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Mosloy Determines to Win

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By Ruth Gutierrez and Becky Griggs

With the everyday pressures of going to class, doing homework and getting good grades,who has time for anythingelse?

SeniorbroadcastjournalismmajorGeraldMosleyconsiders running trackasaway of breaking the monotony ofbeingatypical student. Gerald is asprinteronthe LU track team and competes regularly inthe 100, 200, and 400 metersprints

Geralddidnot comefroma sports-orientedfamily. He hasa family oftwo brothersand two sisters. One of his brothers was a fast runner like Gerald,but he did not pursue trackasGerald did.

Gerald discovered his God-given ability during his sophomore yearat Rustburg High Schoolafter his coach toldhim he had running talent Gerald began to realize his dream during his juniorand senioryear, when he was named the "Athlete of the Year" for the Seminole District. "Sportsopened up thedoorsforme tosucceed inlife," hesaid

While Gerald was in high school,several DivisionI universitiesoffered him a scholarship torun track. His running careerlooked positiveuntilhe torecartilage in his knee and had to have a knee scope. His hopes began todiminish astheuniversitiesbegan towithdraw their offers

This is when LU TrackCoach BrantTolsma decidedto takeachanceand offer him ascholarship "I was happy to become partoftheprogram," Gerald said.

Gerald's ability torun well includes several factors. "The running startswhen you go to bed,because you need enough sleep (eight hours worth) to do well in track,"he said "Without it, no sprintercan do well."

Eatinghabits also playa bigpart in running Gerald's dietconsistsof salads,potatoes,chickenand eggs."Runnersmust maintain a certainweight,"hesaid.

Memories of running track will always stay with Gerald.In his sophomoreyearhebeata third-yeartrack runner in a regional track meet. It was the 100-meter sprint, and Gerald beat him by one second. "Ifelt like running theraceagain,"he said. " Ihad thefeeling that Icouldn't stop."

In 1990 hehad the opportunity to runin front of 44,000 peopleat the Penn Relayswhich was reportedby ESPN. "Theemotionof the crowd waslikethe Olympics. When you receive the baton into your hand, everything is focusedonyou," hesaid "Thepressureisunbelievable."

Gerald is determined tobe a winner,and he remembersthe adviceof his parentseveryday. "Nevergiveup, evenifyou're in the dumps Give 110percent regardless ofhow bad you do We're always on yourside."

Although Gerald would be content being a sportscaster, he seeshiscareerintrack. "I don't know whatI would do if Iwoke up inthemorning and therewas no such thingassports,"hesaid.

Gerald has some advice for future runners "Never give up and use a die-hard attitude," he said. Gerald shows us this attitude every day in his success as a runner



Jenn Hankins, Secretary; Anita Wells, Co-Vice President; Chris Vohland, Treasurer; Jim Woolace, President; Amanda Schweinsburg,Co-Vice President.

AlphaEpsilon Rho

Susan Markva;Holly Haff; KristaWhite; JamiSmith, President; Kristin Hallmark, Vice President

Alpha Lamba Delta

Dawn Dimuzio, Vice President; Kristine Keates, PublicRelations; Christine Light, Secretary; Eugenia E Poggemiller, Editor; Daniel Mallory, Public Relations; KimSchneider, JuniorAdvisor; Kevin Newport, Treasurer; Claudia Eayres, President; David Tock, Historian & Senator

Alpha Psi Omega

JeffreyCole; Beverly Garrett, Vice President; Heather Edwards; Paula Sloan, President; Jeff Riffle; Brad Peck; Michael D.Harter; MonicaRoyer, Secretary&Treasurer; David Fake; Jeffrey Thomas; Michael Pierce; Kristi Klefeker; CrissyBenton; LaurieBibighaus; Monica Howe;Dan Evangelisto

Association of Sport


Melissa Meschke, Admini istrative Assistant; Brett Honeycutt, Assistant Director; Brent Squires, Director; Jon Rector, Treasurer.

