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Ne w Faces, Long Lines & Revival

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Thecampusexplodedin Augustasover2,300new studentsfiled into check-in, evenbefore returningstudents arrivedoncampus. Carswere everywhere; and the new studentsfilledeverycorner, tryingtofigureoutthenight sceneinLynchburg.

Classeswereoverflowing asstudentsracedaroundthe firstweek,beggingprofessors tosignthem into classes alreadyfilled to capacity. Bewildered freshmenwanderedthroughcrowdedhalls, tryingtofindtheirclassrooms, usingclass schedulesasroad maps and wondering why on earth"DH"standsfor "DeMoss."

Dorm rooms were burstingwithbelongingsas studentsaway from home for thefirst timetriedto fit everythingfrom home into one corneroftheir room here. Roommates learned quickly tosharemirrorspaceby doing their hairatdifferent timesorby puttingthe shortestpersonin front.

Studentsexpectingto returntoonlyone roommate adearfriend— came back tohim, aswellasto two strangers. Of course, they had tomake thebestofit because therewas simply no more room

Linesextended alongthe entirelengthofthe sidewalkby P2forthe firstfew weeksas everybodyattempted toeatin the cafeteria atthe sametime Afterawhile, studentslearned tostaggertheirschedulesand cut outthewait.

Inside, evenwiththe new facility, Marriott was almostfilledtocapacitywith hungry freshmen. Hunting foratable, unheard ofonly last year, became routineonce more

Many chances for meeting new people arose, and many new friendships were formed.

When it came timefor finals, passing thebusiness office was impossibleas the hall was jammed with studentswaiting to reconcile

Their Accounts

The registrar's office was alsoswamped withfirsttimestudentstryingto figure outtheir class schedulefor thenextsemester Ofcourse, theyended up changing it fourtimes; butthensodid experienced students who hadn'tbothered to register earlier

Thisenormous influx of studentshad alotto do witha massive recruitingdrive launched overthesummer. The "Bring aFriendto Liberty"campaign brought many new and transfer students, asdid many differentscholarship offers.

Hundreds ofstudents transferred from Word of Life inupstateNew York, due, in part, tospecial scholarships With thehuge number ofnew students, the financial situationbegan lookingupfor LU

The invasionofthese studentsalsobroughta new spirit on campus,and Bible studiesand prayer groups sprang up alloverwith evidencesofrevival appearingeverywhere the 1\ U OLL of adrenalin, the THRILL of it all, the sheer insanity of a heart-stopping, the DIZZYING HEIGHTS look ma NO BRAINS! some call i. INSANITY. some call it recreation. many _ /_ 1 to face death just to say they Ei^V^Al ED its jaws. on the slopes or in C^AV ERNS, IN x\L KJ _V£J is calling to be conquered. many heed its call. some CONQUER some fail. reaching the SUMMIT... piercing the DEI 1 HtJ ... free-falling somewhere in between .. . or simply jumping OFF THE WALL

• Telemarketing went all-outto recruit new studentsand met with enormous success.

Freshman Amy Palermo helpsto bring inhundreds oftransfer students.Post cardsand phone callswere bothput touse inbringingin new students.

• Crowded hallwaysand long linesbecame the norm asthousands ofstudentsmade a first-timeappearance on campus. Advisors were overwhelmed with theamount ofnew students mobbing theirofficesduring registration.

• More studentsmeant more paperwork. Many ofthecampus secretarieshandled in-coming pilesrivalingthoseofthe White House Mrs Hazel Spry letsherfingersdo thehikingthrough mountains offilesand paperworkthathaunt every inchofspace.

• They callitthe ultimate adrenalin rush,andthisheartstopping pasttime livesupto its reputation Senior Jen Hale stepsinto nothing as she bungee jumpsat Cape Hatteras, NC.

• Struggling up hill whileheftingtheirgear on theirbacks,a group of spelunkers search forthe entrance toa hidden subterranean void. The thrill ofdiscovery drivesstudentstothe mysterious depthsthat conceal a unique environment full of life and activity JZ.

• Many studentsfindcamping an enjoyable getaway. Seniors Jennifer Klinglerand Molly Mundy setuptheir tenton aspelunking tripwith the Biology Club The Biology Club takes severaltripseach yearwith amajor, week-long tripoverspring break.

•I L KJ IN VJ _J into nothingness. the drop.

JenniferR. Hale

Homecoming week broughtpeople from all over the country back to the campus at which they'd spent so much of their schooling years. Parents came to visit the place where their sons and daughters would be spending four years of their life. Friends were reunited and new acquaintances made.

Tlhe weather had drastically changed from the 80-plus degree Saturday ofafew years before, but therain didn'tslow theaction.

