1 minute read
Camping with wild HOE
Rita A.Morgan
If you areinterested innatureand all that it has tooffer, theL UBiology Club (LUBioC) is interestedinyou.
Chartered at L Usince 1989, theclubis comprisedof mostlybiology majors, although presidentKevinJ. Harris is quickto pointout that "anyonewho isinterested in enjoyingGod's creation is welcometo join/'In fact, twoof the officers are Eng- chemistrymajors. fS ) Playing withatwo-linesalamander— and being abletoidentifyitassuch— isjustoneofthe advantages ofbeing intheLUBioC.Molly Mundy and Graciela Noguera combine theirenjoymentof God's creation with academic involvement.
The academically-centered club isactuallymorerecreationalthanmany would expect.
Monthly meetings are used toupdate members aboutupcoming events. Occasionallyspecialspeakersfrom theareainformmembers about various biological fields.
Theclubprovidesameans forprofessors and their students togettoknow eachother. Harris recalls seeinghisprofessors in a new light.
"When you seethem outthere working, you seeasideof them thatisdifferentfrom thecoat and tieimage oftheclassroom,"hesays
Professorsoftenseekout club members toassistthem inprojectsand studies Harris saysthatmembers are oftenviewed asthosewho are most interested inwhat biologyis about
LUBioC members participateinavarietyof activitiesincluding hiking and spelunking Spring Break found theclub camping atCumberland Island, Ga. The uninhabited islandis home towild horses.
LUBioC believes it's very important thatChristiansbecome involvedin biology fields. Harris, vicepresident Mike Kirby and SGA rep. RobMcGarvey all stresstheidea thatChristian scientistsmust beable to prove what they believe using scientific facts. A Christian must earn respect from his evolutionist andatheistic colleagues.
Upcoming plansfor LUBioC may includeactivities involving the Lynchburg College biology club. Ifthe clubs could participate in activitiestogether, better relationsand respect forboth schools could result.
LUBioC may alsobegin internship searches for its members. Internshipsare important, both forknowledge and experience aswell asjobcontacts forthefuture
T o present th e gospel an d mora l values throug h th e use of drama ; to minister God ' s truth in th e local churches .
T o foster an d coordinate teache r education throug h encouragin g interest, strengthening professional affiliations, exploring th e profession, meetin g other future educators, planning workshop s an d providing avenue s of service.
T o travel an d shar e in churche s th e importanc e of missions an d th e value of knowin g an d serving our Lor d an d Savior Jesus Christ.
T o provide encouragement , growth , security an d freedo m of worshi p for students wh o are not affiliated wit h th e Baptist denomination .
^ J AlphaLambda Delta, a nationalhonorsociety, receivedtheHonorofTorchAward onNovember17.
Ms.MarvaWatlington,national representativeforthe society, spoke while Pauline Donaldson, administrativeadvisorfortheclub, heldthebannertobe presented toScottEvans,theclub'sjunioradvisor.