1 minute read
Education isMore Than Boring Lectures
By Kim Davis and Scott Eigenhuis
Long lectures. Tedious tests. Necessary naps. Sound likea typicalLU class?
Believeitor not, thereismore to aLibertyeducation Aside from the everyday classes,students are also involved inlearning useful, hands-onskills
Rita Moret,junior human ecology major, enjoyed herchemistry lab work. "If you see what'sgoing onfor yourself,you canlearn somuch betterthanifyou read it inabook,"shesaid.
Journalism students not only work on state-of-theart computer equipment, theyalsoproduce theschool newspaper, theschoolyearbook, and numerous other publications fortheuniversity.
"Our students need a lot of hands-on experience today to keep pace with tremendous technological developmentsin the professionalworld,"Dr. Al Snyder, chairman oftheJournalism Department, said.
Tim Hines, graduate student, said the professors cannot be expected toforeseeevery situation. "When you areworking on a project, problems willcome up thatwere not covered inthe lectures,"he said "This gives you a chance to gain experience in your field whilestillhavingaccessto the adviceofyourinstructor.''
Practicumsand labsadd greatervalueto the students learning experience. It also gives them an advantage when entering theprofessional world.