Corey Sharpe; David Simmons; Sherri Pearson; Robin McDaniel; Cathy Smith; Greg Gross; Charlie Benton; JenniferWamsley, Senator; David Hinshaw.

By Kim Davis

Members of the Virginia Army National Guard aren'tjustsoldiers, they'reweapons!

Over20LU studentsareinHeadquartersand Company C ofthe2nd Battalion, 116thInfantry 29th Infantry Division (light). These men are not only trained to fight anywhere trouble breaks out, they are also trained to fight at a moment's notice and can reach theirdestinationtwiceasfast asconventionalinfantry divisions

Specialist(SPC)TroyChampney,juniorbusiness management major, joined the guard in January, 1990.Sincethen,hehashad agrowing appreciation forhis division.

"At first, Ithought itwas a joke," he said. "Now thatI'm in it, I canseetheimportanceof it,and Irespectthisbranchofservicealotmore. It isn't aseasy asI thought it was going tobetherearea lot more challenges."

The firstand one of the most difficultchallengesonemustconquerafterjoiningtheguard isbasictraining.PrivateFirstClass (PFC)Chris Rusk, junior criminal justice major, returned from his13 weeks inAugust, 1991

"Nothing can top that(basic) as faras difficulty,"Rusk said. "You go on very little sleep with constantstress, both mentally and physically. Any challenge is surmountable after going throughbasic."

Rusk also said that his experience in basic taught him valuablelessons- especially inthe area of discipline. "Lifeisa shamble without discipline," he said "If you can't discipline yourself, you'llnever accomplish anything."

After basic training, those in the guard are required toserveoneweekend amonth and 15 days ayear. During thistime, thesoldiersare given classroom instruction, participate in physicalfitness trainingand learninfantry tactics. Thispreparesthem invariousareas: ambushingtheenemy,usingavarietyofweapons, landnavigation(includingtheuseofacompass and map),engaging the enemy properly, rappelling out ofa helicopterand first aid.

Thetwo-weektrainingalsogivesthesoldiers an opportunity of traveling to various army posts. Occasionally thismay include an overseas tour. In June 1988 the unit went to Fort Sherman, Canal Zone, Panama. During this time,they underwent training in jungle warfareattheJungleOperations TrainingCenter

Sergeant (SGT) John Zeh, senior administrationofjusticemajor, hasbeen intheguard for four years and was among those who went to Panama. Here,helearnedproficiencyinjungle warfare and survival techniques.

"They taught us third world guerrilla warfare techniques, booby trap techniques, amphibious assaultsandjunglenavigation,"Zehsaid."Wealso learnedhow tofindwaterand foodaswellasadapt totheharsh environment. It gave us an opportunitytoseehow another culture lives."

The National Guard provides a wide variety of training in a number of areas, such as aviation, engineering, artillery,communications,medical, military intelligence, electronics, administration, aircraftmechanicsand vehicle and powermechanics.

According toZeh, each areaoftrainingplays an important part in the overall effectiveness of a soldier "You havetoputallyourskills,leadership and knowledge togetherwhen it comes timeto do a mission,"he said "As afire team leaderinarifle squad, I am facedwithmanaging peopleunderthe moststrenuousconditionspossibleinordertoprepare forthepossibilityoffuturecombat."

"By being intheNationalGuard, I have seen the importance of the military in this country as a soldier, notjustacivilian," Champney said."Ithas taughtme toappreciatethesacrificesothersoldiers have made inthe past."


Bryan Buckley, VicePresident; TommieLee, Treasurer.

Black Student Fellowship

Madrianne Allen, Secretary; MichaelJ. Goss, President.

