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SpiritualEmphasis Week
SpiritualEmphasis Week is held once every semester. Its purpose is not evangelism, although salvationdecisions are made.Its maingoalis to get the students' focus onthe Lord. It is a timefor students toexamine theirown lives and to open themselvesto receive God's blessing.
"We wantthe semesterstarted off with what'simportant,andthat'swhatLiberty was founded on," Rob Jackson, campus pastor, said "We try to bringin speakers who arevibrant and real, notonly with thekids, butmore importantly withthe Lord."
On Sept. 1-4JayStrackalongwiththe singing group Truth ministered to the hearts of students. Rick Stanleyspoke, and Al Holleybroughtthemusic for the second week which was heldJan. 19-22.
Duringthese twoweeksmany came to know Christ,while others rededicated their lives and made personal commitments to serve God full-time in some capacity.