9 minute read
Fighting for the Wi n
Face to face with a grimy helmet, neck and neck approaching the finish line, move for move matching the opponent,
they fightand strainand push with every muscle theypossess. Everything they'veworked forhasprepared them for this moment. Thismoment willtell theworld (orat least the coach) whether ornotthey areasgood asthey shouldbe. They areup againstthebestand thecompetitionisfierce.
Without competition, therewould be no sports. There areprobably very few athleteswho would practiceforhoursat a time, putthemselves through painand drill themselves repeatedlyforsheerloveofthesport Competition keepsthe team going, keepstheathletesimproving and keepsthe coaches yelling.
Competition means somebody must lose. Only one team can carrythevictorytrophy. Some athletesand coaches simply takelosinginstride, knowing it comes with the territory Some takeit more toheartthan others
"Losingis apositiveaspectbecauseit comes with a learningexperience,"juniorbasketballplayerAnna Barrington said. "When thenextgame comes up, Iwillbe aware ofmy previousmistakesand know how todealwith the situations."
"You must understand it's only agame,"senior basketball playerMatt Hildebrand said. "I don'twant touse Christianityasa crutch; but during tough times, God can help you getpastthatpointand move on You must keep everythingin perspective."
"If theopponents arebetterthanweare, losing just motivatesmetogetbetter," TrackCoach Aaron Jamessaid we should win and do lose, Igetveryirritated."
James commented thattheteam oftenseems totake losingbetterthan the coaches.
"Allwewant is theirbest. Wetell them nottoworry about results. Resultsareup toGod," hesaid.
• Showing amazing talentfora freshman,Sean Keys made ittothe IC4A TrackChampionship atWilliam and Mary Nineothermale athletesfrom LU were chosen toparticipateinthe meet.
-* Sometimesfightingfora win involvestakingahard knockfortheteam Dawn Coleman standsher ground againstNorth CarolinaA& T inthefirst game oftheseason.As theonlysenior,she showed herexperienceby sinkingathirdofthetotal pointsina48-43losing effort.The game wasthe firstround ofthethird annual Lady Flames ClassicTournament
Head TennisCoach Dr. CarlDiemer said, "No onelikes tolose; butsincehalfofthecompetitorsinany athleticcontest do, participantsmust be abletohandle it."
Some kinds ofcompetition don'textend all theway to
• Intheirfirstfootballvictoryagainsta Southern Conference team,senior Dwayne CarswellleadstheFlameswith fivereceptionstodefeat Appalachian State University20-14 theotherteam There'susually some friendlyrivalry among team members thatkeepspractices lively. i itssecond game against theVirginiaTech Hokies,LU Ice Hockey gainsacrushing 9-2victory. #19,Wade Burrows,isone ofthe Hockey Club's3 captains while#28, Craig Handwerker,isknown as one ofthehardest workers on theteam.
"It's usuallya good competition, becauseyou'renot tryingtohurteachother You justwant togetbetter," senior running backAdrian Cherrysaid.
Competition on thepracticefieldpalesincomparisonto thefrenzyinthestadium. When an athletegetsintothe actual game,thecompetition oftenreachesafever pitch.
"Practiceis more laidback,"Cherry said "When youget intothegame,it's definitelymore intense You get more focused on what you have to do."
Competition is theculmination ofall thosehoursof training. The athletessacrifice time, energy and sometimesa sociallife toprepareforthecompetition Successoutthere after thewhistleblows is what it's all about.
-* Sophomore Jen Angleberger was considered "experienced"ona team withno senior leadership.The young women's soccerteam went through agrowing year, withscoring dominatedby freshmen.
A Inan early game againstatough opponent,Anthony Ogusanyi defends against ascoring attackby aCampbell player. Matt Sinclair helpsoutin the defense This was one ofonlytwo Big South lossesforthe Flames.
