Moore, Agatha Parker, Alyce Reiter, Jennifer Geriach, Joanna Knudson, Patricia Porter, K y m Wimbish, Barbara Zamora, Meredith Garner, Roberta Bootier, Laura Love, Thomas Sites, Janet Christina, Connie Bennett, D a w n Coe, Jacquelyn Bregou, Sharon Fulcher, Melanie Shipferling, Terra Schock, A m y Fannin, Janice Jensen, Nicole Kneiszler, Steph Damlo, Stephanie Noble, Lisa McMonigle, John Stroupe, David Gallagher, Danny Fehsenfeld, Chris Lockamy, Nathan Alexander, John Porch, Christiaan Vanden Heuvel, David Stewart
Concert Choir Dr. John Hugo, Sarah Abbas, Jennifer Tomkins, Ruth Albert, Rachel Murray, Karen Patch, Karla Hill, Michele Woodling, Stephanie Middleton, Jennifer Fetter, Eunice Park, James Beeks, Chris Lockamy, Michael Gee, Jon Simpson, Tim Crane, Greg Moon, William Harrington, Brandon Schaap, Matthew Petke, Todd Wood. Rachel Snider, Erica Bolen, Melissa Nickerson, Jane Freel, Rachel Sliger, Rebecca Wooldridge, Elizabeth Maben, Jennifer Jones, Valerie Wise, Molly Huston, Beth Hjembo, Darlene Fedele, Jeremy Williams, Guy DiSilvestro, Dean Bays, Stephen Hokanson, Floyd Ellis, Nathan Twigg, Daren Wise, Jon Sommers. Stephanie Noble, Eugenia Poggemiller, Kristi Edmonds, LeDena Hall, Dawn Tuttle, Andrea Wallisky, Sonia Domingues, Candi Delgatty, Kerry Kirk, Kevin Grantham, Graid Beyer, David Stewart, Jon Shotts, Mark Dempsey, Scott Schwartz, A n d y Merida, Dale Bigger.
By Becky Griggs "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye m a y k n o w h o w ye ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) This is the team verse for the Liberty University Intercollegiate Debate Team. "Our first goal is to be a witness for Christ," Jim Sorenson, junior and three-year team member, said. "The more well-known w e get, the more important w e become." The team has become quite important in the national rankings. They have placed third in the nation for the past two years in the highest level of debate. They have beaten numerous wellk n o w n schools, such as Harvard, Georgetown, and W a k e Forest. Three different groups combine to form the intercollegiate team: varsity, junior varsity and novices (beginners). The groups are divided into teams of two, according to h o w well they work with each other. Liberty's debate program has grown steadily over the past few years. Before 1988 the debate team w a s not ranked. It is n o w considered one of the top teams in the nation. "Brett O'Donnell (former coach) really built the program up," Jim said. It has also proven to be very beneficial for the school. "It helps the school academically," Jim said. "A lot of people don't view Liberty as an academic school, and that's wrong. Our ranking shows the nation that w e are highly interested in academics." Not only has the debate team helped to m a k e an academic n a m e for Liberty, it is also beneficial for the individual members. "I think debate helps those of us w h o are going to law school," Jim said. "Debate makes you critically think, and it helps you to be able to defend any position that you want to. It also has helped m e for doing research in m y classes." The team motto is, "A community of friends." According to senior and three-year team m e m ber Tim Edwards, they place great value on each other. " The friendships that I have m a d e have been a great benefit to me," he said. " W e have latched stronger friendships than other teams," Jim said. " M a n y other debate programs have a lot of rivalry between them. W e get along very well and spend a lot of time together." The varsity participates in 15-16 tournaments per year, and the junior varsity participates in 10-11 per year. The novices, w h o are usually freshmen, do not get to travel. "You either love debate or you hate it," D a m i Linton, freshman novice, said. "It takes a lot of commitment, but w e have a good time." Although the majority of the debate team members plan to be lawyers, some are pastoral and pre-med majors, also. According to Audrey
Photo By Tim Kania Rekeczky, junior and three-year member, the skills that they learn are valuable in any profession. "Debate helps you to be able to think faster on your feet," she said. "You can think logically through arguments and see the holes in what people are saying." This year, the debate team has n e w leadership. Head Coach Janet Pierpoint is a 1989 graduate of Liberty University, where she debated for four years. Brett O'Donnell, last year's coach, persuaded her to take his place after he left to pursue a doctorate at Penn State. Assistant Coach Allen Stewart is a 1991 graduate of George Mason University, where he debated for four years. H e was one of the top debators in the nation for two years. The debate team looks forward to a possible number one national ranking in the future. "Our goal is to constantly do better so our program is recognized as a serious program," Jim said. The debate team has brought national recognition to Liberty University and has been a great testimony for Christ throughout the nation.
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Circle K Keli Gist, Lt. Governor; Heather Hirshman, Secretary; Paul Griffiths, President; Dayna Christiansen, Vice President of Activities, Joe Livezey, Treasurer.
Debate Team Lance Howe, Robin Britt, Dami Linton, A d a m Milam, Jill Keeler, Tim Edwards, Brian Gibbons, Michael Lind, Jim Sorenson, Michael Hall, Layla Hinton, Mindy Currie, Noel Brewer, Audrey Rekeczky, Esther Grier, Sean Johnson, Wil Ellzey, Corey Ryan, Bryan LaBerge, Jay Nice, Billy Hampton, Chris Rhodes, Jean-Marc Gadoury, Jonathan Williams, Kevin O'Brien.
Field Hockey Maureen Clark, Allison LeBeaux, Tisha Agustin, Kelly Raily, Michelle Cobb, Ross Perkins, Dayna Christiansen, Celina Bakhshi, Kim Berger, Jenn Hill, Brandy Thornton, Sue Anzalone, Kari Fraser.
Graduate S G A Danelis Spaulding, Vice-President; Pamela Ramsey, Student Council; T a m m y Hajec, Student Council; Curtis Price, President; DeDe Gustaman, Secretary; Steve Downs, Treasurer.
Health Dimensions Kim Wolbert, Vice President; Laura Helton, President; Nancy Gates; Chris Trout, Chaplain; Charlene O'Dell, Historian; Alan Oglesby, Treasurer.
International Association of Business Communicators Grace Cowell, Treasurer; Michelle Gettman, VicePresident of Public Relations; Ruth Gutierrez, Public Relations Assistant; Melody Walker, VicePresident of Programs; Page Brantley, VicePresident of Membership; Dr. Al Snyder, Faculty Advisor.
Organizations • 1 3 7
Photo By Tim Albertson B y Becky Griggs
The College Republicans' (CR) goal is to m a k e a voice and to have information available on campus." According to Nancy, working with C R provides difference in the political arena. "Our mission is to get Christians involved and personal benefits, as well. "One of the greatest informed," Nancy Bryan, chairperson and four- benefits of College Republicans is making contacts year club m e m b e r , said. " W e need Christian poli- within the business and political world," she said. "I have also experienced personal growth and a ticians in office." Pro-life is one of the club's biggest concerns. greater understanding of h o w politics work. It has They have worked with Liberators for Life in orga- helped m e to let the Lord s h o w m e what Christians nizing a "March for Life." " The national College as a whole should do." C R is also beneficial in helping students distinRepublicans organization, which is one of the largest youth organizations in the nation, takes a stand guish between good and bad candidates. "Knowlon right-to-life," Nancy said. "This shows that edge of the candidate's political views is very imyoung people today are more conservative than portant," Nancy said. " A lot of times people run for office and say they're Christians, but their lifestyles their parents." Students have m a n y opportunities to get involved don't s h o w it. W e should k n o w their stand on issues through the club. " W e mainly work for conserva- and what they believe. There are so m a n y corrupt tive republicans," Nancy said. " W e do hands-on politicians, and w e do a lot of research on many of things, like press activities. W e also do a lot of them. I think people vote on the basis of personality." strategy work for their campaigns." L U has one of the most active clubs in the nation This year Steve N e w m a n , w h o ran for the House and has w o n national and state awards. However, of Delegates, w a s their main campaign. Every out of the 500 current members, there are only about Saturday, club m e m b e r s went door-to-door, pass30 active members. ing out brochures. According to T a m m y Miller, first vice-chairperIn addition to working on campaigns, the students go to press conferences and rallies. Last year, son, this lack of involvement is something they are they were actively involved in the "Support the determined to change. "Nobody can complain about Troops" rally. This year they traveled to the state the state of the nation unless they are active in political issues." convention. T a m m y also sees a need a m o n g LU's student Nancy is very aware of the importance of the club. "The purpose of the club is to keep students body. "Christians must realize that they can't be informed on what's going on," she said. " W e try passive about politics," she said. "There is a feeling our best to let them see the issue from an unbiased of apathy on this campus, and w e are trying to get but correct standpoint. W e try to base everything students involved. Christians need to stand up for Biblically. It is important for the school to have a what they believe in."
International Student Fellowship A m i n a Alio, President; Lisa Anthony; Julian Alleyna; Sterling Gardner, Vice-President; Moagi Mogapi.
Kappa M u Epsilon Nicole Boodran, Secretary; Brian Renshaw, Treasurer; Kathy Bowers, President; Michael Sarver, Vice President.
Kappa Delta Pi Michelle Morris, Treasurer; Barbara Sherman, Counselor; Rebecca Enrico, Secretary; Dolly Harrington, Historian; Dee A n n Flora, Historian; Kevin Hunt, Vice President; Paula Pannemann, Recording Secretary; Karla Keating, Senator; Cris O'Bryon, Entertainment Director.
Organizations • 1 3 9
King's Flayers Stephanie Hayes, Johanna Rothfeld, Jennifer Hadden, Zaida Maldonado, Torence Wimbish, Sung Cha, William Bogart, Shawn Porter, Christopher Rosevelt, Vicki Ervin, Ginger Verrtican, Matthew Joseph Cecchini.
Latino Americano Club Lissette Gomez, Director of Activities; Ruth Gutierrez, President; Vanessa Rojas, Secretary; Daniel Jones, Advisor; David Roma, Treasurer; David Avila, Vice President; Carlos Silva, Advisor.
Liberte Francophile Jennifer Hechinger, Secretary; Virginia Anduray, President; Amina Alio, Activities Director; Warren Herder, Vice President; LuAnn Sallstom, Activities Director.
Photo By Paul Kaminski B y Becky Griggs New beginnings. Strong unity. Lasting friend- winter guard program, where w e would perform at the halftime of some basketball games." ships. These characteristicsdescribe the Liberty For n o w these hard-working girls are enjoying University Color Guard's 1991 season. this year's team and making friendships that will With only three returning members, the color guard experienced a year of anticipation and change. "This w a s an exciting but tough year," Paula Pentecost, color guard instructor and captain, said. "I see a lot of potential and talent in this year's team. W e have a strong unity that w e haven't had in the past years." Participation, however, is a difficult task. The color guard started the season by arriving two weeks early for camp, where they learned basic skills. Practice began at 9 a.m. and ended at 10 p.m. It w a s also during this time that Paula and Kari Kauffman, co-captain, put choreography together for the routines. Once school started, an average of six hours were spent per week practicing. However, w h e n a routine needed work, longer hours were spent to strengthen and perfect it. "The time it takes to learn a routine depends on the level of difficulty," Paula said. "A normal routine, which is one song, m a y be learned roughly in six hours. M a n y hours after that are spent mastering the routine." Because of the time involved and the physical nature of the routines, being on the color guard can be both stressful and difficult. "The qualities of a good color guard are strong unity, precision, dedication, and confidence in what you do," Paula said. The L U Color Guard has big plans for the future. "Our goal is to be a 30 m e m b e r guard some day," Paula said. " W e would also like to start a Photo By Paul Kaminski
Organizations • 1 4 1
Liberty Association of Christian Teachers
Michelle Morris, Senator; Susan Matthews, Secretary; Dr. Karen Parker, Sponsor; Michael Sarver, Vice President; Paula Bonefield, Treasurer; Jonathan Nazigan, President.
Liberty Association of Accountants Robert Knox, Vice President; Shirley M a n n , Secretary; Dale Johnston, President; Clint Thomas, Treasurer.
Liberty Deaf Association Cindy Holding, Secretary/ Treasurer; Brian Walters, President.
Liberty H u m a n Ecology A m y McConaughy, Public Relations; Judith Johnson, Vice-President; Lynne Thompson, Historian; Kellie Flint, Secretary; Cinnomin Baker, President.
Liberty Marketing Association Angela Cimbura, Vice-President of Membership; Carol Hamer, Vice-President of Finance; Page Brantley, President; Dr. Herb Gedicks, Faculty Advisor.
Liberty Forum Noel Brewer, Jonathan Williams, Gemmie Aquino Dayrit, Jay Williams, Wil Ellzey, Billy Hampton, Jean-Marc Gadoury. .
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By Melody Walker The Liberty Deaf Association's (LDA) objective is to promote the best possible communication and understanding with the faculty and student body and to further Christian growth and maturity according to God's word. L D A was founded in 1985 and is part of the Student Government Association. Sue Willmington, co-founder and present advisor of L D A , works with organization members to provide fellowship and activities on and off campus. O n Friday nights deaf students can watch captioned movies. They have also been involved in sponsoring an annual basketball tournament for the deaf. A m o n g other things, L D A supports deaf students w h o have gone on summer missionary trips to places such as Peru and Brazil, and assists the hearing impaired during College for a Weekend. LDA's goal this year was to raise money for more activities and get more deaf students, along with other students w h o are interested, involved with the association. Although only deaf students can be members of the organization, associate membership m a y be granted to other students desiring to work with the deaf. They are also working to recruit new deaf students to LU. The officers are Brian Walter, president, and Cindy Holding, secretary.
Photo Bv Vang
L U Biology Club Erba Magallanes, Executive Consultant; A m y Powell, Secretary; Michael Hayslett, President; Brian Moyer, Vice-President; David Shirley, Senator; Kevin Harns, Treasurer.
L U Brass Quintet J.J. Nielsen, Tuba; Larry Seipp, Trumpet; Karen Knott, Trombone; Dolly Harrington, Trumpet; Angela Jewell, French Horn.
L U College Republicans Pamela Walck, Executive Director; Nancy Bryan, Chairman; T a m m y Miller, 1st Vice Chair; Merrel Bussert, Executive Vice Chair; Carl Childers, Recording Secretary.
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Marching Band
Maileen Esperanza, VicePresident; Tracey Furr; Scott Hofert, President; Eugene Han.
Heather Dilmore, VicePresident; Karla Hill, Head Field Commander; Maryanne Emmons, Public Relations; Paula Pentecost, Color Guard Captain; Bryan Leonard, Field Commander; Tammy Pryor, Secretary; J.J. Nielsen, Band Chaplain; Dolly Harrington, President; Celia Olson, Treasurer; Angela Jewell, Alternate Field Commander.
Phi Alpha Theta Daniel Lane, Lee Ann Current, Douglas James Richardson, Freddy Ingram, James Keys, Steven Dernlan, Eric Timmions - President.
Flayers Club Wendy Pulliam, Treasurer; T a m m y Erskine, Secretary; Scott Pooch, President; Doug Loy, Parlimentarian.
Society for H u m a n Resource Management Kim Grafton, Secretary; Carol Hamer, Vice-President; Michele Gettman, Director of Public Relations; Darren Lowe, President; Brent Atwood, Treasurer.
Psi Chi Debbie Zook, Secretary; Renee Thomas, Membership; Wendy While, Activities.Ray West, President; Kevin Scanner, Psyc. Club President
Organizations • 147
Student Government Association Lisa Sawyer, Executive Treasurer; Pamela Dylag, Executive Secretary; Beth Sweeney, Executive Vice President; David Dawson, President; Bryan Buckley, Vice President of Activities.
Youthquest Jennifer Ayers, Treasurer; Jeff Pisney, Vice President; Jeff Smyth, President.
Zeta Chi Tanja Pion,Vice President; Evangeline Poggemiller; Bonnie Ahern, Secretary; Lynne DeLong, Senate Representatives; T o m Hammel, President.
Photo by Tim Albertson
B y Jennifer Hale The King's Players have been making a difference at Liberty University for almost 20 years. Their purpose is to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ through drama. This ministry group has performed 30 different plays throughout their years of ministry. Their plays range from secular classics to contemporary Christian, including "Pilgrim's Progress," "Everyman" and "The Passion Play." David Allison, chairman of LU's drama department, referred to the King's Players as "a touring repertoire company." "Touring," because they travel to the audience instead of waiting for an audience to come to them. "Repertoire," because they present several plays on each tour, instead of concentrating on just one. M e m b e r s of the group include: Brad Bogart, Matthew Cecchini, Sung Cha, Vicki Ervin, Jennifer Hadden, Stephanie Hayes, Matthew Kerrick, Zaida Maldonado, S h a w n Porter, Chris Roosevelt, Johanna Rothfeld, Ginger Vertican and Torrence Wimbish. This year, the group toured with four different plays: "Family Allies," "The King," "Which W a y " and "Addict," a secular play with a very strong message about drug abuse. "Our goal this year is to have this play performed in every high school in Lynchburg," Allison said. The King's Players are definitely making a difference in Lynchburg and m a n y other places, not only in the audiences, but in the team members, as well. "Working with young people through the King's Players is the best thing," Brad Bogart said. "I love using drama to see young people come to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ."
Photo by Tim Albertson
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Photo By Tim Kania
Service Creates Opportunities B y Becky Griggs A person who shares what they have with others for an organization such as the American Cancer Society cares about the well being of the people around because they have lost someone close to cancer. Perhaps they them. m a y volunteer their time to a church or Christian organization Organizations are full of these kinds of people. because of their burden to lead lost souls to Christ. People w h o care and give of themselves. People that Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that volunteers play can be looked u p to. a vital role in our society. M a n y organizations could not M a n y organizations could not survive without survive without them. people w h o contribute their time and efforts to The purpose of the clubs and organizations at L U is twoworthy causes. Volunteers are a vital part of any fold. The first is to promote student involvement in a organization and are often strongly driven for the particular interest area or major. The second is to train those cause which they are involved in. people to m a k e a difference in that area. M a n y of these O u r society is a highly organizational one. There organizations are aimed at helping others. are organizations for nearly every cause that can be Chi-Alpha, a club for w o m e n , allows female students the thought of. Perhaps some of the greatest organiza- opportunity to serve Christ and m a k e a difference in other's tions are those that are formed to help those in need. lives. They have m a n y ministries in the inner-city as well as L U has m a n y clubs and organizations that are the Liberty Godparent H o m e and several local nursing homes. aimed at helping people, but it is u p to the student The Circle K Club is nationwide, and Liberty's chapter is to become involved. greatly involved with helping others. They have sponsored W h a t motivates people to volunteer? It takes a such projects as the Red Cross blood drives and cards for kind and caring person to donate time out of their servicemen. schedule to an organization. Perhaps these people Youth Quest, one of the larger clubs on campus, is a minisare driven by the golden rule: "Do unto others as try club geared toward youth. M a n y people are saved as the you would have them do unto you." Although it is result of Youth Quest sponsored activities such as Scaremare, true that w h e n one becomes a Christian he should be Clearwater Beach Alive and N e w York Quest. compelled to give, there are m a n y non-Christians There are m a n y more organizations that are sponsored by w h o are giving as well. Liberty for ministry outreach. M a n y students work together People w h o volunteer are driven by a number of on their o w n for a cause. Students can participate in antithings. It m a y be that they possess a burden for the abortion rallies, such as the National Life Chain in October of homeless because they have witnessed it first hand 1991. These students donated their time to defend the lives of in the city in which they live. People m a y volunteer thousands of unborn babies.
In addition to the organizations available at Liberty, there are m a n y other organizations within the community. The United W a y of Central Virginia is a non-profit organization which raises m o n e y for under-privileged people. People of all ages are involved in the United W a y , because it is a well-known, trusted organization. Although some people do not have the time to volunteer, they give m o n e y through payroll deductions. Giving in a tangible w a y can be equally important as giving time. There are also national organizations that focus on people with diseases or chronic illnesses. O n e of the most famous is the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This organization has raised m o n e y to further research for a cure to the disease. Their annual Labor D a y Telethon is one of the biggest fundraising drives of any national organization. The host, Jerry Lewis, has put m a n y years of his life towards the cause of muscular dystrophy. H e has been able to change the lives of m a n y individuals and their families. Because of his contributions, the children w h o have the disease have been n a m e d "Jerry's Kids." It is important for everyone to support at least one organization. There are m a n y organizations that need volunteers and one person can m a k e a difference. Life would be difficult to imagine without organizations. The people involved comprise a large percentage of our work force and are a vital part of America, as well as the world. The organizations available at L U are a great w a y for students to prepare for their futures. Students are taught h o w to deal with other people and personal growth. Every student should m a k e involvement in one organization a top priority in their education.
Dorms ' .mm
D o r m l : R o w 1-Richard Dunn, Bob Foster, Brad Atwell, Mitchell Steeves, Mark Sexton, Mark Kresge, David Brigman, Jonathan Barr, Duanne Barbour, Dallas Elek. R o w 2~Tim Barnett, Mike Rowles, Keith Horton, Craig Beach, Dean Bays, Mark Dymond, Richard Bausum, Jeff Steele, Gary Banziger, Jose Benitez, Vathana Biv, Jeremy Blanford. R o w 3—Mark Stallings, Mike Staples, Mike Gardner, Kevin Hart, Sid Ryner, Graham Carroll, Jonathan Nazigan, Steve Ewaka, Kevin Absher, Craig\Baker, Jeremy Grey, Pablo Acanda, T o m Ahrens, Jason Bell. R o w 4~Lance H o w e , Will Austin, Jeff Smith, Ed Hooke, Eric Reynolds, Keith Bordeaux, Jeff Pisney. R o w 5—Andrew Rein, Danny Vezmar, Bryan Wyatt, Darren Zimmerman, Greg Peterson, Matt Dethe, Damien Pettitt, Danny Fehsenfeld, Tim Heacock, Mike Barclay, Matt Jones, Glenn Decker.
D o r m 2: R o w 1-Sarah Abbas, G w e n Tucker, Faith Brown, Carrie Cruthers, Belinda Dellinger, Rachel Ward, Lucille Croce, Kristin Robinson, Sally Meekins, Melinda Keys, Beth Hensley. R o w 2~Clare Davis, Mindy Gordon, Elisa D e Leeuw, Suzanne Lanier, Vicki Pederson, Katherine Freeman, Emily Morris, Shelli Poore, Nicole Zawodny, Lecia Richardson, Kim Sclineider, Bethany White. R o w 3-Bashara Green, Michelle Apgar, Jennifer Tuthill, Mchelle Norman, Kim Sleets, Mara Dolinga, Rebecca Johnson, Jeanna Talley, Melissa Dillon, Stacy Taing, Barbara Soistmann, Sara Burgan. R o w 4~Wendi Cockrum, A m y Young, Susan Mauney, Staci Williams, M a n d y Ear, Kathy Enger, Becky Durham, Sheri Rice, Michelle Renz, Ramona Davidson, Sheri Adair, Sherryl Heidebrink. R o w 5-Melissa AHman, Monica Lane, Valeri Bates, Brooke Musser, Mary Dolinga, Christi Johnson, Donielle Ancar, Jennifer Beard, Stephanie Norman, Victoria Cash, Carie Anderson, Renee Tubiolo.Row 6-Deanna Snow, Aimee Vaillancourt, Laurel Thompson.
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Photo By Tim Kania
Good Samaritans By Becky Griggs Changing lives is what the Good Samaritan Center is all about. This program not only has changed the lives of those around the community, it has changed the lives of those w h o are involved working with it, as well. Heather Martin is an L U student involved with the bus ministry. It is not only rewarding for her, but it has played an important part in helping her to become missions-minded. "It helps m e to love others and gives m e a w a y to have a ministry." The G o o d Samaritan Center is a ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church and has been located in d o w n t o w n Lynchburg since March 1988. It is a special place designed to reach out to the d o w n t o w n community and show them the love of Jesus Christ. Although some students participate as a Christian service, m a n y others go because they enjoy being a part of what is taking place there. Approximately 320 people attend the services each Sunday. There are separate classes for all age Photo By Tim Kania groups, although the majority of these people are elementary age children. Students provide help wherever it is Saturday approximately 100 students go door-todoor visiting the families of people w h o attend the needed. According to Jennifer Sonnen, w h o has been teaching a church. They also minister to the children on the children's class for two years, it has been a positive experi- buses every Sunday. The G o o d Samaritan Center continues to m a k e ence. " I do it out of enjoyment," she said. "It touches m y heart to see other lives grow spiritually. A lot of these a world of difference in the community as well as children don't receive m u c h love at home, and they appre- in the hearts and lives of L U students w h o have given so m u c h to m a k e the program a success. ciate any little thing you do for them." In addition to the Sunday ministry, Liberty students also help on the bus routes as big bus brothers and sisters. Every
D o r m 3 R o w 1-Kevin Thomas, Randy Howell, Doug McKinney, Marcus Brinkerhoff, Nathan Brooks, John Britton, Blair Livingston, George Borsch, Allan Briggs, Bret Burgin, Nathan Burd, Mitchel Bumgarner. R o w 2-Mike Coleman, David Cook, Rob Calcutt, Brett Anthony, Jake Burke, Matt Chapman, Greg Capito, Chad Brown, Todd Collen, Bryan Burkholder, Emilio Capodifero, Brag Bogart. R o w 3-Tim Young, Deryck Thornton, Peter Commissiong, Jerry Pierce, Matt Coiner, Nelson Chapman, Andrew Ferrell, David Cook, Steven Custard, Brian Smith, Kevin Steele, Brian Updegraff. R o w 4-Kevin Westberry, Corey Joy, Derek Kilgore, Chris Hulshop.
D o r m 4 R o w 1-Steven Carter, Mike Wren, Mark Fink, John Aldrich, Micah Fisher, Bobby Garza, Rocco Elia, Chris Saylor, Dave Feliu, I Walter Apodaca, Troy Bronsink. R o w 2-Tony Garza, Alfredo Castro, Joe Fulks, George Abbott, Dave Hinshaw, Brian Fox, Craig Stavinga, John Gee, Brandon Jaap, Ted Hetcher, John ElweD, El-Harsh Easley. R o w 3-Dan Dilley, Chris Rosevelt, George Hettman, Kevin Dibert, Bill Davis, Jimmy Cox, Tony Rogers, Michael Duffy, Jim Berry, Andy Johansen, Chris DiSalvio, D a m n Johnson. R o w 4-1 Pete Brake, Scott Weeks, Dave Tock, Mark Kerrigan, Ken Overholt, Givan Fox, Steve Frausto, Matt Elliot, Scott Evans, Dave Fake, Michael Heck, Dwayne Thomas. R o w 5-Jake Herrin, Steve Hokanson, Dusty Brenning, Jim Booth, Nathan Alexander, Matt Sigel.
Irishman Likes Eccentric Americans By Keri Burns Ireland is a country of rolling hills and four-leaf clovers. It is a country full of tradition and heritage. Dublin, the capital city, is also the h o m e of senior Damien Bates. Damien w a s born in Tipperary, Ireland and was raised just outside of Dublin where he has lived most of his life. H e began running w h e n he was six years old. His years of dedication paid off w h e n he earned a scholarship that brought him to America. " M y da (father) has been a big influence in every area of m y life , especially in m y running," Damien said. " I k n o w I wouldn't be here without the support of both m y parents." While in high school, Damien earned the title of "European Cross Country Champion" and received a scholarship to A n d r e w College, a Methodist school in Georgia. After his freshman year, the track program at Andrew College w a s terminated and his coach encouraged him to apply to Liberty. Damien has been an outstanding athlete during his years at LU, making all-conference in 1990. In 1991 he remained one of the top five m e n on the crosscountry team. Damien has m a d e several adjustments since coming to America. Although the regular rainfalls in Lynchburg remind him of Ireland, his biggest adjustment was getting use to the heat. "In Ireland it's only 70 degrees in the s u m m e r with no humidity," he said. "Here the humidity is deadly." Damien also said that American food cannot compare with that of his mother country. "There are three MacDonald's restaurants in Lynchburg, but there are only three in the entire country of Ireland," he said. "There are three million people in Ireland, but I guess they just haven't caught on to fast food." According to Damien, prices are m u c h higher in Ireland. Gasoline prices alone average $4 per gallon. Photo By Vangie Damien said m a n y things in America are m u c h less expensive. H e added that things are more available Ireland, but the job opportunities are m u c h better here in North America. Before returning to his homeland, he to him in America than in Ireland. For example, Damien has a larger variety to choose plans to obtain an M B A . Damien said that his favorite m e m o r y will be the from w h e n purchasing running shoes. "In Ireland, w e don't have such advanced equipment," he said. people he has met along the way. "I have really enjoyed meeting the people here, espeDamien has enjoyed his three years at Liberty, cially Carolyn Van der Veen and Coach Matthes," he especially the extra curricular activities. H e and said. "Even if I never come back to America, I won't be fellow seniors Brent Squires and Brett Honeycutt able to forget all of the eccentric Americans I have met breathed n e w life into an old club, "The Rabbits." here at Liberty." "I really enjoyed the fun times w e have had together over the last three years," he said. After graduating from L U with a bachelor's degree in business/marketing, Damien would like to live in
D o r m 5-1: R o w 1—Eric Harrington, Kurt Gebhards, Rob MacSwain, Scott Harvey, Michael Corleone, D o n Corleone, Todd Hirshman, Will Roach, TeBear McClain. R o w 2-Steve Ardrey, Philip Ardrey, Matthew Maka, Daniel Fox, Aaron Herwig, Rick Higinbotham, Daniel Daghfal, Roy Crain, Jon Simpson, Joel Hauck. R o w 3—Justin Agoglia, Nathan Horstmann, Jeff Hart, J.J. Nielsen, Scott Eigenhuis, Daniel Bencomo, Samuel Khoury, Brian Fox, Issac Evans, D w a y n e Davis. R o w 4-Julius Nwosu, Stephon Leary, Phillip Currie, John Farmer, Brian Green, Chris Gregory, Chad Griffin, Kevin Harris, Mark Frankenfield, Marcus Major, Eliezer Hernandez.
D o r m 5-2: R o w 1-Michael Saunders, Matt Kirschner, Stephen Craig, Walter Lindsey, Steve Howell, T i m m y Mason, Chuck Macchione, Rick Matherly, Paul Levering. R o w 2-Rob Bobford, RobTeflin, Dan Shows, Dan Krolikowski, George Lycett, Harold Semradek, Richard Johnson, Troy Karan, Jeremy Lelek, Richard Litorja, Philip Lamb. R o w 3-William Trippett, Joel Leese, Marvin Kidd, Chris Biesiadecki, Kevin Mathewson, Craig Kephart, Sidney Lawrence, Kevin Clark, Bryan LaBerge, Geoffrey Janes, Richard Cranium. R o w 4~Paul Lowell, Donald Lynch, Robert Wolfe, Eric Marshall, Jason Hofacker, Chris Lynn, Mike Harter, Glen Gavater, James MeConville, Stephen Classing, Andrew Lloyd.
Photo By Vangie
Commitment to Life By Melody Walker The Liberty Godparent Home (LGH) is a commitment to life. This special ministry began as a crisis pregnancy center on January 22, 1982 - the anniversary of Roe vs. W a d e (1973), which legalized abortion in the United States. Today the ministry centers around a professionally staffed h o m e for u n w e d mothers. The h o m e provides housing services, which includes a staff of houseparents; medical services, which includes a nurse on 24-hour call; counseling therapy, which provides spiritual guidance and emotional support; educational services, which places students in Lynchburg Christian A c a d e m y and L U School of LifeLong Learning; and an adoption agency, named Family Life Services. Julie Clinton, director of L G H , explained the ministry's operation. "The h o m e is run by staff and volunteers w h o come from the community, church and Liberty University," she said. " W e couldn't do the work without everyone's help." Girls ages 13 to 21 are admitted to the program. L G H is designed to help them throughout their full terms of pregnancy. In addition to school work, special activities include picnics, swimming, shopping, and L U sporting events and concerts. The girls all attendThomas Road Baptist Church. By the end of their stay, 40 percent of the girls decide to place their babies u p for adoption and 60 percent decide to parent. The girls do not have to be Christians to come to L G H , but according to Clinton, m a n y of them leave the program with a n e w life in Christ. 199
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D o r m 6: R o w 1-Brent Helmick, Chad Moore, Chris Moore, Chris Neeley, Greg First, Danny Coupland, Barry VanCleave, Jay Nice, Matthew McMurray, David Milne, Jarrett Vick, Brian Murdock. R o w 2-Clark Bridge, John Kandres, Bryon Mclntyre, Leo Uribe, John Streit, David Stace, Nathan Twigg, Wiliam Hampton, Matthew Semradek, Scott Hancock, Josh Nolten, Tri Due Nguyen, Joey Levenson. R o w 3-Dexter Davenport, Jeff Miedema, Jason Reed, Scott Harvath, Michael Medlin, Tad Rodgers, Dan Evangelisto, Corey Nations, T o m Larson, Scott Mummert, Tue Due Nguyen, Brian Marburger. R o w 4—Nathan Stern, David Liesegang, Mike Kaechele, Troy Ridenour, Eric Terlizzi, Cal Tait, Neal Cummings, Jonathan Souder, Andrew Damron, Jean Morgret, Daniel Mallory, Scott Rohrbaugh, Scott N e w m a n , Todd Metzgar.
D o r m 7-1: R o w 1-Sean McDonald, Michael Royal, Jim Mullen, Aaron Sarra, Daniel Hirst, James Wilson, Gregory Williams, Jeffrey Smyth, Scott Dishong, David Wilcox, Thomas Thomas. R o w 2-Lance Phillips, Scott Monroe, Randy Gottfried, Brian' Goins, Jeff Crorts, Nathaniel Greek, David Love, David Dawson, Anthony Pangle, Jeff Thomas, Donny C W a d e . R o w 3-Craig Beyer, Steve Loser, Merrel Bussert, Frank Brown, Todd Wood, Eric Zehr, Kenneth Barrett, Neal Cypher, Earl Prince, Dale Johnson, James Williams.
