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By Jennifer R. Hale

Ithad been afrustrating day for sophomore ToriGrubb Shehad been strugglingwithlonelinessand findingher niche, soshedecided to getaway.

Afterendingup at Philip'sWayside, wheretherewereafew picnictablesanda naturalspring, shesettledinat oneof the tablesto study.

Justas shewas aboutto headback to campus, awoman and hersonpulled up to filltheirwaterjugsfrom thespring The woman asked Tori if shecouldset her jugs onthe table.Tori agreed and offeredto helptheladyfillthem

As shewas helpingtheladywithher water, Toriprayed for anopportunity to shareChristwith her.

The ladykepttellingToriwhatanice girlshewas and how she'dnevermetany young ladyasniceas shewas

Okay, Lord, Tori thought, ifshe says anything about my being so nice again, that'll be my cue.

Shedid, and Tori tookher cue.

"Youknow, theonlyreasonIcanbe this niceis becauseof the differenceJesus Christhasmade in mylife," Toribegan Shethenwent on to sharehertestimony and theentireplanof salvationwiththe woman and herson.


Wpmost important part oftheChristian life is stayingfresh inyour relationshipwithChrist.

Findingtimetobe alone withGod isastruggle, butmany students still putasidetimetorefresh every day.

Tori asked thetwo if eitherof them knew Jesus They bothanswered thatthey didn't

^ftia y not be the most popular activity to do on a Friday night, but the mall is packed with people wh o need to hear that Jesus loves them.

Junior Sonya Williams gives her heart to a passer-by in her effort to spread the Word

"Would you like to?"

"Yes,yes, definitely," theyreplied

"We prayed by thespring; and, 1 when we were done, theywere absolutely radiant I know thereisn'tnecessarilya visible change all atonceforeverybody, butitwas justwrittenallovertheirfaces," Tori said

Many studentsseeopportunitieslike this and jump atthechancetoshare Christ.

WhilesightseeingattheNatural Bridge, HeatherMartinwas ableto lead oneoftheconcessionstandworkersto the Lord

"I'dhurtmy legand couldn'tgo withtherestofmy group, soI stayed behind and gotsome hotapplecideratthe concessionstand I startedtalkingtoone oftheworkersand broughtup God

'Thefirst girl gotanother worker from theback soshecould hearwhatI was talkingabout. The second girlwas sort ofagainstitatfirst,butshe's theone who ended up gettingsaved

"I asked them bothiftheywanted to acceptChristand know more about Him The second girl saidyes.

"Ihad prayed God would give me an opportunity toreachoutto thecommunity, and He gaveme anopportunitythat day I didn'teven realize it— I wasn't expectingit then,"Heathersaid.

Therearesomany opportunities for ministryouttherethatdon'thave tobe scheduled ororganized You don'thaveto be on asingingteam,be good atpublic speaking orhave phenomenalacting abilities toservetheLord. He oftenuses thosewho arenotinthespotlightsimply becausetheyareavailableand they've surrendered what talents theydo haveto Him

|P > faithful few ... in the middle of fall finals, Remnant member s mak e time to pray for revival on campus. W e saw evidence of their prayer as Go d changed man y lives for His glory during the first semester.

By Jennifer R. Hale

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