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Tanner Serves Ace On Men's Team

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By Becky Griggs

When Kathy Tanner came to Liberty, she had no idea that shewould become amember of the LU men'stennis team.

Kathy, a business major,isa transfer student from Indiana. Shepreviously attended BallStateUniversity and GraceCollege.

Kathy transfered toLibertyfrom Ball State, where she wason the women's tennis team Sheenjoyedhertime at Ball State, butherparents encouraged hertoleavebecause oftheatmosphere. "My parentswere abig influence on my coming here,because they didn't like the atmosphere atBallState,"Kathy said "Mymo m knew how much Iwanted tostay atBallState. They felt bad about me leaving Ball Statebecause Liberty didn't have a women's tennisteam."

Kathy's mother contacted Liberty's tennis program, and theyencouraged Kathy to try out for the men'steam.

"At first Isaid 'noway,' butafterawhile Imissed it," Kathy said. "Icalled Coach Deimer and asked to be manager. One day after hitting with theguys, Coach came up tome and said 'Congratulations you've made the team.' Iwasvery surprised."

Theguysaccepted herrightaway and treatedher as an equal. "They took me as a regular guy," Kathy said. "They weren't afraid to hit with me. They are like my brothers."

Itisthatbonding that makes theteam special to Kathy "We are really close, and it is good tobepart ofa team who cares," Kathysaid."It's not justtennis,it's a personal relationshipwith theguys ontheteam."

Although Kathy enjoys playing basketball,tennis is her love "Ipickeditbecauseit's whatIplaybest," Kathy said. "Iswitched from basketballbecauseI enjoytennis more."

Kathy previously played on a men's tennis team at GraceCollege Butthe studentstherereacteddifferently towardsher.

"They looked down on me and thoughtI was a snob," Kathy said. "When I made the tennis team here, the only thingthatmade mehesitantwaswhatpeopleon campus would think ofme The people here aregreat They encourage me, andIdidn'texpect that."

Kathy has developed strategies that help her when competing againstguys "Girlstend tobemoreconsistentwith theirshots,"Kathy said. "They aren'tas risky as guys.Guyshit toughshots,so I'velearnedto place the ball more."

Kathy isconstantlychallenged byhercompetition "I have toacceptthatguys arestronger," she said. "Ialso have totell myself thatIhave toexpect tobebeat M y biggestchallengeishavinga good attitude,tryingto win, and realizingthatwinning isn't everything."

Imagine thelooks on people's faces asKathy competes against other men's teams. Opponents treat her with respectandaccept it when she beats them on the court. Full of competitivenessand spunk, Kathy awaits thechallengesthatfaceher each day

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