Photo by Tim Albertson
Photo by Tim Albertson
Romanians Eager to Minister By Jennifer Cox and students should come from other countries if they What comes to mind when you think of Romania? It m a y just be the idea of a country in turmoil, yet for feel that Liberty would be right for them." some Liberty University students, this country is home. Senior Rob Ghitea lived in Romania until he was in Romanian student D a n Vinersar has led a life some- the fifth grade. His family then m o v e d to Los Angeles, what different than most students at Liberty. D a n California. The English language was the hardest adjustment was involved in the revolution that took place in December of 1989. "After being shot in the revolution, I for Rob. "I didn't have a difficult time adjusting due to was in the hospital for two months and stayed h o m e for the fact that m y youth was spent in America." Rob and his family attended a Romanian church in Los Angeles, three months," he said. This absence caused D a n to lose his job. H e wanted keeping their ties with their h o m e country. The Communist Party ruled the country w h e n Rob to work with the church and received a scholarship to lived there. H e was teased in the schools of Romania Liberty University. D a n notices a total difference between Americans because his parents weren't a part of the Communist and Romanians. "Americans have a different style of Party. Rob had the opportunity to spend four months in life, dress, walk, and talk than Romanians do," D a n Kenya last year working with the Turkana tribe. His said. "I a m sad that m y parents don't have this." D a n misses different aspects of Romania, such as team was able to help construct a school for the deaf, Romanian carols. "I hope to go h o m e for Christmas help build apartments, and work with orphans. "If I had the opportunity, I would definitely go again," Rob next year," D a n said. H e is majoring in vocal performance, and would like said. In about five years, Rob hopes to go back to Romania to sing opera. "I would like to sing here or in R o m a to be a pastor. H e had the opportunity to work with a nia," D a n said. Romanian pastor last summer. "I would love to start a H e would one day like to perform in the National Opera. "Singing and music are traditions in m y fam- Bible study program for the Romanians someday," Rob said. ily." Neither D a n or Rob have lost sight of the needs of D a n considers Liberty a good place for those w h o are their country. Both are eager to minister for Christ to interested in the ministry. "I like it because it is clearly Christian," D a n said. "America has m a n y nice places, their o w n people. itti
Photo by Tim Albertson
Islander Enjoys Tropical Paradise By Ruth Gutierrez The island life is a wonderful experience: tropical She considers it a privilege to have been born into a weather, friendly people, drives around the beach - Christian family. " M y mother is the stable one, and she was very strict on us," Denise said. what more can one ask for? She is also very thankful for the spiritual impact Denise Braithwaite w a s born in the Turks-Caicos Islands in 1970. This country includes five islands and Liberty has m a d e on her life. "Attending chapel, going is located approximately 190 miles southeast of the to Bible studies and m y peers have really been an United States. It is predominantly a black society, and encouragement to me." Denise has a bright future ahead of her, and there's the people are very casual in their dress. A Regatta D a y is one of the special celebrations that no stopping her now. Turk-Caicos Islanders mark on their calendars. The Regatta lasts three days and includes events such as goat racing, s w i m m i n g and a beauty contest. "I enjoy spending time together with m y friends at these special events," Denise said. "I also like going to the beach and driving nearby there at night. I miss the clear blue water and the white sand." Denise, however wanted a better education at a Christian university R A duties, together with her pre-med major, have kept Denise's schedule very busy. She, however, is determined not to give up. Her goal is to become an obstetrician. This would m a k e her one of the few female doctors in her country. " W o m e n doctors are rare on the island," she said. Compared to the Turks-Caicos Islands, moving to Lynchburg gave her somewhat of a culture shock and provided her with a big adjustment. "The style of living is very different," she said. "The pace is m u c h faster, and the weather is colder." Denise is the oldest of seven children and does not mind taking m u c h of the responsibility. "I like it," she said. "They look u p to m e . I'm kind of the one w h o tests the water first." Photo by Tim Albertson
D o r m 10 R o w 1—Michael DeBoer, Michael Carter, Chris Griffeth, Darren Praff, Jamiel Stratos, Philip Woods, Jeffrey Paul, Steve McHenry, LaMar Salley, Tim Hawxwell, John Connors, Matt Sargent, Kekoa Skeen. R o w 2—Michael Gee, Grady Jefferson, Phil Potter, Peter Steiner, Brad Snyder, John Masaitis, Donnie Gibson, Matthew Woods, Curt Stoltzfus, Tim Albertson, Jack Chapman, Doug Smith, Seth Shecrard, Ashley Lindbert. R o w 3~Jean-Marc Gadoury, Johnny Johns, Douglas Lally, Corey Goodwin, Timothy Williams, Kenny Warren, Kevin Adams, Seth Baker, Fred Timbrook, Kevin Guerrero, William Cosgrove, Dan Streit, Lester Ferguson. R o w 4~Mark Johnson, Brent Miller, Larry Sharp, Randy Costin, Dion Krause, Bill Yates, Marc Toriello, David Faehling, Donald Snyder, Shawn McNeil, Ashley Tate, Jesse Hopper, Chris Huggins, Lars Galyan.
D o r m 11 R o w 1-Joe Wooddell, Jeffrey Weiss, Eric Warner, Kevin Newport, John Tribble, Douglas Watson, A d a m Milam, M a c Chicaiza, Arnold Thompson, E'lam Gipson, Tim McGill. R o w 2-Mark Redding, James Campbell, Richard Carnium, Harrison Richardson, Daniel Polto, Philip Roderick, Paul Hamilton, Dwayne Morgan, Steven Kukasky, Moses Mosiah, Dick Brindle. R o w 3~ Jonathan Shorts, Jerry Glinski, Josh Sampson, Brian Styers, Phil Collino, Less Rather, Johnny Rotten, Lance Parrish, Steve Warp, Steve White. R o w 4-Mike Shenton, Matt Wyckoff, Bryan Feldman, William Jones, Paul Webb, David Blakeslee, Barry Gibson, Mark Wallace, Mark Dempsey, Bill Targett, Darin Gerdes, Brent Ragan.
McBrayer Dazzles Liberty Audience By Becky Griggs As the lights in the auditorium came up, Liberty students were thrilled to see one of their very o w n in the spotlight as a member of the popular musical group Truth. Jody McBrayer, w h o attended Liberty for three years, is fulfilling a dream he has always had. "I knew about Truth since I was 13, but I never thought I would be a member," Jody said. At the age of 17, Jody attended a Truth concert in Lakeland, Florida. After attempting to audition after the concert, Roger Breland told him he was too young. H e recommended that Jody attend Liberty University. Following the advice of Breland, Jody came to Liberty. H e was soon accepted into the Sounds of Liberty and was an automatic stand-out. H e dazzled audiences with his rich tenor voice, and was a favorite among many of the students. Singing with Truth has been an adjustment for Jody. "Singing with a live band is a big adjustment," Jody said. "You have to learn to concentrate and not over sing. It's also different because everyone in the group is an excellent performer, and there is not as much individual attention." In the short amount of time he has been with Truth, his spiritual life has grown immensely. "I never understood the power of the Holy Spirit as much as I do now," Jody said. The schedule is hard for Jody to adjust to. The only vacation time that he gets is three weeks at Christmas. With the exception of a few revivals and spiritual emphasis weeks, Truth travels to a different place every day. In spite of this hard schedule, Jody is constantly learning valuable lessons from God. "It was hard in the beginning," Jody said. "I took the place of someone Photos by Vangie they really loved. Through that time, I realized that God had m e there for a reason. If H e would have portunity to be on Truth's latest album, "More Than wanted m e to give up, H e wouldn't have put m e there You'll Ever Imagine". Jody has fond m e m o in the first place." ries of Liberty. "The Jody studied thing I miss the most is business communithe closeness of the stucation while he dent body," he said. "It was at Liberty, and was great to see everywould like to finish one again. I'll always be his 32 credit hours a number one supporter through LUSLL. and recruiter of Liberty." In the short Yes, the student body amount of time misses Jody and his suthat Jody has been perb voice, but everytime with Truth, he has they see him onstage already been able with Truth, they will be to capture several proud of where he came solo spots. H e has from and w h o m he repeven had the opresents. 165
D o r m 12 R o w 1-John Spencer, John Griffin, John Kuzins, Nelson M u m m a , Andy Eckert, Stan Tadeja, Shannon Williams, Wayne Slighter, Scott McKeon, Brandon Vallorani, Andy Lott, Chris Phipps. R o w 2-Jonathan Litzau, Stephen Simmons, Jim Wright, Gib Tinney, Aaron Peters, Tim Willard, Mike Murray, Gabriel Vogel, Jason Childs, Heath Vanderventer, Jeff Riffle, Mark Voiles. R o w 3Edwardo Vaselinas, Clarence Steele, Rodriguez Shuler, Steve Lobach, Steve Largent, Joe Arvin, David Plotts, Brian Murray, Keith M u m m a n , James Shoemaker, Steve Martin, Chris Blsey. R o w 4—Adam Belton, Chris Goss, David Simmons, Corey Ryan, Eric Saho, Timothy Williams, Kris Snader, Dan Hylton, Paul Birkhead, Darren Miller, John Becker, Dan Beezie, Nathan Unrah.
D o r m 13 R o w 1-Charlie Beam, Cooney Rothbauer, Paul Dudley, Lanny Whitaker, Scott Whitehair, Tim Schwarting, Matt Landtroop, Mark Caveman, Brian Johnson, Kent Jaffrey, Richard Grantham, Mark Wallace. R o w 2-Arthur Johnson, Stephen Blair, Tyler Wilson, Scotty Curlee, Robert Martin, T o m Nylander, Joe G u m m o , Scott Peterson, Mark Kenny, Paul Marks, Ralph Darin, Ron Muscolino. R o w 3~Jesse Barsugli, Daniel Williamson, Kevin Metcalf, Paul Bennett, Matthew Click, Kirby Payne, Jon Goering, Paul Wildasin, Vic Myers, Jonathan Williams, Aaron Quinn, David Kirgan, Michael Mercaldo, Gregory Moorn. R o w 4-Scott Nesbitt, D a n Snyder, Scott Randlett, Matt Magdziarz, Matt Rubens, Eric Lewis, A d a m s Cary, Drew Dobler, Kevin Cash, Brian Heizer, Sean Short Brian Wheeler, Eric Rhodes, Mark Hahn.
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Photos by Vangie
D o r m 14 R o w 1-Nathan Gossage, Mark Slippy, Michael Sarver, Jay Rebsamen, Todd Schatzer, Jeff Andrews, Mike Lovallo, Jonathan Rebsamen, Jess Johnson, Phil Corley, Keith Ziegler, Steve Gardner. R o w 2~Craig Winters, Chris Barr, Brad Peda, Stephen Belcher, Matt Utz, Matt Horning, Billy Sidebottom, Trenton Schake, Matt Doctor, Scott Solomon, Dave Day, Brian Metcalf, Craig Handwerker. R o w 3—Thomas Eisnaugle, Chad Schavey, Mark McNulty, Dave H o m a , Louis Hrebar, Mathew Dawson, Timothy Stephenson, Troy Newenhouse, John Carr, Jason Miller, Manson Clark, Joe Boxer, G u y DiSilvestro. R o w 4~Michael Austin, Michael killman, Seth Campbell, Chris Sigmon, Tim Brophy, Bret Robyck, Joel Duffey, Barton Swaim, Warren Herder, Andrew Elliott, Brian Mohl, Vinson Davis, Rick Carter, Barry Dongless.
D o r m 15 R o w 1-Tim Morenz, Jack M . Eoff, Span Wheeler, Na'el Khovry, Brandon Schaap, Loy Helmick, John Jorischetti, Scott Mawdesley, Sean Wood, Chad Stenzel. R o w 2-Erick Woodell, Brian Sperling, Mike Gathman, Kevin O'Neal, Brian Lipscomb, Hoyd Higgins, Derek Shipley, Mark Brewer, Matt Bacola, Robert Jackson, Brian Watts. R o w 3~Lisle Hurt, Jason Stewart, Art' Crouch, Mark Werner, Brian Renshaw, Robert Hickman, Bobby Gillespie, T o m m y Huffman, James Becho, Bo Winson, Anthony Agustin, Todd Murphy. R o w 4~Mark Hotchkiss, Ovi Toderic, Bobby Sturm, Rene Gonzalez, Blake Wallace, Bret Woodward, John Dickey, Zachary Hicks, Bob Griffin, Rich Hofacker, Jim Sebald. R o w 5~Kevin Cockran, Fred Smith, Aaron Sharp, Jeffrey S. Thiboldeaux, Rico Reed, Chuck Bates, Jay Ramsey, Randy Wilkie, Eric Tetreault, Dave Frett.
Coupland Believes In Consistency By Leo Unitix D a n n y Coupland is not just another resident assistant. H e is a friend w h o is willing to listen, and he cares for the the needs of those on his hall. Consistency is the key to doing a good job. "It is important to not s h o w favoritism," D a n n y said. M a n y g u ) s on Danny's hall agree that he is a fun guy and a real friend to anyone w h o takes the time to get to k n o w him. "I admire the strength of his character," one guy said. "He is not superficial." Danny, a junior, is majoring in Spanish and minoring in chemistry. His future plans include attending medical school. "I want to be a pediatrician in a large hospital or on the mission field," he said. H e w a s born in Missouri and lived in Ontario, Canada for six years. His parents are missionaries in Panama, where he spent a four years of his life. There, he learned to speak fluent Spanish. Collecting hockey goalie posters is one of Danny's hobbies. H e also likes cliff-diving in Panama, an annual family tradition on Christmas morning. Danny's sisters, w h o attended Liberty at the time of his high school graduation, influenced him to come to LU. As a freshman, Danny learned to love it. "The academics and the sports were good, but it was the people that kept m e here," he said. Danny is n o w a resident assistant. This has brought added responsibilities and false perceptions. "Having been handed the title of Resident Assistant, I feel that I have been stereotyped in a w a y that is not me," Danny said. "I consider m y position as more of a friendship with the guys rather than just a job. I feel if you respect them they will respect you." Danny has served as the Flames' mascot for two years. H e w a s the mascot for his high school, as well, Photo by Tim Kania and asked to be Liberty's mascot w h e n he arrived on campus. After a quick try out he began rallying the fans volleyball team. The time devoted to being an R A and cheering the L U athletic teams as the Liberty together with the increasing demands of his school Eagle. "The most rewarding thing is getting the kids work caused him to give u p his position on the team. involved. I think the student body enjoyed the g a m e "Since I've been at L U , that is the hardest thing I've had to do," Danny said. "Volleyball is m y love, but I'm more." Interesting experiences also came with being the here to get an education." Danny considers Chris Easley, his R A partner, to mascot. "I've never had m y picture taken so m a n y times in m y life," Danny said. "I also got mobbed after be his best friend. "Compatibility is essential to a the games by little kids w h o wanted m y autograph." profitable partnership," he said. "Chris has m a d e m y These experiences also included being thrown out of job easier, and I hope that he can say the same thing a basketball game. "There was a article about it in the about me." Even though his roommate shares in the responsinewspaper the next day," Danny said. "I cut it out and bilities, Danny admits that life as an R A can be sent it to m y m o m . " stressful. "If you rely on God's strength instead of your "Entertainment Tonight" also did a segment on own, you cannot help but succeed." college mascots and showed a clip of him sliding across the g y m floor. This is not the end of Danny's involvement. During his first two years, he was also a m e m b e r of the men's
D o r m 16 R o w 1-Chris Lay, Evan Kittrell, Craig Adams, Stephen Fairley, Craig Konshak, Doug Neff, Kerry Kirk, John Stemik, Jeff Goodin, Paul Murphy, Joseph Skelton. R o w 2-Doug Christian, Abram Pafford, Occy Heploe, A d a m Makkai, Bobby Bryson, Ronnie Bryson, Kris Fox, Scott Green, David Rose, Toney Robinson. R o w 3-Bob Heim, Van Ellison, Jay Stevenson, Kirk Fritz, Brett Doyle, Tim Herrman, Kirk Daniel, Christopher Ray.
D o r m 18-1 R o w 1-Kevin Fanner, A d a m Hands, John Myers, Jim Myers, Mike Kreider, Karl Shoemaker, Dale Oiling, Ron JeDoes. R o w 2-Jason McCLain, Brian Moyer, Gary Leeds, Shawn Davis, Curt Stoneberger, Clarence Bennett, Kevin Harris, Tim Collins. R o w 3-Kurt Harris, Mark Hunter, Dwayne Corvin, Rick Fairbrother, Brian Homberger, Gary Kauffman, David Shirley, David Eeles.
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Students Minister on Mexico Trip By Kim Davis God has not commissioned the church to bring the world to Christ. G o d has commissioned the church to take Christ to the world. Four L U students took advantage of their s u m m e r vacation and m a d e a difference for Christ in Mexico. O n Thursday, July 18,1991, Missionquest began. At 5 a.m. Jason Campbell, Stephen James, Troy C h a m p n e y and Paul Dudley together with Erick McConnell, a "It's incredible," Stephen said. "I had the opportustudent at James Madison University, Thad Bothem, a nity to witness through m y actions, even though I was student at Brookville High School, and Ben Norman, unable to speak the language. Praise the Lord, the a graduate of Rustburg High School, left the parking Gospel is for all ages." lot of T h o m a s Road Baptist Church. This trip played an important part in helping Jason T w o days later they arrived in Saltillo, Mexico, determine God's will for his life. "It's such a deep joy where they were involved in a two-phase ministry - to to have a part in seeing even one child come to k n o w the evangelize and to provide an opportunity for young Lord Jesus, w h o m I love and want to serve," he said. "I people to experience the mission field. Jason, senior business major and founder of believe that one day G o d could use m e as a missionary, Missionquest, organized and led this team of seven and so I have m a d e a definite decision to extend a into its first year . H e said that this trip is a great w a ycommitment in Mexico." M a n y people w h o responded through donations for today's youth to experience missions first-hand. and prayers played a part in the overall success of "I have seen G o d work in the hearts of young people Missionquest '91. Light Ministries, headed by Vernon in miraculous ways after they have been exposed Brewer, donated 1,000 tracts, a rental company dodirectly to a foreign mission field," he said. "Missionquest believes that the unreached children in nated a van, and Thomas Road Baptist Church m e m Mexico is one of the world's most fruitful fields for an bers along with friends and relatives helped with other expenses. evangelistic endeavor." "This was 100 percent a prayer trip," Jason said. The team stayed with veteran missionaries Joey and "God worked miracles every day." Beverly Starling at Rancho La Paloma, a c a m p located Jason is excited about the future of Missionquest. 7,250 feet above sea level in the Sierra Madre M o u n "The team praises G o d for the tremendous response of tains. During their week-long ministry, they used people to this crusade ministry, for the m a n y salvation puppets, martial arts, singing, drama, youth camps and rededication decisions," he said. "There is a n e w and literature distribution to spread the gospel. They also worked with over 250 children and adults awareness of the need to serve the Lord at h o m e and in at Vacation Bible School. They performed as clowns in other countries, and already three team members from four different villages to promote it, and had afternoon Missionquest '91 are preparing and planning for other meetings, door-to-door visitation, tract distribution ministry crusades in Mexico." and village rallies,
D o r m 18-2 R o w 1-Jeffrey Tucker, Paul Valcore, Raphael Cardoso, John Kaiser, Darron Johnson, John Twardy, Paul Leer, Barry Asimos, Justin Ashley, Casey Mittauer. R o w 2-Todd Martin, Scott Schwartz, Keith West, Kevin Camper, Christopher Wick, Brian Fulks, Charles Tull, Torrence Wimbish, Michael Pierce, Rodney Ashby.
D o r m 19-1 R o w 1-Jennifer Fetter, Tamilla Quiring, Laura Crandall, Julie Roseboom, Marsha Houff, T a m m y Rathel, A m y VanKuren, Rebekah Hurst, Nicole Campbell, Marjorie Burdie, Anna Barrington, Misty Kurpier, Ginger Asimos, Beth Arnett, Karin Samuelsen, Bobbi-Joe Crawford. R o w 2~Sheree Boyer, Jessica Whilaker, Linda Ruggles, Kelly Alexander, Heather Noel, Patricia Farris, Dulci Andrews, Katrina Harris, Shawna Justice, Dana Hulshof, Nicole Dalpezzo, T a m m y Henry, Beth Lenti, Nicole Harden. R o w 3-Cynthia Thomson, Angie Johnson, Jennifer Fairfax, Lisa Pranrner, Laura Bawr, Laurie Fishercoe, Melanie Whitaker, Rhonda Duren, A m y Poblete, Molly Huston, Kimberly Smith, Lynnette Easter, Michelle Rice, Vernita Jones, W e n d y Hines.
Photo by Genie Poggemiller
Ethiopia: A Wealth of Opportunity By Genie Poggemiller
Sara Tewolde boldly claims that she is from "the and religious perseverance. "Though w e are a very most beautiful country in the world." She is from close family, w e have crossed m a n y cultural barriers," Ethiopia in East Africa. Her country's wealth is not Sara said. " W e have taken our faith with us." Sara has measured in money, but in the treasures of its natural a brother living in Canada, another in Washington D.C., and a sister in Italy. beauty, its culture and its people. Sara came to Liberty with the help of her family and Ethiopia is a mountainous country with m a n y lakes and rivers. The famous Nile River is at its heart. It is through an international work scholarship provided also h o m e to m a n y kinds of exotic birds, tropical trees by LU. She heard about Liberty through her brother, and flowers. Sara's family lives in the capital city of Tekle Tewolde, w h o graduated from L U in 1990. After completing her studies, Sara plans to return to Addis Ababa, a city which attracts m a n y tourists. Hospitality is important to Ethiopian families. "The her country as a worker with the Sudan Interior Mispeople of Ethiopia are the very definition of hospital- sion. SIM recently informed Sara they will be ministerity," Sara said. "Our h o m e s are always ready and open ing both physically and spiritually to famine victims in to share with others what w e have as though they were Western Ethiopia. Sara speaks three languages: English, Amharic (the members of our family." official language of Ethiopia), and Tigrignal (one of 75 Although Ethiopia is considered to be a Third World tribal languages). nation, it is not because of a lack of resources. It is Sara's parents received the Gospel from missionarrather the result of political oppression and unrest. The chief industry in Ethiopia is agriculture, which ies w h o came to Ethiopia on a work permit. W h e n caused the country to prosper in the past, prior to the they became Christian believers, they became a part of the harsh religious persecution under the communists. communist domination which started 18 years ago. During the years of communist power, the country "With a n e w and democratic government, I hope that suffered a swift economic and agricultural decline. this will change," Sara said. "Only time will tell if it will This led to the terrible famines, which brought world- really be a democracy. If it continues to change for the wide attention and assistance. However, communist better, n e w doors will be opened to the Gospel." With the doors of opportunity reopening, more fruit rule finally came to an end in 1990, leaving the country from missions in Ethiopia should be forthcoming, such in a state of economic depression. as the family of Sara Tewolde, a treasure beyond price. 173 The Tewolde family represents a wealth of cultural
Mick Keeps Up the British End By Carolyn Van der Veen If you ask an Englishman to explain the rules of football, he'll probably begin telling you about a black and white ball that is kicked into a net. Soccer. Soccer, as w e k n o w it, is called football in all other countries outside of North America. But it is American football that makes Michael Mulcuck so unusual. Michael (Mick) is the only player on the Liberty football team w h o learned h o w to play American football in England. H e was born in Shropshire, England, where he began playing at 18. H e became involved in football after he saw a poster at a local shop that was looking for players. Mick doesn't fit into the usual image of what an Englishman looks like. At 6'6" and 270 lbs. he looks more like the average American football player. But it's Mick's distinct accent that gives away his English heritage. Mick planned to stay in England and play football after he w a s recruited to play in the International League of American Football. W h e n the league collapsed, Coach George Brincato offered him a football scholarship at the University College of Cape Breton in Canada. W h e n the football program in Canada was cancelled after one year, Mick had several offers to stay in North America to continue playing. Dr. Albrecht, his coach, arranged for him to visit a number of colleges. H e w a s offered a full football scholarship to Southern Methodist University in Texas, which is a Division 1-A school, but it was Liberty that attracted him. " S M U is a completely different school from Liberty, but I didn't want to get on the wrong track. So far, I'm Photo by Carolyn Van der Veen happy with m y choice," Mick said. of playing time, which is unusual for a first year player. Football is becoming more popular in England. It " W h e n I first got here I didn't believe that I was such wasn't through Liberty that Mick heard of Coach a bad football player, but they totally demolished m y Rutigliano. technique. I had to start back at square one," Mick "I used to watch Coach Rutigliano on the tele (TV) explained. coaching the Browns w h e n I w a s back h o m e in Like m a n y other football players, Mick hopes to play England, so it w a s a big thing to be coached by him," professionally in the N F L one day. Mick said. "I started college a little late, at 23, so I need to work Mick has done well on the team and saw quite a bit hard in order to give myself a chance at m y dream," Mick said. Fitting into life at Liberty wasn't that difficult for Mick. H e has found dorm life to be different. After dealing with roommates, Bryant and Eric, he feels that he can take on anything. Like m a n y athletes, Mick is very grateful for his family and the help they have given him. " M y family is very close. Without the help of m y parents and brother Andrew, m y being in America would not be possible," Mick said. Mick is looking forward to completing his education at Liberty and hopes to improve on his football techniques.
D o r m 20-3 R o w 1-Hye U n Cho, Tamara Park, Jenny Zukowski, Christine Burko, T a m m y Zuidema, Christy Evans, Melissa Reed, Kim Calcutt, Jennifer R. Hale, Jeanne Delano, Rebecca Burdett, Christine Piercy, Kimberly Buick, Susan Brininstool, Laurel Groves. R o w 2-Dolly Harrington, Beth Twombly, Melinda Massie, Misty Alleman, Patti Fox, Christine Willingham, Allison Brophy, Esther Grier, Tonya Walters, Lovel Bonnett, Carlene H a m m o n d , Shannon Carver, Bonnie Ahern. R o w 3—Sandra Zukowski, Debbie Bailey, Melissa Buick, Mandi Bloom, A m y Nelson, Shannon Cochran, Johnifer Carley, A m a n d a Shepard, Kerri Sowers, Sheila Obey, Kim Simpson, Melisa Lehman, Sabrina Warner, A m y Wagner, Jennifer tenPas.
D o r m 21-1 R o w 1-Sundee Coleman, Holly Lightbody, Jennifer Sonnen, Kim Kronenberger, Malinda Schmith, Jill Schutt, Becki "SHC" Briers, Carolyn M D N R " Van der Veen, Melany Pearl, Arminta Richardson, Sherri L. White, Vanessa Rojas, Robin Edwards, Caroline O g u m . R o w 2-Tricia McPherson, Galadria Bodlien, Denise Snuffer, Shannon Wade, Elizabeth Headley, Angie Tewksbury, Desiree Kelley, Audrey Langat, Claudia Eayres, Melissa Cook, Stephanie Barber, Kari Simpson, Eve Bodlien, Susan Crane, Cynthia Waters. R o w 3~Heather Lepley, Tiffany Sanderson, W e n d y Mayes, Jennifer Lane, Stacey Eicherly, Grace Ellis, Tina Stevens, Dana Coley, A m y Harrell, Elisa Farmer, Charlene ODell, Heather Yoder, Jennifer Calvert, Stacey Roach, Christina Whisenhunt.
Interns Gain Cultural Experience By Melody Walker Liberty University's cross-cultural internship pro- At each of the meetings, the Romania team gave out gram provides a w a y for students to visit other coun- Bibles and took names for follow-up work through the tries, to minister for God, and to earn 6-12 credit hours local Romanian churches. The w o m e n on the team had Bible studies in their apartment and ministered to the all at the same time. Students can spend a full semester living and work- young people in the neighborhood. Psychology major Laura M a s o n worked with Libing with veteran foreign missionaries on selected fields around the world. The internship program, headed by erty Christian School in Korea, teaching first and secRick Lange, became an outgrowth of the L U Kenya ond grades in Songtan. She also worked with young missions project, which lasted four and one-half years people in schools and orphanages. Laura wrote: "I have been real busy since I have until December 1990. Eighty-two students with 57 arrived. The missionaries here have really been w o n different majors were involved with the Kenya project. Several interns were enrolled for the first semester of derful to me. It's still hard to believe I a m in Korea. The the n e w program and served in both Romania and Lord is m y strength." The internships last three months. Admittance to Korea. Future internships are also being planned in the program requires interest in people, a heart for France, the Philippine Islands, Australia, Japan, Brazil missions, and a good academic record. and Africa. Lange stressed the mission's importance. " W e don't Erik Christensen, Pete Lucadano, Greg Morhardt, send out Liberty students without a mutual underCarrie Holly, Jennifer Vick and Theofil Bana worked standing of the student's needs and the missionary's together as a team in Romania. They did ground work for evangelistic meetings. They also put u p posters, desires," he said. The students receive special cultural and historical gave out tracts and learned enough of the language to enrichment as a result of the missions internships. " W e invite people to the meetings. want to create a realistic and positive attitude for world At a meeting in Klug, approximately 250 people m a d e a profession of faith in Christ. At a meeting of missions," Lange said. " W e don't necessarily want to over 2,000 people in Oradea, approximately 100 went create mission majors. W e want to create people with a heart for missions." forward professing faith in Christ.
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D o r m 21-2 R o w 1—Kristina Mowrer, Candace Goodwin, Angela Hook, Deborah Preas, Michele Leaton, Michaelann Painter, Karen Patch, Cynthia Dolin, Leslie Beave, Stephanie Middleton, Terrina Cooper, Erica Powell, Tonya Perry, Sandra Hall. R o w 2Kristen Valentine, Deanna Powers, A m y Christopher, Tara Prowant, Kelly Wills, Judith Carroll, Saralyn Gunnells, Barbara Liskey, Diana Hill, Hollie Byrd, Otilia Balint, Brandy Geisler, Lynda Hogue, Regina Rasberry, Horica Heerdeau. R o w 3— Jennifer Perry, Heather McGuire, Tonya Long, Bonnie Jensen, Myriam Salazar, Shawn Davis, Laura Crotsier, Robin Hendershot, Sherry Cooper, Carolyn Dailey, Karen Heinz, Jackie Weber, Michelle Curtis, A m y Dau. R o w 4-Jody Deur, Casimera Halukins, Ligia Jordao, Travis Baker, Beth Aldridge, Jeannette Witten, Samantha Hawley, Jennifer Dayton, Sara Harvell, Dina Perodin, Deborah Hoffer, Joline Day, Naomi Hamilton, Beth Grenier, Susan Matthews, Jennifer Starr, Melinda Tockia.
D o r m 21-3 R o w l~Capricia Lee, Jennifer Hicks, Janice Jensen, Beverly Garrett, T a m m y Pryor, Ginger BeGraft, Mary Garratt, Heidi Bailey, Lee Anne Vaughan, Christy Blake, Page Brantley, Jennifer McGee, Kim Heitzmann, Sara Biggers. R o w 2- Brenda Woodhams, Barbara Shickel, Jean Jarvis, Janet Barker, Beth Hjembo, A m a n d a Demianych, Merry Burgess, Karen Sinclair, Jennifer Henniger, Marcie Hawks, Ruth Albert, Shannon Milford, Susanne Bronson. R o w 3-Susan Vannaman, Lori Fox, Carole Collier, Tamie Herndon, Alisha Hershey, Angela Foster, Melissa Skinner, Kristen Zwart, Trade York, Kim Price, Nicole Casillo, Joanne Hilliard, Beth Tolin, Cynthia Foss. R o w 4-Dorina Pop, Michelle Upton, Sharon Washington, Allison DeMarco, Lisa Dingess, D a w n Anderson, Kellee Dorr, Tameran Hinkle, Curry Ellenburg, Bridget Hovey, Keri Cooper, Brenda Justice, Rachel Ardrey.
Kenyan Accepts Differences By Melody Walker "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." M a r k 16:15. The Holy Scriptures have a special meaning w h e n people see the fruits of their labor. Audrey Langat is from Kenya. She learned about Liberty through the L U Kenya Team. Her goal is to become a criminal lawyer. She is planning to return h o m e for graduate school. Kenya is a country with hot weather year-round during the day. Its coldest temperatures usually get d o w n to only about 40-50 degrees at night. Besides the weather, Audrey has noticed m a n y differences in her country and the United States during her time here. Dating is private and more parentcontrolled in Kenya. It is also something to be taken more seriously. Engagement is viewed as more of a commitment - like marriage would be in the U.S. Hospitality is another difference. "In the U.S. people can talk freely," Audrey said. "In Kenya, people do not talk to each other unless they are introduced." According to Audrey, this is because there is a fear of people. "There are fences around everyone's property," she said. "Most of the fences are brick wall or wood, and some have bushes or flowers. To see a person, you have to knock at the gate." Churches in Kenya are also different. "Here you sit, listen and follow the program," Audrey said. "Churches in Kenya are open to change. All you have to say is T want to change this,' and they change it." Audrey enjoys the services in Kenya. "There is plenty of singing and dancing. Church lasts for about two hours," she said. " O n C o m m u n i o n Sunday church usually lasts for about three hours, sometimes four Photo by Tracy Creager hours." The differences in food preparation and eating are "You walk by and pick the meat. Then, they cut the added adjustments for Audrey. "Everything here is parts that you want." The judicial system is a noticeable difference. "Dieither frozen or in a can," she said. "In Kenya you have to cook everything from scratch. The food has a vorce is a rare occurrence in Kenya," Audrey said. " M y different kind of flavor because of the spices they use." tribe believes that the children belong to the father, but, Kenyans also shop at the butchery for freshly cut like here, the mother usually gets custody." Other parts of the government are also run differand hung meat. " W e don't freeze the meat," she said. ently. "On election day, w e go to the polls and stand behind the person w e want to elect," Audrey said. "The people then place their votes in a box, and the votes are counted. This is the n e w system." These governmental differences are also seen in the ^^^* * — ^^f» ^r* 1 celebration of holidays. " W e have several days w h e n w e put on national dress, sing traditional songs with tambourines and flutes, and dance." Audrey's memories of Kenya are fond ones. " W h e n I think of Kenya I think of the animals w e have, the beautiful country and the people," she said. "I love the animals and h o w they run free -1 miss that." * — —
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Photo by Tracy Creaqer [79
D o r m 22-1 R o w 1-Shawn Higgins, Scott Butler, Ross Evans, Eric Lingenfelter, Paul Randlett, Tim Neptune, Bryan Leonard, Dave Gallagher, David Wyatt, John Kavanaugh, Jeremy Breland, Greg Wheaton. R o w 2-Kenny Lugo, Doug Mills, Chris Roy, Chris Crane, Rob Laukup, Russell Gobble, Darren Shelburne, Chad Baker, Thomas Merchant, Freeman Turkson, Bradley Styles. R o w 3Tony Saunders, Jeff Clark, Luke Woodard, William Clayton, Nelson Consimo, Jason Breland, Willis Turner, Matt Perrin, Demitris Scouras, Travis Hawthorne.
