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Her Heart's Desire to Serve with Music

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By Jenn Hankins

Music is Carrie Moore's heart's desire. Carriesings,writessongsand playsthe piano.Shehopes touse thesetalentsina futureministry.

Music is a big part ofCarrie'sfamily Her mother is a singerand pianistand hasrecorded an album. Her father alsosingsand playsthepiano

Carrie'smotherbeganto giveher pianolessonswhen she was seven Although Carrie disliked her parents making herpracticewhen shewas young, sheis gladnow that they did.

As achild, Carriesang inchurch musicals, butin junior highshe would not singat all. Shewasinsecurebecauseher mother was very talented, and she did not want to be compared toher. Inhighschoolsheovercame this insecurityby singing in choruses in musicals,and she sang the lead ina musical during her senior year.

While inhigh school, Carriewrote one song, but it was notuntil shecame to Libertythat shebegan to writefor the Lord. She hasnow written25to 30songs. "Writing music is away of expressingwhat God'sbeen teachingme in my life," shesaid, "It is harderto writesongswhen Isit down and tryto. The Lord tendsto giveme songswhen Iam not expecting them."

Carrienever had any musical traininginvoiceuntil she came to LU in 1989. During her time at Liberty she has participated inConcertChoir and theCelebration singers. She sang on a Lightteam during thesummer campaign to South America in1990. She hasalsosung solosinvarious churches

Other activitiesshe hasbeen a part ofwhileat college include the Prayer Leader program,Fellowship of Christian Athletes,and the Resident Assistant program.

Carrieis attempting to gethermusic published now, but she said, "If the Lord doesn't open that door, there are many other ways I can use my music toserve Him."

One otherway shehas considered is becoming amusicianary,whichissomeonewho beginsmusic ministries in other countries. Since high school, she has had an interestinmissions and theLatin American culture.ShehasstudiedSpanishfor six years.

Carrie felt thatthecampaign toSouth America with Light was a good experiencebut said thatit washard to just singfor the peopleand leave right away "I would like to bemore involved in a oneon-one ministry with people,"shesaid

One ofthe thingsGod hasbeen teaching her is how to have a humble spirit. "Iam seeking the Lordand not whatHe cangiveme," she said "He's givenme the gift,and Iwantto useitfor Him while He's given it to me."

No matterwhat shedoeswithherlife, onething is clear-Carrie Moore has a greatdesire toserve her Lord...with music

Coupland, Missy DeLancey, Maria Hooke, Rosemarie Stagno, Marjorie Stagno, Michele Gettman, Jill Omark , Lori Stahl, Christine Pierce, Elaine Graham, Christy Hindson, Noel Brewer, Beth Kleinknecht, Michelle Guyton, Carrie Hackworth, Michele Sullivan Ro w 3—Heather Nelson, Shannon Yancey, Elayna Mentone, Cynthia Kraft, Ki m Smith, Jee Kim, Ami e Willett, Rachael Murray, Layla Hinton, Lisa Stumpf, Am y Parsons, Leslie Howard Ro w 4—Brenda Swihart, Katie Seiple, Tara Neely, Jodi George, Michelle Appenzeller, Laura Kennedy, Heather Spon, Kelly Earhart, Tara Drozda, Audr a Townsend, Rebecca Wooldridge, Jody Wilson, Carrie Binkley



Sarah Willis, Lori Brown, Bobbie Frazier, Hollie Crowell, Leighanne Ward, Jennifer Peden, Kari Fraser, Heather Manley, Ki m Fraser, Maureen Mann . Ro w 2~Daw n Summers , Mar y Allen, Melissa Rosenberg, Dorothy Nunes, Carrie Sweet, Susan Pass, Tracy Wiggins, Ashley Welborn, Carolyn Wilburn, Julianna Ortiz, Agatha Parker, Deanna Jacobs, Jennifer Reagan, De e An n Hora, Christina Sawyer. Ro w 3~Melissa Shear, Jules Adams , Jeanette Boyette, Melissa Perry, Christine Hinajosa, Staci Taunton, Alyce Reiter, Cindy Perrault, Kristina Austin, Melanie Shipferling, Sarah Peters, Catherine Godley, Paige Mickler, Jeannine Hoffman, Terri Palmer. Ro w 4~Lori Mattson, Stephanie Osborne, Carey Evans, Jennifer Hodges, Janine VanDam , Beth Ryder, Nicole Wesley, Jennifer Reibson, Monica Luci, Kelly Railey, Jennifer Inge, Laurie Tevepaugh, Danielle Peters, Alaina Moore, r>ar.ioiiD T Q „J „ Juliann Sigley

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