Interns Gain Cultural Experience By Melody Walker Liberty University's cross-cultural internship pro- At each of the meetings, the Romania team gave out gram provides a w a y for students to visit other coun- Bibles and took names for follow-up work through the tries, to minister for God, and to earn 6-12 credit hours local Romanian churches. The w o m e n on the team had Bible studies in their apartment and ministered to the all at the same time. Students can spend a full semester living and work- young people in the neighborhood. Psychology major Laura M a s o n worked with Libing with veteran foreign missionaries on selected fields around the world. The internship program, headed by erty Christian School in Korea, teaching first and secRick Lange, became an outgrowth of the L U Kenya ond grades in Songtan. She also worked with young missions project, which lasted four and one-half years people in schools and orphanages. Laura wrote: "I have been real busy since I have until December 1990. Eighty-two students with 57 arrived. The missionaries here have really been w o n different majors were involved with the Kenya project. Several interns were enrolled for the first semester of derful to me. It's still hard to believe I a m in Korea. The the n e w program and served in both Romania and Lord is m y strength." The internships last three months. Admittance to Korea. Future internships are also being planned in the program requires interest in people, a heart for France, the Philippine Islands, Australia, Japan, Brazil missions, and a good academic record. and Africa. Lange stressed the mission's importance. " W e don't Erik Christensen, Pete Lucadano, Greg Morhardt, send out Liberty students without a mutual underCarrie Holly, Jennifer Vick and Theofil Bana worked standing of the student's needs and the missionary's together as a team in Romania. They did ground work for evangelistic meetings. They also put u p posters, desires," he said. The students receive special cultural and historical gave out tracts and learned enough of the language to enrichment as a result of the missions internships. " W e invite people to the meetings. want to create a realistic and positive attitude for world At a meeting in Klug, approximately 250 people m a d e a profession of faith in Christ. At a meeting of missions," Lange said. " W e don't necessarily want to over 2,000 people in Oradea, approximately 100 went create mission majors. W e want to create people with a heart for missions." forward professing faith in Christ.