D o r m 22-2 R o w 1-Jim Langston, Nathan Chapman, Brian Van Hyma, David McCombs, Mark Szkolnik, Bill Khan, Wil Ellzey, Kenny Strand, Al McKoy, Anderson Bonnici, Dan Skipworth, Duane Likens, Orville Waltondorfes, Jay Allen. R o w 2-Timothy Behrens, Steve Train, Michael Lucas, Philip Lehman, Eric Vreugdenhil, Aracelio Vazquez, Phillip Foley, Johnny White, Weymouth Williams, Todd Smith, Jeff Curtis. R o w 3-Todd Weldy, Brendan Burke, Neil Sawyer, Johnny Prettyman, Bobby Prettyman, Dorin Tiutiu, Eric Zanakis, Antoine Pereira, David Cornell, Dana Carter, Graham Logsdon, Shane McLung, Travis Wilemon. R o w 4Robert Ash, Michael Hrinda, Drew Tyner, Michael Kirby, Ethan Lucas, Scott Torrance, Scott Harmsen, Al Czervik, Joe Breinig, Matt Davis, Kris Morton, Jim Cleveland, Mike Buckalew, Jason Giambrone.
Creating Art Opportunities
Photos by Vangie
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D o r m 22-3 R o w 1-Derrick Riggs, Kevin Haglund, Ronald Beverly, G o r d o n Hostettler, Brent A t w o o d , Kevin Schulenburg, Glenn Kalnins, Daniel Lane, Paul Wyatt, K e n n y Craig, W a d e Allen, Jerry Coffey, Jay Parsons, Jim Urban. R o w 2—Matt Gregory, Steve Anderson, Jason Rodgers, M i k e Magill, T o m Bartlet, Stacey Kuypers, D a v e Jones, Jeff W e e r t m a n , Rich Distler, Matt McClintock, Jason Smith, Bill Clark, Michael Reed, Roosevelt Nivens. R o w 3—Brian Stanley, R y a n Werner, Jeff Evans, Jim Boyacheck, Mike Boersma, Barry Bain, Brian Gibbons, D a n McGinnis, Darren B u m b a u g h , Joseph Bonadio, Brian Pratt, Derek T h o m a s , Troy Smith, Brett Honeycutt. R o w 4~Robert U d u g b a , Heath Bunting, A d a m Cheyunski, Kris Bouslough, Sean L o n e m , M a t t h e w McCleary, M a r k Scalded, D o n Schick, D a m i e n Bates, Brent Squires, Charles H e s m a n , Serell Blakey, A a r o n Werner, T o n y Letts, Philip Aslam.
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D o r m 23-2 R o w 1-Carrie Moore, Karen Kelly, Deborah Butts, Kristina Baker, Angela Phelps, Andrea Wallisky, Xena Hesprich, T a m m y Hall, Sharon Watkins, Cindy Hassler, Joanie Cherry, Jill Weddle, Valerie McGrath, Jennifer Hankins, Keri Ivester, Graciela Noguera. R o w 2 ~ D a y n a Christiansen, Tina Carey, Lisa Horner, Holly Haff, Linda Buell, Chris Stockwell, Sharon Fulcher, Kristen Hendry, Joyce Kibry, Sheila Davis, Lakecia Gray, Kimberly Garner, Heather C a m m a n n , Sandy Keeports. R o w 3 Emily H o y , Jennifer H a r m o n , K i m Fogle, Susan Markva, Krista White, Kristin Hallmark, K i m Berger, Beth H o w a r d , Suzanne Elovecky, Lena W e b b , K i m A t w o o d , Michelle Cobb, Cynthia Henefield, Robin Britt, Karri V a n H a i t s m a . R o w 4-Melissa Huber, Kari Eustice, Laura Huffman, Cozette Bonner, Michelle Patterson, Jennifer Gerlach, Shelley Craig, A m y Repass, Melissa Meschke, Debi K a m p h u i s , Kristi Tesch, A m y Powell, Kristi Wright, Marlene Huggins, Ivette Hassan, Heather Galya.
Koreans Study at Liberty's Branch By Deborah L. Jankowski "The teachers are firm but flexible," Curlee said. An outreach of Liberty University, named Liberty Christian School, w a s founded in Korea in 1985 by loe "They don't waver on the Scripture, but they are alHale. Because the school grew so rapidly, the n a m e ways willing to help. If a student has any questions w a s changed to the Network of International Christian concerning the Word, the teachers enjoy answering Schools to incorporate the four other schools which them and discussing topics about Christianity." Early education up to junior high accounts for were begun to accommodate the growth. The network most of the numbers in the Liberty branch school. n o w extends throughout Korea. "The Christian schools have grown significantly ev- Curlee and Rothbauer are two of five in the 1990 ery year," Cooney Rothbauer, an L U sophomore and a graduating class. They presently attend Liberty Uni1990 graduate of NICS, said. "Approximately 350 to versity along with six others from the school in Korea. The school participates in a sports organization 360 students attend the kindergarten through 12thcalled KIAC. This is a conglomerate of schools, both grade." Rothbauer explained that one reason for the rapid private and government, w h o compete in several difgrowth of the school w a s the cost of education in Korea. ferent sports, including basketball, soccer, cross-counH e added that the government schools cost approxi- try and wrestling. Volleyball is the main sport for the mately $800 per month, so in order to relieve the girls. Classes are taught in English, and most of the stufinancial burden of government education, families dents speak the language fluently. English as a second enroll their children in the Christian school. "The families are really benefitted in two ways," language is offered for students w h o struggle with the Scotty Curlee, another L U sophomore and 1990 gradu- language and desire to learn better. Curlee and Rothbauer both agree that accepting ate of NICS, said. "The children receive a good education for half the cost of a government school, and they Christ, learning about the Bible and being surrounded by good influences have been the three biggest advanhear the gospel." Curlee praised the faculty and staff for the diligence tages of attending NICS. "They (the teachers) are and concern they display toward the students. " W h e n willing to lend you a hand at any time," Rothbauer said. it comes to the faith, they don't compromise," he said. "You go there willing to learn, and they'll teach you." Under the direction of Hale, the school has accomN I C S scores high in the percentage of students plished its goals. It is not only thriving in numbers, but w h o receive Jesus Christ as their Lord after they are enrolled at the school. A diverse group of students all the students are hearing the gospel, also, and m a n y with different religious backgrounds attends; but, ac- each year are trusting Christ as Savior. cording to Curlee, that does not m a k e a difference w h e n it comes to the truth being taught about the Scriptures.
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D o r m 23-3 R o w 1-Charity Peterson, Kashana Nunn, Kimberly Garrison, Jessie Torres, Rita Morgan, Kathy Sheets, Diana Johnson, Leigh Benson, Caroline Andrew, W e n d y Senning, Shannon Sedberry, Cindy Ivie, Lissette Gomez, Susan Barbee, Paige Smith. R o w 2-Laura Gaydos, Justine Jacobs, Lisette Hernandez, Tina Weeks, Jennifer Blandford, Rachel Mitchel, Maria Ferrone, Karyn Cienkowski, Charity Qegg, Darla Cline, Dana Benton, Susan Cook, Sarah Collins, A m a n d a Lovas, Jenn Gargan. R o w 3—Rhonda Sherfey, Janelle Ives, Kathy Ives, Laura Shumaker, Deborah Weesner, Cheryl Kauffman, Cynthia Jonas, Esther Stoll, Daedra Cain, Joy Booker, Jennifer Gillenwater, Jennifer Hoerr, Brenda Brilinski, Beth Hughes, Jennifer Blomstrom, Hollie Thierbach, Melissa Shanahan. R o w 4-Julie Maley, Allison Jones, Wendi Walker, Sarah Sinclair, Renee Robertson, Catherine Hundley, Kristen Hardy, A m y Villa, Christine Ruggiero, Jae-Joung Lee, Stephanie Glinski, Laurie Bing, A m y Roots, T a m m y Erksine, Kimberly Rillos, Shannon Hill.
D o r m 25-1 R o w 1- Karen Leary, Dana Hey, Jennifer Marsh, La Dena Hall, Jeanie Min, Emily Pegram, Heather Sternberg, Sonya Clark, Peggy Vining, Coby Emmil, Toni Elkins, Elizabeth Buerkle, Rebecca Rhodes. R o w 2~Stephanie Bolick, Jennifer Hart, Heather Edwards, Heather Sparrow, Shannon Slade, Alison Gombis, Jennifer Ramsey, Rachel Kraft, Laurie Green, Roberta Bootier, Keli Gist, Kathy Tumipseed, Angela Shiflett, Laura Crow. R o w 3~Sue Anzalone, Shelly Hey, Brooke Zipfel, Tricia Shank, Cristil Bumpers, Yvonne Dollman, Racheal Johndro, Kellie Keaveny, Jane Draper, Missy Patton, Jennifer Shields, Shannan Badskey, BettyAnn Crecca. R o w 4-Krista Jordan, Laura Stephens, Anne Goodwin, Angela Barrett, Kelli Rider, Beth Shankula, Lisa McMonigle, Nichole Galvin, Kelly Cumstrongs, Nicole Waters, Pamela Keene, Kristine Keates, Kerri Stiles.
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Photos by Vangie
North Campus Move Causes Change By Jennifer S. Blandford Whether welcomed or feared, changes must be made. Perhaps most affected were the students w h o were A great deal of change took place this year as every uprooted from their friends and roommates to be office at Liberty's North Campus was relocated to the moved to another dorm. The men in dorms 3 and 18 main campus in November. and the w o m e n in senior dorm 29, quad 4, found After the sale of the North Campus buildings to themselves relocated throughout the campus just prior Stephens Real Estate Inc., the need to move nearly 200 to Thanksgiving break. people to new offices in a time period of less than two "At first I was upset," Scott Schwartz, a former weeks was inevitable. resident of dorm 18, said, "but I understand why they Liberty knew in April that they would be forced to moved us. I think most of the guys realize they had to sell the buildings after revamping the the School of Life move us. It was not a big deal. The biggest disappointLong Learning program to meet the Southern Associa- ment was being separated from the guys on the hall tion of Colleges and Schools' accreditation require- after we'd all become friends." ments. Once the cuts were made and the program was Scott Eigenhuis was one of the students w h o rereduced, the full space was no longer needed. Liberty ceived a new roommate. "I didn't like getting a roomofficials then decided to move the offices to the main mate this late in the semester," he said. "We were all set up." campus and put North Campus up for sale. The original plan was to sell the buildings and move Not only did North Campus experience a change, the offices into the old cafeteria once the new cafeteria many of the offices and departments on the main was completed. However, due to the financial situa- campus were moved to a different location. tion these plans had to be changed. The property was The student weight room was moved from behind officially on the market for three months, but in that the post office to the "nose-bleed" section of the Multime there were no acceptable offers, forcing the build- tipurpose Center to make room for printing services. Security headquarters, electronic repair services, R O T © ings to be auctioned at $3.9 million. At the beginning of November, Earl Sargeant, vice engineering, and purchasing moved to dorm 3, while president for university services, began his plan for the men in that dorm were moved to dorm 8. The deans the reorganization of the main campus in order to and campus counselors were moved to dorm 13. The make room for LUSLLL, Liberty H o m e Bible Institute, Liberty H o m e Bible Institute was moved to the former administrators and support staff, admissions counsel- T V lounge in dorm 3, and the yearbook staff occupied ors and recruiters, employee relations, payroll, person-three different offices in one day. They did not find a permanent home until January. nel, data preparation and donor services. This resulted in a giant shifting process which touched Most students are happy with the way things have turned out, although it took a while to find anybody. every L U student and employee in some way. 185
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D o r m 25-2 R o w 1-Carole Anne Lindquist, Tina Davis, Marielina Esperanza, Dannette Rausch, Eunice Hagen, Cathy Smith, Rachel Murphy, Belkis Becerra, Kenia Santos, Kristina Beauvais, Lisa Reimer, A m y Graham, Karen Godsey, Anna Benolt, A m y Brown, Liz Curd. R o w 2-Karen Biehler, Kari Kauffman, Debbie Dorey, Rachel Shinn, Nicole Boodram, Stephanie Stetina, Tara Knowles, Natalie Meeks, Allison Peters, Andrea Kerlin, Sabrina Kent, Julie Beauvais, Kendra Lockie, A m a n d a Pitkin, Trina Knowlton. R o w 3-Lisa Gerig, Julie Wright, Linda Kennedy, Marina McFarland, Vicky Burkett, Jenice Oliveras, Christy Brown, Jennifer Kelly, Branch' Barnum, Jennifer Scram, Christina Sites, Jaime Davis, Holly Ross, D a w n Taylor, Allyson Machovina, Mary Grubbs.
Groot, Crissy Weaver, Lisa Palmer, Nancy Mellette, Karin Godshall, Kay Davenport, Bernadette Mannino, Joy Turtle. R o w 2 Melissa Nickerson, Ginger Vertican, A m y Lipscomb, Leigh Stegall, Angelita Dodson, Chrissy Lauzier, Stacey Densmore, Krista Yoshihara, Christine Stull, W e n d y Latham, Jennifer Hall, Mary Lipscomb, Deena Simonelli, Carrie Hawley. R o w 3~Wynonna Cooper, Tamar Canty, Ginger Davis, Ivana Payne, Deborah Sweeney, W e n d y Simmons, Margie Lovett, Gina Cotlet, Dana Church, Stephanie Hayes, Zulay Maldonado, Sue Tober, Cherry Lanmon. R o w 4~Bonnie Saul, Jennifer Kirkpatrick, Monique Bourgond, Kim Lance, Anita Steppe, Kim Hazelwood, Kim McKnight, Melissa Vert, Christy Walker, Barbara Zamora, Joanna Knudson, Linda Simmons.
Photo by Genie Poggemiller
Rap Group Crusades in Inner-City By Becky Griggs
"Rapping in the church or on the street, television, and has opened for such well-known artists N o matter h o w you hear it, Christ is King." as White Heart, Steve Camp, D.C. Talk, and Wayne This is the evangelistic message of Transformation Watson. Crusade. The group consists of Liberty students Daryl "The most exciting thing about being a part of the Fitzgerald and Chris Williamson, and former Liberty group is that w e get national exposure and publicity student Andre Sims and his wife Kathy. without seeking it," Chris said. "God found us and has The group started in January 1988. "We saw a need promoted our ministry without us having to manipufor evangelism in the inner-city," Chris said. "We've late people in any way." Transformation Crusade's goal is to make an imadded to that the need for good Christian music." The lyrics of their songs emphasize two main pact on the rap music industry. "Some people say that things. "They are evangelistic and discipleship ori- they never liked rap music until they heard us," Chris ented," Chris said. " W e are trying to reach as many said. These crusaders have been very busy, and it doesn't unsaved people as possible. W e are giving Christians look like things are going to change much. Chris was good music to listen to and at the same time feeding married in December and graduates from seminary in their souls." The group travels almost every weekend all over May. Daryl graduated with his B.A. degree in Decemthe United States. "It is hard to get into public schools ber and was married in April. Their third album because of our Christian lyrics," Chris said. " W e set upshould be out in M a y 1992, and the group will be in in places like drug traffic streets, jails, and amusementNashville in June. In the future, Andre and Chris want to pastor parks." Their biggest audience is teenagers ages 13-17, but churches. Daryl wants to work in marriage and all age groups enjoy their music. "We would like to see family counseling. Kathy is interested in fashion (Christian) rap become as large and effective as secular merchandising. They may all have their own individual plans, but rap," Chris said. "We want to have as much of an for now they are anticipating their part in the growth impact on kids as other groups." of Christian rap music. The group has made appearances on live cable 187
D o r m 26-1 R o w 1-Kim Wallace, Laura Foley, Jane Endslow, Stephanie Reaves, Denise Barrett, Alana Crocker, K i m MacDonald, Larissa Morgan, Jill Keeler, Darlene Rander, Madeline Atchley, Maryanne E m m o n s , Kim Sorenson, Kisha Turner, Rebekah Brackett. R o w 2-Nannette Weirich, Pamela Walck, Kimberly Walborn, Christian Risker, D a w n James, Heather Paul, W e n d y Brong, Tammie Ogilvie, Tiffany Madden, Paula Dunn, Susie Jewell, Linda Looker, Tanya Posey, Jennifer Parrish, Sharifa Stewart. R o w 3—Joy Skelton, Lisa Wiggins, Beth Hesters, Jaunita Montgomery, Lori Slippy, Deborah Lotz, Laura Love, Aprill Moore, Alisa Winn, Jennifer Watson, Melody Ragains, Jamie Kisby, Heather Spaman, Denys Higgins, Melanie McCloud, Tarda Louis.
D o r m 26-2 R o w 1-Kimberlee Justesen, Mary Anne Vinson, Christine Martin, Rebecca Ashcraft, Jackie Herold, Jennifer Maka, Shelah Simpson, Katrina Bower, Kathy Dyer, Constance Bennett, Casey McGlone, Holly Watson, Cynthia Schrock, Melody Shumaker, Hope Moore, Maria Dalia. R o w 2-Renee Rogers, Michelle Weisberg, Lani Miller, W e n d y Jacobs, Jennifer Cademartori, Sherri Craig, Christine Semple, Jennie Brew, Trade Ligon, Carol Kramer, Michelle Delapenha, Beth Hamilton, Heidi Small, Kristen Johnston, Chantal Masterson. R o w 3~Shannon Schaap, Tionne Howard, Paula Sivley, Lisa Wray, Kathleen Hunt, Lisa Leslie, Krishna Sewell, Lisa Sammons, Johanna Rothfeld, Sharon Allison, Julie Garrison, Cindi Fitzgerald, Cassie Dillow, Heather Hogue, Lynea Keith. R o w 4~Mercedes Hetes, Karla Hill, Christa Barber, Kimberley Matherley, Mindy Deal, Heather Bulson, Sandra Jordan, Heather Pearson, A m y Mackinrire, Bobbye Boyle, Rebecca Neff, Leslie Stewart- iCJmV.^1 Parson, Heather Totin, Michele Mullenix.
Welcome to English 101
Photos By Vangie
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*^^^^*™mmm™mmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmm : v ' - ^ D o r m 26-3 R o w 1-Marisela Sanchez, Kimberly Maxfield, Sara Southall, D a w n Turtle, Melissa Mahurin, T a m m y Miller, Melissa Hartman, Jennifer Betsill, Kelly McLendon, Shelley Southgate, Tamara Evans, Heather Martin, Laura King, Danielle Nelson. R o w 2—Karen Short, Elicier Zimmerman, Rachel Sliger, Christy Hinkle, Becky Griggs, Kathleen Craig, Jamie Spagnolo, Joybeth H a m m o n d , Elizabeth Pershall, Jacqueline Bregou, Angela Nichols, Noelle Herwig. R o w 3—Debbie Reynolds, Tanya Posecznick, Shelby Sawyer, Jennifer Naudascher, Bebecca Cunningham, Jennifer Lester, Melinda McGill, Phyllis May, Becky Smith, Dana Hall, Caterina Kilian, Jennifer Meacham, Holly Zeh, A n n McDonald. R o w 4~Sara Scott, Michelle Sharp, Terry Montale, Julene Moosey, Mindy Kedik, Carole Murphy, Dana Layne, Tara Dickey, Rachael Snider, Stephani Damlo, Beth Means, Lisa Metcaf.
D o r m 27-1 R o w 1-Melissa Birkhead, Kathi Katona, Margie Hodges, Barbie Ball, Melody Michael, Noelle Wilson, Cathy Booker, Linda Hecke, Jenni Freeman, Jennifer Hadden, Andrea Boone, Kelly Maiolo, Cindy Perez, Becky Adkins. R o w 2 Judith Johnson, Shellie Zealand, Kari Wester, D a w n Gillam, Donna Rockel, Jennifer Kovlak, Betsy Thorburn, Kelly Godby, Maureen Clark, Jennifer Van Sciver, Lisa Everett, Charlotte Grandstaff, Dee Witten, Paula Dimitriu, Michelle Wilson, Beth Smith. R o w 3-Beverly Crumpler, Jennifer Wise, Belinda Wilce, Cristina Lotspeich.
Koreans Minister In Nation's Capital By Ruth Gutierrez Grace and James Choi give of themselves in a unique way. They are friends working together to m a k e a difference in the lives of international people in the nation's capital. Grace Choi is from Seoul, Korea. She w a s born in 1965 and grew u p in a Christian home. After rededicating her life at a church retreat, she became determined to m a k e a difference in other people's lives. She received a B.S. degree in G e r m a n and literature and is presently pursuing her M.S. degree in religious education here at Liberty. It is not always easy being an international student, but for Grace, the L U students have m a d e everything worth it. "I've met a lot of good friends w h o are very sincere and faithful," she said. "In the Christian life friends are very important, because w h e n I a m discouraged they can give m e a special word." Grace is currently involved with the Korean Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., where she travels faithfully every weekend. Although the trip is sometimes difficult to m a k e and decreases her study hours, the opportunity for ministry is irreplaceable. "God gives m e the special chance to serve the small children," she said. By serving as a children's ministries director, she has Photo by Tim Albertson been able to gain experience in teaching, training teachers, and organizing programs. This Christian he decided to transfer to Liberty. According to James, this decision came as a result of service has not only been as demanding as a full-time his n e w desire for spiritual growth. " M y Christian life job, it is preparing her for the mission field. "The only was d o w n , and I decided to work for God," he said. "I w a y to be successful is to trust in God," Grace said. "I came to a Chriscan't do anything, tian school to but if G o d gives m e boost m y spirithe w i s d o m and tual life." understanding of While visitthe Bible, I can do ing Washington, everything with D.C.James met a Him." pastor w h o inGrace is very imvited him to help pressed with the as a youth leader mountains and at the Korean trees in Virginia. P resbyterian She also described Church. This has Americans as alm a d e an impact ways smiling and on his life. "It has saying "hello," proven to be very even if they were helpful to m e complete strangbecause of m y ers. involvement James Choi, junPhoto by Tim Albertson helping other in ior mathematics people spiritually," he said. major, is more experienced with the American w a y of James' goal is to reach out to the spiritual needs of life than Grace. In 1983 his family left their h o m e in Seoul, Korea, and m o v e d to Orlando, Florida. H e was others through missionary work in the countryside of studying aerospace engineering at E m b r y Riddle Korea. Getting involved in this Christian service has MI Aerospace University in Daytona Beach, Florida, w h e n given him a good foundation for reaching his goal.
D o r m 27-2 R o w 1-Denise Braithwaite, Kristi Spangler, Janie Leonard, Robin Wittner, Elizabeth Mills, Renee Mix, Michelle Simmerson, Cheryl Foren, Jessica Stone, Gerri Miller, Shannon Lamdin, Tosha Lamdin, Lisa Lorey, Chris Burns, Jennifer CCarroll. R o w 2—Denise Gaerte, Kimberly Saxer, Jen Strait, Carolyn Dennis, Susan Stallings, Michelle Myers, Bridget Wise, Kymberli Wimbish, Stephanie Ratliff, Andrea Reo, Darla Hanson, D a w n Coe, Trish Howard, Yvonne Dick, Jennifer Wright, Crisandra Michaelsen. R o w 3—Jenn Pound, Connie Smith, Debbie Damask, Nikki Steele, Carrie Wiser, Letta Porter, Paula Pittman, Londa Rorer, Carrie Floyd, A m y Keiper, Krista Jenkins, Melissa McDaniel, Michelle Stoner, Kristen Wright, Lisa Moellring. R o w 4-Zaida Maldonado, Katie Pick, Jennifer Repkoe, Heather Collins, Kim Jarris, Melissa Wright, Melissa Kemmerer, Jodi Horton, Carole Songer, Misty Gandy, Rose Timmons, Bethany Myers, Erica Bolen, Christine McClain, Jill Murphy, Sonya Mingo.
D o r m 27-3 R o w l ~ A m y Rollison, Chantelle Pitts, Katherine Class, Christy Moenaert, Marcianna Chace, Nicole Morse, Stephanie Friesner, Nicole Rowland, Julie Mullins, W e n d y Wilson, Jasmine Stratos, Laura Murray, Jennifer Wilson, Lauran Stelter, Helene Mongiove, Melissa Young. R o w 2-Renee Willard, Jennifer Zobel, Rebecca Enrico, Tori Henriques, Denise Colby, Kristy Springman, L u A n n Sallstorm, W e n d y Ulm, A m y N e w m a n , Jennifer Holland, Holly Thompson, Katherine Rutledge, Angel Ritter, Debra Sorrell. R o w 3-Cristi Kitchen, Jennifer Eveland, Stephanie Gilbert, Jill Bundy, A m y W o o d , Kathy Thomas, Barb Strawn, Michelle Robb, Heather Dilmore, Mizchivette Robinson, Valerie Deville, Lori Meyers, T a m m y Weir. R o w 4-Carolyn Hemele,' D a w n Looney, A m y Covert, Sheri Williams, Jennifer Stuart, Susan Williams, W e n d y Moore, Tonda Stewart, Michaela Terry, Tara Robertson, Rebecca Smith, Cynthia Stroud, Valerie Pack.
Photo By Tim Albertson
Her Heart's Desire to Serve with Music By Jenn Hankins Other activities she has been a part of while at Music is Carrie Moore's heart's desire. Carrie sings, writes songs and plays the piano. She hopes college include the Prayer Leader program, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and the Resident to use these talents in a future ministry. Assistant program. Music is a big part of Carrie's family. Her mother is a Carrie is attempting to get her music published singer and pianist and has recorded an album. Her father now, but she said, "If the Lord doesn't open that also sings and plays the piano. Carrie's mother began to give her piano lessons w h e n she door, there are m a n y other ways I can use m y was seven. Although Carrie disliked her parents making music to serve Him." O n e other w a y she has considered is becoming her practice w h e n she was young, she is glad n o w that they a musicianary, which is someone w h o begins music did. A s a child, Carrie sang in church musicals, but in junior ministries in other countries. Since high school, high she would not sing at all. She was insecure because her she has had an interest in missions and the Latin mother was very talented, and she did not want to be American culture. She has studied Spanish for six compared to her. In high school she overcame this insecu- years. Carrie felt that the campaign to South America rity by singing in choruses in musicals, and she sang the with Light was a good experience but said that it lead in a musical during her senior year. While in high school, Carrie wrote one song, but it was was hard to just sing for the people and leave right not until she came to Liberty that she began to write for the away. "I would like to be more involved in a oneLord. She has n o w written 25 to 30 songs. "Writing music on-one ministry with people," she said. O n e of the things G o d has been teaching her is is a w a y of expressing what God's been teaching m e in m y life," she said, "It is harder to write songs w h e n I sit d o w n h o w to have a humble spirit. "I a m seeking the and try to. The Lord tends to give m e songs w h e n I a m not Lord and not what H e can give me," she said. "He's given m e the gift, and I want to use it for H i m while expecting them." Carrie never had any musical training in voice until she He's given it to me." N o matter what she does with her life, one thing came to L U in 1989. During her time at Liberty she has is clear - Carrie Moore has a great desire to serve participated in Concert Choir and the Celebration singers. She sang on a Light team during the s u m m e r campaign to her Lord...with music. South America in 1990. She has also sung solos in various churches. i yi
D o r m 28-1: R o w 1-Wendy Gettman, Jill Hinderer, Lorraine Hollard, Trish Edgar, Heidi Alonighty, Elizabeth Bentley, Lisa Evans, Melody O'Neal, Angela Keener, Heidi DeMoura, Kimberly Maus, Kimbly Busby, Dana Baraga, Brigette Wade. R o w 2Terry Coupland, Missy DeLancey, Maria Hooke, Rosemarie Stagno, Marjorie Stagno, Michele Gettman, Jill Omark, Lori Stahl, Christine Pierce, Elaine Graham, Christy Hindson, Noel Brewer, Beth Kleinknecht, Michelle Guyton, Carrie Hackworth, Michele Sullivan. R o w 3—Heather Nelson, Shannon Yancey, Elayna Mentone, Cynthia Kraft, Kim Smith, Jee Kim, A m i e Willett, Rachael Murray, Layla Hinton, Lisa Stumpf, A m y Parsons, Leslie Howard. R o w 4—Brenda Swihart, Katie Seiple, Tara Neely, Jodi George, Michelle Appenzeller, Laura Kennedy, Heather Spon, Kelly Earhart, Tara Drozda, Audra Townsend, Rebecca Wooldridge, Jody Wilson, Carrie Binkley.
D o r m 28-2: R o w 1-Sarah Dillon, Kathy Imhof, Kristen Baker, Susan Leonovitch, Heather Ross, Kimberly Connell, Sarah Willis, Lori Brown, Bobbie Frazier, Hollie Crowell, Leighanne Ward, Jennifer Peden, Kari Fraser, Heather Manley, K i m Fraser, Maureen Mann. R o w 2 ~ D a w n Summers, Mary Allen, Melissa Rosenberg, Dorothy Nunes, Carrie Sweet, Susan Pass, Tracy Wiggins, Ashley Welborn, Carolyn Wilburn, Julianna Ortiz, Agatha Parker, Deanna Jacobs, Jennifer Reagan, Dee A n n Hora, Christina Sawyer. R o w 3~Melissa Shear, Jules Adams, Jeanette Boyette, Melissa Perry, Christine Hinajosa, Staci Taunton, Alyce Reiter, Cindy Perrault, Kristina Austin, Melanie Shipferling, Sarah Peters, Catherine Godley, Paige Mickler, Jeannine Hoffman, Terri Palmer. R o w 4~Lori Mattson, Stephanie Osborne, Carey Evans, Jennifer Hodges, Janine V a n D a m , Beth Ryder, Nicole Wesley, Jennifer Reibson, Monica Luci, Kelly Railey, Jennifer Inge, Laurie Tevepaugh, Danielle Peters, Alaina Moore, r>ar.ioiiD T Q „ J „ Juliann Sigley.
Health Ministry Opens Doors in Haiti By A m a n d a Schweinsburg "One does not have to be highly educated or trained toproblems that just about anything you can do is meet needs in a Third World setting," Dr. Alan Rabe, going to help," he explained. While half of the group conducted clinics, the chairman of the Department of Health and Sciences, said. A medical missions team of Liberty students and faculty others did child evangelism. "The sessions lasted u p to 2 1/2 hours and 200 to 300 children atin the community health and nursing programs makes yearly trips to the Republic of Haiti, where they use a four- tended," Rabe said. " W e would usually have 15 to 20 kids raise their hand every time w e gave an prong approach to meet physical and spiritual needs. invitation showing that they had accepted the The 1991 Health Outreach in Haiti team conducted Lord as their Savior." adult health lessons, medical clinics, child evangelism The door-to-door nutrition survey was also a programs and a nutrition survey in which team members witnessing tool, according to Lane. " W e got to see went door-to-door asking questions about nutrition and health. Every team m e m b e r w a s required to raise his o w n what kind of things they eat; w e got to see where they get their water, which is extremely important; support. and w e got an idea of their immunizations," he Leading the group in addition to Dr. Rabe were Dr. said. "An additional thing w e did is find out what Richard Lane, professor of health sciences and part-time staff physician at Health Services; Sharon Rahilly, nursing they die of. And, of course, once you talk about death it is a natural lead-in to sharing the Gospel." professor; and Linda Rabe, Health Services nurse. Last year a Liberty team arranged to have a well The team worked in four Baptist churches in an area of put into a church yard. Subsequently, a Christian about 75 kilometers, using posters and interpreters to school was started. Rabe and Lane said that the communicate health facts with the Haitians in the Creole school had 40 students in its first year and enrolllanguage, which is a mixture of French and African diament should have been 80-100 this year. lects. "The nurses and the community health majors Along with the adult health lessons, the group also conducted free daily health clinics. These were supervised with just basic background could meet tremendous needs in Haiti," Dr. Rabe explained. "If you by the two professional nurses and Dr. Lane, w h o said: place your hand in the Lord's hand and you are " W e saw 815 people in eight mornings. W e wrote and willing to go, H e can use you." filled over 1,400 prescriptions." Lane noted that the clinic dealt primarily with basic health problems. "In the Third World there are so m a n y 195
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D o r m 28-3: R o w l~Rhondalee Braithwaite, Jennifer Tompkins, Madrianna Allen, Jeanne Eugene, Nadjie Lamothe, Jessie Lamothe, Angela Ponder, Sheri Jeter, A m y Russell, Angela Vaughn, Beth Thompson, Tina Towers, Tamara Herman, Renee Reber. R o w 2—Angela Simpson, Vanessa Poekert, Natasha Marstiller, Rebecca Tully, Lori Wainwright, Jeanna Meola, Ralna Ramse, Kelly Peterson, Melissa Gathman, Joetta Bert, Laura Herold, Roxanne Hinkle. R o w 3—Laura Rees, Grerta Gross, Cheryl Rhone, Lori Tucker, Stephanie Ray, Kimberley Thornburg, Kimberly Anderson, Cori Caldwell, Angela Elmore, Jolene Simmons, Shelbi Kaneshiro, April Harnden. R o w 4—Bonnie Berrrang, Salome Gonzalez, A m y Schmidt, Laura Schmidt, Janalyn Williams, Nicole Spencer, A n n Warner, Shelli Simontacchi, Ali Smith, Jennifer Cox, Lark Alloway, Elizabeth Sparkman, Patricia Porter, Candace Bennett.
T o w n Students: R o w 1-Troy Prehmus, Bo Summers, James Seibel, Scott Carter, Matthew Wolfe, Kimberly Wolfe, Nancy Lahue, Janet Jones, Katy Heer, Rachel Heer, Jennifer Smith.Row 2-Ryan Bilyeu, Steve Riser, David Bauer, Steve Gilliatt, Tim Pierce, Felecia Pierce, Rebecca Sell, Susan Steeves, Carri Gephart, Andrea Hassell, Terra Schock. R o w 3-Brian Robinson, Mark Sentner, John Jameson, Brian Kirschner, Kevin Strachan, Frances Crews, Andrea Campbell, Rhonda Deacon, Megan Bearder. R o w 4-Sheldon Werner, Lionel Howard, Greg Aleg, Eric Segedi, Paul Thompson, A m y Price, Renee Jones, Jenny Warren, Julie Mazanec, Faith McWane. R o w 5~Loni Crouse, Kenneth Ashley, Greg Wienholt, David Etter, jayne Sargeant, Monica Howe.
