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Interns Gain Cultural Experience
By Melody Walker
Liberty University's cross-cultural internship program provides away for studentstovisit othercountries, to ministerfor God, and to earn 6-12credithours all atthesame time.
Studentscanspend afull semesterlivingand working withveteranforeignmissionariesonselectedfields around the world.Theinternshipprogram,headed by Rick Lange,became an outgrowth of the LU Kenya missionsproject, which lastedfourand one-halfyears until December 1990. Eighty-two students with 57 differentmajorswereinvolvedwiththe Kenyaproject.
Severalinternswereenrolledfor the firstsemesterof the new program and served in both Romania and Korea. Future internships are also being planned in France, thePhilippineIslands, Australia,Japan, Brazil and Africa.
Erik Christensen, Pete Lucadano, Greg Morhardt, Carrie Holly, JenniferVick and TheofilBana worked together as ateam in Romania. They didground work for evangelistic meetings. They also put up posters, gave out tracts and learned enough of thelanguageto invitepeople tothemeetings.
At a meeting in Klug, approximately 250 people made a profession offaith inChrist At a meeting of over 2,000 peoplein Oradea, approximately 100 went forward professing faithin Christ
At eachof the meetings, the Romania team gaveout Bibles and tooknames for follow-upwork throughthe localRomanian churches.Thewomen onthe team had Biblestudiesintheirapartment and ministered tothe young people inthe neighborhood.
Psychology major Laura Mason worked with LibertyChristian School inKorea, teaching first and second grades inSongtan She alsoworked with young people inschoolsand orphanages
Laura wrote: "I have been real busy since I have arrived. The missionariesherehave reallybeen wonderfulto me It's stillhardto believeIam in Korea The Lord is my strength."
The internships last three months. Admittance to the program requires interest in people,a heart for missions, and a good academic record
Langestressedthe mission'simportance. "We don't send out Liberty students without a mutual understanding of the student's needs and the missionary's desires,"hesaid.
The students receive specialcultural and historical enrichmentas a resultof the missionsinternships. "We wantto createa realisticand positiveattitudefor world missions,"Lange said. "We don'tnecessarily want to createmission majors. We want tocreatepeople with a heartfor missions."
Sandra Hall Ro w 2Kristen Valentine, Deanna Powers, Am y Christopher, Tara Prowant, Kelly Wills, Judith Carroll, Saralyn Gunnells, Barbara Liskey, Diana Hill, Hollie Byrd, Otilia Balint, Brandy Geisler, Lynda Hogue, Regina Rasberry, Horica Heerdeau Ro w 3— Jennifer Perry, Heather McGuire, Tonya Long, Bonnie Jensen, Myria m Salazar, Shaw n Davis, Laura Crotsier, Robin Hendershot, Sherry Cooper, Carolyn Dailey, Karen Heinz, Jackie Weber, Michelle Curtis, Am y Dau Ro w 4-Jody Deur, Casimera Halukins, Ligia Jordao, Travis Baker, Beth Aldridge, Jeannette Witten, Samantha Hawley, Jennifer Dayton, Sara Harvell, Dina Perodin, Deborah Hoffer, Joline Day, Naom i Hamilton, Beth Grenier, Susan Matthews, Jennifer Starr, Melinda Tockia
Beverly Garrett,
Ginger BeGraft, Mar
Lee Ann e Vaughan, Christy Blake, Page Brantley, Jennifer McGee , Ki m Heitzmann, Sara Biggers Ro w 2- Brenda Woodhams , Barbara Shickel, Jean Jarvis, Janet Barker, Beth Hjembo, Amand a Demianych, Merry Burgess, Karen Sinclair, Jennifer Henniger, Marcie Hawks , Ruth Albert, Shannon Milford, Susanne Bronson Ro w 3-Susan Vannaman , Lori Fox, Carole Collier, Tamie Herndon, Alisha Hershey, Angela Foster, Melissa Skinner, Kristen Zwart, Trade York, Ki m Price, Nicole Casillo, Joanne Hilliard, Beth Tolin, Cynthia Foss Ro w 4-Dorina Pop, Michelle Upton, Sharon Washington, Allison DeMarco, Lisa Dingess, Daw n Anderson, Kellee Dorr, Tameran Hinkle, Curry Ellenburg, Bridget Hovey, Keri Cooper, Brenda Justice, Rachel Ardrey