6 minute read



ProfessorDickBohrer JeffRaymond,Assistant



Managing Editor

Audrey D. Mraz

Business & Advertising

DarrinJ Johnson


MichelleDelapenha,Editor LauraGaydos,AssistantEditor



RitaA Morgan,AssistantEditor

Layout & Design

DorothyM Nunes,Editor ToddMetzgar,AssistantEditor

Selah Staff

MissyArnold,AmandaBlake, LovelBonnet,DanaBurman, TamarCanty,BelindaClaire, GingerDavis,JonathanFerree, ShandaGibson,BarbaraGalese, CatherinaHurlburt,JanelleIves, ReneeJones,CherylKanour, NikkiKeznor,JenniferKlingler, AmyLovell,MarcelleMarbova, MoeMogapi,GracielaNoguera, JulieWoody

Alargegustof wind in theform of a sighburstsfrom my upturned lips. Reliefrushesthroughmy body like thewaves ofLake Michigan rollingontothecrushed-rock shores of IndianaBeach (it's more picturesque than itsounds, okay!). The viciousred ink coursingbeneath myfingertips drains as I'mrelieved of myeditorialalter-ego.

Why theexhilaration? The answer is simple: "theBook" (or mypartof it) is finished, completed, done— NEVER to be touched againbymydiscriminatingpen.

Of course, Icould saythere'sno real reasonto dwellonsomething thatonlythe ninepeopleIspentmysenioryearholed up withinTE 110couldunderstand After all, thisletter is inabook created forthe studentbody HA! Fatchance This letteris onOUR pagesandis written solelyforthoseexactninepeople— Jeff, Aud., D., Todd,Jen, Reef,Michelle, Laura and Darrin Infact, theyarethe ONLY peopleinall of LU whowillunderstand more thanaserifof what I'mwriting But guesswhat? Icouldn'tgivea corn's kernel. Thesewords arenothing more than my reward fortheunending,life-sucking, gradezapping, I-don't-know-how-inHeaven's-name-I-managed-to-earn-adegree-because-of-yearbook hours I've spentin serviceto myuniversity. Yes, this letterfrom theEditoris thevery reason why Itookthisjobforasecond year (well, thatandthefactthatIwas overtakenbya shortfit of deliriumwhen Iagreed).

Well, Ishalldelaynolonger

ToJeff— m ydiscoinstructor,leisure suitmodel, closetMellancamp fan— what canIsay? Iwent from dislikingyoufor gettinginthewayof m ymoment of power to well,tolerance PSYCH! You'reokay (that's ascomplementary as this chickgets). Yourphotography is out of this world. Itwas sucha wonderful reliefthatanyone onstaffcould tellyoua great, amazing idea, andyou'd getit done even when we didn'treallyknow what we wanted, let alonehowto doit. Somehow, italways seemed tocome out unbelievable,i.e. thesportssection, StudentLife dividerpage, etc Ican'teven believeI'msayingthis,butIthinkI might missyouwhen Ileave. ??????????

ForAudrey — anotherraremidwesterner, andtheonlypersononstaff who evertrulybelieved Iwould wed— I haveonlytwo bits of advice: neverlet Rob getaway, (heis oneof therarestfishyou'll findinthatsmall, draining seaof men), and PLEASE recruitsome peopleto help you labelall thosedarnportraitsnextyear. Although itwas anicetimeof bondingfor us, N O Editorshould everhaveto endure thatkind of gruntwork. Justone more thing: Thanx forthebook Itjustmight come inhandy, now Hopefully, anyway

To Michelle— the onlyall-talk, noshow dance criticintheprofession — when yousueforchemicalexposure from thedarkroom afewyearsaftergraduation, IpromiseI'll testifyonyourbehalf It's the

