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Spontaneous Worship
An almostfullmoon illuminated more than120peopleon awarm nightin August
A fireflickeredin theircenter, reflectingon guitars and radiatinga dim light.
Music filled theair, expressingatrue lovefor and devotionto theLord.
Thespeakerbeganto sharea messagefrom ITimothy.
Theroarof amotorcyclefilledtheair
"Ya'Ubettersplit The copsare puttin'flaresaround yourcars."
Thatwas the beginning (and, incidentally, theend) of oneof the many prayergroupsthatsprangup like forest fires allovercampus.
Tim and SteveWagner and BrianTill, allgraduatesfrom Word of Life Bible Institute, weretheorganizersfor thatone and onlybaldspotBiblestudy.
"We reallymissed studyingthe Bible, fellowshiping, and praisingtheLord togetherlike we wereused to doingat Word ofLife," Timsaid.
"We decided it wastimeto takethe initiative to set something up on our own," hecontinued
Brianlaterorganized another prayer group thatmet outside dorm 29 while theweather stayed warm,because he was searching fora group centered on praising God.
"Itisameeting focused onpraise and worship The whole purposeofit is to draw usasChristianscloserto theLord and understand how intimatewe canbe withGod and how He desires to be intimatewith us."
Up at theprayerchapelevery Thursday night, averydifferentkindof worship group was in session. Sittingin on ameeting of Thursday Thunder,you would haveexperienced songandprayer, butinsteadof onespeaker, you mighthave heard six
Thisunique group gaveministry majorsachanceto heartheirpeerspreach aswellasto gainpreachingexperience themselves
Tony Pangle, presidentof Shepherd's Club, explained thegoalsof thisservice:
"We tryto do threemainthings
Firstof all, we exaltJesusChristthrough preaching and praise. Second, we exhort one anotherand third, we givethe speakers experience."
The Shepherd'sClub leftthemeetingsopen for anyone to attend
"Thisisoneof the ways the Shepherd'sClub ministerstostudents," Tonysaid
There were Biblestudiesandprayer groups startingoff-campus aswellason
"We sawtwodifferent groupsof people on campus," Phil said. "There were the basically straight, 'good' people and there were those who were considered 'bad.' People who hadbeen partof the 'bad'crowd were trying to straighten out theirlives, butthere wasn't any place they really fit in anymore.
"We wanted to provide a Bible study where people who were struggling with things they haddone in the past could come andbeloved and accepted while they grew in the Lord."
Christian Film Night provided entertainment on Saturday nights while Remnant metafterevening service every Sunday fora time ofprayer and worship.
Through these groups and others, it was obvious thata revival hitLU. Many opened theirhearts to God's leading and were used by Him inthese small groups. There wasa variety ofways and places toworship God, giving every student an opportunity tobeinvolved. God showed Himself tobegreat through many answers toprayer,proving His ability to change and use anyone forHis glory
992, seminarystudent DaveCookbegananewtradition — Christian Film Night. EverySaturdayeveningin DeMossHall 160, Christianmoviesare shownoncampus for those students searchingfor a breakfromthe secular entertainmentof Movies 10 JuniorBilly Deadwylerandsenior MikeMagill took overthe ministry in 1993 andnow leadprayerandpraise at 7:00p.m., followedby the film at 8:00. Thetworent such Christianfilms as 'The Ten Commandments,"'The GreatestStoryEverTold" and 'TheBible"fromNew Life BooksandTheWord bookstore hundredsof studentsfaithfully attended the prayer meetings behind dorm 29 intheearlyfall. Thiswas justone ofmany groups springing upall overthecampus
[Iin the darkness...
Convocation, worshipservices, Super Conference, MissionsWeek,Spiritual Emphasis Week, Youth Emphasis Week, classes, meetings, conferences — thelist ofspeakers and the mes-
Former Vice-President Dan Quayle. James Dobson.David Ring. Beverly LaHaye. Jack Wyrtzen. Dr. IkeReighard. Dr. Sumner Wemp. Rev. Joseph Brown. Norm Sonju. Randall setsLU apart from themasses. _ Spiritualedification. Educa- ence. Politicians. Athletes.
•i A tionalinstruction. Politicalinfor- Authors. Poets. Musicians mation. Advice forlife. These Teachers. Theirqualificatic are thethingstobe gained from areunequalled. They live f theentourage ofmen and women purpose — tosharewho th who stand behind our podiums and what God hastau-1
ResidentDirectors pictured:M.Bunts, S Skelton
Row1:M.Matthews, 0.McCammon,LSamson, A,WelbornRow2: S Gardner,B Lawton, S McDonaldRow3: RChien.C.Dull.fja!
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Will that certain someone ask me out on Friday night? How can I go to school in THIS outfit? What will my best friend think ifI tell the crowd "no"?
Remember thoseawkward daysof highschool?
Most studentsaremore than happy toforgetthosedismaldays when peer pressurewas at its heightand what othersthoughtwas themost important thingintheworld. However, more than 20LUstudentshave notonly shown an interestinwhat many ofuswould much ratherforget, buthave alsolaunched an activeoutreach tothehurting and confused teenagersoftheLynchburg community
Young Life, aChristianservice opportunity, promotes thegospel through friendship and one-on-one activitiesatE.C. GlassHigh School and JeffersonForestHighSchool.
"Young Lifeopened myeyesto see thatit's easytobecome acclimated to a Christianenvironment and neglect seeing theoutsideworld,"seniorRobin Babby, one LUstudentinvolved with Young Life, explained.
Accordingto Robin,many of the kids YoungLifereachescomefrombrokenhomes andbackgroundsthathaveleftthemfeeling unimportantandunloved
"They have no understanding of God and Hislove. They only seepeople