Chamber Singers

Wendy Latham, Sheri

Boiling, Wendy Mayers, MicheleCostello, Ami Smith, Dorinda Donaldson, Amy

Christopher, Jennifer Kelly, Vicki Creider, Charity

Clegg, Wanice Boyd, Melisa

Lehman, ElizabethMoben, ElizabethBurns, Dr.Wayne

Kompelien, Steven Custer, Johnny Prettyman, Deron Peak, PaulCoyer, Joe Wooddell, Fitu Tafaoa, Chris

O'Bryon, Daniel Vinersar, Johnny Harris, Daniel Prunaru, Joel Gay, John Lowe.


Michelle Riffe, Jenn Hill, Paula Giles, Paula Dunn , Laura Stephens, Bridget Hovey, Jacqueline Herold, Justine Jacobs, Charlotte Hostetter, Steve Riser, J.D Critcher, Jennifer Clark, Lisa Fields, Julie Mullins, Karen Heinz, Elizabeth Mills, Cynthia Henefield, Am y Ray, Pa m Pelletier, Lori Wainwright, Hop e Moore, Agatha Parker, Alyce Reiter, Jennifer Geriach, Joanna Knudson, Patricia Porter, Ky m Wimbish, Barbara Zamora, Meredith Garner, Roberta Bootier, Laura Love, Thomas Sites, Janet Christina, Connie Bennett, Daw n Coe, Jacquelyn Bregou, Sharon Fulcher, Melanie Shipferling, Terra Schock, Am y Fannin, Janice Jensen, Nicole Kneiszler, Steph Damlo, Stephanie Noble, Lisa McMonigle, John Stroupe, David Gallagher, Dann y Fehsenfeld, Chris Lockamy, Nathan Alexander, John Porch, Christiaan Vanden Heuvel, David Stewart


Dr. John Hugo, Sarah Abbas, Jennifer Tomkins, Ruth Albert, Rachel Murray, Karen Patch, Karla Hill, Michele Woodling, Stephanie Middleton, Jennifer Fetter, Eunice Park, James Beeks, Chris Lockamy, Michael Gee, Jon Simpson, Tim Crane, Greg Moon, William Harrington, Brandon Schaap, Matthew Petke, Todd Wood Rachel Snider, Erica Bolen, Melissa Nickerson, Jane Freel, Rachel Sliger, Rebecca Wooldridge, Elizabeth Maben, Jennifer Jones, Valerie Wise, Molly

Huston, Beth Hjembo, Darlene Fedele, Jeremy Williams, Guy DiSilvestro, Dean Bays, Stephen Hokanson, Floyd Ellis, Nathan Twigg, Daren Wise, Jon Sommers Stephanie Noble, Eugenia Poggemiller, Kristi Edmonds, LeDena Hall, Daw n Tuttle, Andrea Wallisky, Sonia Domingues, Candi Delgatty, Kerry Kirk, Kevin Grantham, Graid Beyer, David Stewart, Jon Shotts, Mar k Dempsey, Scott Schwartz, And y Merida, Dale Bigger.

By Becky Griggs

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned withsalt, thatyemay know how yeought toanswer every man." (Colossians4:6)

Thisis theteam versefor theLibertyUniversity IntercollegiateDebateTeam. "Ourfirstgoal is to be a witness for Christ," Jim Sorenson, junior and three-yearteam member,said. "The more well-known we get,the more important we become."

The team hasbecome quiteimportant inthe nationalrankings They haveplacedthirdin the nationfor the pasttwo yearsin the highest level of debate. They have beaten numerous wellknown schools, such asHarvard,Georgetown, and Wake Forest.

Three differentgroups combine toform the intercollegiateteam: varsity, juniorvarsity and novices (beginners). The groups are divided into teams of two,according to how well they work with eachother.

Liberty'sdebateprogram hasgrown steadily over thepastfew years Before 1988thedebate team was notranked. It is now considered one ofthetopteamsinthenation. "BrettO'Donnell (formercoach) reallybuilt the program up,"Jim said.

