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2 CarolynMarie celebrated her21st birthday.
14 Six U.S. Navy servicemen were killed when their helicoptercrashed and sankin the Persian Gulf Thisraisedthenumber of non-combat deathsin the war to 71.
20 Four men and four women sealed themselves in BiosphereII, agiantglass and steel greenhouse. The inhabitantswill grow their own food and recycletheir waste
21 Richard Worthington shot and killed a nurse during an 18-hourhostagedrama at the Alta View HospitalWoman's Centerin Sandy, Utah.
President F.W. de Klerk, African National Congress President Nelson Mandela and Zulu Inkatha Mangosuthu Buthelezicame togetherwhen blackand whiteleaders gathered to signapeacepact in abid to end factional fightingthat hasclaimed hundredsof lives in South Africa.
The accord, which createdgroupsto investigate violent acts by police and citizens, marked the first joint agreementbetween the government and the two main black movements
It was also seenas animportanttest of whether the main political groupscanwork togetherfor reforms toend white-minority rule.
The government and the ANC reached acease-fire in August 1990, and Mandela and Butheleziagreed to peacetermsin January 1991. Butin bothinstances, the violenceragedon.
At least 6,000 peoplehavebeenkilledin the pastsix years.
Carolyn Suzanne Sapp
On Sept. 14 Carolyn Suzanne Sapp from Honolulu, Hawaii, shed tears of joy asshewas crowned MissAmerica. Within days, however, her experienceof physical abusebecame public knowledge.
In1990Sapp soughtarestrainingorder against herthen-boyfriend, professionalfootball playerNuu Faaola, for allegedphysical violence
BothSapp and Faaolawere disappointedthat their previousproblemshad been publicized.Sapp stated, "Thatincident.. .waspersonalthenand it remainspersonal now."
Carolynputthe trauma behind herand went forward withstrengthand courageto win the Miss America crown.
She selectedthe issue of parental responsibility as thesocial issue shewill focuson duringher reign.
1 HaitiianPresidentAristidewas ousted and fled to Venezula as thecoup leadersestablished a threeman juntato head thecountry. The U.S. cut economic aidto Haiti, and theEuropean communityfroze$148millionin aidto Haiti.
fo Anita Hill, a former aide to Supreme Court nominee ClarenceThomas, publiclyaccused him of sexualharassment during1981-1983.
12 Arlette Schweitzerbecame thefirst woman in the U.S. known to give birth to herown grandchild. Schweitzer, 42, had been impregnated witheggs from her daughter.
13 Damien Noel celebrated his 22nd birthday.
14 Clarence Thomas was confirmed by the full Senateas the106thU.S. Supreme Court Justice. The52-48 votewas theclosest for aSupreme CourtJustice in this century.
11 The Senate Judiciary Committee held three days of televisedhearingsovertheaccusationof sexual harassment against JudgeThomas.
Redd Foxx, 68, a black comedian best known for his role as junkyard owner Fred Sanford in the televisionseries "Sanford and Son," died after sufferingaheartattackon the set of his new TV series, "TheRoyal Family."
1^ George Hennard of Belton, Texas, open-fired acrowded cafeteria in Killeen, Texas Theworst U.S. massshootingin U.S. historyresulted in 24 dead and at least 20wounded
27 The Minnesota Twins won the Major League baseball World Series overthe Atlanta Braves, fourgames to three.
Thomas Installed on Supreme Court
"Only in America," Clarence Thomas saidafter PresidentBush announcedhis nomination as thesecond blackjustice on the SupremeCourt.
On October 18 ClarenceThomas was inducted asthe106thUnited States Supreme CourtJustice. Thomas succeeded Thurgood Marshall, who retiredat age 83.
Thomas, 44, grew up poor, blackand Democratic in Pinpoint, Georgia, but later switched parties and became a controversial symbolof blackconservatism.
Twins Win World Series
Afterall thetwists, turns and tension, the closest of World Series ended in the closest of games
The Minnesota Twins and JackMorrissqueezedpast the AtlantaBraves1-0on pinch-hitterGeneLarkin's single in the bottom of the 10thinningonOctober27 to win Game 7and end baseball's mostdramatic odyssey.
Neverbefore had three Series games goneinto extra innings, and the Bravesand Twins saved the best for last, matching zerofor zero, pressurepitchfor pitch, eventurningback basesloaded threats in thesame inning.
"Someone had to go home theloser, butthere's noloser inmy mind,"Morris said "Thosearetwo ofthe greatest teams. Ijust didn'twant to quit. Somehow,we found a way to win this thing."
Five Presidents
Get Together
Ronald Reagan threw open thedoors of his presidentiallibraryon November 5, and invitedthepublicto judge his turnin theWhiteHouse.
A crowd of 4,200 invitedguests cheered asPresidentBush and former PresidentsCarter, Nixon and Ford joinedReagan in thefirst gatheringever of five pastorcurrent presidents.
The NationalArchiveswill operate thelibraryat an estimated $1.5 million annualcost to taxpayers "Thedoorsof this libraryareopen now and all are welcome,"Reagansaid. "Thejudgment of historyis left to you, the people."
2 Jennifer Diane celebrated her 21stbirthday
7 Los Angeles Laker guard "Magic" Johnson, among the greatestand most popular players inthe history oftheNBA, announced thathe had tested positiveforthe HIV virusthatcauses AIDS.
H A report announced that U.S. scientists had taken thefirst photographs ofthehuman brain asit performed simpletasks
12 Robert M. Gates took the oath of office and became the 15th directorofthecountry's Central Intelligence Agency l^ Former Gov. Edwin Edwards (D) defeated State Rep David Duke (R) inarunoffelectionforgovernor inLouisiana The raceattracted intense interestnationwide, largely due tothe candidacy ofDuke,a former Grand Wizard oftheKu Klux Klan.
20 The Senate by voice vote approved William P. Barr tobe U.S. Attorney General.
23 World heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield retained histitle with a technicalknockout ofBertCooper in Atlanta.
29 Seventeen people were killed and more than 150 injured ina seriesofchain-reaction collisions involving 104vehiclesover a four-mile stretchof InterstateHighway 5 near Coalinga, Calif
Mideast Peace Talks
Arab and Israelis representatives met for talks in Madrid,Spain, smashing a43-year taboo on direct Israeli-Arab talks, and settinginmotion aprocess of face-to-facenegotiations toresolve one ofthe most intractableregionalconflictsinthe world.
The negotiators left Spain with mixed feelings of frustrationand anticipation afteran intenseforay into therealm ofpeace However,all sidespromised to meet again
The United Statesand theSovietUnion sponsored theNovember talks. The late-nighttalksin Madrid were thefirst-everdirectdiscussion between Israel and Syria, and they lasted fivehours intotheearly hours ofthemorning But theenemies failedto move even an inch from theirpositions, oreven toshake hands.
A second round oftalkstook placein Washington inJanuary 1992, but thetwo sidescould not even agree on procedural matters, much less substitive peaceissues