The stadium was packed.The brilliantcolorsofthe umbrellas and parkas lining thestands only added tothe festivitiesofthe day asfamily and friends, students and alumni gathered inthestands, bundled up and decorated with red, white and blue.

Friday night officiallylaunched theweekend with the admission-free "Comic BeliefTour." LU alumnus Mark Lowry,along with fellow comedians Chonda Pierce and Mark Steele, entertained thepacked audience withtheir Christian comedy

Flames burned high, literally, even singeing some eyebrows,attheannual Homecoming Bonfire,sponsored by thejunior and sophomore classes.

Faithful fansbraved the elements towatch LU defeat theCharleston Southern Buccaneers 42-6atthe heightof the Homecoming festivities

During halftime, the excitement reached its peak as

• Sufferingfrom atornMedial CollateralLigament,seniorChrisHadley satonthe bench formost ofthegame. However,due toanew taping method ourtrainerslearned from NFL trainers,Hadley was backon thefieldinjustfourweeks. Accompanying him, alumnus and Pittsburgh Steeler EricGreen cheered hisformerteam totheir42-6 victoryovertheCharleston Southern Buccaneers

Robin Babby, a senior from San Diego, was crowned Miss Liberty1994 Alumni arewhat Homecoming isall about, and these yearly visitorshad theirshare ofactivitiestochoose from Although theAlumni baseball game was canceled due to theweather, more than 700 alumni attended the Second Annual Alumni Picnic held afterthefootball game

The EagleAwards,school reunions, theAlumni Golf Tournament,theten-year reunion forthe classof'83,an LUAA auction, church servicesatTRBC and a drawing for round-trip airlineticketswere all part oftheexcitementfor thepaticipants

There was something foreveryone —• students, parents and alumni Some chose tosleep through it, but the rest were out infullforcemaking Homecoming 1993 a weekend worth waking up for.

• Entertainingthe masses, Mark Lowry makesthe audience roll with his hilarious comedy. Mark and twoother comedians made up "ComicBelief," thetourthatkicked offtheannual Homecoming weekend.

• Grabbingfora late-secondquartertouchdown pass,Senior James McKnight scorespointsfor Liberty McKnight had two touchdown passesduringthe game

I "I couldn't remember what I was supposedto do!"Robin Babby saidabouther crowning as Miss Liberty1994 Robin'sescort, KevinSmall, LU alumnus,flewout fortheevent.


Raindrizzleddown thatcold Saturday afternoonasthecontestantsfiledontothefield.The crowd patientlywaited forthewinner toberevealed

Firstrunner-upwas announced and Evelyn Soden stepped forward forherbouquet.

RobinBabby was theonlyoneleft.

"Ialwaysthoughtitwould besuchan honor tobeMissLiberty,butIdidn'treallythinkabout receivingthathonor,"shesaid "Icouldn't rememberwhatI was supposed todo! Ijustfelt really thankfulthatmy dad was there. Itmeant alotto him."

BorninSan Diego, Calif., Robinbecamea Christianwhen shewasjustachild When she was eleven, shededicated herlifeto theLord and has seriouslypursued arelationshipwithChristever since.

Her mom hasbeen themost influentialperson inherlife

"Sheis my example. Sheis continually encouragingand alwaysshowing me thelighter sideoflife."

Robinhasbeen an SLD and hasalsobeenvery involvedin the Young Life chapterinLynchburg.

Her smileshonethrough therainastheRev. JerryFalwelldraped the banneroverher,and Kim Frasercrowned herthenew MissLiberty

The news thatshewas inthetop20had both excitedand surprisedRobin.

"Itwas soexciting! Ifelt veryspecial, butI didn'treallyexpecttowin."

Shehad to go throughmany interviewswhile the judgessearched for thetop 10ofthegroup

"Thereweregruelinginterviewsby 10judges. They asked me aboutmy family, church, leadership style and how Iwould handlecertain ethical situations."

BeingchosenasMissLiberty1994 hasreally impacted Robin'slife.

"It has forcedme tolearnhow topresentmyself and isteachingme how to beabetterpublicspeaker."

JenniferR. Hale

• Station Manager Mark Hunter(back), senior,and Matt Sargent,junior,two familiarvoiceson C91,pausewhile music keepstheshow going. Mark has beenwith WWMC sincehis freshman yearand has seen thestation through manydifficult times,bothon andoff the air.

• Lending some helpfulpointers, Jeff Hartinstructsa new D.J about being on theair WWMC is takinggreatstrides to trainnew D.J.sto sound more professional C-91'sD.J.s come from all different majors,bringing a varietyofexperience and knowlegetothe station.

• WRVL D.J Rodney Baylous makes use ofthe new radio computer equipment received bythestation One of onlythreein the country,thiscomputer istheonlyone used by aVirginiaradio stationand is saidto be thenewest technology inradio computers

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