The Selah ispublishedannuallybyLiberty University,Lynchburg,Va The1994 Selah was printed byDelmar PublishingCo., Charlotte,N.C.,withaprintingbudgetof approximately$45,000 Theentiredesign wascreatedontheAppleQuadra600,usingAldusPageMaker5.0 The9"xl2"cover wascreatedwith160pt.binder'sboard, four-colorlithographed art,andgrained with#1830Brick Thepaperis80lb stock, withaprintrunof4,000 Allcolorphotos inthebookwereprintedbySuttonPhotoLabandRobertDeVaulPhotography All bodytextis10/12Palatino Allcaptiontext is10/12Helvetica,70%strokewidth.All photocreditsare6/8,ItalicPalatino.Headlineartdiffersaccordingtosectionspecifications Thecover,dividerandfacultyphotosarebyJeffRaymond;endsheetphotois byMichelleDelapenha;allgroupphotosare byJeffRaymond,MichelleDelapenhaand LauraGaydos Studentportraitsareby SchoolPictures,Inc. Selah staffcanbecontactedbytelephoneat804/582-2206,orby mailatBox20000,LibertyUniversity,Attn: Selah (Yearbook),Lynchburg,Va.24506.

Depsfteconstantsetbacksfrom snow •stum isolationtonumerousmedical dijjtionaryentries,the Selah copy department-yes,thewhole department-managedtosurvivelong enoughtogetthebookdone.Jen and Ritaactuallyfoundatimewhenthey werebothheretowritecaptionsand headlinesand brainstormon how tofind therightman, leastIcando.

Thlfemale-dominated staffhad no ; Wc f on itsmalecontributors They werethebuttofmanycrueljokes,butwe '*«ffiefsecretlylikedalltheattention.

Jen Blandford,MichelleDelapenha, RitaMorgan,LauraGaydosand Jen Haledidoccasionallygive Todd Metzgaralittlesupport.

Laura, Laura, Laura, what canIsay? Iknow Igaveyou adifficulttimeinthe beginning,butthinkhow much more printingexperienceitgaveyou for next year

Hey, Jen— the bestspeed-writing graphicsmajorI'veeverseen— goodjob. Do you realizeyou wroteover50percent of the copy in thisbook, notincluding captionsand headlines? And,it's notjust good, ifsGGGreaatttt! Anyway,I'm sorry Iwasn'tableto hook you up withM.S Justkeep praying; it might workout.

Dear Reet— staffloud mouth, writer extraordinaire, officeentertainment and dancing partner— may your dreamsoftravelingthecountry on aHog come true,may countrymusicblossom and may youraccentremain Southern I wish I'dthoughtofthat mono gigfirst. Icould'veused a few weeks off from schoolin the middle of deadlinefever, too!

D., Dot, Dodi, Dorothy, whatever you want to call yourself, withno staffand only one assistant, it's amazingthis book looksasfabulousas it does. Ofcourse, now that the yearis overyou and Laura probablysharelike feelings toward me — I'm extremely pickyand fairlyevil (two characterqualitiesIhave found to be reasonably helpfulin my position) But, regardless of how tiredyourarm became from crossingoff red inkfrom reamsofprintouts, you'vegot to admitthatthe pagesturnedout great PS I willhangyourbulbonmy Christmastree for yearsto come,and itwillinspiremy future grandchildrento askwhat"Off the Wall" means. Naturally,Ishallalwaysthink of you.

Todd, Ican'tkeep myselffrom smilingwhen Itypeyourname, oh my Tennesseefriend. Ifyourmusicputme to sleepall year, yourzillions of questions certainlykeptme on my toes But, thafs okay You'rearealdoll And,maybe the nexttimeIgo to aCivilWar reenactment orseeamovie ofthat type, you'llbe on screen Keep playingwithD.'sarmy men and you'llgetitall straightened out PS

Wetoastedtheendofthebiggestdeadline andthebeginningofafive(sixforsome) weekvacation Jen Halecooked andJeff Raymond letususehisjointtocrashin We evenletRob McGarveycome eventhough he'snotofficiallyonstaff. RS.- Thetoastwas withWelch's.