New Zealander Gains Confidence By Ruth Gutierrez Carlene Baird is a natural when it comes to international exposure. She w a s born in Nelson, N e w Zealand, in 1967 and described her h o m e country as being an "absolutely gorgeous" place. She has also lived in the Philippines and Australia with her parents on their missionary ventures. N o w she is studying in the U.S. Carlene, a senior elementary education major, is working on her student teaching. Her first impression of the U.S. w a s exciting. "I hadn't seen stores, like with cereal boxes," she said. "I'm used to seeing only three or four cereals, because they don't eat a lot of cereal in N e w Zealand." Americans like to socialize while studying hard in school, but it is not so in the "Kiwi" country. Students do not normally enter a university after high school, as high school graduates do in the U.S. "Either you have to be exceedingly rich to go to a university, or you have to be extremely intelligent," Carlene said. "Most go out into the world, and that is the norm." Photo By Vangie Carlene likes the social and personal contacts the Carlene attributes her international exposure to making her the person she is today - confident and teachers have with their students. She gives credit to culturally oriented. "I loved it and I wouldn't trade it her teachers in the Philippines for motivating her to become an elementary school teacher. Her family has for the world," she said. "It has opened u p m y mind to so m a n y things." also played a big part in her life.
Photo By Vangie 147
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Senior Dorm-Female: R o w 1-Tracey Furr, Yvonne Astwood, Corina Chirla, Meghan Miller, Danette HyLkema, Sheila Cramer, Shannon Berry, Gabriela Musat, Rebecca Phillips, Lois Myers, Adriana Simulescu. R o w 2-Anne Whitford, Carolyn Caulder, Bang Tiet, Andrea Bassett, Vicki Ervin, Aimee Davis, Tracy Creager, Cristina Sburatura, Gabriella Boldea, Mihaela Anghel, Emelia Balog, Magdalena Docea. R o w 3~Aimee Moore, Debi Lopez, Clara Gonzalez, Heather Greene, Darleen Saczawa, Ivionise Noel, Karen Bonenberger, Gina Roberts, Stephanie Parrish, Leslie Davis, Susan Allison, Marie Walker. R o w 4~Shannon Camby, Gretchen McClung, Lisa Lewis, Madeleine Tullier, Krisfy Angove, Laura Sharp, Wendy While, Christina Bregou, Simone Spieker, Maurina James, Allison Smith, Robin McDaniel, Michelle Toy. R o w 5~Monica Miles, Cindy Snelling, Carla Thomas, Jennifer Heise, Susan Bray, Debra Waddell, Julie Hollenbeck, Jane Freel, Heather Hirshman, A m y Davis, Leslee Tester, Heide Clark. R o w 6—Debra Bense, Donna Geuter, Marsha Evans, Kristen Rodway, D a w n Ellero, Kerry Spadafora, Angela Roberts, JaeSook Gho, Robin Lockman, Melissa Tubiolo, Tracy Melton, Tami Laffoon, Holly VanSciver, Louise Svensson.
Senior Dorm-Male: R o w 1-Joel Gray, Christiaan Vanden Heuvel, Chris C B r y o n , John Jensen, Joel Pierce, Brian Walters, M a r k Denton, Scott Best, Matthew Vaughn, Shane Hussey, Guillermo Larzabal, Al Malina, Bret Burrows. R o w 2 - O s a m a Daher, M a r k Allebach, James Barron, Michael Stipe, Christopher Phelps, Peter Lacanienta, Donnie Tull, Fitu Tafaoa, Ashley Trunnell, Timothy H a r m o n , ErichHeegal. R o w 3 - S u n g C h a , LonetePeter,MogapiMoagi,Samuel Lupulescu, DanielGhitas,Theo Badea,John Phillips, W o n H o Kang, Carvelle Smith, Erik Svendsen, Duane DeVries, Tim Faile. R o w 4-Michael Menkloza, Scott Harris, Dannie Burgess, Herbie Becerra, Dave W a v e , Dave Morad, Roberto Rodriguez, Sandro Soldesi, Randy Lipscomb, Steve Sylvester. R o w 5~Duane Copenheaver, Francis Dinkle, Donnan Burris, Wretched Nixon, Charles Taylor, R o n Blackwood, Benjamin T o m a , Alin Voicu, Reinhard Breckner, Dorin Igna, Albert Henderson.
LU Education is More Than Boring Lectures By Kim Davis and Scott Eigenhuis
Long lectures. Tedious tests. Necessary naps. Sound like a typical L U class? Believe it or not, there is more to a Liberty education. Aside from the everyday classes, students are also involved in learning useful, hands-on skills. Rita Moret, junior h u m a n ecology major, enjoyed her chemistry lab work. "If you see what's going on for yourself, you can learn so m u c h better than if you read it in a book," she said. Journalism students not only work on state-of-theart computer equipment, they also produce the school newspaper, the school yearbook, and numerous other publications for the university. "Our students need a lot of hands-on experience today to keep pace with tremendous technological developments in the professional world," Dr. Al Snyder, chairman of the Journalism Department, said. Tim Hines, graduate student, said the professors cannot be expected to foresee every situation. " W h e n you are working on a project, problems will come u p that were not covered in the lectures," he said. "This gives you a chance to gain experience in your field while still having access to the advice of your instructor.'' Practicums and labs add greater value to the students learning experience. It also gives them an advantage w h e n entering the professional world.
S c aremare
Photos By Vangie
West African Burdened for Niger By Genie Poggemiller Senior Amina Alio is a striking example of a world Christian. Amina is a modern language/linguistics major and hopes to be fluent in six languages by the time she graduates. She can speak Hausa, Zarma, English, French, the national language of Niger, and is currently studying G e r m a n and Spanish. Her h o m e is Niamey, Niger, in West Africa, on the border of the Sahara. It is a Third World country but is pushing toward modernization. Muslims m a k e u p 97 percent of Niger, but moves in the government toward democracy have opened n e w doors to Christianity. The Muslim government has only recently permitted religious freedom. Niger is a relatively peaceful country, A m i n a said, unlike m a n y other surrounding African nations. Peace, however, is not without a price. Thirty years ago there was m u c h fighting with France over territories and independence. Today, with n e w freedoms, complaints and strikes have increased, especially against the government-funded education programs. The people of Niger are a proud people with a rich tribal heritage. Amina's family is no exception. There are three major tribes in Niger. A m i n a is from the Hausa tribe and her family is in the royal line of tribal chiefs through her father, a professional dermatologist w h o also preaches in their local church. Her mother teaches English and has five children. The Alio family used to be Muslim mixed with the beliefs of tribal religions. The gospel came to the Alio family through the ministry of Baptist missionaries. Although Amina's mother was from an Episcopal family, it was in Niger that she and Amina's father came to Christ and were baptized. The missionary w h o discipled them, Arlene Spurlock, also arranged for A m i n a to come to Liberty. Although she views the United States as the land of Photo By Genie Poggemiller opportunity, A m i n a does not like the ungratefulness she has seen. "You (who live in the United States) Amina admitted that there is a great temptation to abuse your freedom and take advantage of it," she remain in America with all its affluence and advansaid. tages but said that her heart is with the people of Niger. A m i n a also showed concern for the m a n y lawsuits "I would feel selfish to stay here," she said. "I want to and strikes that take place in the U. S., which are n o w share the gospel and what I have learned (here at beginning to emerge in her o w n country with inLiberty) with the people there." creased democracy. Although democracy brings religious freedom, she said that it is only good under the right circumstances. "People w h o are free must also be responsible stewards of that freedom."
Stephen Adkins Trisha Aldrich Physical Ed. Nursing Virginia Beach, Va. Lynchburg, Va.
Virginia Anderson Elementary Ed. Wilmington, Del.
m. 'ii Lisa Anthony Biology Antigua, Wis.
Amina Alio Linguistics Niamey, Niger
Michael Allee Social Science Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Julie Alverson Business Greensboro, N.C.
Matthew Anderson Pre-Law Manassas, Va.
Andrea Argento Elementary Ed. Grafton, Ohio
Gregory Armfield Computer Science Westminster, M d
Andrew Arnold Business Palmyra, Pa
Julie Arnold Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Kelly Arnold Elementary Ed. Lockport, Ny.
Tait Arnold Biology Little Rock, Ark.
Robert Ash Telecom. Alexandria, Va.
Lisa Ashworth Elementary Ed. Danville, Va.
Audrey Asmussen Psychology Jax, Fla.
Brent Atwood Business Danville, Ky.
Kimberly Austin Elementary Ed. Warminster, Pa.
Daniel Bachmann Computer Science Lynchburg, Va.
Jodi Baclet Education Eldridge, Iowa
Beverly Bacon Nursing Jacksonville,Fla.
Cinnomin Baker H u m a n Ecology Bethel Park,Pa.
Craig Baker Journalism Wilmington, Del.
Celina Bakhashi Business Wheaton, M d .
Julie Ballmer Elementary Ed. Grand Blanc,Mich.
Lisa Bambey Nursing Cincinnati, Ohio
Paula Bancale Business Lake Ariel, Pa.
Jonathan Barnhart Computer Science Lynchburg, Va.
Chris Barnhill Business Conway, S.C.
Damien Bates Business Dublin, Ireland
Kathy Bates Nursing Amherst, Va.
Christi Battiato Business Salem, N.J.
Heather Baugh Journalism Lantana, Fla.
Lisa Bayliff Elementary Ed. Baltimore, M d .
Megan Bearder English Lake Geneva, Wis.
Herbert Becerra Telecom. Cliffside, N.J.
Christopher Becker Telecom. Hackensack, N.J.
Kevin Behner Business Longwood, Fla.
Timothy Behrens Psychology Milwaukie, Ore.
Starleen Benke Music Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
John Bennett Biology Bainbridge, Ga.
Lorinda L. Benton Business Chicago, 111.
James Berry Mathematics Florence, S. C.
Lisa Biggs Biology Goldsboro, N.C.
Jessica Blanks H u m a n Ecology. Richmond, Va.
Steven Bobbey Nursing Evington, Va.
Todd Bobo Comunity Health Bonsall, Calif.
Stephanie Bolick Nursing Wilmington, N.C
Sheri Boiling Music Ed. Roanoke, Va.
Scott Bolton Church Min. El Sobrante,Calif.
Paula Bonefield Elementary Ed. Northglenn, Colo.
Arlene Bont Business Lynchburg, Va.
Rachelle Booker Government Gladstone, Va.
Bethany Boothe Math Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Beth Borgman Counseling Min. Belding, Mich.
Robert Bottiger Business Shorewood, Minn.
Patricia Bottiglieri English Ed. Mickleton, NJ.
Carl Boudreau Youth Ministry Wiscasset, Maine
Kathleen Bowers Mathematics Portola, Ga.
Michelle Branch Elementary Ed. Newport News,Va.
Tamatha Branscum Page Brantley English Ed. Business Indianapolis, Ind. Durham,N.C.
Jason Breland Church Ministry Mobile, Ala.
Timothy Brennan Dusty Brenning Business Computer Science Shiremanstown, Pa. Garden City, Kan.
Kevin Brittingham Biology Baltimore, M d .
Debbie Brooks Patti Browder Government Nursing Tappahannork, Va. Starke, Ha.
Jamie Brower Business Waynesville, Ohio
David Brown Psychology Shawnee, Kan.
K i m Brown Nursing Chicago, 111.
Brian Brumwell Telecom. Ontario, Canada
Bryan Buckley Youth Ministry Chicago, 111.
Michael Burnette Church Ministry Chatham, Va.
Deborah Butts Psychology Richmond, Va.
Kristin Byrd Elementary Ed. Teaneck, N.J.
Jim Burk Music Ed. Somerset, Pa.
Urn *m r xj
Jill Calomeris Psychology Beltsville, M d .
Debbie Camlin Business Coral Springs, Fla.
Traci Camlin James Campbell Business History Coral Springs, Fla. N.B., Canada
Paul Canada Youth Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
Paul Carico Mathematics Sarasota, Fla.
Robin Carlstrom Psychology Verona, Virginia
Karen Carlberg Psychology Seminole, Fla.
Tamara Carr Elementary Ed. Palm Coast, Fla.
Priscilla Castillo Psychology Fairfax, Va.
Melody Cato Business Danville, Ky.
Christos Carroll Business Wilmington, N.C.
James Todd Caudle Jason Chenoweth Pastoral Ministry Pastoral Ministry Winston-Salem, N.C. Daleville, Va.
Cheryl Chipman Journalism Dearborn, Mich.
Corina Chirla Nursing Cleveland, Ohio
Angela Cimbura Business Ventura, Calif.
Carla Clark Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Jennifer Clark Music Ed. Horseheads, N.Y.
Mark Clifton Computer Science Roanoke, Va.
Glenn Clodgo Elementary Ed. Keeseville, N.Y.
David Clough Elementary Ed. Bel Air, M d .
Wendi Cockrum Fashion Merch. Raymore, M o .
Gregory Coile Government Lynchburg, Va.
Betsy Collins Mathematics Ellicott City, M d
Dottie Collins Mathematics Ellicott City, M d .
Timothy Collins Business Mentor, Ohio
William Collins Biblical Studies Riner, Virginia
Chris Conklin Kendra Coleman Business History Ed. Port Huron, Mich. Hollard, M o .
David Conley Youth Ministry Boothbay Hrbr., Me.
David Cook Pastoral Ministry Phoenix, Ariz.
Michele Costello Duane Copenheaver Ted Cornelius Biology Community Health Music Ed. York, Pa. Virginia Beach, Va. Connellsville, Pa.
Terry Coupland H u m a n Ecology Rowco, Mich.
Gracie Cowell Journalism Hutchison, Kan.
David Craft Social Science Lynchburg, Va.
David Crane Psychology Orlando, Fla.
A n n Crecelius Elementary Ed. Olalla, Wash.
Jeffrey Cota Journalism Cardville, Maine
Vicki Creider Music Ed. N. Huntingdon, Pa.
Tobin Curtis Psychology Holden, Mass.
Osama Daher Accounting Jerusalem, Israel
Cristy Cubitt Psychology Marysville, Mich.
Jeff Curtis Business Powder Spgs., Ga.
Kari Dalton Kimberly Davis Nursing Journalism Dearborn Hts., Mich. Rustburg, Va.
Michael Day Accounting Manster, Ind.
Lynly DeLacy Michael DeBoer Music Youth Min. N. Fort Myers, Fla. North Street, Mich.
Melissa DeLancey Psychology Largo, Fla.
Christine Delinski English Ed. Rassville, Ind.
Jason Delk Biblical Study Richmond, Va.
Susan DeLuca Exercise Science Alpine, Calif.
Danielle DeMasters Psychology Columbia, Va.
Mark D e m y u n Biology Shavertown, Pa
Duane DeVries Youth Ministry Hudsonville, Mich.
Sarah Dillon Psychology Terre Haute, Ind.
Cassie Dillow Nursing La Vale, Md.
Angel Dixon H u m a n Res. Mgt. Lynchburg, Va.
Sonia Domingues Music Lisbon, Portugal
Michael Donaldson Business Whiteville, N.C.
Christina Dora Community Study Forest, Va.
Sonya Douthat Elementary Ed. Altavista, Va.
Leah Duffie Accounting Lynchburg, Va.
Becky D u n n Physical Ed. Etna Green, Ind
Pamela Dylag Psychology Elyria, Ohio
Mary Ellen Eades Physical Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Kristina Eberhardy Government Lynchburg, Va.
Lucille Croce Business Westminster, M d .
Bevery Crumpler Psychology Gloucester, Va.
«,Mjm.r-* 7<..J7, ~
T * **" '"
Steve Eckard Sports Mgt. Norfolk, Va.
Sonya Ervin H u m a n Services Virginia Beach, Va.
i II Charles Edwards Business Waldorf, M d .
Marielina Esperanza O m a r Espinoza Elementary Ed. Business Martinez, Ga. Forest, Va.
VW a n d a Evans Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Craig Edwards Government Doylestown, Pa.
Sabrina Everts Business Ypsilanti, Mich
iV ,
Christopher Falwell Telecom. Lynchburg, Va.
k Bradley Epps
David Eeles Math Ed. DesPlaines, 111.
Floyd Ellis Telecom. Bradenton, Fla.
Evan Evans Business Mt. Morris, Mich.
John Evans Missions Carrollton, Texas
Tracy Evans Psychology Midlothean, Va.
Misty Farr H u m a n Ecology Lewisville, Texas
Ronald Felty Business Spring Grove, Pa.
Gregory Ferguson Government Jefferson, Ga.
Sharon Fink Nursing Downingtown, Pa.
Michael Fisher Business Knox, Pa.
Kirk Fritz Business Ontario, Canada
Lisa Friend Chemistry Raleigh, N . C
William Ferrell Business Cincinnati, Ohio
Miriam Fields Biology Forest, Va.
David Fink Paul Fillmore Education Mathematics Fredericksburg, Va. Madison Hts, Va.
Jeff Fletcher Government Annapolis, M d .
Kellie Flint Secondary Ed. M o u n t Airy, M d .
Marcus Forney Elementary Ed. Dallas, Texas
Kari Foster Elementary Ed. Bargersville, Ind.
Sports Mgt. Elizabethtown, Pa.
Heather Furlow Church Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
Denise Gaerte Nursing Warsaw, Ind.
Donna Gallup Pre-Law Lynchburg, Va.
Jennifer Garner Accounting Springfield, Va.
Nancy Gates Health Woodbridge, Va.
Jamie George Youth Ministry Amherst, N. Y.
Carri Gephart Psychology Twinsburg, Ohio
Merritt Gerdes Psychology Giddings, Texas
Michele Gettman Journalism Chesterfield, Va.
Rob Ghitea Trey Gilham Cross-Cultural Min. Journalism Lynchburg, Va. Hilton Head Is., S. C.
D a w n Gillam English Ed. Venetia, Pa.
Steven Gilliatt Business Lynchburg, Va.
Ginger Gobble English Ed. Lexington, N. C.
Jon Goering Scott Gordan Computer Science Music Ed. Burrton, Kansas Lynchburg, Va.
Michelle Gorman Church Ministry Elyria, Ohio
Lisa G o w e n Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Kimberley Grafton Psychology Aldie, Va.
Carol Grantham Elementary Ed. Tucson, Ariz.
Kevin Grantham Biblical Studies Ordway, Colo.
Murve Green Biblical Studies Lynchburg, Va.
Todd Green Youth Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
Susan Greenwell Nursing Chicago, 111.
Kevin Gregory Tracy Grissinger Youth Ministry Mathematics Livermore Falls, Minn. Lynchburg, Va.
David Graziotti Business Redford, Mich.
Jennifer Geary Psychology Glencoe, Pa.
Paul Griffiths Julie Griffis Business Elementary Ed. Woodbury Hts, N. J. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Pamela Griffith Psychology Attica, N.Y.
John Groff Ruth Gutierrez Business Journalism Pembroke Pines, Fla. Lynchburg, Va.
Mark Gwartney Government Tallahassee, Fla.
Denise Haggerty Accounting Diamond, Ohio
Andrew Hahn Economics Ontario, Canada
Chad Hall Laurie Hall Business Business Ravenswood, W . Va. Suitland, M d .
Carol Hamer Business Brockport, N. Y.
Kimberly Hamilton Paul Hamilton Psychology Accounting Charlotte, N. C. Jefferson, Ohio
Eugene H a n Missions Carrollton, Texas
Jennifer D. Hankins Journalism Millville, N. J.
Rachael Hannah Psychology Kansas City, M o .
Darla Hanson Missions Kenyon, Minn.
Sallie Hark Crystal Harris Elementary Ed. H u m a n Res. Mgt. Schwenksville, Pa. Lynchburg, Va.
Johnny Harris Business Winston-Salem, N. C.
W e n d y Hart H u m a n Services Lynchburg, Va.
Brett Harvey Pre-Law N e w m a n , Georgia
Andrea Hassell Mgt. Info. Systems Sandys, Bermuda
Cindy Hassler Accounting Rochester, N. Y.
Keith Hatcher Psychology Shelby, N. C.
Lisa H a w k Psychology South Bend, Ind.
David Haynes Biblical Studies Lynchburg, Va.
Elizabeth Headley Nursing E. Liverpool, Ohio
Shellie Heckathorn English Elk Point, S. D.
Greg Hawkins Business Lynchburg, Va.
Shelley Hawley Elementary Ed. Taylor, Mich.
Terri Hayden English Lynchburg, Va.
David Helman Business Palmyra, Pa.
Laurie Helton Community Health Colo. Spgs., Colo.
Stephen H e m e n w a y Rachel Henne English Ed. Admin, of Justice Virginia Beach, Va. Sherburne, N.Y.
T a m m y Henry Economics Mill Creek, Pa.
Barb Hernandez Math Ed. Ontario, Canada
Sharon Hicks Community Health Lawnside, N.J.
David Hill Business Houston, Texas
Jeffrey Hill Biblical Studies Vineland, N.J.
Sidney Hill Biblical Studies Indianapolis, Ind
Melissa Hilliard Nursing Grayson, Ga.
Jill Hinderer Psychology Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Scott Hofert Church Ministry Williamsville, N.Y.
Jodi Hoisington English Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Stephen Hokanson Business Garden City, Kan.
Dale Hollins Youth Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
John Holt History Lynchburg, Va.
Brett Honeycutt Sports Mgt. Charlotte, N.C.
Emily H o p p Mathematics Lynchburg, Va.
Philip H o p p Biology Lynchburg, Va.
Charlotte Hostetter Music Ed. Tulsa, Okla.
Rob Howard Biblical Studies Vestal, N.Y.
A m y Hubbard Accounting Lynchburg, Va
Sabrina Hubbard Accounting Lynchburg, Va.
Jill H u b e r Business Rapid City, S.D.
Adrianna Hukills Nursing Louisville, Ohio
Tracey H u g h e s Psychology Ft. Mitchell, Ky.
,»«%«»«>«•', Kristen Huffty Youth Ministry Portland, Ore.
Andrea Hunsberger Jill H u n t Sports Mgt. Nursing Selleisoille, Pa. Lynchburg, Va.
Dan Her Stephanie Inscoe Accounting/Bus. Business W . Palm Beach, Fla. Manassas, Va.
Kathleen Ives Health Bark River, Mich.
Marty James Jerry Jameson Social Science Ed. History Madison Hts., Va. Mount Marris, 111.
Deborah Jankowski Journalism Portland, Tenn.
G w e n Jarvis Exercise Science Lynchburg, Va.
Jonathan Jibowu Business West Africa
Christy Johnson Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Judith Johnson H u m a n Ecology Joelton, Tenn.
W e n d y Jauch Elementary Ed. Plainview, N.Y.
Darren Johnson Sports Mgt. Redding, Calif.
Lisa Johnson Elementary Ed. Taylor, Mich.
Michael Johnson Business Bristol, Va.
Robert Johnson Business Jarrettsville, M d .
T o m Johnson Dale Johnston Government Accounting Virginia Beach, Va. Plana, Texas
Daniel Jones English Hyattsville, M d .
Kellie Jones, Elementary Ed Richmond, Va.
Dan Jordan Youth Ministry Columbus, Ga.
fulie Jorgensen Elementary Ed. Macungie, Pa.
Corey Joy Church Ministry Odessa, Texas
Ronda Jurgeson Mgt. Info. Systems Peculiar, M o .
Julie Kaehne Math Ed. Candler, N.C.
Suzanne Kaeppler Elementary Ed. Millville, N J .
Tim Kania Telecom. Claymont, Del.
Gary Kauffman Accounting Dundee, N.Y.
Todd Kavana Business Lynchburg, Va.
Karla Keating Stacy Keaveny Elementary Ed. Psychology Overland Park, Kan. Elkton, M d .
teXViu sii Charles K e e n u m Keith Keller Business Youth Ministry Hendersonville, N. C. McDonough, Ga.
Cheryl Kennedy Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Scott Kennedy Business Ontario, Canada
Mark Kerrigan Mathematics Philadelphia, Pa.
Ellen Key Elementary Ed. Bedford, Va.
James Keys General Study Gladys, Va.
Thomas Keys Government Gladys, Va.
Christina Kim Government Falls Church, Va.
Donna King Government Durham, N.C.
Kimberley King English Lynchburg, Va.
Brian Kirschner Physical Ed. Philadelphia, Pa.
Rick Klima Mathematics Stone Mountain, Ga.
Christina Koelsch Business Burlington, N.C.
Karen Kolb Physical Ed. Springfield, M o .
Kelley Kolbe Education Martinsville, Ind.
Daniel Knisley Business Sterling, Va.
Robert Knox Accounting Wilmington, Del.
Michael Kreider Sports Mgt. Colmar, Pa
Patricia Krisak Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Mark Krueger Psychology Orange, Calif.
Bruce Krall Business Davie, Ha.
Peter Kramer Biology Lexington, Ky.
Evelyn Lacanienta Business Irvine, Calif.
Kelly Lake Business Hudson, Ohio
m Kellie Kreider Elementary Ed. Palmyra, Pa.
Jeff Lakin Pastoral Ministry Portland, Mich.
Anthony Lambright Daniel Lane Youth Ministry Foreign Affairs Goshen, Ind. Ontario, Canada
Robyn Larrabee Counseling Min. El Paso, Texas
Discipline Builds Strong Character By Ruth Gutierrez & Kim Davis Senior Johnny Prettyman is a man of many talents. Singing and playing the piano are big parts of Johnny's life. H e acquired his musical ability from both his father and his mother. His father majored in music education at the University of Maryland, plays the trumpet, and is currently their church music pastor. His mother is a voice teacher. Johnny views these talents as a form of discipline after which he has been able to pattern other areas of his life. " M a m m a making m e play the piano was the worst discipline I could ever imagine, but learning to sit d o w n and do something I didn't want to do has greatly influenced other disciplines in m y life," he said. Track is also a very important part of Johnny's life and has been part of the Prettyman family for years. Johnny's father is a track coach and A C C (Atlantic Coast Conference) record holder in track. Johnny and his brother Bobby both run track at Liberty. Johnny has experienced many exciting moments throughout his four years on the L U team, one of which Photo By Tim Kania came at his favorite meet of the year - the Penn Relays. This meet includes thousands of competitors and tens wrong. I could never ask for a better example to grow up under." of thousands of spectators. Johnny has also developed a growing appreciation "It's incredible," Johnny said. "There is no other for his mother while being away at college. "There have college meet that can touch it as far as excitement. It's been times when I've taken her for granted," he said. very intense." "By taking child psychology this year, I've realized During this meet Johnny's mile relay team set a how much m y m o m has done for me. She is so special school record. They were then placed as an alternate and important - just what I always needed when I was for the finals but did not get to run. "Although w e didn't attain a victory, w e were glad growing up." Johnny was born in Chattanooga, Tenn., but has to attain the goal of setting a new school record," he lived in Macon, Ga. since the age of three. H e is also the said. oldest of five children, four boys and one girl. According to Johnny, much of the team's success Although the growing-up years were somewhat goes to Coach Brant Tolsma. "He is a very Godly man, rough, his family has become very close. "Having to and I respect that a lot," he said. "I'm also very clean up after them was a pain, but I love m y brothers impressed with his personality. I admire his ability to and sister," he said. "I've been rooming with m y deal with the athletes honestly, yet unoffensively. W h e n you want his opinion, he is very honest and straight- brother Bobby for two years. W e really get along well now." forward." Johnny is a church ministries major, with concentraChristian soloist Steve Green has been another great tions in music and youth. After receiving a master's influence on Johnny. "You can tell that he lives what degree in youth counseling, Johnny plans to work with he sings and that God is working through him - it young people. "I have a growing burden for the youth," completely humbled me," he said. "I've always liked he said. "I feel that is most likely the direction God is his voice and his songs, but meeting him and seeing his leading." concert left a lasting impression in m y life." Meanwhile, Johnny said the Lord is preparing his Johnny's father and mother, however, have made the largest impact on his life. "My father loves the life. "God is daily teaching m e humility and teaching Lord," he said. "He is so humble, approachable, and m e to cast all m y cares on him." he cares about people. H e never wants to do anybody
Erik Larson Political Science Amherst, N.Y.
Becky Lash Accounting Battle Creek, Mich.
Angelia Lasley H o m e Ec. Ed. Abingdon, Va.
Jodie Laverty Exercise Science Anchorage, Alaska
Connie Lawson Karen Leary Elementary Ed. Psychology Virginia Beach, Va. Vlarilla, N.Y.
Stephon Leary Psychology Katy, Texas
Aaron Lee Business Wilmington, N.C.
Melisa Lehman Music Geneva, Ind.
Bryan Leonard Psychology Lenoir City, Tenn.
Jeremy Lewis Youth Ministry Ridgecrest, Calif.
Doree Light Business Lebanon, Pa.
Carole A n n Lindquist Mathematics Nutley, N.J.
Joseph Livezey Accounting Deptford, N.J.
Jeanna Logue Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Jamie Long Psychology Clyde, Ohio
Charles Love Telecom. Portsmouth, Va.
David Love Youth Ministry Cumberland, Md.
Laurie Lyons Telecom. Miami, Fla.
Matthew M a k a Biblical Studies Flanders, N.J.
Jean Manes Heather Manley Government Government Pampano Beach, Fla. Richardson, Texas
Susann Marietta Nursing Dunbar, Pa.
Sherri Markle Psychology Forest, Va.
Steven Markle Youth Ministry Forest, Virginia
Scott Lykins Jeanette Lucadano Computer Science Pre-Law N e w Pt. Richey, Fla. Cincinnati, Ohio
Shirley M a n n Accounting Gerrardstown, W.Va
Renee Manuel Business Baltimore, M d
Susan Markva Business Springfield, Va.
j. , m i 1
Susanne Marshall Business Lurjct, Vt.
Rebecca Martin Business Martinsville, Va.
Sandra Martin Psychology Brookneal, Va.
Vikki Maxwell Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
James Matts Interdiscp. Studies Lynchburg, Va.
Nicole Maynard Dana M c C a m m o n Lena McCauley Psychology Accounting Telecom. Chapmanville, W . Va. Terre Haute, Ind. Richmond, Va.
Jim McClay Business Sinking Spring, Pa.
Kerri McKeehan Daryle McGhee Psychology Political Science Upper Marlboro, Md. Vienna, Va.
Karol Merickle Accounting Palm Desert, Calif.
Jonathan Meyer Government Edgewater, M d .
Iva Milanovic Psychology Yugoslavia
Matthew Miles Journalism Westchester, Pa.
Laura Miller Health Ed. El Cajon, Calif.
Tonya Miller Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Jessica Minnis Government Limerick, Pa.
Nathan Mitchell Psychology Port Huron, M o .
Jason Modling Business Jax, Fla.
Valorie Moore English Ed. Robins, N. C.
Michael Morgan Missions Amherst, Va.
Michelle Morris Social Science Ed. Euless, Texas
Sharon Martin Nursing Lynchburg, Va.
Gina Matherly Nursing Lynchburg, Va.
Shane McNamara Susan Mehlee Business Nursing Charlottesville, N. CWernersville, Pa.
Tina Matras Church Ministry Canton, Mich.
Jason McClain Business Stonewood, W . Va.
Michael Mendoza Business Virginia Beach, Va.
Vera Muble Pastoral Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
Sherry] Morse Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Brian Moyer Youth Ministry Stuart, Ha.
Jessie Mozer H o m e Ec. Clayton, Ind.
Jacob Moyettes Health Greenville, 111.
Penny M u n d y Elementary Ed. Mt. Hope, W . Va.
Sara Nelson Psychology Rapid City, S. D.
Tim Neptune Business Wellington, Ohio
Melondee N e w b y Merry Newton Political Science Nursing Gypsum, Colo. Clarksville, Va.
Theresa Nimo Elementary Ed. Marietta, Pa.
Joanne Nogowski Nursing Philadelphia, Pa.
Kashana N u n n Church Ministry Hinesville, Ga.
Sheila Obey Elementary Ed Bangor, Maine
Alan Oglesby Health Fort Wayne, Ind.
Caroline O g u m Nursing Kenya
Ekwo O m a k w u Business Nigeria
Chidinma Onokalah Nursing Madison Hts., Va.
K e n Overholt Computer Science Pottersville, N . Y. mm i
Dana O w e n s Elementary Ed. Lithia Springs, Ga.
Sharon Pack Business Hinton, W . Va.
M a r y Palm Psychology Seminole, Fla.
Raymond Parmentes Government Edgewater, Fla.
Samuel Paul Government Lynchburg, Va.
Traci Paulette Elementary Ed. Appomattox. Va.
Kirby Payne Computer Science Anchorage, Alaska
Sherri Pearson Linguistics Rocland Park, Kan.
Kelly Patrick Elementary Ed. Milton, Ohio
m I it Dan Patterson Sports Mgt. Smithfield, R. I
Sheena Muberty Youth Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
Matt Pelletier Biology Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Pamela Pelletier Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Brian Penn Church Ministry Dayton, Ohio
Susan Penn English Richmond, Va.
Sandra Penton Secondary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Lisa Pepperdine Elementary Ed. Wyomissing, Pa.
Kenneth Perkins Biblical Studies Jongsboro, Ga.
Debra Peters H u m a n Res. Mgt. Green Bay, Wis.
Christopher Peterson Missions Matthews, N. C.
Daniel Peterson Physical Ed. Ashville, N. Y.
Meredith Peverill Nursing Nova Scotia
T a m m y Phelps Elementary Ed. Mocksville, N. C.
Tena Pickering History Ed. Norfolk, Va.
Christopher Pickral Biology Chatham, Va.
Laverne Pinder Psychology Evington, Va.
Carl Pinkham Steve Pizzini Cross-Custural Min. Youth Ministry Newington, Conn. Lynchburg, Va.
Jill Plichta Elementary Ed. Galax, Va.
^,IT Vangie Poggemiller Journalism Rustburg, Va.
D a w n Pollock English Ed. Pennsville, N. J.
mimiii Scott Pooch Physical Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Shelli Poore Nursing Earleville, M d .
Deanna Powers Elementary Ed. West Chester, Pa.
Johnny Prettyman Church Ministry Macon, Ga.
• I
Jennifer Price Psychology Blacksburg, Va.
Dan Pritchard Math Ed. Marshfield, M o .
W e n d y Pulliam Sports Mgt. Roxboro, N. C.
Kimberly Price Nursing Abingdon, Va.
Mark Randlett Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Michelle Rapp Journalism Pottstown, Pa.
Dayna Reber Telecom. Forest, Virginia
Jonathan Rector Sports Mgt. Arden, N. C.
Mark Redding Youth Min. Chambersburg, Pa.
William Reiss Biblical Study Macungie, Pa.
Deanna Renalds H u m a n Ecology Lynchburg, Va.
Bryan Rich Business Quiney, 111.
Jeanine Richmond Elementary Ed. Sacramento, Calif.
