Tanner Serves Ace On Men's Team By Becky Griggs
Photos By Vangie
When Kathy Tanner came to Liberty, she had no idea relationship with the guys on the team." that she would become a m e m b e r of the L U men's tennis Although Kathy enjoys playing basketball, tennis is team. her love. "I picked it because it's what I play best," Kathy Kathy, a business major, is a transfer student from said. "I switched from basketball because I enjoy tennis Indiana. She previously attended Ball State University more." and Grace College. Kathy previously played on a men's tennis team at Kathy transfered to Liberty from Ball State, where she Grace College. But the students there reacted differently was on the women's tennis team. She enjoyed her time at towards her. Ball State, but her parents encouraged her to leave be"They looked d o w n on m e and thought I was a snob," cause of the atmosphere. " M y parents were a big influ- Kathy said. " W h e n I m a d e the tennis team here, the only ence on m y coming here, because they didn't like the thing that m a d e m e hesitant was what people on campus atmosphere at Ball State," Kathy said. " M y m o m k n e w would think of me. The people here are great. They h o w m u c h I wanted to stay at Ball State. They felt bad encourage me, and I didn't expect that." Kathy has developed strategies that help her w h e n about m e leaving Ball State because Liberty didn't have competing against guys. "Girls tend to be more consisa women's tennis team." Kathy's mother contacted Liberty's tennis program, tent with their shots," Kathy said. "They aren't as risky and they encouraged Kathy to try out for the men's team. as guys. Guys hit tough shots, so I've learned to place the "At first I said 'no way,' but after a while I missed it," ball more." Kathy is constantly challenged by her competition. "I Kathy said. "I called Coach Deimer and asked to be manager. O n e day after hitting with the guys, Coach have to accept that guys are stronger," she said. "I also came u p to m e and said 'Congratulations you've m a d e have to tell myself that I have to expect to be beat. M y biggest challenge is having a good attitude, trying to win, the team.' I w a s very surprised." The guys accepted her right away and treated her as an and realizing that winning isn't everything." Imagine the looks on people's faces as Kathy comequal. "They took m e as a regular guy," Kathy said. "They weren't afraid to hit with m e . They are like m y petes against other men's teams. Opponents treat her with respect and accept it w h e n she beats them on the brothers." It is that bonding that makes the team special to Kathy. court. Full of competitiveness and spunk, Kathy awaits " W e are really close, and it is good to be part of a team the challenges that face her each day. w h o cares," Kathy said." It's not just tennis, it's a personal
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