Inanswer to thatlongunanswered questionasked of me duringone ofthose deep, deadlinechats: worry notyoursweetlittle head When you findthat special someone, you'll know instinctively. Let'sjusthope therumor aboutTennessee inhabitantsisn't true, and thatshe's notyourcousin

Finally, it's yourturn, Darrin. As Selah's first BusinessManager (to my knowlege, thatis),you came intothe job withavast amount of questions for which Ihad absolutelyno answers. How could Ihavehad any to giveyou? Anyway, you pulled through, raisedthecash, and keptitall organized. EverytimeI see SaranWrap Ishallalwaysthinkof you and yourquickcomebacksfor everycomment. Although thesearethepeople who shaped my senioryear, thereareothers I must thankbeforemy show is over.First of all, IthankGod. You heard my prayers, and somehow Imade itthrough this worst yearof my life Secondly, Ithank my parents Withoutyou, Iknow Icouldn't haveexperienced all thatIhave thesefour years Thirdly, Ithank my fiance, Jonathan Without theweekend escapes you offeredme withyourvisits, I would surelyhave diedfrom thestress.Also, you haveallowed me the joyof beingableto tell my unbelieving Editors: "Seeyouat thewedding!"

Now, theyearhasbeen wrapped up roughly in amyriad of insidejokes, and a certainmood of griefis settlinginto my mind. It's over. My two-yearEditorial reignis over. The timehascome when I must entrustmy protegeswith theheavy taskof followingin my footsteps Todd, Rita,Audrey, Laura, Ihope you'velearned enough from me and yoursectionEditors thisyearto do itbetterin 1994-95. After all, you were trainedby themasters, soit shouldn'tbe toohard.

Club Selah wasthe settingformanylate nighthouseparties. JenBlandford wantedtoleamto dance,butnoone wouldteachher.She willnotforgetit!

With all my loveand a glad farewelltoLU,

JenniferS Blandford Editor-in-Chief, Selah

*-*~i!TO Mogapi, Thomas Franklin, MissyArnold, Laura Gaydos,GracielaNoguera, AudreyMraz, HaroldJeffrey, DarrinJohnson,Barbara

Galese, JeffRaymond, Dorothy Nunes,Belinda Claire,Jen Hale, Joseph Lee, Jen Blandford, GingerDavis, TamarCanty,Todd Metzgar, Michelle Delapenha, CatherinaHuriburt, John Williams.


Dr A PierreGuillermin— Lunchwasgreat Thefontsy* helped makethisbookwhat itis.

Jeff Raymond

Otherthanthephotographers,writersand designers who dothenitty-grittywork,there arealways those people,companies, placesand objectswho have their specialplaces in thecreation of ayearbook The1994 Selah staff wishestorecognizethefollowingfor the support, advice,toleranceand memories theyhave provided usduringthis year: u9ht-ushave really TheMysteryMan who signsthechecksfor requisitions— thisbookgot donethisyearthankstothenewequipmentyouboughtus!

Dr. Falwell — Thanks for working with us to turn a few heads.

Prof. Dick Bohrer — You survived! Goodbye LU! Thanks for the sincere opinions yousharedwithus P.S IfIevergetANYTHING published,you'llbethefirsttosee it!(JSB)

Mrs. Wharton — When most of us were knocking on doors, you walked right in to getusthethingsweneededto getthejobdone

Mrs. Pat Mazanec — Thanks for the pep talks and helping us get the new equipment MaybeweshouldrequisitionaXeroxnext?

Mr. Bing Mazanec — The darkroom is finally operable! Future generations of yearbookphotographersandeditorsthankyou!

Our RAs — For trusting us past curfew in the YB office.

The late Gene Roberts — You were a true friend before you even knew us. Thankyouforcountless"deals"andlendingusequipmentwhileexpecting nothinginreturn Youwillbemissed

Lisa Miller-Heiser, Todd Clontz, Sonya Williams —The Delmar staff with anabundanceofpatiencewhohelpedthefledglingstaffwithbigdreamsand atinybudgetcreateafirst-classbook!

Rob McGarvey — the best non-staff member on staff. You really should go outfor apositionnextyear Ifyou'regoingto dothework,youmightas well getpaidforit

Goof Proofers — ... Hello?

