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You know you can'ttakeanotherday. You'retired,frustrated, tm^to, sickofyourroommates,bored withyourgirlfriend— you've away When you can'tmake yourway to theshowerin yourflip-flopsat7:30a.m onemore morning, itfinallycomes— your daysoffreedom. Fallbreak. You justknow thosetwo dayswillrescue you from yourtroubles— thathomework you didn'tturnin, the paperyou probablywon'tdo

Sleepand Mom's cookingoccupied alargepercentageofthe eformostfallbreakers A few ofthemore adventurousdidfind ecreativeways tospend theirtime.

Approximately 350dedicated Scaremareworkersstayedto prktheannualHouse ofDeath. SharonMitchell, aseniorpsycholmajor,stayedinLynchburg. Ratherthanheadingbackhome to ^w Baltimore,Va.,shechoseto stayand servehotchocolatetothe Idpatronsinline.

Ienjoytalkingto peopleand havingfellowshipwithother s,butseeingpeoplegetsaved is my biggestjoy," Sharonsaid ScottEvans, ajuniorfrom Coatsville, Pa., spenthislongweekd on thecampaign trail Hisfather,apastor,was runningforcity il. Scottassistedwithphone callsand door-to-doorliterature Ibution. Although thedayson thetelephonewerelong and tracing,hefeltgreataboutwhat hisdad was doing.

Iam proud ofmy father's decisiontobewillingenoughto ome involvedinapolitical campaignwithalloftheresponsibilities :hasasapastor I'm alsoproud ofhim becausehe'swillingtobreak etraditionofpastors notgettinginvolved inpolitics," hesaid. oseautumn daysofleisure ended, studentstrudged tocampus, aftercurfew, ofcourse. Forsome ithad beenfourdj^sofrest and relaxation; othershad somehow managed to skipoutam w daysearlierand enjoyed acompleteweek toeatfrom i I ij refrigeratorand work outtheirthumbs on theremote

Duld only survive until Thanksgiving break.

The spring brings rain— and lotsofit! The summer brings those annoying gnats

The winterbrings snow overspring break But autumn incentral Virginia bringsonly pictureperfect scenes, and a pictureis still worth athousand words


Whether break was used for Scaremare, "Champion" work, homework orjust R &R,itwas definitelya necessary break from theold routine

FallBreakfalls atjusttheright time The weather is crispand cool, and the mountainside is turning intoaliving canvas fall break

* his cit&f ^ 'r P*'* auA*"'' *1

Rita A. Morgan

There it is. Right under your windshield wiper—another ticket! Your newest addition tothegrowing pile of pink papers on thefloorboard, inthe glove compartment, under the passenger's seat. Fellow commuters passby with a sympathetic nod and an understanding shake ofthehead

Let'sfaceit When it comes to parking, diamonds arenota girl's best friend!

It's amazing just how many tickets one little carcan collect. By theend of theyear, I won't be abletoseeout my windshield because ofall thetickets overflowing thefloorboard

While securitywas tryingtofigure outifmy little V W was orange orred, huge bulldozers and construction workers were busily ripping aparta largesectionofP-l by the guardshack. Not thatI minded thatdorm student parking was being demolished;it was thesecondary effectsthatnearly undid me Because ofthedemolition crew's hard work,many commuters, who'd previously found refuge inP-l, were forced tocome down tomy parking spacesinthecommuter lot These are theparking spacesI paid $60 toparkin Now, all theseother people were invading my spaces— my coveted parking spaces.

I'm not a loneranger on thisone either Commuters from everywhere feelthesame way

Senior Michael Harter said: "Freshmen aretaking over I drivearound and around theparking lotfor30 minutes trying tofind a space, only toagain realizethattherejustaren'tany spaces left. To top it off, there'sthatone guy who's ticket-happy He's probably a freshman who doesn'teven have a car.I mean this guy writesticketsright and left. I left my caronce forabout 15 minutes, came back and therewas a ticketon my car The guy who wrote it was nowhere tobe found.He had just disappeared." outsidetheirclassordorm.Thereis more than adequate space foreveryone, however inconvenient it may be.