It hasalsoproven to beverybeneficial for the school. "It helps theschoolacademically,"Jim said. "A lot ofpeople don't view Liberty asan academicschool,and that'swrong.Our ranking showsthenationthatwe arehighlyinterestedin academics."

Not only hasthedebateteam helped tomake anacademicname forLiberty,itisalsobeneficial for the individual members. "I think debate helpsthoseofus who aregoing tolawschool," Jim said. "Debate makes you critically think, and ithelpsyoutobeabletodefendanyposition thatyou want to.Italso hashelpedme fordoing research inmy classes."

The team mottois, "A community offriends."

According toseniorand three-yearteam memberTim Edwards, theyplacegreatvalueoneach other. "The friendshipsthatI have made have been a greatbenefittome,"hesaid.

"We have latched stronger friendships than other teams," Jim said. "Many other debate programs have a lot of rivalry between them W e getalong very well and spend a lot oftime together."

The varsityparticipates in15-16tournaments per year,and the junior varsity participatesin 10-11 per year. The novices,who are usually freshmen, do notgetto travel

"You eitherlovedebateoryou hateit,"Dami Linton, freshman novice, said. "It takesalot of commitment, but we have a good time."

Although the majority of the debate team members plan tobe lawyers, some arepastoral and pre-med majors, also According toAudrey

Rekeczky,juniorandthree-yearmember,theskills thatthey learnarevaluableinany

"Debate helpsyou to be abletothinkfasteron your feet," she said. "You can think logically through arguments and see the holes in what people aresaying."

Thisyear, thedebateteam hasnew leadership. Head Coach JanetPierpointis a 1989graduateof Liberty University,where she debated for four years Brett O'Donnell, last year's coach,persuaded herto take his placeafterheleft topursue a doctorateatPennState.

AssistantCoach AllenStewartis a 1991graduate of George Mason University,where he debated for four years He was one of the top debatorsinthenation fortwoyears

The debate team looks forward to a possible number onenationalrankinginthefuture. "Our goal is toconstantly do betterso our program is recognized asa seriousprogram," Jim said.

The debateteam hasbroughtnational recognition to Liberty University and has been a great testimony forChristthroughout the nation.

Circle K

Keli Gist, Lt. Governor; HeatherHirshman, Secretary; PaulGriffiths, President; Dayna Christiansen, VicePresidentof Activities, Joe Livezey, Treasurer.

Debate Team

LanceHowe,Robin Britt, Dami Linton, Adam Milam, Jill Keeler, Tim Edwards, Brian Gibbons, MichaelLind, Jim Sorenson, MichaelHall, Layla Hinton, Mindy Currie, Noel Brewer, Audrey Rekeczky, EstherGrier, SeanJohnson, Wil Ellzey, Corey Ryan, Bryan LaBerge, JayNice, Billy Hampton, ChrisRhodes, Jean-Marc Gadoury, JonathanWilliams, KevinO'Brien.

Field Hockey

Maureen Clark, AllisonLeBeaux, Tisha Agustin, KellyRaily, MichelleCobb, RossPerkins, Dayna Christiansen, CelinaBakhshi, Kim Berger, Jenn Hill, Brandy Thornton, SueAnzalone, Kari Fraser.

Graduate SGA

DanelisSpaulding, Vice-President; Pamela Ramsey, StudentCouncil; Tammy Hajec, Student Council; CurtisPrice, President; DeDe Gustaman, Secretary; SteveDowns, Treasurer.

Health Dimensions

Kim Wolbert, VicePresident; LauraHelton, President; Nancy Gates; ChrisTrout, Chaplain; CharleneO'Dell, Historian; Alan Oglesby, Treasurer.

International Association of Business Communicators

GraceCowell, Treasurer; MichelleGettman, VicePresidentof PublicRelations; Ruth Gutierrez, PublicRelationsAssistant; Melody Walker, VicePresidentof Programs; PageBrantley, VicePresidentof Membership; Dr. AlSnyder, Faculty Advisor.