Debbie Reece Journalism Vallejo, Calif.
Lynda Reeder Nursing Devon, Pa.
Beth Reinertsen Elementary Ed. Raleigh, N. C.
Jill Rennick Nursing Westerlo, N. Y.
Brian Renshaw Mathematics Richmond, Va.
Jonathan Retzlaff Business Cambria, Calif.
Doug Reynolds Business Tallahassee, Fla.
Kelli Rider Business State College, Pa.
William Ridgley Business Queenstown, M d .
Ginger Riley Sheri Rice Education Min. Math Ed. Townsend, Mich. Apple Vly., Minn. HS9
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Philip Robertson Pastoral Min. Tickfaw, La.
Greg Robinson Accounting Waldorf, M d .
Jerry Robinson Business Chesterfield, Va.
Bret Kot>ycJ< Business Sandusky, Ohio
Laura Rodgers H u m a n Res. Mgt. Defiance, M o .
A m y Rollins Elementary Ed. Charleston, W . Va.
Barb Rollins Elementary Ed. Springfield, Va.
Becky Root Business Newaygo, Mich.
Janet Rorer Sports Mgt. Lynchburg, Va.
Tim Rose Physical Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Sherry Sale Business Forest, Va.
John Kohrer Cross-Cultural Sty. Ashland, Ohio
k% Pamela Sanger Accounting Manchester, Pa.
Kevin Sanner Psychology Redlands, Calif.
Lisa Sawyer Accounting South Mills, N. C.
Kal Schanz Business Otsego, Mich.
Sheri Scharp Biology Kalamazoo, Mich.
Victoria Schaub Roderic Schick Maria Schmidt Elementary Ed. Mathematics Health Traverse City, Mich. Grangeville, N. Y. Perkasie, Pa.
Julie Schreiber Secondary Ed. Evington, Va.
Amanda Schweinsburg Kevin Scruggs Journalism Youth Ministry Waymart, Pa. Club Vass, N. C.
James Business Conowingo, M d
Matt Selagea Business Chicago, 111.
Jim Shanton Psychology Purcellville, Va.
Melissa Shawa Elementary Ed. Lake Charles, La.
John Saylor General Study Lynchburg, Va.
Becky Scales Social Science Ed. Forest, Va.
• • Kim Scercy Elementary Ed. Kannapolis, N. C.
Laurie Schneeman Psychology Monroeville, N. J.
David Seaman Telecom. Newport, Pa.
Steven Sear Math Ed. Cardiff, N. J.
Eric Segedi History/Math Apalachin, N. Y.
Rebecca Se' Psychology Souderton, Pa.
Mark Sentner Business Lynchburg, Va.
Cynthia Seplak Elementary Ed. Van Wert, Ohio
Stacy Shackleton Political Science Barnegat, N. J.
Andrew Sheldrake Physical Ed. Lapeer, Mich.
Lucas Sherraden Pastoral Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
David Shirley Biology Lynchburg, Va.
Kristi Shokes Nursing Quincy, Ha.
Debra Showers Psychology Broadalbin, N. Y.
Mark Shriver Psychology Naples, Fla.
Carrie Siegel Nursing Getzville, N. Y.
Scott Simme Kim Simpson H u m a n Res. Mgt. Accounting Elma, N. Y. Flushing, M o .
Bruce Sindt Telecom. Lynchburg, Va.
Penny Singleton Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Monica Sitkowski Psychology West Pittston, Pa.
Lisa Skaggs Pre-Law Colo. Spgs, Colo.
Michelle Sloan Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Paula Sloan Drama Lynchburg, Va.
A m i Smith Music Ed. Midland, Texas
Cathleen Smith Business Warsaw, Va.
Gerald Smith Youth Ministry Richmond, Va.
Jamie Smith Telecom. Burlington, N. C.
Jennifer Smith Health Adelphi, M d .
Karen Smith Elementary Ed. Forest, Va.
Paige Smith Fashion Mer. Hartsville, S. C.
Rochelle Smith Psychology Forest, Va.
Shayvonne Smith Accounting Nassau, Bahamas
Laurie Smoak Nursing Richmond, Va.
Lisa Snigger Psychology Amherst, Va.
Kevin Snow Physical Ed. Evington, Va.
Julie Soderlund Elementary Ed. Rund Hill, Va.
Michael Sommers Business N. Plainfield, N. J.
Kurtis Spidel Government Lynchburg, Va.
Kim Springsteen English Ed. Peoria, 111.
Brent Squires Sport Admin. Clinton, Md.
Jennifer Starr Elementary Ed. Macedon, N. Y.
Mark Steadman Psychology Lynchburg, Va.
Photos by Kim Davis She is also an officer in the I A B C (International Association of Business Communicators) club and a m e m ber of the yearbook staff. The responsibilities of being married m a y also conBy Kim Davis flict with Melody's class schedule. "Sometimes I miss As if going to school and working isn't enough? On class because our schedules conflict and w e only have top of that, m a n y Liberty students have the added one car," she said. "The professors are really underresponsibilities that come with being married. standing about things like that." Kent and Tara Gregory were married the s u m m e r of "Finding quality time to be together is the most 1991. According to Kent, this n e w lifestyle has brought difficult part about being a married student," Melody added changes. "It's been a lot more stressful," he said. said. "It's been exciting and fun, but there's a lot of stress. I This, however, is not an obstacle for Melody. "Evalways feel like I should be doing something - paying erything is give and take," she said. The sacrifices will the bills, doing homework, washing dishes - some- be worth it in the long run because w e will both have thing." our degrees. If it's worth having, you find a w a y of Junior business management major Jenny Warren doing it." married August 22, 1991, the weekend before school Although settling into a n e w routine is one of the started. Since then, her schedule has demanded al- biggest adjustments, couples m a y still feel the added most every minute of her time. "The hardest part is pressures even after a few years of marriage. having enough time to do everything," Jenny said. "I Will and Holly Honeycutt have been married for have to straighten the house, fix meals, do homework, almost five years. Holly is an L U graduate and works and I have the added pressure of working a job. If I full-time in LU's Admissions Office. Will is finishing want to do something else, I really have to plan ahead his last year in seminary and is working full-time as an and schedule it." L U security guard. In addition to taking 17 hours, working 25 hours a Between taking classes during the day and working week in the missions office and being a housewife, the graveyard shift at night, Will and Holly have Jenny and her husband Mike, w h o graduated from L U limited time together. "Holly is a constant friend that in 1991, are also d o r m parents. I can talk to, rely on and have fun with," Will said. "I Although this work m a y seem insurmountable at regret that I can't spend a whole lot more time with times, Jenny is very positive about the overall experi- her." ence. "It's difficult, but I don't regret it at all," Jenny The Honeycutts are, however, optimistic about their said. "Mike has been very supportive, so that's help- temporary situation. " W e realize that w e are making ful." a sacrifice, but w h e n you m a k e a sacrifice, it's always Melody Walker, senior journalism major, can also for something better in return," Will said. " W h e n I identify with this lifestyle. Melody has been married look back later, it will be worth it. I'm going to see its for one year. In addition to her duties at home, she is value as a whole and h o w the Lord gave m e the taking 16 credit hours and working 28 hours a week. strength to do it."
Married Students
David Stewart Music Roanoke, Va.
Jill Stevenson, Elementary Ed. Lebanon, Va.
Kevin Steele Missions Oceanside, Calif.
Susan Steeves Business N e w Brunswick
Liz Stembridge Nursing Homestead, Fla.
Scott Stephens English Ed. Ashland, Pa.
Kerri Stiles Psychology Midland, Texas
Robin Stine Cross-Cultural Sty. Lynchburg, Va. "
Scott Stit Business Waterloo, Iowa
u-z.. m ** - •••• £mi Kim Strong Kenneth Strand Kristina Stone Fashion Mer. Interdiscp. Study Business Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Mahaffey, Pa. Towanda, N. Y.
Sandra Sullivan Psychology Chesapeake, Va.
• Ira**©/-" &4 Trina Swartwood Accounting Binghamton, N. Y.
John Stroupe Music Madison Hts., Va.
Michael Strycker Telecom. Mishawaka, Ind.
A m y Styron Elementary Ed. Chesapeake, Va.
Angela Styron Business Chesapeake, Va.
Mike Swaney Business Chalkhill, Pa.
Darin Syrjala Elementary Ed. Ionia, Mich.
Nadine Tarectecan Nursing Somerville, N. J.
Camilla Taylor Christina Tereschuk Annastasia Terry Community Study H u m a n Res. Mgt. English Ed. Philadelphia, Pa. Lynchburg, Va. Rustburg, Va.
Sara Tewolde Nursing Ethiopia
Katherine Thomas Elementary Ed. Somerville, N. J.
Clint Thomas Accounting Chickasha, Okla.
Rene T h o m a s Psychology Norfolk, Va.
Laurel T h o m p s o n Elementary Ed. Valrico, Fla.
Pauline Thompson Psychology Brazil
Scott Pooch Seizes the Day By K i m Davis "Carpe Diem" ("Seize the Day") should not only be the motto of the "Dead Poet's Society," it should be the motto of every college student striving for greatness. Sports, missions and people have played an important part in helping Scott Pooch, senior physical education major, develop this ambition to grow and learn. Pooch, as he is commonly k n o w n around campus, began his college career at Maranatha Baptist Bible College and later m o v e d on to Pillsbury. H e came to L U in 1987. This w a s his first trip to the East Coast. "I had never been to this side of the country before," he said. "I wanted to stay in a Christian school, but I also wanted a variety of classes and student activities." Pooch took advantage of what L U had to offer. Although he came with a desire to play football and basketball, athletic competition held a m u c h different challenge - running. While at L U , Pooch ran track for three years and cross-country for one year. During this time, he met Traci Tidwell, a m e m b e r of the women's track team w h o would later become his fiancee. She was a source of inspiration to him. " W e would run and lift together," Pooch said. "She encouraged m e to work out w h e n I wouldn't have otherwise." Although distance running w a s physically demanding, Pooch enjoyed the challenge. H e also enjoyed making n e w friends. "I like cheering for teammates as m u c h as I like racing," Pooch said. His most memorable experience was their Spring Break trip to Florida. "It w a s a good time to train together and grow closer as a team through the activities outside of practice." Pooch also took advantage of missions opportuniPhoto by Tim Albertson ties. In the fall of 1990, he went to Kenya, Africa. A s a m e m b e r of T e a m 7, he spent four months in the Turkana tribe building, preaching and doing numerous other and Irene (team leaders), and Traci and Merrilea (LU tasks without the luxuries such things as hot showers graduates and short-term missionaries in Kenya) are memories I will cherish deeply for the rest of m y life." and air conditioning. Although Pooch plans to teach and coach after graduH e also saw people living in very poor and unsanitary conditions - some with only the clothes they wore on ation, he is still seeking God's will. "I a m definitely their backs. "You k n o w there are people living like open to the possibility of missions," he said. A person's college years can be memorable and that, but it can never really strike you as reality until valuable ones, but according to Pooch, books and classes you're actually a m o n g them." are not the only important tools for learning - the key is According to Pooch, Kenya is a place where the rubber meets the road as far as missions work is to be well-rounded. "Studies are important, but it's also important to concerned. Here, the lessons of humility, faith in G o d maintain a good balance," he said. "Too m a n y people and flexibility became more of a reality to him than try to rush through, and they miss a lot of important ever before. "It stretched m e in so m a n y ways and forced m e to things college has to offer." His advice is simple. "You have your whole life to do things I didn't k n o w I could do," Pooch said. "I work," Pooch said. "While you're in school, take learned more during those four months than I have the advantage of all the opportunities you can and m a k e whole six and one-half years I've been in college. The times and adventures shared with m y teammates, Rick friendships that will last."
Michele Tiffany Math Ed. Hallstead, Pa.
Gregory Tilley Health Blacksburg, Va.
Fredrick Timbrook Business Cumberland, M d .
Gilbert Tinney Pre-Law Lakeland, Fla.
Celia Towles English Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Stephen Train Public Admin. Ontario, Canada
John Tribble Business White Marsh, M d .
David Tuckwiller Accounting Stafford, Va.
Grace Tumibay Mgt. Info. Systems Clark, N.J.
Freeman Turkson Business Bronx, N.Y.
Gina Turner Physical Ed. Cooper City, Fla.
James Urban Sports Mgt. Greenville, Pa.
Michael Utterback Telecom. San Jose, Calif.
Carolyn Van der Veen Danielle VanSyckel Tonya Van W y k Journalism Business Psychology Ontario, Canada Cherry Hill, N.J. Pella, Iowa
Michelle Varnez Psychology Huntington, M d .
MaryAnne Vinson Elementary Ed. Martinez, Ga.
Christina Vohland Journalism Salem, Ore.
Paul Voiles Telecom. Morgantown, Ind.
Kristina Wagner Community Health Manchester, Mich.
Mark Wagner Business Elyria, Ohio
Rebecca Wakefield Psychology Toledo, Ohio
Rebecca Wakeman Education Lynchburg, Va.
Sheila Waldrop Interdisc. Study Hopes, Kan.
Melody Walker Journalism Lynchburg, Va.
Kim Wallace General Study North Palm, Fla.
Steve Walters Business Grantville, Pa.
James Walton Economics Greenwood, Del.
Rachel Ward Elementary Ed. Lansing, Mich.
Christi Warner Psychology Staffordsville, Va.
Eric Warner Pastoral Study Oakfield, N.Y.
M e g Waters Elementary Ed. Enfield, Conn.
T.J. Watkins Business Charleston, S.C.
Matthew Watts Elementary Ed. Proctorville, Ohio
Keith Wayne Youth Ministry Ellendale, Minn.
Bob Weaver Business Lynchburg, Va
Jackie W e b b Missions Memphis, Tenn
David Weidner H u m a n Res. Mgt. Norristown, Pa.
Greta Weller English Ed. E m m a u s , Pa.
Anita Wells Journalism Monmouth, Maine
Ray West Psychology Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Robert West Recreation Lynchburg, Va.
W e n d y While Psychology Bloomington, 111.
Christina Whisenhunt Trina Whitaker Psychology Nursing Winston-Salem, N.C. Lynchburg, Va.
Alan White Business Lynchburg, Va.
Carol A n n White Fashion Merch. Lynchburg, Va.
Marbeth Wickliffe Psychology Carmel, N.Y.
D a w n Wilcox Psychology Latrobe, Pa.
Melodye Willaford Nursing Beaverdam, Va.
Renee Willard English Lititz, Pa.
A m y E. Williams Psychology Andover, Mass.
Rodney Williams Psychology Baltimore, M d .
Andrew Willis Pastoral Ministry Lynchburg, Va.
James Wilson Computer Science Princeton, Ind.
Michelle Wilson Craig Winters Business Business Ft. Washington, M d . Upland, Pa.
Traci Winters Psychology Brookhaven, Pa.
Jon Wirsing Physical Ed. Williamson, N.Y.
Jim Woolace Journalism North Pole, Alaska
Tracy Wooldridge Elementary Ed. Lynchburg, Va.
Steve Wright Admin, of Justice Mechanicsville, Va.
Jon Yates EricYoder Business Communications Garden Grove, Calif. Lynchburg, Va.
James Yount Business Piano, Texas
Marie Zarlenga Elementary Ed. Hershey, Pa.
Nicole Zawodny Nursing Nottingham, Pa.
Eric Ziegler Community Health Sicklerville, N.J.
Debbi Zook Psychology Harrisburg, N.C.
K i m Wolbert Health Street, M d .
Michelle Woodbury Business Lynchburg, Va.
Jacquelyn Yadouga Biology Boca Raton, Fla.
John Zeh Admin, of Justice Brookline, Mass.
Matthew W o o d s Psychology Springfield, Va.
Brian Zielke Missions Waterford, Va.
Photo by Rita Moret
Ice Maidens Invade Senior Quad by Debbie Reece I've concluded that heat must make some people's runny noses and coughs. It's become a cat-and-mouse body thermometers go crazy. g a m e with everyone trying to stay u p later than them W h e n the heat and humidity soar, they want it cold so they can turn off or at least turn u p the air condiinside. We're not talking refreshingly cool; Imeandig- tioner. Then m a y b e w e could all get one night's sleep out-the-sweatshirts-and-wool-socks-or-your-toenails- without seeing our breath in the air or having icicles form on our eyelashes. will-turn-blue cold. O n e night it was 30 degrees outside, and still they Unfortunately, these people decide their calling is to control the temperature inside buildings such as kept turning on the air conditioner. They seem to have D e M o s s Hall. Thus, w e are all affected by their warped no concept of opening the w i n d o w to let cool air in. "They must have grown u p in Alaska," you say. N o , body temperatures. Even if it's 90 degrees outside, most L U students k n o w they can't wear short sleeves they call North Carolina home. W e have yet to find a without being prepared to freeze in at least one class- logical explanation for their constant state of being overheated. room. If w e try to explain that w e do not enjoy constantly However, this species of h u m a n being has n o w feeling like we're locked in a meat freezer, they simply invaded m y o w n quad. W e (the other eight people in the quad) affectionately call them the "Ice Maidens." If say, "Well, can't y'all close your vents. Y o u just don't the temperature tops 60 degrees, they complain, "Y'all, understand h o w hot it is in our room." They don't understand that our vents have not only it's hotter than Hades in here!" M u c h to the despair of the rest of us, they were been shut, they've been covered, insulated and nailed assigned to the room right next to the temperature shut. Even if w e had wanted to open them, w e couldn' t control for the entire quad. They feel perfectly free to because they're frozen shut. Until someone finds a cure for their mysterious use it to their advantage, too. If the sound of teeth malady, I guess we're destined to a life of sleeping chattering starts to drive one of us crazy, w e have to cautiously tiptoe by their door and as silently as pos- under flannel sheets on balmy nights, suffering from frostbite w h e n our bare feet hit the bathroom floor in sible adjust the temperature gauge. Within a few days of their arrival this semester, the morning and gathering around the microwave to everyone else in our quad w a s sporting sore throats, absorb every bit of heat possible.
Seminary & Graduate
R o w 1-Frank Fabiano, Thomas Sullivan, H o Kyung Kim, Ki Sun No, John Palm, John Scott, Junious Hughes, Curtis Price, David Green, Samuel Pi. R o w 2-Michael Wilson, Hiawatha Hemphill, W a d e Cox, Phil Guerena, John Harling, Mark Nichols, Robert Hatch, Michael David, Seock Keun Kim, Jim Freeland, Kyoung Choi, Dwight Poggemiller. R o w 3-Sang-Mok Kim, Randal Sawtelle, Aaron Stalsberg, Bob Gheorghe, Jeff Gray, Fitu Tafaoa, Brian Schulenburg, Bruce Reid, Ronald Mayberry, Ken Worrell, Greg Dowell, Steart Pait.
R o w 1-Nancy Hoefel, Wendy Garrett, Jao-Sook Gho. R o w 2—Dan Sherman, T a m m y Hajec, Jeanie Min, Tim Morenz. R o w 3~Gordon Christian.
Poggemiller Respects LBTS Faculty By Genie Poggemiller Dwight Poggemiller, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary student body president, is a good example of the Liberty system of education. Dwight graduated from L U with a 4.0 G P A and decided to enter L B T S to further his education for the purpose of Christian ministry. H e prayed about where he was to attend graduate school and felt God's leading in his life to attend LBTS. This w a s cemented by the job he was offered at Liberty Broadcasting Network. H e found the school to be good economically, it was close to home, and he w a s impressed by the caliber of the faculty. Dwight has great respect for the professors in the seminary. "The real strength of L B T S is its faculty," he said. "There is not one professor w h o m I studied under that did not challenge m e , through their knowledge and walk with God, to strive for excellence in ministry and m y o w n personal relationship with Jesus Christ." Dwight became active in seminary leadership w h e n he was elected president of the seminary graduate student body. It w a s his duty to represent the needs of the students and the school to the faculty and administration. In this, he helped to keep tuition increases d o w n and introduced n e w agreements between students and faculty. Other duties included planning fun activities, as a diversion from the seminary mental and physical workload, and the planning of seminary chapel programs. Dwight thanks God, his family, and L U for helping shape his life's goal into what it is today - to live for God's glory. Dwight's future plans include pursuing a post in short-term missions after his graduation from semin a r y — perhaps somewhere in Eastern Europe, South Photo by Vangie America or "wherever G o d wills." H e later plans to go on to further study to prepare him to teach and preach ministry training. Practicums would offer seminary students a great opportunity to gain experience by God's Word. H e feels the seminary has been a great help in prepar- ministering in area churches. Dwight believes this training is necessary for future ing him for future ministry. The curriculum offers to pastors to meet the needs and challenges of the next students a chance to really grow and study God's W o r d to, in turn, minister to others. Dwight found his homi- generation. H e emphasized h o w great the wealth of letics class one of the most helpful courses of all because opportunity for worldwide missions is, as w e n o w see it instructs future pastors in the correct manner in the eastern bloc opening u p and religious oppression which to impress upon others the vast importance of defeated. " W h e n w e see the vast challenges of misthe Gospel and the Christian life. H e also emphasized sions," he said," those willing to minister in this w a y are h o w useful his Hebrew and Greek classes have already comparatively few." Worldwide missions is an issue that every Christian become in studying for ministry. should address, and pray to G o d to send more workers Missions and church planting were also high on Dwight'slistof seminary benefits. "I'm really pleased for the harvest. "At the same time w e must be meeting with the strong emphasis on church planting," he said, the needs of our o w n nation and neighbors," Dwight "but there also needs to be more emphasis on practical added, "such as family breakdowns, degenerating moral standards, substance abuse, and challenges of dealing ministry experience in local churches." Dwight would like to see practicums required for all with A I D S in a Christ-like manner." "Christians need to look for ways to get the Gospel graduating seminary students, because he feels semiout as quickly and effectively as possible," he explained. nary training is incomplete without practical hands-on
David A d a m s David Allison Larry Anderson Robert Adkins Chairman, Dept. of Chairman, Dept. of Chairman, Dept. of Psychology Church Ministries Drama Marketing
Nancy Anderson Psychology
Bill Anderson Accounting
Treva Babcock Theresa Bailey Chairman, Dept. of Bruckner Learning H u m a n Ecology Center
Eva Barbour Music & Art
Wilma Barlow Mathematics
Richard Barnhart Mathematics
David Beck Philosophy & Apologetics
John Benjamin Computer Science
H o m e r Blass History
Richard Bohrer Journalism
Brenda Bonheim Physical Education
Robert Bonheim Physical Education
James Borland Biblical Studies
Kenneth Bost Accounting
Edwin Brinkley Enlgish
Teresa Brinkley English
Deanna Britt Nursing
Harry Caltagirone Government
John Caltagirone Physical Education
Philip Captain Psychology
Rebecca Carwile Teacher Education
Ruth Chamberlin English
Frank Cheminti Tim Clinton Kevin Clausen Chairman, Dept. of Chairman, Dept. of Chairman, Dept. of Computer Science Counseling Government
Strength Coach Sets Good Example By Becky Griggs Strength and Conditioning Coordinator Dave Williams m a y remain behind the scenes, but he is a true leader in the L U athletic program. Williams has been head strength coach for eight years. His main responsibility is to plan a complete conditioning program for all of the intercollegiate sports and to supervise the athletes as they work out. Although he is responsible for all sports, football requires most of his time and effort. Williams considers his work very rewarding. "I enjoy getting to see athletes reach their potential," he said. "It is great to see them getting bigger, faster, stronger, and developing as a whole athlete. It is fulfilling to m e because I see the fruit of m y labor in every g a m e I go to." Williams has set a good Christian example for the athletes and has had the opportunity to win several to Christ. "Every year there is always one or two that claim to be a Christian w h e n they c o m e here and then realize they aren't saved," he said. O n e of his most memorable experiences w a s being with Barry Rice, an L U graduate w h o is n o w assistant strength coach, w h e n he w a s saved. They were in a hotel room on a road trip w h e n Barry realized that he w a s not a Christian. "You could really feel the Holy Spirit's presence in that hotel room," Williams said. Williams stresses the importance of being a good witness for G o d with his athletes. "They need to realize that it's not just playing a ball game, it's representing the Lord," he said. "The athletes should properly represent Photo by Vangie the Lord by their actions and reactions. I think the Lord H e has also learned to be humble throughout his is pleased w h e n w e give 100 percent effort. Y o u can't be the best Christian you can be if you loaf. In football, w e career as a strength coach. "There is no corporate ladder to climb," Williams said. "Being strength knock 'em d o w n , but w e help 'em back up." Physically, Williams desires for the athletes to become coach requires a servant's attitude and a desire to see a "total package." " W e have to develop a total condition- people get better." L U athletics are a top priority to Williams, and it is ing program," he said. "They have to be able to use the strength they develop. W e stress technique that will his personal goal to see that they improve. " M y goal is to help L U athletics be the best," he said. "I would carry over to their sport." Williams spent three years in the A r m y and served his like to see us be national champions and see athletes military duty in Korea. H e obtained a master's degree in and coaches on television giving the Lord all the Physical Education at the University of Alabama, where glory. I would also like to see more L U athletes in he gained experience as an assistant strength and condi- professional sports with the testimony of Sid Bream tioning coach. H e then m o v e d on to become head strength (Atlanta Braves first baseman)." Williams considers his job a hobby. "I enjoy and conditioning coach at Texas A & M . Because he has coached at a secular school, Williams experimenting with different methods of training," recognizes a difference between Christian and non-Chris- he said. "I sometimes feel funny getting paid for it!" Coach Williams is a true m a n of God. With his tian athletes. " A Christian athlete draws on the Lord for knowledge of physical as well as spiritual strength, strength," he said. "Christian athletic teams bear one another's burdens through prayer and support. Chris- he has m a d e a lasting impression on the lives of L U tian athletes are also able to overcome stress and fatigue, athletes. because they k n o w they can do all things through Christ."
Greg Comfort Physical Education
Linda Cooper English
Keith Currie Music & Art
George Damoff Russel Daubert Biology & Chemistry Speech
Christian Davis English
Alan Davy English
Sheryl Davy Modern Languages
Paul DeBoer Music & Art
Janice DeLong Bruckner Learning Center
Charles Detwiler Biology & Chemistry
Carl Diemer Theology & Church History
John Donaldson History
David Ehrman Music & Art
Linda Farver Physical Education
Mary Fink Teacher Education
Paul Fink Church Ministries
James Freerksen Biblical Studies
Marilyn Gadomski Psychology
Mary Lou Garlock Bruckner Learning Center
Donald Garlock Speech
Ron Giese Biblical Studies
Dale Gibson Physical Education
Phil Gilmore Accounting
Allyson G o o d m a n Journalism
Pat Greenhalgh Physical Education
Arthur Grissinger Mathematics
Wilbur Groat College of General Studies
Larry Haag Chairman, Dept. of Missions & Cross Cultural Studies
GaryHabermas Chairman, Dept. of Philosophy & Apologetics
Snyder Motivates Toward Success By Melody Walker To have a professor honestly concerned about you is an encouragement for you to succeed and continue even w h e n times get rough. Dr. Al Snyder, L U journalism department chairman, is one of them. "Motivating students is a tremendous job," Snyder said. "Seeing the junior and senior students work hard to prepare for their future is exciting. I really enjoy what I do and h o w it contributes to the lives of the students." "The Lord has raised u p the journalism program," Snyder said. " W e have a serious need for Christians in journalism today. They are the 'key gatekeepers' in society. Journalism is too tightly controlled by antiChristian forces. W e need Christians in journalism to influence our nation for Christ and for truth." "Liberty's journalism program rates favorably with the best in the country in quality," Snyder added. "LU has a top-notch faculty, excellent practicum opportunities and state of the art equipment." Snyder has a B. A. in journalism, a M . A. in broadcast journalism and a doctorate in public relations. H e came to Liberty from the mission field, after serving 21 years in missionary radio ministry in Liberia and the East Caribbean. A s a young person Snyder sang duets with his sister on the K Y B Club children's program over Christian radio station W M B I in Chicago. They also played the Photo by Carolyn Vanderveen parts of Billy and Patty Bangle in live dramatic stories. That is where Snyder got his interest in radio and was a missionary. H e said he fell in love with her journalism. because of her "beautiful feet," in reference to R o m a n s Snyder did sports reporting for his city newspaper 10:15: " H o w beautiful are the feet of them w h o bring while in high school. In college he served as sports editor and news editor for the school newspaper and glad tidings." The Snyders have two children. Steve, w h o is n o w a was editor of the yearbook. lawyer, was a telecommunications major at Liberty and H e went to Wheaton College which had a strong went on to the University of Virginia's law school. H e missions influence. Students from Wheaton started a worked two years as news director at W R V L and as the missionary radio station in Liberia in 1954, and Snyder producer of the Old-Time Gospel Hour radio program. joined them there in 1955. Snyder worked for 17 years with radio station E L W A, D a n was a business major at Liberty, worked in personserving as news director, public relations manager, nel for O T G H , and n o w serves on the business departand station manager. H e also did morning music and ment faculty for LUSLLL. The Snyders left the mission field in 1976 so their devotional programs in the English service. E L W A was a shortwave operation, broadcasting over five sons could go to school in the states during their last two years of high school. transmitters in 40 languages. Both Al and Evelyn Snyder are still active in misSnyder also started and directed a Youth For Christ ministry for 15 years in Monrovia, the Liberian capital, sions work. Mrs. Snyder teaches missions and educawhich realized over 350 professions of faith each year. tion courses part-time at L U , and Dr. Snyder works Snyder met his wife Evelyn in Africa, where she also with SIM International as a public relations consultant.
James Hall Robert Habermas Cline Hall Telecommunications Chairman, Dept. of Center for Creation Studies History
Lee Hahnlen Theology & Church History
Donald Harrison Speech
Harvey Hartman Biblical Studies
David Horton Matalie Howard Chairman, Dept. of H u m a n Ecology Physical Education
John H u g o Music & Art
Monty Kester Mathematics
Phyllis Kester Mathematics
Daniel Kim Theology & Church History
W a y n e Kompelein Music & Art
Cecil Kramer Speech
Jerry Kroll Church Ministries
Shu Lai Economics
Tsung Lai Economics
Richard Lane Health Sciences
Lane Lester Center for Creation Studies
Gaylen Leverett Theology & Church History
Grace Liddle Bruckner Learning Center
Corrinne Livesay Management
Stephen Livesay History
Ray Locy Chairman, Dept. of Music & Art
Beverly Lowry Psychology
Vickie Martin Nursing
Robert Mateer Bill Matheney Chairman, Dept. of Missions & Cross Economics Cultural Studies
James Matherly Teacher Education
Sandra Matthes Music & Art
L3 Photo by Vangie
Dr. Haag Teaches From Experience By Becky Griggs Dr. Larry Haag knows missions. He has been there. better teacher. " M y experience helps m e to k n o w h o w "Once you've been on the mission field, you'll never be to present the practical side of missions and the challenges before the students," he said. "It's not just the same," he said. Haag and his family spent 10 years as missionaries reading a book, it's sharing actual experiences that in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Their main emphasis was on you've had." O n e of his most memorable experiences w a s leading evangelism, church planting, and leadership training. In the short amount of time they were there, they one particular Brazilian to Christ. H e saw this young planted four churches and worked with three other m a n go through the Bible institute that w a s at their church, study missions, and eventually become a mischurches. Haag, w h o is n o w the chairman of the L U missions sionary in the jungles of Brazil. This m a n left an department, prayed for the opportunity to teach mis- impression on his life. M a n y students have gone through the L U missions sions someday. Through contacts at Baptist Bible College, the Liberty missions director contacted Haag program since Haag has been here. "Approximately in 1981 while he w a s on the mission field in Brazil. It 350 graduates have either been on the field or are was during that same year that Haag and his family currently there," he said. " W e have missionary graducame to Lynchburg on furlough, and their prayers ates located on every continent. The missions major were answered. H e started teaching missions that has grown more this year than any other time that I have been here." year. Haag is aware of the importance of missionary trainHaag is also the missions director for T h o m a s Road Baptist Church and is responsible for the organization ing. "It gives you insight into cultural differences," he said. "It helps a student become sensitive to differof the World Impact Conference. H e has three sons and two daughters. Three have ences. W e all stress that the people of the world are attended Liberty in the past, and two sons still attend. different, but not inferior." Haag has fulfilled two separate missions. H e has Haag enjoys teaching. "The personal interaction with the students is great," he said. "I really enjoy the been a missionary, and he has been able to teach others h o w to be missionaries. classroom setting." His missions experience has helped him become a
Lloyd Matthes Mathematics
Alice Mawdsley English
Don May Physical Education
Denton McHaney Bruckner Learning Center
Nabib Mikhail Mathematics
Diane Miller H u m a n Ecology
Linda Miller Roger Miller Chairman, Dept. of Drama Nursing
D a n Mitchell John Morrison Paul Muller Chairman, Dept. of Theology & History English Theology & History
Larry Nelson Chairman, Dept. of Psychology
Vanessa N o r m a n Music & Art
Barbara Nuckols Nursing
Jim Nutter English
Marilyn Nutter Speech
Randall Nutter Chairman, Dept. of Management
John Pantana Teacher Education
Karen Parker David Partie Tim Paulsen Chairman, Dept. of Chairman, Dept. of English Teacher Education Modern Language
Joan Pennock Music & Art
Jim Pickering Telecommunications
Helmuth Poggemiller English
Alan Rabe Sharon Rahilly Chairman, Dept. of Nursing Health Sciences
Doug Randlett Church Ministries
Donna Ratliff Mathematics
Laurie Nutter English
David Randlett Music & Art
Daubert Teaches English In China By Vangie Poggemiller "China is one large English classroom," according to Dr. Russ Daubert, w h o w a s recently n a m e d to Who's W h o A m o n g American College Professors. In the summer of 1990 he had the opportunity to teach English behind the "bamboo curtain." Dauberf s opportunity came through the English Language Institute, China (ELIC), which is directed by Christians. "This is a California-based organization which has taken advantage of the fact that the Chinese government is desperate for English teachers," he said. "English is the key to the economic future of China, because it is the language of businesses, computers and technology. Right n o w the government does not care w h o you are as long as you will teach English." Daubert has taken advantage of other opportunities he has had to travel and see different countries. In 1987 he went with Light Ministries to Romania. Since then he has m a d e two more trips back - once to teach and once last s u m m e r with his family. H e has also been to Haiti, H o n g K o n g and the Philippines. Daubert applied to the ELIC program with hopes of going during the s u m m e r of 1989. Because of his doctorate, the institute gladly accepted him and gave him the position of team leader. However, due to the unrest in China and the attack on the students in Tiananmen Square, the teaching projects were cancelled. After raising support during the s u m m e r of 1990, The Chinese people welcomed the ELIC teachers Daubert flew to California for two weeks of intense training. During this time, twenty teams, comprised of and gave them the best of treatment. "The people were open somewhat, but the government still kept a close ten people each, prepared for their mission. W h e n the training w a s complete, the teams, along watch over its citizens," Daubert said. While Daubert was there, some students talked about with Daubert, flew to Beijing. U p o n arrival they were the protests. "It hadn't been a topic of conversation, given a tour of the city and well-known landmarks, while Chinese officials from the Department of For- because the government denied that it had happened," eign Affairs and Academics worked together to ar- he said. "It was evident, however, that the oppression range their accommodations. Since Daubert was a was fanning the flames of revival and freedom." The teams' goal was to "let their lights shine" and team leader, officials allowed him to perform adminishope that their ability to work together as loving trative duties for the group. H e then began his work teaching English to Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ would be a testimony to teachers. Although the students did well in grammar the students. The six weeks that Daubert was scheduled to stay in and written English, their conversational English was China were shortened w h e n he became ill. O n e of his weak. "The best w a y to teach these Chinese English teach- friends is currently in China with ELIC as part of their ers h o w to speak English w a s by giving them a taste of year-long program, and two Liberty students have American culture," Daubert said. " W e even had a followed in Daubert's footsteps by taking advantage mock American graduation for the students, complete of the ELIC program. "I strongly encourage anyone interested in going to with mortar boards and all. In turn, the students gave the teachers a taste of Chinese culture by having them China to do so," Daubert said. "It was a trip I'll never forget." participate in Chinese ceremonies."
