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Ifs quiteironicthat, onlyayearago, Iwas experiencing thefreedomsofseniority. Whether it be high schoolor college, a senioris asenior. Of course, every senior automatically believesthathe getstodominate all that goes on ina school (Ofcourse, therearealways those odd ballseniorswho arequiteshy and timid, but I won't bothermentioning any ofthoseminorities.)
The seniorshereat LU do expressthemselves very well. Whether it be inaclassroom (as if they even attend classes) orinthelunch line(asif any ofthem eathere) or around campus (thefew who actuallylivehere), the seniorsreallyknow how tolet othersknow they areon the brink oftheReal World.
Most seniorsseem tothinkthey'reon thesame level ofimportance asDr Falwell(which could be possible, but only if Dr Falwellregressed) Seniorsalsohavethe annoying habitoftakingadvantage ofeverylittleprivilege givento them,which will disintegratethoseprivilegesbythe timewe reach "king-hood."
Who could blame them? When I'm asenior, I'm sure I'll stretchan inch foramilewith every chance I get. But thisis now,and I have threemore yearsuntil I get to degrade "little" Freshmen for myself
Even though seniorsareone year away from finding theRealWorld,they thinkthatby being superiorthey have therighttopush us around. I findit rather amusing thatnextyearatthis timethey'llbe theones pushed around while we'llbe theoneslivinginthelapofluxury Yep,we might only be sophomores then, but at leastour parentswill be paying for it.
What's with thedresscode forseniors, anyway? Is thereone? Why do they getspecialparking while we have topark inSiberia? And justbecausemost ofthemlive offcampus theyfeel theydon'tneed to goto convocation If it were up tome,all seniorswould sitbehind thespeaker likechurch pastors, just so they canbe greatexamplesfor us Freshmen. That'swhy they'rehere, right?
To me,a senioris likean old grandpa who thinks he'slived life. If you getseniorsgoing, they'lltell you about theold days asif they were having war flashbacks. Right now collegedoes seem likea war, but forgetabout it and move on!
As I lookback on my high schoolsenioryear and how Freshmen were treated then, I realizethatI should've known realitywould one day strikeback at me.
As my years progress hereatLU,I'll appreciatethe finerthings inlife, such asFreshmen who arejusttryingto make it Even though they may be little, worthless,no good,clueless, stupid
Missy Arnold