Trustingyourteammatesto not let you dow n — eventhough theysometimesdo. Encouragin« everyoneand puttingthe team beforeyourself. Knowing \hm you share a commo n bond and that you are unitedin Christ. Working the planwhen you are told to do soand notletting anyone down ifyou canpossiblyhelpit. Strengtheningyourrelationshipwithyour team, yourcoachand your God. Sacrificing sometimeswhen you'drather not. Being like-minded because the game is at stake. Leavingyour differences on the sidelines and not letting them distract you from workingtogether because working together is what teamwork is all about.
• JenniferR. Hale
otherteam theHope thatis withinthem They remember that a bigpartoftheir testimony is theirattitudeon the field, keeping inmind that, whatever they do, theyneed todo itall totheglory ofGod.
AssistantMen's SoccerCoach JeffAlder summed up the "off thewall" emphasis ofLU athletics when he commented that"forsome oftheteamswe play, socceris all they haveto livefor We atLibertyhave somuch more thanthegame."
One ofthemost outstanding examples of athletics as a ministry came from themen's soccerteam Two weeksbefore theirgame with Radford University, Radford coach Don Staley calledHead Coach Bill Bell and asked him tosharehis testimony with theteam.
"He had neverasked thatbefore,"DarrenShelburne, senior, said, "buthe said hisguys were down,and they needed apick-me-up."
Afterhe had shared thegospelwith theteam, Coach Bell ledtheplayersinaprayer and then asked thosewho had prayed theprayer toraisetheirhands Twelve hands wentup
"Even if we hadn'twon any more games thatseason, it wouldn't have mattered. Twelve people coming toknow the Lord is foreternity That'swhy we'rehere,"Coach Aldersaid
Other teams areinvolved inone-on-onewitnessingafter games The baseballteam bringstracts along and hands them outtotheiropponents afteragame.
"Some guyswillgo talktotheotherteam after games," Head Coach Johnny Hunton said. "The opportunities vary."
An athlete's testimony on thefieldis oftentheonly chance hewill gettopresent Christ
"They reallycan seeChristthrough yoursportsmanship," Shelburne said. "I trytoencourage theotherteam on the field. I'll help them up ortell them 'good job' or 'gooddefense.'"
•+ It's notjustagameathleticteams usetime afterthegame toshare Christwiththeir opponents. The baseballteam hands outtractstotheother team everygame they play, whilethe men's soccerteam takes sodastotheir opponentstoinstigate conversations with them
"It's tough tokeep agood testimony when thegame is going ahundred milesan hour,"Coach Aldersaid
When ateam shows thecompetition it is seriousaboutwhat it does, others are more likelytolistento what theplayers have to say.
"You want toput acompetitive team on thefield. We want todo thattogain respectand make aplatform toshare Christ with others,"Coach Alder said "The Lord can useagood team toopendoors."
Even when thecompetition is tough and theheatis rising, athletesgiveGod the gloryfortheirtalentsand usethem to praiseHim. They play because God allows them toand theythank Him forthe opportunity
-* ServingChrist through baseball, "Unlimited Potential" withtheassistanceof Coach Johnny Hunton travelstocitiesaround theworld tohostsports camps Talented sports personalitiesshare the message ofChrist in these foreigncountries aswellas intheUS and even withMajor League teams The message of Christ'ssaving love can ministertohearts and change lives have it and getting it when you don't. Shining a light intothe darknt-^emu leaving an impressiontne will never forget whether vou win -ar-loser- tartingwithJenMFalwerand going righttotheyoungest freshman, this scnwi is aBut thepeoplewho arehere. We areadiversegroujjui pJIplewith many differentways of living, aet\«are abonded group. ijjipfts.Because thepeople at this univerm thepeople anywhere else. You might saywe'realittle off the wall.
< Blowing up a water bottleisjustone ofthe featsofstrengththe members ofF.I.R.M. Foundation performin their presentations, demonstrated here by Roosevelt Nivens. Many LU athletestour otherschools,sharing Christwiththekids there.
Hittingthem sohard their helmets crack. Feeling thesweat-soaked mat under your skinas you're thrown down, but getting right back on top and pinning him inthe second round. Sharing with the other team the hope that is within you and watching liveschange asa result. Bringing thebackboard down with your slam orcracking the ball soloud thev hear it in Ne w York.