By Becky Griggs

The CollegeRepublicans'(CR) goalis tomake a differenceinthepolitical arena.

"Our mission isto get Christians involved and informed," Nancy Bryan, chairperson and fouryearclubmember,said "We need Christianpoliticiansin office."

Pro-life is one of the club's biggest concerns. They haveworked withLiberators for Life in organizing a "March forLife." "The nationalCollege Republicansorganization, which is oneof the largest youth organizationsin the nation, takesastand on right-to-life," Nancy said. "This shows that young people today are more conservative than their parents."

Studentshavemany opportunitiesto getinvolved through theclub "We mainly work for conservativerepublicans,"Nancy said. "We do hands-on things,like press activities. W e also do a lot of strategywork fortheir campaigns."

ThisyearSteveNewman, who ranfor the House of Delegates, was their main campaign Every Saturday, clubmembers went door-to-door, passing out brochures.

In addition to working on campaigns,thestudentsgoto pressconferencesand rallies. Lastyear, they were actively involved in the "Support the Troops" rally Thisyear they traveled tothestate convention.

Nancy isvery aware of the importance of the club. "The purpose oftheclub is tokeep students informed on what's going on,"she said. "We try ourbestto let them seetheissuefrom an unbiased but correctstandpoint. W e trytobase everything Biblically. It is important forthe school tohave a voiceandto haveinformationavailableoncampus."

According toNancy,working with CR provides personal benefits,as well. "One of the greatest benefitsofCollege Republicans is makingcontacts within thebusiness and politicalworld," she said. "I have also experienced personal growth and a greaterunderstanding ofhow politics work. It has helped me to let theLord show me whatChristians asa whole should do."

CR is also beneficial in helping students distinguishbetween good and bad candidates "Knowledge of the candidate's politicalviews is veryimportant," Nancy said. "A lot of timespeoplerun for office and saythey're Christians, buttheirlifestyles don'tshow it. W e shouldknow theirstandonissues and what they believe There areso many corrupt politicians, and we do a lot ofresearch on many of them. Ithinkpeople vote on thebasisof personality."

LU hasone ofthemost activeclubsinthe nation and haswon nationaland state awards. However, out of the 500 currentmembers,thereare onlyabout 30 activemembers.

According toTammy Miller, first vice-chairperson, this lackofinvolvement is something they are determinedto change."Nobody can complainabout the state of the nation unless they are active in political issues."

Tammy also sees a need among LU's student body "Christians must realize that they can't be passiveaboutpolitics," shesaid. "Thereis afeeling ofapathy on thiscampus,and we aretryingto get studentsinvolved. Christiansneed tostandup for what they believe in."

InternationalStudent Fellowship

Amina Alio, President; Lisa Anthony; Julian Alleyna; SterlingGardner, Vice-President;Moagi Mogapi.

Kappa Delta Pi

Michelle Morris, Treasurer; Barbara Sherman, Counselor;Rebecca Enrico, Secretary; Dolly Harrington, Historian; Dee Ann Flora, Historian; Kevin Hunt,Vice President; Paula Pannemann, Recording Secretary; Karla Keating, Senator; Cris O'Bryon,Entertainment Director.

NicoleBoodran, Secretary; Brian Renshaw, Treasurer; Kathy Bowers, President; Michael Sarver, Vice President

King's Flayers

StephanieHayes, Johanna Rothfeld, Jennifer Hadden, ZaidaMaldonado, TorenceWimbish, Sung Cha, William Bogart, Shawn Porter, ChristopherRosevelt, VickiErvin, Ginger Verrtican, Matthew Joseph Cecchini.

LatinoAmericano Club

Lissette Gomez, Directorof Activities; Ruth Gutierrez, President; Vanessa Rojas, Secretary; Daniel Jones, Advisor; David Roma, Treasurer; David Avila, VicePresident; Carlos Silva, Advisor.

