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WestAfricanBurdened forNiger
By Genie Poggemiller
Senior Amina Alio is a striking example of a world Christian.
Amina is a modern language/linguistics major andhopesto be fluentin six languagesbythe timeshe graduates. She can speak Hausa, Zarma,English, French,the national language of Niger,and is currentlystudying German and Spanish.
Herhome is Niamey,Niger, in West Africa,onthe borderof the Sahara. It is aThird World countrybut is pushing toward modernization.
Muslimsmakeup 97 percentofNiger,but moves in the governmenttowarddemocracyhaveopened new doors toChristianity The Muslim government has only recentlypermitted religiousfreedom.
Nigeris arelativelypeacefulcountry, Amina said, unlike many other surrounding African nations Peace, however,is notwithout a price. Thirtyyears agotherewasmuch fightingwithFranceoverterritories and independence Today, with new freedoms, complaints and strikes have increased, especially againstthe government-funded educationprograms.
Thepeopleof Nigerareaproud peoplewitha rich tribalheritage. Amina'sfamilyis noexception.There are three major tribesin Niger. Amina isfrom the Hausa tribe and herfamilyis in the royalline of tribal chiefsthrough her father, a professionaldermatologist who also preaches in their local church. Her mother teaches English and has five children. The Aliofamilyused to beMuslim mixed withthe beliefs oftribal religions
The gospel came to the Alio family through the ministry ofBaptistmissionaries. Although Amina's motherwasfrom anEpiscopalfamily, itwasin Niger that sheand Amina's fathercame to Christand were baptized. Themissionarywho discipledthem,Arlene Spurlock,alsoarrangedfor Amina to cometo Liberty Althoughsheviewsthe UnitedStatesas the landof opportunity, Amina doesnotlike the ungratefulness she has seen. "You (who livein the United States) abuse your freedom and take advantage of it," she said.
Amina also showed concernfor the many lawsuits and strikes that takeplacein the U. S., which are now beginning to emerge in her own country with increased democracy. Although democracy brings religiousfreedom,she saidthatitisonlygood underthe right circumstances. "Peoplewho arefree mustalso be responsiblestewards ofthatfreedom."
Amina admitted that there is a great temptation to remain in America with allitsaffluence and advantagesbutsaidthather heartis withthe peopleof Niger. "I would feel selfishto stayhere,"shesaid "I wantto share the gospel and what I have learned (here at Liberty) with thepeople there."