But we are who we are and we like ourselves that way. We've gotall kindshere, butthenit takesall kinds, doesn't it? We provide ourselveswith an endless variety.
There are people that annoy us and people that we love. There'sour roommate'sboyfriend whom we've neverseen, butwe wish tostranglebecausehe usesall thephone time after curfew.
There's our best friend in all the world whom we go out with every Fridaynightbecauseneitherofus cangeta date.
There's the teacher who frustrates us so much because she demands everything we've got, butwe know we've learned themost fromher.
People here are different. Many are even a little weird. We all have our own unique quirksthatset us apart, buttogether we aremost certainlyturningheads.
out is something we willnever show anyone. But, sometimes what comes out is so wonderful and awe-inspiring and breathtaking thatwe want tojump and point and yellforthe world tocome and seewhat we did!
We are so often children, letting our ideasand thoughts and emotions be expressed ina tangible form forall tosee. We are not often enough children, however. We hold too much inside and refuse tolettheworld see how wonderful our imagination is.
Here, we have gathered the outpouring of a few people's creativity. Here,we areimmortalizing theirimagination. We are giving toyou something tangible thatwillperhaps inspire you toexpress your own creativity.
We want you to look at this work often, so we made it to fold right out ofthebook. We'd love foryou tobe able torip it out and hang it on your wall; but, hey, thatwould wreck your book.
It's gonna be great any way you look at it.
Immortalized Imagination
hread through thesnowy linen remembering
•' ildflozoers pressed from beatsstirring thoughts - intimategift, ink cheeks oj motherhood wmmei blows goldenlocks againsl<i furrowed broxo intenl upon thesewing. ititch withlove
• i own.
. arm and se< lire insideher.
Vringwildflowers walked upon by tiny feel and held intiny hands
••. wildflowers
I thread I, in.
We arethestar-gazers.
We are the night-breathers thefireflywatchers and the deep thinkers.
We are the sky sewers, dancing on the silver needle that pierces thenightwith star-thread to the music ofthe moon.
We are the star-fishers castingamong thefalling lights and ridingthe nightdiamonds into the kingdom beyond.
Beyond dreams, pastwishes, above promises Grey-skirtedcloudsweave remembering webs ofbackyardblankets underfallingstars, just thinking.
MelodyStanton rhe Melody stepped outsideher backdoor the colors f th sunset that were sprea before her force her to retrieve her camera Th colorswere so vibrant and beautiful thatshe didn'twant to
VVhei chance missing it
Photograph hasalways been nothing more than ahobby for her, and she's not yet had any formaltraining for it
This Melody' first award for photography i an art contest.
D."aniel •• way attractec in whilehewas gr>in inRomania, twasn't untilha • toLU thathe was able to enrol in Eva Barbour's painting classes His inspiratio lor
: Ol paintings inthe ImmortalizedImaginatio contestof 1992-93
Edward Rodrigue: l\m
Llthoug he' never had an art clas and doesn'tknow how h became interested indrawing,Ed hasalway hadareadypencilan paper hand. e sayshe usedto study thedifferent styles of ar n comic bookslor hour untilhe realizedhewasspending greatdeal f tim on something thatdid notglorifyGod . iskedGo ochangethai, says, Godrewardedhi with the idealorthe "Armor ol God"
Allman spiration come Irom the work of Ansel Aca n and hergrandfathe wh was aportrait irtist, Although she didn't learn al o th tricksofthe trade [romhim hedi inspir her becauseh earned hi livingfrom photography. Melissa has bee winningar contestsfo several years. She' won artfestivalssinc elementaryschool,and shewon bot 1s plac andhonorablementio fo tw olher paintings. i\n
.Ithoug he doesn't remember it Dana's teacher say thathe ha drawn his entirelife Heattnbutes his abilityto natural talent although he has taken fiv lessons (whic 'weren't that great, esays.)