Liberte Francophile

JenniferHechinger, Secretary; Virginia Anduray, President; Amina Alio, Activities Director; Warren Herder, Vice President; LuAnn Sallstom, Activities Director.

By Becky Griggs

New beginnings. Strong unity. Lasting friendships. These characteristicsdescribe the Liberty University Color Guard's 1991 season.

With only three returning members,thecolor guard experienced a year of anticipation and change. "This was an exciting but tough year," Paula Pentecost, color guard instructor and captain,said. "Iseealotofpotentialand talentinthis year's team. W e have a strong unity that we haven't had inthepastyears."

Participation, however,is a difficult task. The color guard started the season by arriving two weeks early for camp, where they learned basicskills.Practicebegan at 9a.m.and ended at 10p.m Itwas alsoduringthistimethatPaula and Kari Kauffman, co-captain, put choreography together fortheroutines.

Once school started,an average of six hours were spentperweek practicing. However, when a routine needed work,longer hours were spent tostrengthen and perfectit "The timeit takes to learnaroutinedependson thelevel ofdifficulty," Paulasaid. "A normalroutine, which is onesong, may belearned roughly in six hours. Many hours afterthatarespent mastering the routine."

Because ofthe time involved and the physical nature of the routines, being on the color guard canbe both stressfuland difficult. "Thequalities ofagood colorguard arestrongunity, precision, dedication,and confidenceinwhatyoudo,"Paula said

The LU Color Guard has big plans for the future."Ourgoalistobea 30member guard some day," Paula said. "We would also liketostarta winterguard program, where we would performat thehalftime ofsome basketball games."

For now these hard-working girls are enjoying this year's team and making friendships that will

Liberty Association of Accountants

RobertKnox,VicePresident; Shirley Mann, Secretary;Dale Johnston, President;Clint Thomas, Treasurer.

Liberty Association ofChristian Teachers

MichelleMorris, Senator; Susan Matthews,Secretary; Dr.Karen Parker, Sponsor; Michael Sarver, Vice President; Paula Bonefield, Treasurer; Jonathan Nazigan, President

Liberty Deaf Association

Cindy Holding,Secretary/ Treasurer;BrianWalters, President.

Liberty Human Ecology

Amy McConaughy, Public Relations; Judith Johnson, Vice-President; Lynne Thompson, Historian; KellieFlint, Secretary; Cinnomin Baker, President.

Liberty Forum

Noel Brewer, Jonathan Williams, Gemmie Aquino Dayrit, Jay Williams, Wil Ellzey, BillyHampton, Jean-Marc Gadoury.

LibertyMarketing Association

Angela Cimbura, Vice-President of Membership; Carol Hamer, Vice-President of Finance; Page Brantley, President; Dr HerbGedicks, Faculty Advisor.

By Melody Walker

The Liberty Deaf Association's (LDA) objective is to promotethebest possible communicationandunderstandingwith the faculty and student body and to furtherChristian growth and maturity according to God'sword

LDA was founded in 1985and is part oftheStudentGovernmentAssociation Sue Willmington, co-founder and presentadvisorofLDA, workswith organizationmembers to provide fellowship and activitieson and off campus. OnFridaynightsdeafstudentscanwatch captionedmovies. They havealsobeen involved insponsoring an annualbasketball tournament for the deaf.

Among other things, LDA supports deaf studentswho have gone on summer missionary tripstoplaces such as Peruand Brazil, and assists the hearing impaired during College for a Weekend.

LDA's goal this year was to raise money for more activities and get more deafstudents,alongwithotherstudents who are interested, involved with the association. Although only deafstudentscanbe members ofthe organization, associate membership may be granted to other students desiring to workwiththedeaf. Theyarealsoworkingto recruit new deafstudents to LU.