JuniorMark Anderson said: "It is definitely aproblem I usually finda space,butit's sofrustrating They really should pave alot orcutdown on the tickets I can'tbelieveall the dorm studentswho park inP-2 A friendof mine heard from asecurity guard thathe gave out over $4,000 in ticketsone day! Something thereseems alittle out ofwhack."

"Studentsmay have to parkdown at David'sPlaceorin thegravellotby the seniordorms,butthereis enough parking foreveryone. Stateuniversitiesand even otherprivateschoolshave tougher regulationsthanwe do," Renalds added

According toa "Champion"report, more than11,000moving and parking tickets wereissuedduring the1992-93 schoolyear; only 172were issuedfor moving violationsleavingmore than

You createyour own parking space every morning


And seniorKerry Rutiglianosaid: "It's horrendous!"

However, it seems as if commuters are theonly people who reallyseethe problem, and security doesn'tseem to understand our whining.

More thanone commuter has had violentthoughtsofdrivinghis carthrough Marriott, screaming ashe plunders

You praytheprintershaverunoutofpinkpaper throughit:"I know therewas aparking spacehere Ijustknow therewas!"

Afterreceiving a "No comment. I'm notauthorized tospeak with any journalists"from OfficerRich Knodel, I was directed toChiefJ.O. Renalds.

Untiltheday when oneofusfinally goesovertheedge, parkingwill continue tobeoneofthemany little trials that we allmust faceand overcome

Yougrabtheslipfromunderyourwiper — disgusted.

Renalds was more than gracious during thetelephone interview, but he clearlydisplayed a different attitudeconcerning theparking situation than did most commuters

Probably by now securityhasmy tag number memorized and is surprised when At you canfinishcoveringyourdorm walls!

"The bottom lineis this — everyone wants topark reallycloseto their dorm orclasses. There aremore than enough parking spaces forboth dorm and commuting students. What it comes down tois thatstudentscan'tpark right itfinds me parked inareal space. I'mjust waitingfortheday when I come to my car and finda "Thank You" noteforparking correctly. Untilthen, I willcontinueto be thesolemonetary contributorfor the parking lot restoration project

By theway, Officer#8, my car really is red. parking problems

When mailarrives, "I wanna'go home" look replacesthe "What's a syllabus?"look.

Meticulously poofed and sprayed hairfor making great first impressions

High school class ringfrom boyfriend she left athome

'Carriesbag and purse because it she hasn'tyet Vrealized both iren

Colled in-comi andout-i mailhidd inthe front pockel

Photosof| family po everywhere remembranc

The Freshman Seminarcollection

Complete obedienceto thedress code includingthe proper amount oflaceand flowers

Nylons and spikes. Herfeet haven'tyet , rebelledagainst '* thehiketo classes

'FRESHMAN Homesick. Lost. Confused. The typical freshman matriculates psyched for the experience. Tossed into the stream, she tends to flail and struggle through the first semester, finally finding her^^ nichajjjjhe secMDdLJ0u4his1Tly pad, she coasts through the next six with reasonable ease.

Confidence and control createthe face Underneath the smile: Panic.

Designertie Only one ofmany inthe collection

Personalized version ofthe "dresscode"created by yearsofdodgingR.A.s

Partially-completed resume always on hand

Past Christmas gift from ex-fiancestrappedto wrist. Classringgained from most recent fiance inthe greatringswap

Pocketfull ofplastic: Visa, Discover, AT&T. Necessarydayplannerfor keeping a complicated life manageable.

Assortment of variouskeysfor car, apartment, work, etc...

More mature form of carrying everything: theattache case. y-stainedcuffs m tramping about pus intherain

THE SENIOR Confident. Controlled. The typical senior survives the pressure by dreaming of the Grand EMale — graduation. His first -Semester of mightiness is spent concentrating on getting through. The last is spent making memories with friends and preparing for the job hunt.

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