2 minute read
Reaching out T O TH E * J world
Think back to your freshman year. Did you spend your hourstucked away in some quiet corner of the library, reviewing yourclass notes and prepping for a possible quiz in GNED101? Didyou simplytape the professor's lecture for reviewlater in the eveningafteraquick meetingwithyourmath tutor? Orwereyouone of the freshmenseen
University Chorale
To develop strong choral skills, musical enrichment and performance opportunity inaChristiansetting. Music is selected primarily from the great choral masters of the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods.
Row 1: L Mendez, J. Critcher, L. Jarden, J. Duyon, S. Meraglia, M. Philips,
R Flack,M,Goodwin,R Harden,J Smallwood,A Barnett,R Cooper,
K Monroe,W Marlow,L Albert, J Calzada,P Thompson,R Foley Row 2:
C. Wilcox,R Andrews,A Clay,T Coley,K Harris, K Parker,N Turner,
H Cocksey,S,Durbin,T Rogers,A Gray,M Bloom,A Nelson,R Lippard,
J Chaney,L Johnson,E Mattison,B Richardson,C Parker Row 3:
T Schlottman,B,Degnan,K, Vandermeer,A Fallin, S Souther,H Collum,
C Winkle,A Johnson,S Burgis,R Leight,E.Tarazona,J Austin,J Rice,
B DeBoer Row 4: H Zimmerman,A Pugh,S Treadway,E Carpenter,
A Farmer,R Coombs,J Dent,R Constance,S Sites,M Grevengoed,
K Morris,B Murphy,D White,D Collier nightlyatMovies 10, lined uptoseethenewest in PG entertainmentat cut-rate prices that Hollywood had to offer.
A select group of LU's freshmenmanage tobalance bothactivities.
Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD),the national academic honor society for freshmen, gleansthose who have exhibited academic excellence intheir freshmen yearby achieving a minimum GPA of 3.5
ALD, founded asan honorary forfreshmanwomen atthe University ofIllinois in1924, became a national organizationin1926. LU receiveditscharterin1986 With 246 members, LU boasts one ofthelarger ofthe 217chapters nationwide
Weekly meetings keep thefive officers abreastofnew information while monthly meetings keep members from straying. Stressingnotonly academic issues,ALD focuseson extra-curricular activities, including the Adopt-A-Book program which raised $2000 for books for the library. Members alsoparticipate withtheGood Samaritan Centerassistingwith grades 1-3 Future plans includesponsoring achild inthePhilippineswiththeChristian Children's Fund Participating inprojectslikethese is important toALDgoalswhich reach outto students, thecommunity,and the world.
ALD received theprestigious "OrderoftheTorch"award,givento onlytwo schoolsper year LUwas chosenbecause ofits commitment to the studentsandtheLynchburg community. Award recipientsmust exhibitoutstandingmember participation aswellas keep accurateandcomplete charter histories.
The LU societyis alsoaforerunner with theAdopt-A-Book program At the nationalconference theprogramwas recognized Many chaptershaverequested information forimplementing it, and othershave already announced that they willincorporate theprogram at their schools.
Members ofALD areinducted after theirsecond semester andarelifetime members.
T o provide for th e highest quality of health care; to provide program s that represent fundamenta l an d current professional interests an d concerns ; to aid in the developmen t of the whol e person.
T o provide opportunities to absor b historical knowledg e throug h a variety of sources while gathering together fellow historians in a social atmosphere .
T o provide journalism students wit h practical experience in their fields of study; to design logos, newsletters, brochure s an d general materials for clients in the University arena .
T o inform member s of majo r development s in the medica l field; to supply member s wit h information an d assistance a s they prepare to enter medica l school.