The officersare Brian Walter, president, and Cindy Holding, secretary

LU BiologyClub

ErbaMagallanes, ExecutiveConsultant;Amy Powell, Secretary; MichaelHayslett, President; BrianMoyer, Vice-President; DavidShirley, Senator; KevinHarns, Treasurer.

L U Brass Quintet

J.J Nielsen, Tuba; LarrySeipp, Trumpet; Karen Knott, Trombone; Dolly Harrington, Trumpet; AngelaJewell, FrenchHorn

L U College Republicans

Pamela Walck, ExecutiveDirector; Nancy Bryan, Chairman; Tammy Miller, 1stVice Chair; MerrelBussert, ExecutiveViceChair; Carl Childers, RecordingSecretary


Maileen Esperanza, VicePresident; Tracey Furr; Scott Hofert, President; Eugene Han.

Marching Band

Heather Dilmore, VicePresident; Karla Hill, Head Field Commander; Maryanne Emmons , Public Relations; Paula Pentecost Color Guard Captain; Bryan Leonard, Field Commander; Tamm y Pryor, Secretary; J.J. Nielsen, Band Chaplain; Dolly Harrington, President; Celia Olson, Treasurer; Angela Jewell, Alternate Field Commander.

PhiAlpha Theta

Daniel Lane, Lee Ann Current, Douglas James Richardson, Freddy Ingram, James Keys, Steven Dernlan, Eric Timmions - President.


Wendy Pulliam, Treasurer; Tammy Erskine, Secretary; Scott Pooch, President; Doug Loy, Parlimentarian

Psi Chi

DebbieZook, Secretary; Renee Thomas, Membership; Wendy While, Activities.RayWest, President; KevinScanner, Psyc ClubPresident

Society for Huma n Resource Management

Kim Grafton, Secretary; Carol Hamer, Vice-President; MicheleGettman, Director of PublicRelations; Darren Lowe, President; Brent Atwood, Treasurer

Student Government Association

LisaSawyer, ExecutiveTreasurer; Pamela Dylag, ExecutiveSecretary; BethSweeney, Executive VicePresident; David Dawson, President; Bryan Buckley, VicePresidentof Activities.


JenniferAyers, Treasurer; Jeff Pisney, Vice President; Jeff Smyth, President

Zeta Chi

TanjaPion,VicePresident; Evangeline Poggemiller; BonnieAhern, Secretary; Lynne DeLong, SenateRepresentatives; Tom Hammel, President.

By Jennifer Hale

The King's Players have been making a difference at LibertyUniversity foralmost20years. Their purpose is tocommunicate theGospel of JesusChrist through drama

Thisministrygrouphasperformed30differentplays throughout theiryearsofministry. Theirplays range from secular classics to contemporary Christian, including "Pilgrim's Progress," "Everyman" and "The Passion Play."

David Allison,chairmanofLU'sdrama department, referred totheKing's Playersas "atouringrepertoire company." "Touring," becausetheytravelto theaudience instead of waiting for an audience to come to them "Repertoire," because they present several playsoneachtour,insteadofconcentratingonjustone

Members of the group include: Brad Bogart,MatthewCecchini,SungCha,VickiErvin,JenniferHadden, StephanieHayes,Matthew Kerrick,ZaidaMaldonado, Shawn Porter,ChrisRoosevelt,JohannaRothfeld,Ginger Vertican and Torrence Wimbish

Thisyear,thegrouptouredwithfourdifferentplays: "Family Allies," "The King," "Which Way" and "Addict," asecularplay with avery strongmessage about drug abuse. "Our goal thisyear isto have thisplay performed ineveryhighschoolinLynchburg," Allison said

The King's Players are definitely making a differenceinLynchburg and many otherplaces, notonlyin theaudiences,butintheteammembers,aswell."Working with young people through the King's Players is thebestthing,"Brad Bogartsaid "I loveusing drama to seeyoung peoplecome to acloserrelationshipwith Jesus Christ."

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