Mitchell's — Thanks for the 52-long. The Mickey tie was just the right touch tofinishoff agreatshot

All of our profs. — Thanks for keeping us on the roster list even when we never showedup

LU Bookstore, Drowsy Poet, Ed Hooke, University of Alabama, Rush Limbaugh,BruceThomas,BobDeVaul,RogerMiller,Dr Farver— We couldn'thavedoneitwithoutyou!

"We donot loseheart.Even though ouroutward manis perishing, yetthe inward man is being renewedday by day For ourlight affliction*which isbutfor a moment, is working forus a farmore exceedingand eternalweight of glory."

2Cor 4:16-17

*Prof. B. had surgeryinFeb.

•Prof DickBohrer • mYeah,I'mhangingupsidedowninthe darkroom Allthosechemicalsgettomeafter awhile Thishasbeenanaction-packedyear oneIwillnotbeforgettingforaverylong, long,LONGtime

Virginiaisnotsobad— biking, hikingandclimbing— butyou reallycouldusesomereal Michigansnow ThelackofBig10 broadcastsleavestheareadevoid ofgoodsportsentertainment, and"ya'H"reallyneedtolearnhow todrive ThankstomyLordJesus forspiritualsupport;toMomand Dadformoralsupport;andto Gregg,Les,Barry&Nanfor professionalsupport...AndLynn,I don'tknowwhethertothankyouor shootyouforinitiatingmyyearbook addiction AlwaysrememberMatt 6:33.. andGOBLUE!

1 LauraGaydos'

Europe,graduation,theAlter— thereisjusttoo muchgoingoninmylife Ofcourse,Iwould notgiveupathing,butIamalmostsadtobe givingupYBintheprocess Gofigure????? ThankstoShawnaandBrenda— Iwasrarely homeandhardlypulledmyweightwiththe chores,butsomehowwemanaged

Themerethoughtofthewordyearbook sendsmeinsearchofabottleof aspirin Despitethestressandlate nights,I'llbebackformorenextyear Tomybestfriendandmyman— Rob, thanksforputtingupwithmewhenI wasstressedandhelpingmeeven whenIdidn'task Igreatlyappreciateit You'rethebest MomandDad, I've cometounderstandthetruemeaningof thewordwork,no .labor TellJonito starthersearchforscholarshipsnow •AudreyMraz•

ArrestedonJanuary22, 1994forblockadingthe entrancetoanabortion clinicSomewouldsaythis isalittlebit"offthewall"; however,Ibelievethatit wasrightontarget Ithank GodthatHegavemethis chancetostandupforwhat Ibelievein Ipraythatin thecomingyear,otherswill takeastandfortheunborn andhelpstopthe Holocaust


Ifshardtobelievecollegeisover I'vebeenmovingsofast thispastyear,ifIIbenicetoslowdownandgetarealjob Mom&Dad,you'vebeengreatIshuddertothinkhow manymorechecksIwouldhavebouncedifyouhadntkept aneyeonmybankaccountThankstothemostwonderful roommatethateverwas Tracy— yousavedmylifemore timesthanIcaretoremember Shane— thanksforbeing theretotalktowhenIneededafriendYouwerenever afraidtotellmewhatIdidn'twanttohearYour understandinghelpedmetofacemyproblemsandmakeit throughabusyyear

Mycarismyfreedomandmyentertainment—I couldn'thavesurvivedtheyearwithoutit (thanks,MomandPapa!),NewYorkisthebest placeintheworldandtheMarines(mybrotheris one)kickbutt Quad301— wordscannotexpress!

•JenniferR Hale •

ThankGod— I'mfinally graduating!ToSelahstaff — thanksformakingmeapartof your"elite"staffofexpert yearbookpeople!Tothe'90-'91 crewofdorm13— thanksfor thememories MomandDad thanksfor4yearsofthis!To myclosestfriehds— longlive CluckyChicken!TotheClass of'94— laterdaysand separateways!