Milton Reimer Teacher Education
Ken Rowlette English
Sandra Rumore Mathematics
Sonna Seipp Bruckner Learning Center
Saami Shaibani Mathematics
Barbara Sherman Wilma Sherwin Chairman, Bruckner English Learning Center
&vm h"ul
J ** y j I 1. ;
Paul Sattler Frank Schmitt Chairman, Dept. of Church Ministries Biology & Chemistry
LynnSeipp Music & Art
Evangelos Skoumbourdis Carla Sloan Mathematics Management
Al Snyder Evelyn Snyder Chairman, Bruckner Learning Dept. of Journalism Center
Ellen Soden Teacher Education
Hila Spear Nursing
Terry Spohn Biology & Chemistry
David Sprague Chairman, Dept. of Speech
Tim Sprano Mathematics
Mark Steinhoff History
James Stevens Biblical Studies
PaulSynn Economics
Rose Taylor Nursing
T o m Temples Physical Education
Randall Thorton Military Science
Nancy Torrence Management
David Towles Modern Languages
James Treece Psychology
Steve Troxel James Van Eaton Telecommunications Mathematics
Dr. Chamberlin Commits Herself To Education By Ruth Gutierrez Dr. Ruth Chamberlin gives new meaning to the word "commitment." Chamberlin w a s one of Liberty's pioneers and is n o w finishing her 17th year on the L U faculty. She has been a chairperson of the English Department and has served on nearly every major committee of the university. Presently, she teaches freshman composition and world literature. Chamberlin is a positive thinker and believes that everyone has potential for being creative. "I think all people are touched by G o d with a creative element that came to the h u m a n race before the fall," she said. Her desire for the L U English Department is that it become one of the best in the country. This will not only enhance the students' total educational experience, it will also help them be better prepared for their future careers. "Students are m y main reason for being here," she said. She has served in such positions as a personnel manager, a writer of English letters for the Press Counselor of the Iranian Embassy, the office manager of an attorney firm in Washington, D.C., the director of a Photo by Vangie city-county Headstart s u m m e r program, the editor of an English language magazine published in Vietnam, the author of a monograph on missions exhibits, and a thing I could, in and out of the classroom," she said. "It consultant to an editorial board of a textbook. The never occurred to m e that four years of course work major work of Chamberlin's life, however, has been in could be equated with an undergraduate education." Chamberlin received a three-year diploma in Bible the field of teaching. Prior to coming to Liberty, Chamberlin taught in and missions at Nyack College. She went on to earn public schools in both Ohio and Michigan. She also both a B.A. and a B.S. at Ashland College, where she taught in a school for missionaries' children in Vietnam majored in English with concentrations in education as well as in' three universities. Besides "regular" speech, drama and radio. Since then Chamberlin has received her master's English classes, her assignments involved such diverse degree at the University of Michigan and her doctorate activities as teaching English as a second language to the military and civilians in Vietnam, coaching speech at Kent State. Her education reflected her interest in and drama teams engaged in contest work, and super- reading. Chamberlin's faith in Christ became established vising student teachers. w h e n she was doing her undergraduate work. " M y Long before she ever became a teacher, Chamberlin going to college was the result of a spiritual commithad developed an avid interest in learning. " M y mother read to us," she said. "In the ninth grade, ment," she said. Chamberlin certainly has had a life full of educaI had access to a public library where I often read a novel a day, and in high school, I had a English teacher tional experiences. Her knowledge and charisma have impacted her students' lives and have given them an w h o m a d e literature and language live." Enrolling in college w a s an exciting adventure for example of commitment that they can follow for years Chamberlin. "I was fascinated with learning every- to come.
till Phil West Philosophy & Apologetics
Alexander Varkey Biology & Chemistry
James Wagner College of General Studies
Robert Wiggins Management
Harold Willmington Matt Willmington Steven Witham Biblical Studies Church Ministries Government
Merle Ziegler Speech
Paul Waibel History
A n n Wharton Journalism
Bert Wheeler Economics
Branson Woodard Chairman, Dept. of English
Glyn Wooldridge Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics
Skoumbourdis Enjoys Opportunities By Ruth Gutierrez M a n y westerners k n o w the city of Nazareth, Israel, as the place where Jesus Christ grew up, but to Dr. Evangelos Skoumbourdis, it is home. His educational background in Israel has been very beneficial to him. "By the time you graduate from high school, you would have been exposed to a m i n i m u m of three languages and four years of math, physics, and chemistry," he said. Education in Israel is also free until the age of 18. "Education is a privilege," Skoumbourdis said. "You don't buy an education, you earn it." At the age of 19, Skoumbourdis' parents m o v e d to Greece. H e decided, however, to m a k e a different m o v e and pursue his career. "It was an opportunity to come to the United States," he said. In 1980 Skoumbourdis became a U.S. citizen because of his agreement with the Constitution. "The U.S. is great for those w h o love it and want to serve it and become a citizen," he said. Although freedom is important to those coming to America, Skoumbourdis said that the U.S. offers m u c h more. "There are people w h o come to the United States and want an opportunity," he said. Skoumbourdis has been busy since his arrival in the U.S. H e acquired a scholarship while doing his undergraduate work at Tennessee Polytechnic Institute. During his third and fourth year, he became a part-time Photo by Vangie instructor teaching physics labs. H e attained two bachelor's degrees, in physics and math. H e also tions. "Teachers become so involved at times in rereceived a master's degree in mathematics. After moving to Oklahoma, Skoumbourdis acquired search, that they forget they are teachers," he said. His goal is to help his students become the best they a master's degree in physics and a doctorate in mathcan possibly be in whatever field they choose to go ematical physics at Oklahoma State University. Skoumbourdis has noticed m a n y differences be- into. "I want to educate others so that they can become tween his native country and his n e w home. Acquiring successful and promote Christ," he said. For Skoumbourdis, learning is a lifelong process. "I a teaching position in Israel is very competitive compared to the United States, where cities and counties learn something n e w every day," he said. "I go to m y are trying to recruit more teachers. W h e n applying to colleagues and interact and ask questions." During his spare time, Skoumbourdis likes to drive a university, examinations are given by the State Board his Chevy u p into the mountains or play Bach and of Education. Family values are also different. "At h o m e w e have Schubert classics on his piano. Skoumbourdis loves the Lord and gives H i m all the a stable society and family stability," he said. Family ties and activities are basics in Israel. glory for his accomplishments. Although he has been Skoumbourdis also described Israel as being a "multi- able to achieve m a n y goals throughout his life, the cultural" country, rich in tourism, trade and transpor- most important thing to him has been his relationship to the Lord. " M y greatest accomplishment is being a tation. Skoumbourdis is an associate professor of math- Christian," he said. "Live for today, and trust G o d for ematics and also teaches physics. H e is n o w in his sixth every day." year of teaching at Liberty. H e dedicates his time to his students and is glad w h e n they learn and ask ques-
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Board of Trustees
Dr. Jerry Falwell
Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin
Dr. Jerry Vines
Dr. Jack Graham
Dr. James Merritt
Dr. C. Sumner W e m p
Mr. John Heath
Dr. Edward Dobson
Mrs. Beverly LaHaye
Mr. DeWitt Braud
Dr. Freddie Gage
Dr. Richard Lee
Mr. Gilbert Tinney, Jr.
Mr. Aaron Manley
Mrs. Macel Falwell
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Rev. Bailey Smith
Mr. Jonathan Falwell
Dr. David Rhodenhizer
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A Dr. Harold Willmington
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Mr. Sam K. Pate
Dr. R. Herbert Fitzpatrick Dr. George Sweet
Dr. Don Crain
Dr. Danny Lovett
Dr. Jerry Thorpe
Dr. Charles Thompson
Rev. Allen McFarland
Rev. Carlton Smith
Dr. Jack Dinsbeer
Mr. William Collins
Mr. J. Marion Compton
Mr. Raymond Mays
Mr. R. Mark DeMoss ex-officio
Mr. Fleet Browning
Dr. Fields Resigns After 14 Years Dr. Dennis Fields, vice president for administrative relations, resigned December 15 after being with Liberty since 1977. Fields left in pursuit of full-time Christian work. "God has been dealing with me," he said. "I had been involved with the ministry as a layman for 10 or 11 years before coming to Liberty, but I k n e w even then that G o d had called m e to preach." Fields had been directly involved in several school programs, including Christian/community service, Selah, The Liberty Champion, alumni relations, R O T C and aviation. Fields claims that the university has had a positive influence on his family. "The influence of the university as a whole has been a family-wide influence," he said. " M y wife is a graduate of Liberty, m y son is a graduate, and m y daughter will be a graduate of Liberty this M a y . So, it's been a total personal growth for all of us." The one thing Fields will miss the most is the student body. H e offers them some strong advice. "Be true to yourself, and be true to God. Maintain your integrity in the face of any circumstance. Capitalize on the educational opportunities at Liberty University," he said. Fields influenced the ministry in m a n y ways, and he will be greatly missed in the years ahead.
Dr. Jerry Falwell Chancellor
Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin President
Dr. Earl Mills Provost
Vernon Brewer Vice President, Student Development
Dr. Harold Willmington Vice President, Dean Liberty Bible Institute
Dr. Ellen Black Dr. David Beck Dr. Elmer Towns Assistant Vice President, Director, Planning, Vice President, Research & Assessment Dean, School of Religion Faculty Development
Dr. Tim Clinton Dean, L U School of Life Long Learning
Dr. Pauline Donaldson Frank Forbus Dr. William Gribbin Dean, School of Education Dean, School of Business Dean, School & Government of Communications
Dr. Ron Hawkins Dean, Liberty Baptist Seminary
Dr. Ernest Liddle Dean, Library Services
Dr. Boyd Rist Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Barbara Boothe Registrar
Dr. Robert Littlejohn Assistant Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Earl Sargeant Vice President, University Services
Dr. James Stevens Assistant Dean, School of Religion
N o r m a n Westervelt Vice President, Administrative Services
& Deans
Bruce Traeger Dean of Students
Dane Emerick Dean of M e n
Joanne Sigmon Dean of W o m e n
Brad Smith Dean of Residence Life
Michael Stewart Dean of Student Life
Patty Weaver Stephanie Sweat Mark Hine Associate Dean of W o m e n Assistant Dean of W o m e n Dean of Commuting Students
Rob Jackson C a m p u s Pastor
D w a y n e Carson Assistant C a m p u s Pastor
Lew Weider Director of Christian Service
Chuck Burch Director of Athletics
Brenda Bonheim Women's Athletics Coordinator
J.B. Coincon Assistant Athletic Director
K i m Graham Assistant Athletic Director
Mike Hall Assistant Athletic Director
Mitch G o o d m a n Sports Information Director
Connie Pumpelly Head Athletic Trainer
Dave Williams Strength & Conditioning Coach
Resident Supervisors
R o w 1- Kelly Geer, Yvette Pearce, Michelle Bunts. R o w 2- Anne Welborn, Bryan Lawton, Haoyung Chien. R o w 3- Jeff Shatto, Mike Wilson, Pat Scales, Bryant Jones.
Campus Pastor Bi
By Becky Griggs and Kathleen Craig
LU Campus Pastor Rob Jackson wants to set a good example for his family and students. "I see m y most important role as keeping m y relationship right with the Lord," he said. "That way, I will be an encouragement to students in their walk with Jesus Christ." Although Rob has been involved with Liberty for 11 years, he has only been the campus pastor for three years. Before coming to Liberty, he was in the U.S. Air Force Academy for almost two years. After that, he went to Life Action Ranch in Buchanan, Michigan, where he was a team director and helped run a camping program. H e met his wife T a m m y there, and they were married on May 23,1980. H e came to Liberty as a student with no job, but he felt God wanted him here. Because of his experience in the service, he got a job with campus security working midnight shift. After finishing his B.S. in pastoral studies, he became the associate dean of m e n and then the associate director of Light Ministries. Later, Vernon Brewer contacted Rob and told him that Dr. Falwell and he would like Rob to fill the office of campus pastor. "I didn't know the position was open and I never applied, but I had been praying for a more extensive and positive ministry that dealt more directly with a pastoral position. God definitely answered m y prayers." Rob received his master's degree in the division of religion on January 28,1991. H e graduated S u m m a C u m Laude. His goal as campus pastor is for every student to be The rest of his time is spent with his wife, T a m m y , and his able to answer this question in a realistic way: "Where do three children, Beth, 10, Jessica, 5, and Ryan, 2. I fit in God's plan to evangelize the world?" "If they can't Rob sees a big spiritual need in the lives of L U students. fit in, I don't feel like they've gotten what they should "The greatest need in America and the church is genuine, have at LU," Rob said. "The bottom line of L U and m y Holy Ghost revival," he said. "Revival that breaks d o w n office is to equip people to use gifts and talents God has the walls of L U and spreads to Lynchburg and then the given them to affect the world for Jesus Christ, no matter nation. That is encouraging about LU. There is so much what their vocation." potential for revival because hundreds of students have Rob is very pleased with the format of Wednesday made a commitment to Christ and are serious about their night services, in which he has had an active part. "It has relationship with Him." become a participant-oriented service," he said. "There is Rob is content with his position and hopes to stay for a segment for prayer requests and a testimony time, as long as the Lord allows. "I can't believe I get paid for along with some preaching." what I do, because I love the vast majority of it," he said. There are many programs at Liberty that impress Rob. "As long as the school sees the need and God gives m e the "I like the excitement and vibrance of individual relation- freedom, I plan on staying." ships with the Lord," he said. "I also like the vision Dr. Rob wants to be remembered in two ways. "First, as a Falwell has of using intercollegiate sports as an outreach father and husband w h o loved his wife and kids and w h o to youth in America. I have enjoyed being the soccer they could see Jesus in," he said. "Second, not by m y team's chaplain, as well as working with the tennis team accomplishments, but because of the presence of Christ in the things I do get accomplished." and occasionally traveling with the wrestling team." Rob spends some of his free time outdoors, hunting "I get blessed more in this job than I could ever hope to and fishing. H e also plays raquetball three times a week.bless others. I count it a great privilege to be here."
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Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin
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The Liberty Champion
R o w 1 — Anita "Amy" Wells, A d Production Manager; Grade "Toto" Cowell, City N e w s Editor; Mrs. Pat Mazanec, Director of Advertising; Mrs. A n n Wharton, Faculty Adviser; A m a n d a "S'burg" Schweinsburg, Copy Editor; Dawn "Lunar" Looney, N e w s Editor. R o w 2 — Mark "Marky Marc" Senitz, Graphics Editor; Jeff "Gimme Da Baw" Smith, Photography Editor; Ben LaFrombois, Feature/Opinion Editor; Jim "Woolly" Woolace, Advertising/Sales Manager; Mike Gathman, Sports Editor; Jeff "Menso" Cota, Editor-in-Chief.
We are inebriated in the effluvia of our own verbosity.
The Yearbook
Left to right—Scott Eigenhuis; Tim Kania; Tim Albertson; Jennifer Blandford, Assistant Editor; Kevin Clark, Carolyn V a n der Veen, Editor-in-Chief; Tim Hines; Genie Poggemiller; Jenn Hankins, Layout Editor; Becky Griggs, Assistant Copy Editor; K i m Davis, Copy Editor; Ruth Gutierrez; Melody Walker; Vangie Poggemiller, Photography Editor.
Adviser, Dr. Al Snyder 260
Selah offices of 1991 -92
Dorm 20
Custodial Closet-Dorm 20
August 1991-November 13
November 13-15
Vines Center-Basement
Dorm 3
November 15-January 13
January 13-?
Selah, n. (se lah). A Hebrew word found at the end of a verse in the Psalms, of unknown meaning, but usually taken as a musical direction, indicating a pause or break.
Letter From the Editor
The hardest part of completing this book wasn't the all-nighters or the openly voiced concern of students who missed their dorm shots, or coaches who insisted on their proper titles. The hardest part was condensing the letter from the editor. Hoiv ca such a year be summed up in only one page.?
A perfect book is the dream of every editor. For some, this dream dies after the last deadline has been sent in. Our dream nose-dive after the first deadline. Our green-around-the-collar staff was willing to do anything (including tile removal) to get the job done and on time. For most of the staff, this was the first time working on the yearbook. Hopefully this won't be reflect in our work.
By the last deadline the staff learned to stay up all night and attend classes without losing their Liberty smile (interpr gastroenteritis). We also became expert movers by moving to five different offices within four months. We learned several thi by trial and error, but we learned most from the people we came in contact with. Earl Sargeant graciously taught us wrapper clean-up and the importance of long distance phone calls. The Vines Center maintenance crew taught us the importance of office position and communication by letter. From each person on the staff we learned something. The following are just a few that come to mind:
Kim Davis (copy editor) taught us what late night talks were all about. Jennifer Hankins (layout editor) taught us all abo late nights and getting our work done. Vangie Poggemiller (photo editor) taught us that reserved people do have a sense of humor. Jennifer Blandford (assistant everything) taught us how to make fools of ourselves and still demand respect. Becky Griggs (assistant copy editor) taught us that not all eager beavers have buck teeth. Steve Green showed us how to hurl through our noses. Tim Hines (computer) taught us that there are still men in the world who are deeper than dorm room carpet. Tim Kania (photographer) taught us that there are still men in the world who admire Home-Ec. majors. Scott Eigenhuis (computer) taught us that some Californians have a broader vocabulary than "Dude". Damien Bates (personal assistant to the editor) taught us the importance of getting to bed by 10:30 pm.
Despite the all-female editorial staff, our year passed without any arguments or hair pulling. The staff wrote stories, mo office furniture, took pictures, moved office furniture, edited proofs, moved office furniture, went sleepless for days and mo office furniture.
Our staff is excited and nervous about sharing this book with you. We hope that we have served our purpose well, for "this book is yours despite the claim the staff makes to it." Carolyn Van der Veen Editor-in-Chief
Colophon Liberty University's Selah was printed by Josten's Printing and Publishing C o m p a n y in Topeka, Kansas. The book layout was produced on the Macintosh SE Apple computer using the Aldus PageMaker 4.0 program along with Josten's Yeartech program. The cover is the 9x12 inch, 150-point board. The cover is quarterbound with Forest Green and Smokey Haze. The cover was designed by Tim Hines and Art V o n R u m p using a silver screen. The endsheets where also developed by Art V o n R u m p using Forest Green. The book was Smyth sewn. All body text is 12 points, Palatine Headlines are 40 points, N Helvetica Narrow. Photo credits are 12 points N Helvetica Narrow Bold. Bylines are 12 points Palatino Bold.
Special Acknowledgements The Selah staff recognizes the following individuals for their contributions to the 1992 yearbook: Dr. Dennis Fields, Administrative Adviser Dr. Al Snyder, Yearbook Adviser Mars Inc. ( M & M division) Ken Wren, Josten's Representative Steve Green, Psychological Therapist Becky Briers, H o m e w o r k Specialist Jodi Barker, Photo U S A Rita Moret, International Student Worker Carlos Silva, Photo Assistant Tim Albertson, Assistant Photo Editor Computer Land Kevin Clark, Master of Telephone Ruth Gutierrez, Writer Tracy Craeger, PhotooraDher
Ralley's Hamburgers (combo meal) The ozone layer The Champion Staff, Computer Use Kim's Mace (across campus protection) Dr. Falwell (use of his office) Melody Walker, Romance Adviser & Writer Jonathan Buchanan, Moral Support The Halloween Costume Suppliers Bob DeVaul and D a w n , The Picture Place Chubby Bates, Emotional Crutch Little Caesar's Pizza (crazy bread) Jennifer Hale, Writer Paul Kaminski, Photographer Matt Miles, Photographer
Abbas, Sarah 134,154,156 Abbott, George 156 Absher, Kevin 154,156 Acanda, Pablo 118,154,156 Adair, Sheri 156 Adams, Craig 170 Adams, Curtis 82 Adams, David 234 Adams, Jules 194 Adams, Kevin 164 Adkins, Becky 190 Adkins, Robert 204 Adkins, Stephen 204 Agoglia, Justin 158 Agustin, Anthony 168 Agustin, Tisha 136,174 Ahern, Bonnie 148,176 Ahrens,Tom 118,154,156 Aksakal, Mustafa 92 Albert, Ruth 134,178 Albertson, Tim 164 Aldrich, John 156 Aldrich, Trisha 204 Aldridge, Beth 94,178 Aleg,Greg 196 Alexander, Kelly 172 Alexander, Nathan 134,156 Alio, Amina 139,140 Allebach, Mark 126,198 Allee, Michael 204 Alleman, Misty 176 Allen, Jay 180 Allen, Madrianna 196 Allen, Mary 194 Allen, Wade 182 Allen, William 162 Alleyna, Julian 139 Allison, David 149,234 Allison, Sharon 188 Allison, Susan 198 AUman, Melissa 154 Alloway, Lark 196 Alonighty, Heidi 194 Alverson, Julie 204 Amarro, Gerald 82 Ancar, Danielle 156 Anderson, Bill 234 Anderson, Carie 156 Anderson, Kimberly 196 Anderson, Larry 234 Anderson, Matthew 204 Anderson, Nancy 234 Anderson, Steve 182 Anderson, Virginia 204 Andrew, Caroline 184 Andrews, Dulci 172
Andrews, Jeff 168 Anduray, Virginia 140 Anghel, Mihaela 198 Angove, Kristy 198 Anthony, Brett 104,156 Anthony, Joby 162 Anthony, Lisa 139,204 Anthony, T o m 116 Anzalone,Sue 136,184 Apgar, Michelle 156 Apodaca, Walter 156 Appenzeller, Michelle 194 Aquino Dayrit, Gemmie 143 Arbogast, Scott 102 Ardrey, Philip 158 Ardrey, Rachel 178 Ardrey, Steve 158 Argento, Andrea 204 Armfield, Gregory 204 Arnett,Beth 172 Arnold, Andrew 204 Arnold, Julie 204 Arnold, Kelly 204 Arnold, Tait 204 Arvin, Joe 166 Ash, Robert 180,204 Ashby, Rodney 114,172 Ashcraft, Rebecca 188 Ashley, Justin 172 Ashley, Kenneth 196 Ashworth, Lisa 204 Asimos, Barry 172 Asimos, Ginger 172 Aslam, Philip 182 Asmussen, Audrey 204 Astwood, Yvonne 198
Atchley, Madeline 188 AtwelLBrad 154,156 Atwood, Kim 182 Atwood, Brent 147,182, 204 Austin, Kimberly 204 Austin, Krishna 194 Austin, Michael 168 Austin, Will 118,154,156 Autenreith, Eric 82 Avila, David 140 Ayers, Jennifer 148
Babcock, Treva 234 Bacola,Matt 168 Badea,Theo 198 Badskey, Shannan 184 Baerger, Valerie 174 Baganz, Jason 82 Bailey, Debbie 176 Bailey, Heidi 178 Bailey, Theresa 234 Bain, Barry 182 Baird, Carleine 197 Baker, Chad 92 Baker, Christina 108 Baker, Cinnomin 143,204 Baker, Craig 154,156,204 Baker, Kristen 194 Baker, Krishna 182 Baker, Seth 164 Baker, Travis 94,178
Bakhashi, Celina 204 Bakhshi, Celina 136 Baklettjodi 108 Baldwin, Ruth 174 Ball, Barbie 94,190 Ballmer, Julie 204 Balog,Eailia 198 Bambey, Lisa 204 Bana, Theophil 177 Bancale, Paula 204 Banziger, Gary 154,156 Baraga, Dana 194 Barbee, Susan 184 Barber, Christa 188 Barber, Stephanie 176 Barbour, Duanne 154,156 Barbour, Eva 234 Barclay, Mike 154,156 Barker, Janet 178 Barlow, Wilma 234 Barnett,Tim 154,156 Barnhart, Jonathan 204 Barnhart, Richard 234 Barnhill, Chris 204 Barnum, Brandi 186 Barr, Chris 102,168 Barr, Jonathan 154,156 Barrett, Denise 188 Barrett, Kenneth 160 Barrie, Sebastian 82 Barrington, Anna 172 Barron, James 198 Barsugli, Jesse 166 Bassett, Andrea 198 Bates, Chuck 168 Bates, Damien C M V , 98,122,157, 204
dex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Bates, Kathy 204 Bates, Valeri 154,156 Battiato, Christi 204 Bauer, Brian 112 Bauer, David 196 Baugh, Heather 204 Baum, Laura 110 Bausum, Richard 154,156 Bawr, Laura 172 Bayliff,Lisa 174,204 Bays, Dean 134,154,156 Beach, Craig 154,156 Beam, Charlie 166 Bean, Don 162 Beard, Jennifer 156 Bearder, Megan 196,204 Beauvais, Julie 186 Beauvais, Krishna 186 Beave, Leslie 178 Becerra, Belkis 186 Becerra, Herbert 204 Becho, James 168 Beck, David 234,250 Becker, Christopher 204 Becker, John 166 Becker, Sharon 252 Beeks, James 134 Beezer, David 82 Beezie, Dan 166 BeGraft, Ginger 178 Behner, Kevin 204 Behrens, Timothy 204 Belcher, Stephen 168 Bell, Jason 154,156 Bel ton, A d a m 166 Bencomo, Daniel 158 Benitez,Jose 154,156 Benjamin, John 234 Benke, Starleen 204 Bennet, Clarence 170 Bennett, Candace 196 Bennett, Clarence 170 Bennett, Connie 134,188 Bennett, John 204 Bennett, Krishna 174 Bennett, Paul 166 Benolt, Anna 186 Bense, Debra 198 Benson, Leigh 184 Bentley, Elizabeth 194 Benton, Charlie 131 Benton, Crissy 131,174 Benton, Dana 184 Benton, Lorinda L. 204 Berger, Kim 136,182 Behrens, Timothy 180 Berrington, Anna 108 Berry, Jim 156 Berry, Shannon 198 Bert,Joetta 196 Bertrang, Bonnie 196 Best, Scott 198
