2 minute read
Seeking to serve
the guidance ofthe Lord and be a Christianwitness and encouragement totheir colleagues.
Aimee Karpenka,asenior transferfrom Middleport, N.Y., majoring inyouth ministries, is theclubpresident. She hopesto oneday behiredfull-timeinthe youthdepartmentofa Bible-believing church.
Members ofChi Alpha are offeredmany areasofservice "Grow groups" are the discipleshiparmof the club. Heldinthe homesoffaculty members and residentdirectors, these
Rita A. Morgan
Strolling by DH 160 at 7:30 p.m. on thefirst Monday ofthe month you willhear theharmonious sounds ofvoices, liftedinpraiseto God. These voicesbelong toagroupof young ladieswho desiretopraiseGod at all timeswith notonly their voices, butwiththeirwholelives.
ChiAlpha, agroup whose purpose is tomeet theneedsof women at LU whose desireis toservetheLord through ministry,is arelativelynewclub. Begun in1990, it hasapproximately 20members. The women whoparticipatein the many activitiesthatChiAlphahostsrepresenta varietyof majors,includingyouthministries, music,psychologyandeducation. Theseare women who, regardless oftheir futurefieldsof service, havedecidedto seek groups provide atime offellowship, encouragement andBible study.
Dearington Elementary School provides asecond area ofservice for Chi Alpha. The Dearington Elementary Program was started lastsemester Members tutorand lead after-school activities.
Senior Desiree Kelly leads the prayer and encouragement groups The purpose ofthese groups is topray for specificneeds ofChi Alpha members and other LU students They offer notes and phone callstohelp encourage studentswhohave burdens
Members gather forthe monthly meeting inDeMoss Hall. A guest speaker is invited toemphasize the particularministry in which she is involved. Whether itbe a Christianbusiness woman speaking about howtolive a victorious Christian life ora pastor'swife discussing her place ofservice, the members ofChi Alpha arealways sure to receive ablessing. Mrs. Susan Lovett spoke tothe club about trusting inthe Lord,andMrs
Jane Randlett spoke about inner/outer beauty. Randlett's topicwas followed by makeovers
The Chi Alpha singers traveltodifferentchurchesand youth activities. They provide music and testimonies.
Joanne Sigmon,Dean of Women, is the club'sadvisor
"She is anexample ofwhat a godly woman should be Sheis spiritually mature,caringand really desirestosee the club fly,"Karpenka said Karpenka hopes tosee the club become more involvedin ministry opportunities, possibly during Spring Break. She hopes the club will somehow gain abigger impact onthe university rvj Guest speaker Macel Falwell shares insights onher role as pastor's wife. Chi Alphapromotes Christian womanhood andinvolvementin ministry
Row 1: M Salazar,president;J Ortiz,directorof activities;B Becerra,vice-president;G Noguera, treasurer Row 2: Z. Ramon,S Hetler,A Clay, M Fanini Row3: D Booker,C Calderon,G Larzabal
T o promote the Spanish language and awareness of Spanish culture; to mak e members aware of the spiritual needs in Spanishspeaking countries; to provide fellowship for Spanish students and native speakers.
T o honor the Lord Jesus Christ; to provide a rewarding opportunity for the band students of L U to entertain audiences at basketball games with their music.
Row 1: B Plaster,J Cozby,T Oswald,M VanNus Row 2: R.
T o represent the student body to the administration; to provide services and opportunities to the campus in student life and activities; to provide a political voice for the students.
T o give students the experience of operating a television station on Liberty' s campus; to present student-produced programs; to offer the community a spiritually entertaining and uplifting program.
fxjThe FellowshipGospelChoirmeetsintheFineArtsbuildingfortheirpractices They joinedtheirvoiceswithMichaelEnglish, FirstCalland Angeloand VeronicainThe HopeTourconcertin theMulti-purposebuildingon March5