•DarrinJ Johnson

Parkingtickets,insufficientfunds,evensevere chronicmononucleosiscouldn'tkeepmeaway from"ClubSelah."SpecialthankstoDrs. Elliott,McCobeandTondofortheirmedical expertiseandRevcofortheirpharmaceutical support Thankstomyfamilyfortheirlove, DwightYoakumfortheinspirationandHarley Davidsonforthedream.Darrin,passthe SaranWrap •RitaA.Morgan•

IwouldliketothankGodfor upholdingme,Mom&Dad, thanksforgivingmetheopportunitytocometoLU Betsy, you'rethegreatest;Angie,aka "pearl"I'llbeprayingforyou, Tanyikaformemoriesof scrambledeggs FireEscape hootie-macks,thanksfor keepingmeaccountable I'm outtahere— seeyawhenIsee ya!

•MichelleDelapenha •

ThifcooKias captured atray pmtion ofall we did and felt. We triB s«\e new things—wBlicMe you'll like them. We totally cha^tp thesportssection.^djairned thepeoplesection sideways. And we gaveyou asectionyou canfoldright out.

We almostwent crazycreatingthis book, forcreationis what it was. We startedwith nothingbut240blank pages, an empty coverand alimitedbudget; and we began toputthelife of this schoolon those pages.

You helped us make this book—simply by being who you are and doing what you do. You, thestudentbody, arewhat Selah is aboutandfor.

There are probably a few mistakes here and there throughout the book becausewe'renotomniscientand, althoughGod helped us outalot, He didn'tcome down and check thefinal proofsfor us. Butpleaseenjoythis book. We made itfor you (and forus), and we made itasarepresentationofLibertyUniversity toall who may read it.

We want the world to know we are unequalled, we are matchless ... w eare offthewall.

Bdee. .. bdee. .. bdee. .. that's all, folks!

Legal Vandalism.

The eight-ton spirit rockbytheLiberty Bellgavestudentsa placetoexpress themselves.They sprayeditwith birthdaywishes, their favoritefootballteam, orsimplytheirown names,taking advantageofthe chancetoleavetheir mark

Braving the Elements

Insideorout, rainor shine,thefurnace burned brightlyforthe Flames Wearingthe colorsandpainting theirfaces, students showed theirsupport ontheirhometurf,

We stoodupforl<aght(someofus got thrownin jail). We succeeded.We failed. We accomplishedmuch,but stillmanaged to havea life. We fellin love(andout oflove).We toldGod He couldhave .everything,andwe meantwhatwe said. We jumpedoff the wallintolife andwe livedandenjoyedLivingandnow we'redone...untilnextyear.

A FrightfulMinistry

Thousandsofpeople lineupoutsidethe HouseofDeath each year, waitingfora tasteofthefearthat hasalsoledso many peopletoChrist.YQ membersand many othervolunteersclean upthehouse beforehandand get involvedinthe scaringactionthree weekends in October.

Love is in the Air. Thecrowdwentwild between periodson October16,1993,as Todd Schatzerwent down ononekneetoask JenWatson tobehis wife Jen accepted,and theseniorsplantowed November 12,1994

Winds ofChange.

The name changedfrom "Chapel"to "Convocation."

The seatingarrangement moved aroundtothesideto accommodate thelarger crowd Butservicesremained thesame — greatmusicfrom Sounds,Lightandothers; greatspeakersand great Bibletruthskepttheten o'clockhourfamiliar


A violentsummerstorm wreaked havocon LU property— thestadium lights,thebaseballfield fenceand JerryFalwell's treeswereall knocked over. Airconditioning unitswerebrokenand damage was still being repairedsixmonths later

Be Ye Transformed

And sowe havebeendifferentfromtheverystart totheveryfinish Thoughthecourtyardisnow deserted, Augustwillonceagainbringtogether thousandsofstudentsatthisamazinguniversity. We havedonemany things— most, butnotallof themthingstobeproudof Allinall, we have earnedouruniquestatus We are"notconformed." "OfftheWall"— ahuge compliment.

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