Betsill, Jennifer 190 Bettenhausen, Gregory 162 Beutler, Julie 174 Beverly, Ronald 182 Beyer, Craig 160 Bibighaus, Laura 174 Biehler, Karen 186 Biesiadecki, Chris 158 Bigger, Dale 134,162 Biggs, Lisa 204 Bilyeu,Ryan 196 Bing, Laurie 184 Bingham, A m y 174 Bingham, Jennifer 174 Binkley, Carrie 194 Birch, Chuck 251 Birkhead, Melissa 190 Birkhead, Paul 166 Biv, Vathana 154 Black, Stephanie 174 Blackwood, Ron 198 Blair, Stephen 166 Blakeslee, David 164 Blandford, Jennifer 184,260 Blanford, Jeremy 154,156 Blanks, Jessica 204 Blass, Homer 234 Blomstrom, Jennifer 184 Bloom, Jeff 104 Bloom, Mandi 176 Blsey, Chris 166 Bobbey, Steven 204 Bobford,Rob 158 Bobo,Todd 204 Bodlien, Eve 176 Bodlien, Galadria 176 Bogart, Brad 149 Bogart, William 140 Boggess, Mary 174 Bohrer, Richard 234 Boldea, Gabriella 198 Bolen, Erica 134,190 Bolick, Stephanie 184,204 Boiling, Sheri 134,204 Bolton, Scott 204 Bonadio, Jodie 114 Bonefield, Paula 142,204 Bonenberger, Karen 198 Bongart, Eddie 120 Bonheim, Brenda 234 Bonheim, Robert 234 Bonner, Cozette 182 Bonnett, Lovel 176 Bonnici, Anderson 180 Bont, Arlene 204 Boodran, Nicole 139,186 Booker, Cathy 190 Booker, Joy 184 Booker, Rachelle 204 Boone, Andrea 190 Booth, Jim 156 Boothe, Barbara 251
Breland, Jeremy 180 Boothe, Bethany 204 Brennan, Timothy 206 Bootier, Roberta 134,184 Brenning, Dusty 156,206 Bordea, Keith 154 Brew, Jennie 188 Bordeaux, Keith 156 Brewer, Mark 168 Boresma, Mike 182 Brewer, Noel 136,143,194 Boreland, Ruth 100 Brewer, Vernon 54,250 Borgman, Beth 133,204 Bridge, Clark 160 Borland, James 234 Briers, Becki 176 Borsch, George 82,156 Briggs, Allan 156 Bost, Kenneth 234 Brigman, David 154,156 Bottiger, Robert 204 Brilinski, Brenda 184 Bottiglieri, Patricia 204 Brindle,Dick 164 Boudreau, Carl 204 Brininstool, Susan 176 Bourgond, Monique 186 Brinkerhoff, Marcus 156 Bouslough, Chris 82 Brinkley, Edwin 234 Bowden, Bryant 82 Brinkley, Teresa 234 Bower, Katrina 188 Britt,Deanna 234 Bowers, Kathy 139 Britt, Robin 136,182 Boxer, Joe 168 Brittingham, Kevin 126, 206 Boyacher, Jim 182 Britton, John 156 Boyd,Wanice 134 Brong, Wendy 188 Boyer, Sheree 172 Bronsink, Troy 156 Boyette, Jeanette 194 Bronson, Suzanne 178 Boyle, Bobbye 188 Brooks, Debbie 206 Braaten, Robin 90 Brooks, Nathan 156 Brackett, Rebekah 188 Brophy, Allison 176 Brahn, Danny 114 Brophy, Tim 168 Braithwaite, Denise 163 Browder, Path 206 Braithwaite, Rhondalee 196 Brower, Jamie 206 Brake, Pete 156 Brown, A m y 186 Branch, Michelle 206 Brown, Chad 156 Brandes, Byron 162 Brown, Christy 186 Brandes, Kevin 162 Brown, David 206 Branklyn, Greg 162 Brown, Faith 154,156 Branscum, Tamatha 206 Brantley, Page 137,143,178,206 Brown, Frank 160 Brown, Kim 206 Braud,DeWitt 248 Brown, Lori 194 Bray, Susan 198 Bruce, Aaron 110 Bream, Sheldon 82,114 Brumayin, Stacy 162 Breckner, Reinhard 198 Brumwell, Brian 206 Bregou, Christina 198 Bryan, Nancy 138,145 Bregou, Jacquelyn 134 Bryant, Neal 82 Breinig,Joe 114,180 Bryson, Bobby 170 Breland, Jason 180,206
ndex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Bryson, Ronnie 170 Buchanan, Jon "My love" 41 Buckalew, Mike 122 Buckley, Bryan 133,148,206 Buell, Linda 182 Buerkle, Elizabeth 184 Buick, Kimberly 176 Buick, Melissa 176 Bukalew,Mike 98,180 Bulson, Heather 188 Bumbaugh, Darren 114,182 Bumgarner, Mitchel 156 Bundy,Kellie 90,174 Bundyjill 192 Bunting, Heath 82,182 Bunts, Michelle 252 Burd, Nathan 156 Burdett, Rebecca 176 Burdie, Marjorie 172 Burgan, Sara 156 Burgess, Dannie 198 Burgin, Bret 156 Burholder, Bryan 156 Burk,Jim 206 Burke, Brandan 180 Burke, Jake 156 Burkett, Vicky 186 Burko, Christine 176 Burnat,Mike 162 Burnette, Michael 206 Burns, Chris 192 Burns, Elizabeth 46,48,134 Burris, Donnan 198 Burrows, Bret 112,198 Busby, Kimbly 194 Bussert, Merrel 160 Butler, Scott 180 Butts, Deborah 182,206 Byrd, Holly 178
Cademartori, Jennifer 188 Cain,Daedra 184 Calcutt,Kim 176 Calcutt,Rob 156 Caldwell, Cori 196 Calomeris, Jill 206 Caltagirone, Harry 234 Caltagirone, John 234 Calvert, Jennifer 176 Camby, Shannon 198 Camlin, Debbie 206 Camlin, Traci 206 Campbell, Andrea 196 Campbell, James 164,206 Campbell, Jason 171 Campbell, Nicole 172 Campbell, Seth 82,168
Camper, Kevin 114,172 Canada, Paul 206 Canty, Tamar 186 Capita, Greg 156 Capodifero, Emilio 156 Captain, Philip 234 Caraballo, Doug 82 Cardoso, Raphael 120,172 Carey, Tina 182 Carico, Paul 206 Carlberg, Karen 206 Carley, Johnifer 176 Carlstrom, Robin 206 Carnium, Richard 164 Caroll, Graham 156 Carr, Graham 154 Carrjohn 168 Carr, Tamara 206 Carroll, Christos 206 Carroll, Jason 122 Carroll, Judith 178 Carson, Dwayne 54, 251 Carswell, Dwayne 82 Carter, Dana 122,180 Carter, Michael 164 Carter, Rick 168 Carter, Scott 196 Carter, Steven 156 Carver, Shannon 176 Carwile, Rebecca 234 Cary, Adams 166 Casabella, Todd 116 Cash, Kevin 82,166 Cash, Victoria 156 Casillo, Nicole 178 Castellana, Michael 110 Castillo, Priscilla 206
Castro, Alfredo 156 Cato, Melody 206 Caudle, James Todd 207 Caulder, Carolyn 198 Caveman, Mark 166 Cecchini, Matthew Joseph 140 Cha,Sung 140,149,198 Chamberlin, Ruth 234,243 Champney, Troy 171 Chapman, Jack 164 Chapman, Jody 104 Chapman, Matt 156 Chapman, Nathan 180 Chapman, Nelson 156 Chappell, Sara 90 Chase, Marcianna 192 Cheminti, Frank 234 Chenoweth, Jason 207 Cherry, Adrian 82 Cherry, Joanie 182 Cheyunski, A d a m 82,182 Chicaiza, Mac 164 Chien, Haoyung 252 Childers, Carl 145 Childs, Jason 166 Chipman, Cheryl 207 Chira, Marius 126 Chirla, Corina 198,207 C h o , H y e U n 176 Choi, Grace 191 Choi, James 191 Choi, Kyoung 230 Chrispher, A m y 48 Christian, Doug 170 Christian, Gordon 230 Christiansen, Dayna 136,182 Christiansen, Erik 177
Christina, Janet 134 Christopher, A m y 134,178 Church, Dana 186 Cienkowski, Karyn 184 Cimbura, Angela 143,207 Clark, Bill 114,182 Clark, Heide 198 Clark, Jeff 180 Clark, Jennifer 134,207 Clark, Kevin 158 Clark, Manson 168 Clark, Maureen 136,190 Clark, Sonya 184 Class, Katherine 192 Classing, Stephen 158 Clausen, Kevin 234 Clayton, William 180 Clegg, Charity 134,184 Cleveland, Jim 114 Click, Matthew 166 Clifton, Mark 207 Cline,Darla, 184 Clinton, Tim 234,250 Clodgo, Glenn 207 Clough, David 207 Cobb, Michelle 136,182 Cochran, Shannon 176 Cockran, Kevin 168 Cockrum, Wendi 156,207 Coe,Dawn 134,192 Coffey, Jerry 182 Coffin, Jonathan 162 Coile, Gregory 207 Coiner, Matt 156 Colby, Denise 192 Cole, Jeffrey 118,131 Cole, Tim 162
iexIndex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index
Coleman, Bill 114 Coleman, D a w n 108 Coleman, Gennie 108 Coleman, Kendra 207 Coleman, Mike 104,156 Coleman, Sundee 176 Coles, Henry 82 Coley, Dana 176 Collen,Todd 156 Collier, Carole 178 Collino,Phil 164 Collins, Betsy 207 Collins, Cheryl 174 Collins, Dottie 207 Collins, Heather 192 Collins, Jonny 92 Collins, Paul 102 Collins, Sarah 184 Collins, Tim 170 Collins, Timothy 207 Collins, William 207 Comfort, Greg 236 Commissiong, Peter 156 Conklin, Chris 207 Conley, David 207 Connell, Bobby 162 Connell, Kimberly 194 Connors, John 164 Conrod, Johan 162 Consimo, Nelson 180 Cook, David 156,207 Cook, Dion 82 Cook, Melissa 176 Cook, Susan 184 Cooper, Keri 178 Cooper, Linda 236 Cooper, Shelley 174
Cooper, Sherry 178 Cooper, Terrina 178 Cooper, Wynonna 186 Copenheaver, Duane 198,207 Copp,Dan 82 Corleone, D o n 158 Corleone, Michael 158 Corley,Phil 168 Cornelius, Ted 207 Cornell, Bernie 118 Cornell, Dave 118,180 Corvin, Dwayne 82,170 Cosgrove, William 164 Costello, Michele 134,207 Costin, Randy 164 Cota, Jeffrey 207,258 Council, Matt 82 Coupland, Danny 160,169 Coupland, Terry 194,207 Covert, A m y 192 Cowell, Grade 207 Cox, Jennifer 196 Cox, Jimmy 156 Cox, W a d e 230 Coyer, Paul 134 Craft, David 207 Craig, Kathleen 190 Craig, Shelley 182 Craig, Sherri 188 Craig, Stephen 158 Craige, Robert 162 Crain, Don 248 Crain, Roy 158 Cramer, Sheila 198 Crandall, Laura 172 Crane, Chris 180 Crane, David 207
Crane, Susan 176 Crane, Tim 134 Cranium, Richard 158 Crawford, Bobbi-Joe 172 Creager, Tracy 198 Crecca, Betty A n n 184 Crecelius, A n n 207 Creider,Vicki 134,207 Crews, Frances 196 Critcher, J.D. 134 Croce, Lucille 156,208 Crocker, Alena 188 Crotsier, Laura 178 Crotts,Jeff 160 Crouch, Art 168 Crouse, Loni 196 Crow, Laura 184 Crowell, Hollie 194 Crumpler, Beverly 190,208 Cruthers, Carrie 156 Cruz, Ray 162 Cubitt, Cristy 208 Cuddy, Shannon 174 Cummings, Neal 160 Cumstrongs, Kelly 184 Cunningham, Rebecca 190 Curbison, Daniel 162 Curkison, Danny 104 Curlee, Scotty 126,166,183 Current, Lee A n n 146 Currie, Keith 236
Currie, Mindy 136 Currie, Phillip 158 Curtis, Jeff 82,180,208 Curtis, Michelle 178 Curtis, Tobin 208 Custard, Steven 156 Custer, Steven 48,134 Cypher, Neal 160
D'Amico, James 82 D'Angelo, Mark 162 Daghfal, Daniel 158 Daher, Osama 198,208 Dailey, Carolyn 178 Dalpezzo, Nicole 172 Dalton, Beth 90 Dalton, Kari 208 Damlo,Steph 134 Damoff, George 236 Damron, Andrew 160 Daniel, Kirk 82,170 Dann, Ralph 166 D a u , A m y 178 Daubert, Russel 236,241 Davenport, Dexter 160 David, Michael 230
Davidson, Ramona 156 Davis, Aimee 198 Davis, A m y 198 Davis, Bill 156 Davis, Christian 236 Davis, Clare 156 Davis, Dwayne 158 Davis, Kimberly 208 Davis, Leslie 198 Davis, Sarah 174 Davis, Shawn 82,170,178 Davis, Sheila 182 Davis, Vinson 168 Davy, Alan 236 Davy,Sheryl 236 Dawson, David 148,160 Dawson, M a the w 168 Dawson, Matt 110 Day, Dave 168 Dayjoline 178 Day, Michael 208 Dayton, Jenni 94,178 De Boer, Michelle 108 Deacon, Rhonda 196 DeBoer, Michael 164,208 DeBoer,Paul 236 Decker, Glenn 154,156 DeLacy,Lynly 208 DeLancey, Melissa 208 Delano, Jeanne 176 DeLeeuw, Elisa 156 Delgatty, Candi 134 Delinski, Christine 208 Delk, Jason 208 Dellinger, Belinda 156 DeLong, Janice 236 DeLong, Lynne 148 DeLosh, Phillip 162 DeLuca, Susan 208 DeMarco, Allison 178 DeMasters, Danielle 208 Demianych, A m a n d a 178
DeMoura, Heidi 194 Dempsey, Mark 134,164 Demyun,Mark 208 Denton, Mark 198 Dernlan, Matt 110,162 Dernlan, Steven 146 Dethe,Matt 154,156 Detwiler, Charles 236 Deurjody 94,178 DeVries, Duane 198,208 Dibert, Kevin 156 Dick,Urlene 100,122 Dickey, John 168 Diemer,Carl 120,236 Dietrich, Phil 118 Dilley,Dan 156 Dillon, Melissa 156 Dillon, Sarah 194,208 Dillow, Cassie 208 Dilmore, Heather 146 Dimuzio, D a w n 130 Dinkle, Francis 198 DiSalvio, Chris 156 Dishong, Scott 160 DiSilvestro, Guy 134,168 Distler,Rich 182 Dixon, Angel 208 Dobler,Drew 82,166 Dobson, Edward 248 Docea, Hagdaloha 198 Doctor, Matt 82,168 Dolin, Cynthia 178 Dolinga, Mary 156 Domingues, Sonia 134,208 Donaldson, Dorie 46 Donaldson, Dorinda 134 Donaldson, John 236 Donaldson, Michael 208 Donaldson, Pauline 250 Dongless, Barry 168 Dora, Christina 208 Doranjeff 162 Douthat, Sonya 208 DowelLGreg 230,251 Downey, James 82 Downs, Steve 137
Doyle, Brett 170 Drane, Chuck 118 Drozda, Tara 194 Dudley, Michele 174 Dudley, Paul 166,171 Duffey,Joel 168 Duffie,Leah 208 Duffy, Michael 156 Duncan, Dan 82 Dunn, Becky 208 Dunn, Paula 134 Dunn, Richard 154,156 Duren, Rhonda 172 Durham, Becky 94,156 Dylag, Pamela 148,208 Dymond, Mark 154,156
Eades, Mary Ellen 208 Ear, Mandy 156 Earhart, Kelly 194 Easley, Chris 116 Easley, El-Harsh 156 Easter, Lynnette 172 Eayres, Claudia 130,176 Eberhardy, Kristina 208 Eckard, Steve 209 Eckert, Andy 166 Edgar, Trish 194 Edmonds, Kristi 134,174 Edwards, Charles 209 Edwards, Craig 209 Edwards, Heather 131 Edwards, Robin 176 Edwards, Tim 135,136 Edwards, Ursula 126 Eeles, David 170,209 EgeLRobb 114 Ehrman, David 236 Eicherly, Stacey 176 Eigenhuis, Scott 158,185,260 Eisnaugle, Thomas 168
Elek, Dallas 154,156 Elia, Rocco 156 Elijah, Geoff 120 Ellero,Dawn 198 Elliot, Matt 156 Elliott, Andrew 168 Elliott, D a w n 90 Ellis, Hoyd 134,209 Ellis, Grace 176 Ellis, W a d e 82 Ellison, Van 170 Ellzer,Wil 143 EIlzey,Wil 136,143 Elmore, Angela 196 Elwelljohn 156 Elyria,Ohio 208 Emmerick, Dane 251 Emmons, Maryanne 146 Endlich, Kelly 94,174 Enger, Kathy 156 Enrico, Rebecca 139 EoffJackM. 168 Epps, Bradley 209 Erskine, T a m m y 147 Ervin, Sonya 209 Ervin,Vkki 140,149,198 Esperanza, Maileen 146 Esperanza, Marielina 209 Espinoza, O m a r 209 Etna Green, Ind. 208 Etter, David 196 Eugene, Jeanne 196 Eustice, Kari 182 Evangelisto, Dan 131,160 Evans, Carey 194 Evans, Christy 176 Evans, Evan 209 Evans, Issac 158 Evans, John 209 Evans, Lisa 194 Evans, Marsha 198 Evans, Scott 156 Evans, Tracy 209 Evans, Wanda 209 Everts, Sabrina 209 Ewaka, Steve 154,156 Fabiano, Frank 230 Fadhilla, Samuel 122 Faehling, David 164 Faile,Tim 198 Fairbrother, Rick 170 Fairfax, Jennifer 108,172 Fairley, Stephen 170 Fake, David 131 Falwell, Christopher 209 Falwell, Jerry 248,254,255
lex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Gho,Jae-Sook 198 Gibbons, Brian 136 Gibson, Barry 164 Gibson, Dale 236 Gibson, Donnie 164 Giese, Ron 236 Giles, Paula 134 Gilham, Trey 210 Gillam,Dawn 210 Gillespie, Bobby 110,168 Gilliatt, Steven 210 Gilmore, Phil 236 Ginghina, Michael 126 Gipson, E'lam 164 Gist,Keli 136 Glinski, Jerry 164 Gobble, Ginger 210 Godfrey, Scott 92 Godley, Catherine 194 Goede, Chris 82 Goering, Aaron 162 Falwell, Jonathan 248 Flint, Kellie 143,209 Gallagher, David 134 Goering, Jon 166,210 Falwell, Macel 248,255 Hora,DeeAnn 139,194 Gallup, Donna 210 Going, Brain 160 Fannin, A m y 134,174 Galya, Heather 182 Fogle,Kim 182 Gomez, Lissette 140 Fannin, Kimberly 174 Forbus, Frank 250 Galyan,Lars 110,164 Gonzalez, Clara 198 Fantamount, Ed 162 Gardner, Mike 154,156 Forney, Marcus 82,209 Gonzalez, Rene 168 Farmer, Elisa 176 Gardner, Sterling 139 Foster, Bob 154,156 Gonzalez, Salome 196 Farmer, John 158 Gardner, Steve 168 Foster, Kari 33,209 Gooch, Patrick 162 Farmer, Kevin 170 Garlock, Donald 236 Fox, Brian 156,158 Goodin,Jeff 170 Garlock, Mary Lou 236 Farr, Misty 209 Fox, Daniel 158 Goodman, Allyson 236 Garner, Jennifer 210 Farris, Patricia 172 Fox, Givan 156 Goodman, Mitch 251 Farver, Linda 236 Garner, Kim 182 Fox, Kris 170 Goodwin, Candace 178 Garner, Meredith 134 Faulk, Leanne 94 Fox,Patti 176 Goodwin, Corey 164 Garrett, Beverly 131 Fedele, Darlene 134 Foyle, Victoria 174 Gordan, Scott 210 Garrett, Wendy 230 Fehsenfeld, Danny 134,154,156 Frankenfield, Mark 158 Gordon, Mindy 156 Garza, Bobby 156 Feldman, Bryan 164 Fraser, Kari 136,194 Gore, Jill 174 Garza, Tony 156 Feliv, Dave 156 Fraser, Kim 194 Gorman, Michelle 210 Gast, Josh 162 Felty, Ronald 209 Frausto, Steve 156 Goss, Chris 110,166 Gates, Nancy 137,210 Ferguson, Bubba 110 Frazier, Bobbie 194 Goss, Michael 133 Gathman, Melissa 196 Ferguson, Gregory 209 Frazier, Paul 82 Gossage, Nathan 168 Gathman,Mike 168,258 Ferguson, Keith 104 FreeLJane 134,198 Gothried, Randy 160 Gavater, Glen 158 Ferguson, Lester 164 Freeland, Jim 230 Gowen, Lisa 2l0 Gay, Joel 48,134 Ferrell, Andrew 156 Freeman, Katherine 156 Grafton, Kimberley 210 Gazey, Sean 112 Ferrell, William 209 Freerksen, James 236 Graham, Elaine 194 Geary, Jennifer 210 Fetter, Jennifer 134,172 Frett,Dave 168 Graham, Jack 248 Gebhards, Kurt 158 Fields, Dennis 253 Friend, Lisa 209 Grantham, Carol 210 Gee, John 156 Fritz, Kirk 112,170,209 Fields, Lisa 134 Grantham, Kevin 134,210 Gee, Michael 134,164 Fillmore, Paul 209 Fry, David 162 Grantham, Richard 166 Geer, Kelly 252 Fink, David 209 Fulcher, Sharon 134 Grantham, Rick 102,110 George, Jamie 210 Fink, Mark 156 Fulks, Brian 172 Gray, Jeff 230 George, Jodi 194 Fink, Mary 236 Fulks, Joe 156 Gray, Jeremy 118 George, Ramon 82 Furlow, Heather 210 Fink, Paul 236 Gray, Joe 46 Gephart, Carri 196,210 Fink, Sharon 209 Furr,Tracey 146,198 Gray, Joel 198 Gerdes, Darin 164 First, Greg 160 Gray, Lakecia 182 Gerdes, Merritt 210 Fisher, Mark 118 Grayson, A d a m 162 Gerlach, Jennifer 134,182 Fisher, Micah 120,156 Gettman, Michele 147,194,210 Graziotti, David 210 Fisher, Michael 209 Greek, Nathaniel 160 Gettman, Michelle 137 Fishercoe, Laurie 172 Green, Bashara 156 Gettman, Wendy 194 Fitzpatrick, Herbert 248 Green, Bobby 82 Geuter, Donna 198 Gadomski, Marilyn 236 Fleck, Michael 156 Green, Brian 158 Gadoury, Jean-Marc 136,143,164 Gheorghe, Bob 230 Heegal, Erich 198 Green, David 230 Ghitas, Daniel 198 Gaerte, Denise 210 Hetcherjeff 209 Green, Murve 210 Ghitea, Rob 161,210 Gage, Freddie 248 Hetcher,Ted 156
Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index
Green, Scott 170 Habermas, Robert 238 Green, Todd 210 Hackworth, Carrie 194 Greene, Heather 94,198 Hadden, Jennifer 140,149 Greenhalgh, Pat 236 Hadley, Chris 82 Greenwell, Susan 210 Haff, Holly 130 Gregory, Chris 158 Haggerty, Denise 211 Gregory, Kent 223 Hahn, Andrew 211 Gregory, Kevin 210 Hahn,Mark 166, Gregory, Tara 223 Hahn, Tim 82 Grey, Jeremy 154,156 Hahnlen, Lee 238 Gribben, William 250 Hajec, T a m m y 137,230 Gribbin,Matt 120 Hale, Jennifer R. 176 Grier, Esther 136,176 Hall, Chad 211 Griffeth, Chris 164 Hall, James 238 Griffin, Bob 168 Hall, LeDana 134 Griffin, Chad 158 Hall, Michael 136 Griffin, John 166 Hall, T a m m y 182 Griffin, Steve 112 Hallmark, Kristin 130 Griffis, Julie 174,210 Hamer, Carol 143,147,211 Griffith, Pamela 211 Hamilton, Kimberly 211 Griffiths, Paul 136,210 Hamilton, Naomi 94 Griggs, Becky 190,258 Hamilton, Paul 164,211 Grissinger, Arthur 236 Hammel, T o m 148 Grissinger, Tracy 210 H a m m o n d , Carlene 176 Groat, Wilbur 236 Hampton, Billy 136,143 Groff,John 211 Hampton, Joseph 160 Gross, Greg 131 Hampton, Rebecca 174 Gross, Gretta 196 Han, Eugene 146,211 Groves, Laurel 176 Hancock, Scott 160 Guerena,Phil 230 Hands, A d a m 170 Guerrero, Kevin 164 Handwerker, Craig 168 Guillermin, LuAnne 257 Handworker, Craig 112 Gufflermin, Pierre A. 248,250,257 Hankins, Jennifer D. 130,182,260 G u m m o , Joe 166 Hannah, Rachael 211 Guntherjohn 82 Hanson, Darla 211 Gustaman, DeDe 137 Harden, Nicole 172 Gutierrez, Ruth 137,140,211,260 Hark,Sallie 211 Guyton, Michelle 194 Harlingjohn 230 Gwartney, Mark 211 Harmon, Timothy 198 Harmsen, Scott 114 Harnden, April 196 Haag, Larry 236,239 Harns, Kevin 145 Habermas, Gary 112,236 HarrelLAmy 176 Harrell, Jason 82 Harrington, Dolly 139,145,146,176 Harrington, Eric 158 Harrington, William 134
Harris, Andre 162 Harris, Bret 162 Harris, Crystal 211 Harris, Daniel 162 Harris, Johnny 134,211 Harris, Katrina 172 Harris, Kevin 158,170 Harris, Kurt 170 Harris, Scott 198 Harrison, Donald 238 Harsey, H u d 82 Hart, David 162 Hart, Jeff 158 Hart, Kevin 154,156 Hart, W e n d y 211 Harter, Michael 131 Hartman, Harvey 238 Harvath, Scott 160 Harvey, Brett 211 Harvey, Scott 158 Hassan, Ivette 182 Hassell, Andrea 196,211 Hassell, Terry 92 Hassler, Cindy 211 Hatch, Robert 230 Hatcher, Keith 211
Hauckjoel 158 Hawk, Lisa 211 Hawkins, Greg 211 Hawkins, Ron 250 Hawley, Carrie 133 Hawley, Shelley 211 Hawxwell, Tim 164 Hayden, Terri 211 Hayes, Mark 162 Hayes, Stephanie 140,149 Haynes, David 211 Hayslett, Leeann 122 Hayslett, Michael 145 Heacock,Tim 154,156 Headley, Elizabeth 176,211 Heath, John 248 Hechinger, Jennifer 140 Heckathorn, Shellie 211 Heckman, Lynne 90,174 Heer,Katy 196 Heer, Rachel 46,48,196 Heidebrink, Sherryl 156 Heim,Bob 170 Heinz, Karen 134 Heise, Jennifer 198 Heizer, Brian 166
idex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Hellings, Chris 162 Helman, David 212 Helmick, Brent 102,160 Helmick,Loy 168 Helton, Laura 137 Hemenway, Stephen 212 Hemphill, Hiawatha 230 Henderson, Albert 198 Henefeld, Cynthia 134 Henne, Rachel 212 Henry, T a m m y 172,212 Hensley,Beth 156 Heploe,Occy 170 Herder, Warren 140,168 Herman, Tamara 196 Hernandez, Barb 212 Hernandez, Eliezer 158 Herold, Jacqueline 134 Herold, Laura 196 Herrin, Jake 156 Herwig, Aaron 158 Hesprich, Xena 182 Hettman, George 156 Hiatt, Brady 162 Hickman, Robert 168 Hicks, Sharon 212 Hicks, Zachary 168 Higgins, Floyd 168 Higinbotham, Rick 158 Hildebrand, Matthew 104 Hill, David 212 Hill, Jeffrey 212 HilLJenn 134,136,174 HilLKarla 134,146 Hill, Sidney 212 Hilliard, Melissa 212 Hillyer,Sara 108 Hinajosa, Christine 194 Hindererjill 194,212 Hindson, Christy 194 Hine,Mark 251 Hines, Tim 199 Hines, Wendy 172 Hinkle, Roxanne 196 Hinshaw, David 131 Hinton,Layla 136,194 Hirshman, Heather 136,198 Hirshman, Todd 158 Hirst, Daniel 160 Hjembo, Beth 134 Hockanson, Steve 122 Hockey, Field 136 Hodges, Jennifer 194 Hoefel, Nancy 230 Hofacker, Jason 122,158 Hofacker, Rich 168 Hofert, Scott 146,212 Hoffaker, Jason 98 Hoffman, Jeannine 194 Hoisington, Jodi 212 Hokanson, Stephen 134,156,212 Holding, Cindy 142,144
Holiday, Sam 110 Howell, Steve 158 Hrebar, Louis 110,168 Hollard, Lorraine 194 Hubbard, A m y 212 Hollenbeck, Julie 198 Hubbard, Sabrina 212 Holliday, Bill 112 Hollins,Dale 212 Huber,Jill 212 Huffman, T o m m y 168 Holly, Carrie 177 Huffty, Kristen 212 Holt, John 212 Huggins, Chris 164 Homa, David 110,168 Hughes, Junious 230 Homberger, Brian 170 Honeycutt, Brett 98,122,, 157,212 Hughes, Tracey 212 Hugo, John 238 Honeycutt, Holly 223 Hukills, Adrianna 212 Honeycutt, Will 223 Hulshof, Dana 172 Hooke,Ed 154,156 Hulshop, Chris 156 Hooke, Maria 194 Humphrey, Richard 114 Hopp, Emily 212 Hunsberger, Andrea 212 Hopp, Philip 212 Hopper, Jesse 164 Horning, Matt 168 Horstmann, Nathan 158 Horton, David 238 Horton, Keith 154,156 Hostetter, Charlotte 134,212 Hotchkiss, Mark 168 Houff, Marsha 108,172 Hovey, Bridget 134 Howard, Drew 82 Howard, Leslie 194 Howard, Lionel 196 Howard, Matalie 238 Howard, Rob 212 Howe, Chirodie 162 Howe, Lance 136,154,156 Howe, Monica 131,196 Howell, Randy 156
Hunt, Jill 212 Hunt, Kevin 139 Hunter, Darrius 104 Hunter, Mark 170 Hunton, Johnny 114 Hurst, Rebekah 172 Hurst, Steve 98,100 Hurt, Lisle 168 Hussey, Shane 198 Huston, Molly 134,172 Hutchinson, Ryan 114 Hyatt, Brady 110 Hylkema, Danette 198 Hylton, Dan 166 Hyma, Bryan 110
[ndex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index
Igna,Dorin 198 Iler,Dan 213 Imhof, Kathy 194 Ingalls, A m y 94 Inge, Jennifer 194 Ingram, Freddy 146 Inscoe, Stephanie 213 Ives, Kathleen 90,213 Ivester,Keri 182
Jaap, Brandon 156 Jackson, Rob 57,168,251 Jacobs, Deanna 194 Jacobs, Justine 134 Jaffrey,Kent 166 James, Lynn 108,119 James, Marty 213 James, Maurina 198 James, Stephen 171 Jameson, Jerry 213 Jameson, John 196 Janes, Geoffrey 158 Jankowski, Deborah 213 Jarvis, G w e n 213 Jauch, Wendy 213 JeDoes,Ron 170 Jefferson, Grady 164 Jensen, Janice 134 Jensen, John 198 Jeter, Sheri 196 Jewell, Angela 145,146 Jibowu, Jonathan 213 Johanson, Andy 156 Johns, Johnny 164 Johnson, Angie 108,172 Johnson, April 108,174 Johnson, Arthur 166 Johnson, Brian 166 Johnson, Christi 156,213 Johnson, Curt 112 Johnson, Dale 160 Johnson, Darrell 118 Johnson, Darren 152,163,213 Johnson, Jess 168 Johnson, Judith 143,213 Johnson, Lisa 213 Johnson, Mark 164 Johnson, Michael 213 Johnson, Rebecca 156 Johnson, Richard 158 Johnson, Robert 213
Johnson, Sean 136 Johnson, T o m 213 Johnson, Wayne 162 Johnson, Wendy 108,119 Johnston, Dale 142,213 Jones, Bill 112 Jones, Bryant 252 Jones, Daniel 140,213 Jones, Janet 196 Jones, Jennifer 134 Jones, Kellie 213 Jones, Kolt 114 Jones, Matt 154,156 Jones, Renee 196 Jones, Vernita 172 Jones, William 164 Jordan, Dan 213 Jorgensen, Julie 213 Jorischetti, John 168 Joy, Corey 156,213 Jurgeson, Ronda 213 Justice, Shawna 172 Justino, Robby 82
Kaechele, Mike 160 Kaehne, Julie 133,213 Kaeppler, Suzanne 213 Kaiser, John 172 Kalnins, Glenn 118 Kaminski, Matt 110 Kamphuis, Debi 182 Kandres, John 160 Kaneshiro, Shelbi 196 Kang,WonHo 198 Kania, Tim 213,260 Karan, Troy 158 Kauffman, Gary 170,213 Kauffman, Kari 141 Kauffman, Paula 141 Kavana, Todd 213 Keates, Kristine 130 Keating, Karla 139,213 Keaveny, Stacy 213 Keelerjill 136 Keener, Angela 194 Keenum, Charles 214 Keire,Marisa 90,174 Keller, Keith 214 Kelley, Desiree 176 Kelly, Jennifer 48,134 Kennedy, Cheryl 214 Kennedy, Lance 162 Kennedy, Laura 194 Kennedy, Scott 112,214 Kenny, Mark 166 Kephart, Craig 158 Kerrick, Matthew 149
Kerrigan, Mark 156,214 Kester, Monty 238 Kester, Phyllis 238 Keun Kim, Seock 230 Key, Ellen 214 Keys, James 146,214 Keys, Melinda 156 Keys, Thomas 214 Keznor, Nikki 90 Khan, Billy 98,122 Khoury, Samuel 158 Khovry,Na'el 168 Kidd, Marvin 158 Kilgore, Derek 156 Killman, Michael 168 Kim, Charlie 114 Kim, Christina 214 Kim, Daniel 238 Kimjee 194 Kim, Sam 162 Kim, Sang-Mok 230 King, Christopher 162
King, Donna 214 King, Kimberley 214 Kinzer, Nicole 174 Kirgan, David 166 Kirk, Kerry 134,170 Kirschner, Brian 196,214 Kirschner, Matt 158 Kittrell, Evan 170 Klefeker, Kristi 131 Kleinknecht, Beth 194 Klima,Rick 214 Kneiszler, Nicole 134 Knisley, Daniel 214 Knott, Karen 145 Knox, Robert 142,214 Knudson, Joanna 134 Koelsch, Christina 214 Kolb, Karen 90 Kolbe, Kelley 214 Kompelien, Wayne 48,134,238 Konshak, Craig 170 Kraft, Cynthia 194
iex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Kreider, Michael 140,170,214 Kresge,Mark 154,156 Krisak, Patricia 214 Krolikowski, Dan 158 Kroll, Jerry 238 Kronenberger, Kim 176 Krueger, Mark 214 Krull, Jason 98,122 Kukasky, Steven 164 Kurpier, Misty 172 Kuzins,John 166 KyungKim,Ho 230
Labarre,Matt 162 Labbe, Steve 162 LaBerge, Bryan 136,158 Lacanienta, Evelyn 214 Lacanienta, Peter 198 Laffoon, Tami 198 LaFrance, Michelle 122,174 LaHaye, Beverly 248 Lahue, Nancy 196 Lai, Shu 238 Lai, Tsung 238 Lake, Kelly 214 Lakinjeff 214 Lally, Douglas 164 Lalton, Lourie 108 Lamb, Philip 158 Lambright, Anthony 214 Lamothe, Jessie 196 Lamothe, Nadjie 196 Land troop, Matt 166 Lane, Dan 112,146,214 Lane, Jennifer 176 Lane, Monica 154,156 Lane, Richard 195,238 Langat, Audrey 176,179 Lanier, Suzanne 156 Lara, Pedro 162 Lareau, Christopher 162 Largent, Steve 166 Larrabee, Robyn 214 Larson, Erik 216 Larson, T o m 160 Larzabal, Guillenmo 198 Lash, Becky 216 Lasley, Angelia 216 Latham, Wendy 134 Laverty, Jodie 94,216 Lawrence, Sidney 158 Lawson, Connie 216 Lawson, Kim 90 Lawton, Bryan 252 Lay, Chris 170 Leary, Karen 216
Leary, Stephon 158, 216 LeBeaux, Allison 136 Lee, Aaron 216 Lee, John 162 Lee, Richard 248 Lee, Tommie 133 Leeds, Danielle 194 Leeds, Gary 116,170 Leer, Paul 172 Leese, Joel 158 Lehman, Melisa 134,176,216 Lelek, Jeremy 158 LentLBeth 172 Leonard, Bryan 146,216 Leonovitch, Susan 194 Lepley, Heather 176 Lester, Lane 238 Levenson, Joey 160 Leverett, Gaylen 238 Levering, Paul 158 Lewis, Eric 166 Lewis, Jeremy 216 Lewis, Lisa 198 Lewis, Shelton 82 Liddle, Ernest 250 Liddle, Grace 238 Liesegang, David 160 Light, Christine 130,174 Light, Doree 216 Lightbody, Holly 94,176 Lind, Michael 136 Lindbert, Ashley 164 Lindquist, Carole Ann 216 Lindsey, Walter 158 Linton, Dami 135,136,174 Lipscomb, Brian 168 Lipscomb, Randy 198 Litorja, Richard 158 Littlejohn, Robert 250 Litzau, Jonathan 166 Livesay, Corrinne 238 Livesay, Stephen 238 Livezey, Joe 136,216 Livingston, Blair 156 Lloyd, Andrew 158 Lobach, Steve 166 Lockamy, Chris 134 Lockman, Robin 198 Lockwood, Kevin 82 Locy,Ray 238 Logsdon, Graham 118 Logue, Jeanna 216 Long, Jamie 216 Looney, D a w n 192, 258 Lopez, Debi 198 Loser, Steve 160 Lott, Andy 166 Lovallo,Mike 168 Love, Charles 216 Love, David 160,216 Love, Laura 134
