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e 1 a h 1994»Lynchburg,VA"Volum e 21

"OffTheWall"- A Rare Compliment. Onlythesecond annual"SeeYouatthePole" could rouseacrowd likethisat7:00a.m Participating collegiansgatherannually atflag polesall around thecountrytoprayforAmerica's schools Itisthisspiritualawarenessthat indicatesLU'sheeding ofPaul'scommand: "And be notconformed tothisworld: butbeye transformed bytherenewing ofyourmind, thatye may provewhat isthatgood,andacceptable, and perfect,willofGod." (Rom. 12:2, KJV)

MoreThan StrongTeams. Friendshipsareforged as theFlamesplaytogether. JeniceOliveras,Mandi Limmage andCori

TallmanoftheLady Flames soccerteamjoinina victory celebration.

Blades of Steel. JerryPatrickandthe Flameshockeyteam wow fansastheycrushthe VirginiaTech Hokiesatthe Roanoke CivicCenter. LancerlotArena was demolished intheBlizzard of'93, slashingthenumber ofhome games.

We i\efuseto dothingsthe way everyoneelsedoesthem.We don't believethe way othersbelieve.We won'tSettlefor "the norm/7 We push beyondthe limitsto becomeaboveaverage.We cannotbedescribedas ordinary.We are somethingmore,somethingdifferent. We are unique.We are Lxtraordinary.We are off the wall.We choosechurch.We picketagainst abortion. We K)teconservative.We liveloudly...

Victoryand a New MissLiberty. Rev.JerryFalwell (sanssuit)watches as seniorRobin Babbyis crowned MissLiberty duringhalftimeofthe Homecoming game.

A First Victory. SeniorAdrian Cherry leadstheFlamesto a 20-14victoryover

ASUwith 111 yards rushingand 18yards passing.

Pumping Up!

Newly located in theMulti-Purpose Center, theBarbell Club provides exercisefacilities forstudents, such asjuniorKen Caines, who desire togetinshape on campus


Studentsatthefirst annualblockparty experiencethelifeofa spiderastheydonsuits coveredwithvelcro patchesandjump atthe web. The goalistosee how highyou canget withoutfalling off

Conference Champs. The Flamesblazedtheir way toAtlanta'sGeorgia Techforthe NCAA RegionalTournament as championsoftheBig South Conference.It marked thefirst appearancebyan LU team inan NCAA Division-Itournament.

PitcherRich Humphrey kepttheYellowjacketsin theirhiveforthefirstsix innings,pitchingashut outuntiltheseventh. Humphrey waslater draftedbytheHouston Astros

1994broughtaMe w elementofuniquenessto LU. An overwhelming2,300 new studentsinfiltratedcampus. 3 eniorsembracedthe reopenedsenior dorms. Theparkingdilemmaexploded.TheDrowsyPoetbecamethe hangoutof Choice. Campusstreetsreceivednames. TheJamesRiverwasdeclaredunsafedueto highlevelsof mercury.Whiteglove 1nspectionsadded morestress. Requiredcheck-inat convocation...

And Don'tForgetIt!

EventheU.S.Postal Servicecan'ttopthis method ofmessage transportation. Leaving noteson Rev.Jerry Falwell'sfamous Suburban isone ofthe bestwaystomake your newsknown The nursing department covered histruckwith remindersofits upcoming pinning ceremony

The HighLife From rappelling and adventure classesto weekend excursions, the nearby Blue Ridge Parkway givescollegians a reasontoheadfor themountains The highestpoint inVirginia, the PeaksofOtterare a popular getaway.

SeniorTodd Pettyjohn won theIC4A decathalon. Rising frombehindinthefinal event, hequalifiedfor nationalsthenbrokeseveral polevaultrecordsthevery nextday.


Showers Bring May Flowers. "Drenchburg" certainlyreceivesitsshare ofspringrains, Therain doeslet upoccasionally, and theflowersdisplaythe beaiJtyofcreation.

WithaLittleLuck. SeniorMaureenClark workjokingthatshe'dreturn ithekeystoabrand newJeep When Mary Thomasdrewthewinner's name,Maureen added a new ringtoherkeychain. TheJeepwas donatedfor the"Bring-a-Friend-toLiberty" marketing campaign, inwhich hundredswereenrolled

We gainedaSoftballteam An d new tenniscourts.WWM C beganbroadcastingin stereo. An automatedtellercameto DeMossHall.The House Dorm programwentintoeffect. StudentCourtbeganhearingtraffic Tiolationcases.TheVinesCenterreceivedanew floor. Dan Quaylespoke at SuperConferenceXII. Rev. JerryFalwellfoundedthe LibertyAlliance. Cafeteriasidewalksborethe Crrafittiofthe mysteryartist...

Fanningthe Flames. The Eaglemascot a.k.a Tony Rogers), leadsthecheerleaders ontothefieldforthe IndianaUniversityof Pennsylvania game. The gamealso debutedtheSpiritof theMountain'sfirst new uniformssince 1983

From Corn to Crowds. Drawingthelargest crowd in itshistory, SuperConferenceXII welcomed Dan Quayle. Freshfrom hismuseum dedicationin Indiana, theformerVice Presidentdelivered a powerfulspeech on PresidentClinton's healthcareproposal and theNorthAmerican FreeTrade Agreement.

More Peas, Please Chugging down ajar ofbabyfoodisoneof themany outrageous thingsinwhich studentsparticipate in theOutrageous Olympics. SGA VicePresidentJason Williamsjudges a contestantasshe downs some especiallytasty strainedpeas

One giant step for mankind.

The moon walk attracteddozensat theBlockPartyheldin theDeMossparking lotthedaybefore classesbegan Bouncingoffthewalls makes peoplefeel lighterthanairasthey playawackygameof volleyball.


Taking ItSeriously Withnoholdsbarred, theSGA election campaigns consume theonceclutter-free DeMoss Hall. Inan efforttointroduce themselvestostudents, candidatesparadetheir buttonsand pamphlets.

And My Name Is...

The "Furnace"handles theFlames,aswellas convocationthree timesweekly

Although attendance in convocation has alwaysbeen required, neverbeforewere RAs sothorough, checking names atthe entrances

Not Again!

Duetothe"Stormof theCentury,"water leaksdestroyedthe VinesCenterfloor again. The new design received mixed reactionsfrom: 'Thebigbasketball is obnoxious"to"it's reallycool."

Excitementisintheair Bodiesthud.Helmets crack Cheerleadersfly Fansyell And theband keepstherhythm. SeniorStephanie Reffnerlightsfrom her partner'shands eavn cHniortar inthe wrestl 10, ti stairs latches. We sit in t] >odenchairsof Tru itown. Some of couchesand brickwalls behind, we find more placestosit when we areoutof uniform. We sit it row at basketballgames, at football games, at .ushioned seatsatMovies Jowsy Poetorthecement [ats areonly morecomfort>se tosit there.

We takeoff theties, theskirts and thedresspantstoput on anything comfortable. Jeansare bestwhen theyhaven'tbeen washed inweeks. We go todinnerlate sowe canwear our favorite sweats.

We go driving in the mountains to admire the riotous colors of October and November. We picnicand barbecueaslongas theweatherpermits. We hiketothePeaksand trytospy a glimpseof theVinesCenterfrom the top.

We spend weekends enjoying the live music at the coffee shop orcatchingone of theplaysofferedby thedramadepartment. Some of usaremore daringand spend our offdays spelunking orrockclimbing.

Some days are bad. Some days are good. We take them all in stride. We make themost ofourtimeand learnto bethankful that we canbe different withoutbeingweird.

We are out of uniform. We are off the wall.

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