Hanombh Mention e has wo on otherawar fo artentered inthecount fai "Victoria" was the product o acollectio ofdoodles produceda Ne YorkCit whileo a trip (h doesn'tremember why he drew them,justthathetfaf)
Immortalized Imagination
KotieCarico Black Win!,- Photography
At times Idon't knew what you're on my mind, bul my thoughts I cat
Sort of like a lea) 0)
Itcan move when theu ri but ii has no way o) -r
Then soon itdiesand •• never again toexprt
Then tit tunc* my thott$
Like thewind Hint blou
It'stalking toyou. bul it
And my gestures to 1/1 . Onceyou've seen one t •
There is such beauty in natun and theocean, They areall but when carefully studit. They hide theirown •• •••;and share them with anyom and noticewhat tinuan -
• n _ X 4 I |,
W>: fB
Sometimes it'sthose -" important yetai o•
Wieu can texplain my When Ispeak softly beautiful. .. don overt todo itagain
For one oftheseday- 1 i fo theground
1 Nelson
2nd ce, Black & Wliit
Neveragain toexpri • theminagoodlightand, won one othe phi award ina contestat herhome inTexas "It'sjust alot l fun!" she says "And it's a reall nice hobby to have. £
Lke transfer favorites He says student froma junior he'sknown the dog college in California, formany years, and tries"tose thingsfrom fo aslon ashe can adifferentperspective" remembe thedog's when he's behind a owner has warned camera peopl ofits danger.
Thephotoofthedog "It'sjust always with the -Beware ol seemed harmles to Dog signisoneofhi me," Mikesays.
Kelley Da; ten
K Hey has dra* been drawing loi soveralyears, butitwasn't bpe untilfiveyearsagothat m l shefinally became se- K rious withherabilities, art Shesay themush- her, room drawing came fro a walk in the woods.Shedecidedt
Brian >rew
"B- hadn't completed Image ol Beauty" when heentered i int Immortalize Imagination. His orginalwashangingon the wal back hom in Wisconsin, and allhe ha with him was a copy
Hehadintended o add a nailprint in the hand anddraw th image of thecrossin the wate omak th picture rellecthow Christian shouldbeamirror image ofGod, reflecting Hislovetotheres oftheworld
-eather bega Wtft'ni ,etr whileshe wa n lunior high. In ni9fi ' hool, she took festivewritingclasses id attended writing 'nVshops Evidently sexperiencepaidofl, becauseshenowholds n impressive list of aw-nJs earned before coming tocollege Inspiration for"We
Are The Sfar Gazers" came while sheanda group of friends witnessed a meteor shower while camping out in a friend's back yard
.yl bega wnt^poetrywhenshe her enter ImmortalSoTteyearsold. izedImagination. Shesayspoetry s Other than high .;, • .,,,a»eself- schoo contests an esirrierand feature intheschool sh keeps nen- newspaper, he hon took of poetry orablementio to Jt Sch noon but she Times isher first ^everseenorread. etryaward. inceyot time through (trie tere's some really gc easierway of this book word forword the first r,hly recommend doing so, 'cause Jin here), we decided togiveyou an [just what you want to read. listedyour nanmalpHbetically,sinceany otherway would Tfusevj^Brt tlpsneatlittle sectionheresoyou canjust /•our bestfriend'sname,orthatcute girlfrom-your-rreshman-seminar's name)and lookyourself(or, etc.) up on thepageslisted. How innovative.
We even included categories like football, homecoming, the block party, etc., soyou canfindeverything relatedtowhat you want tolook at orreadabout.
Actually, we sort of have to have an index, 'cause it's just somethingyearbooks gottahave (kindalikePepsi) and we wouldn't have created avery good book if we didn'thave one (much tothe dismay ofTodd, who created this section).
In an attempt to make this index a bit more than a boring list of names and numbers (which is what it reallyis, although we've disguised it sowellyou didn'teven know that, right?), we included some funpictureswe hope you'll enjoy.
We also gathered quotes that capture the humor, tragedy, irony and generalcrazinessthatmolded and shaped our world. These arethethingsthatimpacted our country and our lives... the thingsthatwere anything butbusinessas usual.