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Electing ANEWT, point nt view

LSNA or Liberty StudentNursing Association is going stronginits second yearofexistence.

Over 60members strong, theclubhasquiteadistinctive voiceamong the differentchaptersoftheNational StudentNursingAssociation(NSNA). LSNA is active at eachconventionand seminarheldaroundthe VirginiaCommonwealth.

LSNA has grownrapidly since its startlastyear.Membershipis dependentupon status as anursingstudentand paymentofyearlyclubdues.

LSNA has beenanactive voicein the localcommunity.


During theholidays it sponsored an angel Christmas tree. The tree heldthe names of 30less fortunate Girl Scoutsfrom Linkhorne ElementarySchool

Nursing studentseach choseaname from the tree and thenbought fun and practical little gifts for the girls. Therewas nodollar amount limit and the gifts were given anonymously.

Nearly all ofthe thirty little girls attendeda Christmasparty where they received gifts from SantaClaus, who made a special appearance during his busiesttimeof the year.

Not only did the girls receivepresentsbutthey also heard aboutthe greatest Gift of all. A | special videowas shown aboutthe birthofJesus, thereal meaning of Christmas.

Members also hold nursing presentations in areahigh schools They hopeto introducehigh schoolstudents to the nursing field and recruit them to the LU nursing program.

Sincethedemand isalwaysgreat for nurses, they canshow highschool studentswhat arewarding and stable career it reallycan be.

Although NSNA is currently working directlywith Hillary Rodham Clintonon theproposed health care plan, LSNA is againstthereform package The plansupportsabortion and homosexuality, which opposes what thesestudentnurses believe

The currentgoalfor LSNA is to haveamember electedtothe national board. The system works quite like Congress; members are voted in The board members canthenplacevotes on variousissuessuch asfundingfor more research for breastcancer, abortion orAIDSresearch

Mrs. VickiMartin, assistant professorof nursing and club advisor, hopestosoon have amember onthe board

"Therearenotalot of Christians outthere, sowe have to band together to have astrongvoice,"Martin said.

To promote and recognize academic excellence among thosestudents pursuing a career in medicine; tovisitmedical schoolsandhospitals; tomeet with professionals who can helpstudents with admissioninto medical school.

To encourage,stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarshipofthe individualmembers in all fields; toadvance the scienceofpsychology.

To allowstudents interested in thefield of psychology to become acquainted withthe professorsof psychologyat Liberty;tohave outings at various hospitalsand clinics;tohaveguest speakersat meetings.


To offer pastoralmajors opportunities topursue ministriesas they preparefor Christian service;tohelpthem put what they have learned in theclassroom into practicebehind the pulpit.

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