Lovett, Danny 248 Lowe, Darren 147 Lowe, John 134 Lowell, Paul 158 Lowry, Beverly 238 Loy,Doug 147 Lucadano, Jeanette 216 Lucadano, Pete 177 Lucas, Ethan 114 Luci, Monica 194 Lupulescu, Samuel 198 Lycett, George 158 Lycett,Jeff 112 Lykins, Scott 216 Lynch, Donald 158 Lynn, Chris 158 Lyons, Laurie 216
Maben, Elizabeth 48,134 Macchione, Chuck 158 MacSwain, Rob 158 Magallanes, Erba 145
Magdziarz, Matt 166 Mahan, Antrace 174 Mahan, Saundra 174 Major, Marcus 158 Maka, Matthew 158,216 Makkai,Adam 82,170 Maldonado, Zaida 140,149 Malina,Al 198 Mallory, Daniel 130,160 Manes, Jean 216 Manley, Aaron 248 Manley, Heather 194,216 Mann, Maureen 194 Mann, Shirley 142,216 Manuel, Renee 216 Marburger, Brian 160 Marietta, Susann 216 Markle, Sherri 216 Markle, Steven 216 Marks, Paul 166 Markva, Susan 130,216 Marshall, Eric 158 Marshall, Jeff 112 Marshall, Susanne 217 Marstiller, Natasha 196
Martin, Beau 114 Martin, Heather 155 Martin, Rebecca 217 Martin, Robert 166 Martin, Sandra 217 Martin, Sharon 217 Martin, Steve 166 Martin, Todd 114,172 Martin, Vickie 238 Masaitis, John 164 Mason, Timmy 158 Massie, Melinda 176 Mateer, Robert 238 Matheney, Bill 238 Matherly, Gina 217 Matherly, James 238 Matherly, Rick 158 Mathers, Blake 82 Mathewson, Kevin 158 Matras,Tina 217 Matthes, Lloyd 240 Matthes, Sandra 238 Matthews, Susan 142 Mattison, Eric 162 Matts, James 217 Mattson, Lori 90,194 Mauney, Susan 156 Maus, Kimberly 194 Mawdesley, Scott 168 Mawdsley, Alice 240 Maxwell, Vikki 217 May, Don 240 Mayberry, Ronald 230 Mayes, Wendy 134,170,176
Maynard, Nicole 217 Mazanec, Julie 196 McBrayer, Jody 165 M c C a m m o n , Dana 217 McCauley, Lena 217 McCauley, Lori 174 McCLain, Jason 170,217 McClain, TeBear 158 McClain,Ted 104 McClayJim 217 McClung, Gretchen 198 McClung, Shane 114 McCombs,Dave 98,122 McConaughy, A m y 143 McConnell, Wesley 82 McConville, James 158 McCreight, T.J. 82 McDaniel, Robin 131,198 McDonald, Sean 160 McDowell, Mac 114 McDuffie, J.D. 82 McFarland, Dorena 33 McGhee, Daryle 162,217 McGilLTim 82,164 McGinnis,Dan 114 McGrath, Valerie 182 McGuire,Mark 162 McHaney, Denton 240 McHenry, Steve 164 Mclntyre, Bryon 160 McKeehan, Kerri 217 McKeon,Eric 162 McKeon, Scott 166 McKinney, Doug 156
McKnight, James 82 McMonigle, Lisa 134 McMonigle, Mace 82 McMorray, Matthew 160 McNamara, Shane 217 McNeil, Shawn 164 McNulty,Mark 102,168 McPherson, Tricia 176 McWane, Faith 196 Medlin, Michael 160 Meekins, Sally 156 Mehlee, Susan 217 Melton, Tracy 198 Mendoza, Michael 198,217 Mentone, Elayna 194 Meola, Jeanna 196 Mercaldo, Michael 166 Merchant, T o m 92
Mercier, A m y 174 Merickle, Karol 217 Merida, Andrew 134,162 Merritt, James 248 Meschke, Melissa 131,182 Metcalf, Brian 168 Metcalf, Kevin 166 Metzgar, Scott 126 Metzgar,Todd 160 Meyer, Jonathan 217 Mickler, Paige 194 Middleton, Stephanie 134 Miedema, Jeff 160 Mihm,Dawn 100,174 Mihms, D a w n 122 Mikhail, Nabib 240 Milam, A d a m 136,164 Milanovic, Iva 217
dex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index
Milburn, Steve 162 Miles, Matthew 217 Miles, Monica 198 Miller, Brent 164 Miller, Chris 82 Miller, Darren 166 Miller, Diane 240 Miller, Edwin 82,104 Miller, James 162 Miller, Jamie 162 Miller, Jason 168 Miller, Laura 90,217 Miller, Linda 240 Miller, Meghan 198 Miller, Roger 240 Miller, T a m m y 138 Miller, Tonya 217 Mills, Earl 250 Mills, Elizabeth 134 Mills, Esther 100,122,174 Milne, David 160 Mims, Barry 162 Min, Jeanie 230 Minnis, Jessica 174,217 Mitchell, Dan 240 Mitchell, Nathan 217
Mittauer, Casey 114,172 Moagi, Mogapi 198 Moben, Elizabeth 134 Mock, Steve 82 Modling, Jason 82, 217 Mogapi, Moagi 139 Mohl, Brian 168 Monroe, Lena 174 Monroe, Scott 160 Monroe, Wayne 82 Moon, Greg 134 Moore, Aimee 198 Moore, Alaina 194 Moore, Betsy 100,122 Moore, Carrie 46,182,193 Moore, Chad 160 Moore, Chris 160 Moore, Hope 134 Moore, Valorie 217 Moorn, Gregory 166 Morad,Dave 198 Morenz,Tim 168,230 Morgan, Dwayne 164 Morgan, Lisa 174 Morgan, Michael 217 Morgan, Wayne 162
Morgret, Jean 160 Morhardt, Greg 177 Morris, Emily 156 Morris, Michelle 139,142,217 Morrison, John 240 Morse, Sherry] 218 Morton, Kris 114 Mosely, Gerald 122 Mosiah, Moses 164 Mosley, Gerald 127 Moyer, Brian 145,162,170,218 Moyettes, Jacob 218 Mozer, Jessie 218 Muberty, Sheena 218 Muble,Vera 218 Mulcuck, Michael 82,175 Mullen, Jim 160 Muller,Paul 240 Mullins, Julie 134 M u m m a , Nelson 166 M u m m a n , Keith 166 Mummert, Scott 160 Mundy, Molly 174 Murdock, Brian 160 Murphy, Paul 170 Murphy, Todd 168 Murray, Brian 166 Murray, Mike 166 Murray, Rachael 134,194 Musat, Gabriela 198 Muscolino, Ron 166 Musser, Brooke 156 Myers, Christopher 162 Myers, Jim 170 Myers, John 170 Myers, Lois 198 Myers, Vic 166
Jewton, Merry 218 Nguyen, Tue Due 82 Nice, Jay 136,160 Nice, Nicole 90,113 Nice, Tricia 90,174 Nichols, Mark 230 Nickerson, Melissa 134 Nielsen, J.J. 145,146,158 Nimako, George 82 Nimo, Theresa 218 Nivens, Roosevelt 82 Nixon, Wretched 198 Noble, Stephanie 134,174 Noel, Heather 172 Noel, Ivionise 198 Nogowski, Joanne 218 Noltenjosh 160 Norman, Michelle 156 Norman, Stephanie 156 Norman, Vanessa 240 Nuckols, Barbara 240 Nunes, Dorothy 194 Nunn, Kashana 218 Nutter, Jim 240 Nutter, Laurie 240 Nutter, Marilyn 240 Nutter, Randall 240 Nwosu, Julius 104,158 Nylander, T o m 166
O'Brien, Kevin 136,162 0'Bryon,Cris 48,134,198 O'Dell, Charlene 137,176 O'Donnell, Brett 135 O'Neal, Kevin 168 O'Neal, Melody 194 0'Wade,Donny 160 0'Bryon,Cris 139 Obey, Sarah 174 Nations, Corey 160 Nazigan, Jonathan 142,154,156 Obey, Sheila 176,218 Oglesby,Alan 137,218 Neeley, Chris 110,160 Ogum, Caroline 176,218 Neely,Tara 194 Oliveras, Jenice 94 Neff,Doug 170 Oiling, Dale 170 Nelson, A m y 176 Olsen, David 92 Nelson, Heather 194 Olson, Celia 146 Nelson, Larry 240 Olsson, Chris 162 Nelson, Pat 82 Omakwu, Ekwo 218 Nelson, Sara 218 Omark,Jill 194 Nelson, Steve 162 Onokalah, Chidinma 218 Neptune, Tim 218 Onyeanusi, Charles 122 Nesbitt, Scott 166 Ortega, Rubin 82 Nesselrotte, Kent 82 Ortiz, Julianna 194 Newby, Melondee 218 Newenhouse, Troy 168 Osborne, Stephanie 194 Overholt,Ken 156,218 Newman, Scott 160 Newport, Kevin 130,164 Owens, Dana 218
Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Inde:
Pack, Sharon 218 Pafford, Abram 170 Pait,Steart 230 Palm, John 230 Palm, Mary 218 Palmer, Terri 194 Pangle, Anthony 160 Pannemann, Paula 139 Pantana, John 240 Park, Eunice 134 Park, Tamara 176 Parker, Agatha 134,194 Parker, Karen 142,240 Parker, Rebecca 174 Parker, Tony 162 Parmentes, Raymond 218 Parrish,L.G. 82 Parrish, Lance 164 Parrish, Stephanie 198 Parsons, A m y 194 Partie, David 240 Pass, Susan 194 Pastors, Dave 114 Patch, Karen 134 Pate, S a m 248 Patrick, Kelly 218 Patterson, Dan 218 Pattey,Jill 174 Paul, Jeffrey 164 Paul, Samuel 218 Paulette, Traci 218 Paulsen, Tim 240 Payne, Kirby 166,218 Peak,Deron 134 Pearce, Yevette 252 Pearl, Melany 176 Pearson, Sherri 131,218 Peck, Brad 131 Peda,Brad 168 Peden, Jennifer 194 Pederson, Andy 162 Pederson, Vicki 156 Pelletier, Matt 219
Pelletier, Pamela 219 Penn, Brian 219 Penn, Susan 219 Penner, Russ 162 Pennock,Joan 240 Pentecost, Paula 146 Penton, Sandra 219 Pepperdine, Lisa 219 Pereira., Jim 92 Perkins, Kenneth 219 Perkins, Ross 136 Perrault, Cindy 194 Perry, Melissa 194 Peschken, Dallas 162 Peter, Lonete 198 Peters, Aaron 166 Peters, Danielle 194 Peters, Debra 219 Peters, Sarah 194 Peterson, A m y 108 Peterson, Christopher 219 Peterson, Daniel 219 Peterson, Greg 154,156 Peterson, Kelly 196 Peterson, Scott 166 Petit, Damien 156 Petke, Matthew 134 Petros, Tony 162 Peverill, Meredith 219 Phelps, Christopher 198 Phelps, T a m m y 219 Phillips, Gentry 162 Phillips, Ginger 174 Phillips, John 198 Phillips, Lance 160 Phillips, Mike 162 Phillips, Monica 174 Phillips, Rebecca 198 Philpott, Mike 162 Phipps, Chris 166 Pi, Samuel 230 Pickering, Jim 240 Pickering, Tena 219
Pickral, Christopher 219 Price, Curtis 137,230 Pierce, Christine 194 Price, Jennifer 219 Pierce, Felecia 196 Price, Kimberly 219 Pierce, Joel 198 Prieto,Herby 162 Pierce, Michael 131,172 Prince, Earl 160 Pierce, Tim 196 Prince, Ellis 162 Piercy, Christine 176 Pritchard, D a n 82,219 Pierpoint, Janet 135 Prunara, Daniel 48,134 Pierre, Jerry 156 Pryor, Deano 162 Pinder, Laverne 219 Pryor, T a m m y 146 Pinkham,Carl 219 Pulliam, W e n d y 147,219 Pion,Tanja 148 Pisney, Jeff 148,154,156 Pizzini, Steve 219 Plichta, Jill 219 Plotons, Eusebiu 162 Quentanilla, Eladio 82 Plotts, David 166 Quinn, Aaron 166 Poblete, A m y 172 Quintanilla, Eladio 162 Poekert, Vanessa 196 Quirmg, Tamilla 172 Poggemiller, Dwight 230,231 Poggemiller, Eugenia 130,134,260 Poggemiller, Evangeline 148,219,260 Poggemiller, Helmuth 240 Polto, Daniel 164 Pomajzl, Chad 162 Rabe, Alan 240 Ponder, Angela 196 Ragan, Brent 164 Pooch, Scott 147,219,225 Rahilly, Sharon 240 Poore,SheIli 156,219 Railey, Kelly 136,194 Porch, John 134 Ramse, Ralna 196 Porter, Patricia 134,196 Ramsey, Jay 168 Porter, Shawn 140,149 Ramsey, Pamela 137 Potter, Phil 164 Rander, Darlene 94 Powell, A m y 145,182 Rander, Stacy 94 Powers, Deanna 219 Randlett, David 240 Praff, Darren 164 Randlett, Doug 240 Pranter, Lisa 122 Randlett, Mark 219 Prantner, Lisa 172 Randlett, Scott 120,166 Pratt, Daniel 104 Rapp, Michelle 219 Prehmus, Troy 196 Rathel, T a m m y 172 Prettyman, Bobby 215 Prettyman, Johnny 122,134,215,219 Rather, Less 164 Ratliff, Donna 240 Price, A m y 196 Ray, A m y 134,174 Price,-M'^mt Andy 162 Ray, Angela 174 J© .? Ray, Christopher 170 Ray, Stephanie 196 Reagan, Jennifer 133,194 IK mBi© Reber, Dayna 220 nJp W * J Reber, Renee 196 Rebsamen, Jay 168 Lv 4 Rebsamen, Jonathan 168 Rector, Jonathan 132,220 immm-m Redding, Mark 164,220 Aim Reece, Debbie 220 !^W '!X Reed, Jason 160 mr ^ Reed, Melissa 176 JL Reed, Mike 122 Reed, Rico 168 Reeder, Jennifer 122
ex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Roderick, Philip 164 Reeder, Lynda 220 Rodgers, Laura 220 Rees, Laura 196 Rodgers,Tad 160 Reibson, Jennifer 194 Rodriguez, Roberto 198 Reid, Bruce 230 Rodway, Kristen 198 Reimer, Milton 242 Roeck,Glen 162 Rein, Andrew 154,156 Rogers, Daniel 162 Reinertsen, Beth 220 Rogers, Tony 156 Reiss, William 220 Roggow, Nate 162 Reiter,Alyce 134,194 Rohrbaugh, Scott 160 Rekeczky, Audrey 135,136 Rohrer,John 220 Renalds, Deanna 220 Rojas, Vanessa 140,176 Rennick,Jill 220 Rollins, A m y 220 Renshaw, Brian 139,168,220 Rollins, Barb 220 Renz, Michelle 156 Roma, David 140 Retzlaff, Jonathan 220 Roope, Donna 174 Reynolds, Doug 220 Roosevelt, Chris 149 Reynolds, Eric 112,154,156 Root, Becky 220 Rhodenhizer, David 248 Rorer, Janet 122,220 Rhodes, Chris 136,162 Rose, David 170 Rhodes, Eric 166 Rose, Tim 220 Rhodes, Nia 174 Roseboom, Julie 172 Rhodes, Wiliam 160 Rosenberg, Melissa 194 Rhone, Cheryl 196 Rosevelt, Christopher 140,156 Rice, Barry 235 Ross, Heather 194 Rice, Corey 82 Rothbauer, Cooney 166,183 Rice, James 162 Rothfeld, Johanna 140,149 Rice, Michelle 172 Rotten, Johnny 164 Rice, Sheri 156,220 Rowles, Mike 154,156 Rich, Bryan 220 Rowlette, Ken 242 Richardson, Arminta 176 Royal, Michael 160 Richardson, Douglas 146 Royer, Monica 131 Richardson, Harrison 164 Rubens, Matt 166 Richardson, Lecia 156 Rucker, Shannon 82 Richmond, Jeanine 220 Ruggles, Linda 172 Ridenour, Troy 160 Rumore, Sandra 242 Rider, Kelli 220 Rusk, Chris 132 Ridgley, William 220 Russell, A m y 196 Riffel, Michelle 134 Ryan, Corey 136,166 Riffle, Jeff 131,166 Ryder, Beth 194 RIggle, Jennifer 174 Ryner,Sid 154,156 Riley, Ginger 220 Rill, Brian 162 Rill, Steve 162 Rininger,Christianna 100,122,174 Sabol, Karen 174 Saczawa, Darleen 94,198 Riser, Steve 134,196 Saho, Eric 166 Rist,Boyd 250 Sale, Sherry 220 Roach, Stacey 176 Salley,LaMar 164 Roach, Will 104,158 Sallstom, L u A n n 140 Robbins, Jonathan 162 Samples, Catina 174 Roberts, Angela 198 Sampson, Josh 164 Roberts, Gina 198 Samuelsen, Karin 172 Roberts, Jennifer 46,48 Sanderson, Tiffany 176 Roberts, Lance 162 Sanger, Pamela 221 Robertson, Philip 220 Santos, Kenia 186 Robertson, Wayne 82 Sanner, Kevin 221 Robinson, Brian 196 Sargeant, Jayne 196 Robinson, Greg 220 Robinson, Jerry 220 Robinson, Kristin 156 Robinson, Toney 170 Robyck,Bret 168,220
Sargent, Matt 164 Sarra, Aaron 160 Sarver, Michael 139,142,168 Sattler,Paul 242 Saufley, Kristen 174 Saul, Bonnie 186 Saunders, Michael 158 Sawtelle, Randal 230 Sawyer, Christina 194 Sawyer, Lisa 148,221 Sawyer, Neill 98,122 Say lor, Chris 156 Saylor,John 221 Sburatura, Cristina 198 Scales, Becky 221 Scales, Pat 252 Scanner, Kevin 147 Scercy, Kim 221 Schaap, Brandon 134,168 Schake, Trenton 168 Schantz, Heidi 94,174 Schanz, Kal 221 Scharp, Sheri 221
Schatzer, Todd 168 Schaub, Victoria 221 Schavey, Chad 168 Schick, Roderic 221 Schluenburg, Kevin 122 Schmidt, A m y 196 Schmidt, Jeff 90 Schmidt, Laura 196 Schmidt, Maria 174,221 Schmidt, Tim 162 Schmith, Malinda 176 Schmitt, Frank 242 Schneeman, Laurie 221 Schneider, K i m 130,156 Schock, Luke 162 Schock, Terra 134,196 Schreiber, Julie 221 Schrock, Cindy 122 Schruckmayr, Kathy 174 Schulenburg, Brian 230 Schutt,Jill 176 Schwarting, Tim 166 Schwartz, Scott 134,172,185
Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Inde; Schwartzy, Davey 162 Schwasnic, Sandy 108,164 Schweinsburg Amanda 221,258 Seism, Jon 112 Scoras, Dimitrius 112 Scott, John 230 Scott, Randy 250 Scouras, Demetrius 92 Scram, Jennifer 186 Scruggs, Kevin 221 Seaman, David 221 Sear, Steven 221 Sebaldjim 168 Segedi,Eric 196,221 Seibel, James 196,221 Seiple, Katie 194 Seipp, Larry 145 Seipp, Lynn 242 Seipp, Sonna 242 Selagea,Matt 221 Sell, Rebecca 196,221 Semradek, Harold 158 Semradek, Matthew 160 Senitz, Mark 92 Sentner,Mark 196,221 Seplak, Cynthia 221 Sewell, Kristina 94 Sexton, Mark 154,156 Shackleton, Stacy 221 Shaibani, Saami 242 Shanton, David 162 Shanton, Jim 221 Sharp, Aaron 168 Sharp, Larry 164 Sharp, Laura 198 Sharpe, Corey 131,162 Shatto,Jeff 252 Shawa, Melissa 221 Shear, Melissa 194 Shecrard, Seth 164 Shelburne, Darren 92 Sheldrake, Andrew 112,221 Shenton,Mike 118,164 Shepard, A m a n d a 176 Sherman, Barbara 139,242 Sherman, Dan 230 Sherraden, Lucas 221 Sherwin, Wilma 242 Shin, Rachel 186 Shipferling, Melanie 134,194 Shipley, Derek 168 Shirley, David 145,170,221 Shoemaker, James 166 Shoemaker, Karl 114,170 Shokes, Krisiti 221 Short, Sean 166 Shotts, Jonathan 134,164 Showers, Debra 222 Shows, D a n 158 Shriver, Mark 222 Shuler,Don 110
Shuler, Rodriguez 166 Sidebottom, Billy 168 Siegel, Carrie 222 SigeLMatt 156 Sigley, Juliann 194 Sigmon, Chris 168 Sigmon, Joanne 251 Silva, Carlos 140 Silvester, Steve 112 Simme, Scott 222 Simmons, David 131,166 Simmons, Jolene 196 Simmons, Linda 186 Simmons, Stephen 166 Simmons, W e n d y 186 Simon, Sherwin 162 Simonelli, Deena 186 Simontacchi, Shelli 196 Simpson, Angela 196 Simpson, Jon 134,158 Simpson, Kari 176 Simpson, Kim 176,222 Sims, Sharon 186 Simulescu, Adriana 198 Sindt, Bruce 222 Singleton, Penny 222 Sites, Christina 186 Sites, Thomas 134 Sitkowski, Monica 222 Sivert, Sheri 174
Skaggs,Lisa 222 Skeen, Kekoa 164 Skelton, Joseph 170 Skelton, S a m 102 Skoumbourdis, Evangelos 242 Sleets, Kim 156 Sliger, Rachel 134 Slighter, Wayne 166 Slippy, Mark 168 Sloan, Carla 242 Sloan, Michelle 222 Sloan, Paula 131,222 Small, Kevin 102 Smart, Jason 82 Smith, Allison 196,198 Smith, A m i 134,222 Smith, Bailey 248 Smith, Brad 251 Smith, Brian 156 Smith, Carvelle 82,198 Smith, Cathleen 131,186,222 Smith, Doug 164 Smith, Fred 168 Smith, Gerald 222 Smith, Jamie 130,222 Smith, Jeff 154,258 Smith/Jennifer 196,222 Smith, Karen 222 Smith, Kimberly 172 Smith, Lisa 100,122,174
Smith, Paige 222 Smith, Raji 162 Smith, Rochelle 222 Smith, Shayvonne 222 Smith, Steve 162 Smoak, Laurie 222 Smyth, Jeff 148,160 Snader, Kris 166 Snelling, Cindy 198 Snider, Rachel 134 Snigger, Lisa 222 Snow, Kevin 222 Snuffer, Denise 176 Snyder, Al 237,242 Snyder, Brad 164 Snyder, Brian 162 Snyder, Dan 166 Snyder, Donald 164 Snyder, Dr. Al 137 Snyder, Evelyn 237,242 Soden, Ellen 242 Soderlund, Julie 222 Soistmann, Barbara 156 Soldesi, Sandro 198 Solomon, Scott 168 Sommers, Jon 134 Sommers, Michael 222 Sonnen, Jennifer 155,176 Sorenson, Jim 135,136 Souder, Jonathan 160 Sowers, Kerri 176 Spadafora, Kerry 198 Sparkman, Elizabeth 196 Spaulding, Danelis 137 Spear, Hila 242 Speek,Bill 114 Spencer, John 166 Spencer, Nicole 196 Sperling, Brian 168 Spidel, Kurtis 222 Spieker, Simone 198 Spohn, Terry 242 Spon, Heather 194 Sprague, David 242 SpranO/Tim 242 Springsteen, Kim 222 Squires, Brent 98,122,157,222 Stace, David 160 Stagno, Marjorie 194 Stagno, Rosemarie 194 StahLLori 194 Stallings, Mark 154,156 Stalsberg, Aaron 230 Staples, Mike 154,156 Stark, Jon 82 Starr, Jennifer 222 Stavvingo, Craig 156 Steadman, Mark 222 Steele, Clarence 166 Steele, Jeff 154,156 Steele, Kevin 156,224
lex Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index
Steeves, Mitchell 154,156 Steeves, Susan 196,224 Stegell, Leigh 186 Steiner, Peter 164 Steinhoff, Mark 242 Stembridge, Liz 224 Stemikjohn 170 StenzeLChad 168 Stephens, Brian 92 Stephens, Laura 134 Stephens, Scott 224 Stephenson, Timothy 168 Steppe, Anita 186 Stern, Nathan 160 Stetina, Stephanie 186 Stevens, James 242,250 Stevens, Tina 176 Stevenson, Jay 170 Stevenson, Jill 224 Stewart, Allen 135 Stewart, David 134,224 Stewart, Jason 168 Stiles, Garrick 116 Shies, Kerri 224 Stine, Robin 224 Stipe, Michael 198 Stit, Scott 224 Stockwell, Chris 182 Stoltzfus, Curt 164 Stone, Krishna 224 Stoneberger, Curt 170
Strachan, Kevin 196 Strand, Kenneth 224 Stratos, Jamiel 164 Streit,Dan 164 Streit,John 160 Strong, K i m 224 Stroupe,John 48,134,224 Strycker, Michael 224 Stuart, Mike 251 Stull, Christine 186 Stultz,Gerri 174 Stumpf, Lisa 194 Sturm, Bobby 168 Styers, Brian 164 Styles, Bradley 92 Styron, A m y 224 Styron, Angela 224 Sullivan, Michele 194 Sullivan, Sandra 224 Sullivan, Thomas 230 Summers, Bo 196 Summers, D a w n 194 SunNo,Ki 230 Sutherland, Cadi 174 Svendsen, Erik 198 Svensson, Louise 198 Swaim, Barton 168 Swaney, Mike 224 Swartwood, Trina 224 Sweat, Stephanie 251 Sweeney, Beth 148
Sweeney, Deborah 186 Sweet, Carrie 194 Sweet, George 248 Swihart,Alan 102 Swihart, Brenda 194 Sylvester, Steve 198 Synn,Paul 242 Syrjala, Darin 224 Szkolnik, Mark 98,122
Tadeja, Stan 166 Tafaoa,Fitu 134,198,230 Taing, Stacy 156 Tait,Cal 160 Talley, Jeanna 156 Tanner, Kathy 103,120 Tarectecan, Nadine 224 Targett,Bill 164 Tate, Ashley 164 Taunton, Staci 194 Taylor, Charles 198 Taylor, Rose 242 Teflin,Rob 158 Temples, T o m 242 tenPas, Jennifer 176 Tereschuk, Christina 224
Terlizzi, Eric 160 Terry, Annastasia 224 Tesch, Kristi 182 Tester, Leslee 198 Tetreault, Eric 168 194 Tevepaugh, Laurie 176 Tewksbury, Angie Tewolde, Sara 173,224 Thacker, Joey 104 Thiboldeaux, Jeffrey S. 168 Thomas, Carla 198 Thomas, Clint 142,224 Thomas, Dwayne 156 Thomas, Hassan 82 Thomas, Jeffrey 116,131,160 Thomas, Katherine 224 Thomas, Kevin 156 Thomas, Mark 82 Thomas, Rene 224 Thomas, Renee 147 Thomas, Scott 82 Thomas, Thomas 160 Thompson, Arnold 164 Thompson, Beth 196 Thompson, Calvin 82 Thompson, Laurel 170, 224 Thompson, Lynne 143 Thompson, Paul 196 Thompson, Pauline 224 Thomson, Cynthia 108,172 Thorburn, Betsy 190
Thomburg, Kirnberley 196 Thornton, Brandy 136 Thornton, Deryck 104,156 Thorpe, Jerry 248 Thorton, Brandy 174 Thorton, Randall 242 Tidwell, Phillip 162 Tidwell, Trad 225 Tiet,Bang 198 Tiffany, Michele 226 Tilley, Gregory 226 Timbrook, Fredrick 164,226 Timmions, Eric 146 Tinney, Gilbert 226,248 Tiutiu, Doran 92 Toburen, Toby 114 Tock, David 130 Todd, Earl 162 Toderic, Ovie 120 Tolsma, Brant 98,100,122,215 Toma, Benjamin 198 Tompkins, Jennifer 196 Toomer, Chris 104 Toriello, Marc 164 Torrance, Mike 112,114 Torrence, Nancy 242 Torrence, Scott 112 Totin, Heather 188 Towers, Tina 196 Towles,Celia 226 Towles, David 242 Towns, Elmer 250 Townsend, Audra 194 Toy, Michelle 198 Traeger, Bruce 251 Train, Stephen 226 Trautmam, Trent 92 Treece, James 242 Tribble,Jorm 164,226 Trippett, William 158 Trout, Chris 137 Troxel, Steve 242 Trunnell, Ashley 198
Tubiolo, Melissa 198 Tubiolo, Renee 156 Tucker, G w e n 154,156 Tucker, Jeffrey 172 Tucker, Lori 196 Tuckwiller, David 226 Tull, Charles 172 Tull,Donnie 198 198 Tullier, Madeleine Tully, Jeremy 114 Tully, Rebecca 196 Tumibay, Grace 226 Turkson, Freeman 92,226 Turner, Chris 116 Turner, Gina 122,226 Turner, Kesha 188 Turney, Justin 162 Tuthill, Jennifer 156 Turtle, D a w n 48,134 Twardy,John 172 Twigg, Nathan 134,160
Twombly, Beth 176 Tyre, Dale 116
Unruh, Nathan 104,166 Updegraff, Brian 156 Urban, James 226 Uribe,Leo 160 Utterback, Michael 226 Utz,Matt 168
Vaughn, Matthew 198 Vertican, Ginger 149 Vezmar, Danny 154,156 Vick,Jarrett 160 Vick, Jennifer 177 Villaverdo, Felix 82 Vinersar, Daniel 48,134,161 Vines, Jerry 248 Vinson, Keith 82 Vinson, MaryAnne 226 Vogel, Gabriel 166 Vohland, Chris 130 Voicu,Alin 198 Voiles, Mark 166 Voiles, Paul 226 Vreugdenhil, Eric 122
Valcore,Paul 172 Vallorani, Brandon 166 Van der Veen, Carolyn 176,226 WaddelLDebra 198 Van Dyke, Anthony 82 Wade, Brigette 194 Van Eaton, James 242 Wade, Shannon 176 Van Patten, David 82 Wagner, A m y 176 Van Wyk, Tonya 226 Wagner, James 244 VanCleave, Barry 160 Wagner, Kristina 226 VanDam, Janine 194 Wagner, Mark 226 Vanden Heuvel, Christiaan 46,198 WaibeLPaul 244 Vanderventer, Heath 166 Wainwright, Lori 134,196 VanKuren, A m y 172 Wakefield, Rebecca 226 VanSciver, Holly 198 Wakeman, Rebecca 226 VanSyckel, Danielle 226 Walck, Pamela 145 Varkey, Alexander 244 Waldrop, Sheila 226 Varner, Mark 162 Walker, Bobby 82 Varnez, Michelle 226 Walker, Marie 198 Vaselinas, Edwardo 166 Walker, Melody 137,226,260 Vaughn, Angela 196 Wall, Scott 110
Wallace, Blake 168 Wallace, Kim 226 Wallace, Mark 164,166 Wallisky, Andrea 134,182 Walters, Brian 142,144,198 Walters, Steve 226 Walters, Tonya 176 Walton, James 226 Wamsley, Jennifer 131,174 Ward, Brent 92 Ward, Leighanne 194 Ward, Rachel 156,226 Warner, Ann 196 Warner, Christi 227 Warner, Eric 164,227 Warner, Sabrina 176 Warp, Steve 164 Warren, Jenny 196,223 Warren, Kenny 164 Waters, Cynthia 176 Waters, Meg 227 Watkins, Sedrick 82 Watkins, T.J. 227 Watson, Douglas 164 Watts, Brian 168 Watts, Matthew 227 Wave, Dave 198 Wayne, Keith 227 Weaver, Bob 227 Weaver, Larrye 82 Weaver, Patty 251 Webb, Jackie 227 Webb, Paul 164 Weddle,Jill 182 Weeks, Scott 156 Weeks, Tina 184 Weider, Lew 251 Weidner, David 227 Weiss, Jeffrey 164 Welborn, Anne 252 Welborn, Ashley 194 Weller, Greta 174,227 Wells, Anita 130,227 W e m p , Sumner 248
Werner, Aaron 122 Werner, Mark 168 Werner, Ryan 122 Werner, Sheldon 196 Wesley, Nicole 194 West, Keith 114,172 West, Phil 244 West, Ray 147,227 West, Robert 227 Westberry, Kevin 156 Westervelt, Norman 250 Wharton, A n n 244 Wheaton, Greg 92 Wheeler, Bert 244 Wheeler, Brian 166 Willis, Sarah 194 Willmington, Harold 244,248,250 Willmington, Matt 244 Wilson, James 160,227 Wilson, Jody 194 Wilson, Marvin 162 Wilson, Michael 230 Wilson, Michelle 122,227 Wilson, Mike 252 Wilson, Tyler 166 Wimbish, K y m 134 Wimbish,Torrence 140,149,172 Winson,Bo 168 Winters, Craig 168,227 Winters, Traci 227 Wirsing,Jon 126,227 Wise, Daren 134 Wise, Valerie 134 Witham, Steven 244 Wolbert,Kim 100,122,137,228 Wolfe, Kimberly 196 Wolfe, Matthew 196 Wolfe, Robert 158 Wood, Sean 168 Wood, Todd 134,160 Woodard, Branson 244 Woodard, Luke 46 Woodbury, Michelle 174,228 Wooddell,Joe 134,164 Woodell, Erick 168 Woodford, Ronaldo 162 Woodling, Michele 134 Woods, Matthew 164,228 Woods, Philip 164 Woodward, Bret 168 Woody, Keith 122 Woolace, James 228 Woolacejim 102,130 Wooldridge, Glyn 244 Wooldridge, Rebecca 134,194 Wooldridge, Tracy 228 Woolfolk, Brian 82 Wooten, Kathy 108 Worrell, Ken 230 Worthy, Shelly 122 Wren, Mike 156
Wright, Jim 166 Wright, Kristi 182 Wright, Steve 228 Wyatt, Bryan 154,156 Wyckoff,Matt 164
Yadouga, Jacquelyn 228 Yancey, Shannon 194 Yates, Bill 164 Yates, Jon 228 Yoder,Eric 228 Yoder, Heather 176 Young, A m y 156 Young, Tim 156 Yount, James 228
Zamora, Barbara 134 Zarlenga, Marie 228 Zawodny, Nicole 156,228 Zeh, John 132,228 Zehr,Eric 160 Ziegler, Eric 228 Ziegler, Keith 168 Ziegler, Merle 244 Zielke, Brian 162,228 Zimmerman, Darren 154,156 Zook, Debbie 147,228 Zuidema, T a m m y 176 Zukowski, Jenny 176 Zukowski, Sandra 176
The Gallery
Clear and spotless Insoluble paint Fast and bouncing Enduring stars Shading and counterpoint Invisible waves Intense and vibrant Illuminating site Precise and accessible Exceeding time Penetrating and revealing Intense life
HI mi BSn
Hi Photos by Vangie
Photo by Genip Poggemiller
If everyone in the world were students, everyone would be really smart, unless they couldn't find their classroom. Walking to the senior dorms is fun, unless someone pretends to stop and pick feel kind of stupid. Riding on the subway is fun, except w h e n you can't find a seat and you just broke your leg. Singing Jingle Bells in chapel while un, excep were inside it.
Photo by Tanja Z. Pion
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Photos by Tim Kania
Poem Bi/ Genie Ptm
1 have a poem in m y mind. 1 wonder, if ever I shall find, That poem in my mind.
w Photos by Genie Poggemiller
Photo by Angie Miller
Photo by Tim Kania
Photo by Genie Poggemiller
Photo by Eva Gemi
Deep Thoughts By lack Handy
If I was sky diving and m y parachute didn't open and all m y friends were watching, I think it would be a funny joke to pretend I was swimming. I f dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a leader, I hope they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some chihuahuas with some good ideas. Once 1 saw a fat lady slip and fall on the wet sidewalk. I started to laugh, but then I thought...what if I was the ant she fell on? Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny. Clowns aren't funny. They're not funny at all. As a matter-of-fact, they're kind of scary. I don't k n o w w h y 1 feel this way. It might be because one day I went to the circus, and a clown killed m y dad.
Photo by Tim Albertson
Photos by Jennifer S. Blandford
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Photo by Paul Kaminski
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loto by Esther Siebert
Photo by Tim Kania
Time By Tim Hine A muse came to m e by night. "What lackest thou?" he said. I thought a moment and scratched m y head. "I need more time," I soon replied. "Time!" he saicJ with an evil eye. "You lack no time. YouVe time to murmur your pitiful fate. YouVe time to ponder your lowly state. You've time to wish great things to have, And time to waste on thoughts so sad. You've time to envy, time to hate; You've time to curse the time you wait. The time you have is quite enough, If you wouldn't waste the stuff. Your lack of time is in your head. Your lack of sense is real instead."
Photo by Gigi Ogge ft
Photo by Matt Miles
Photo by Rita Moret
Brent Lindsay Howan Born 3-15-65 Died 11-19-91 Graduation 11-15-1991, M.A. in Counseling