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Spiritual Life SuDDort Staff -
B9 J.Zehr,M.Wood,M.Allen,LFlecke,T.Fw, Row2: J BarsugR,P Cleveland,J Draper,D Huishot, LBing Row3: T.Bennett,M.Brooks,J.Ray,C.Saraa, B,Filter,D Pryor,M Haskew Row 4: L Roberts, L Simmons,C.Samples,K.Kempton,J.Brian, K. Maiolo,T.Mathis,J.Lee,D.Ko. Row 5:CBictel, H Eley,D Shanton,J Fong,B Murray,J Litzau, N Chapman,G Tucker,S Abbas,B,Burck Row6; L Hernandez,H Goodsmiih,L Looker,C Rhone, W Glbbs,L Bonnet,J Smith,P Fry,E Powell, K.Sinclair,A.Demainych. Row7: M.Lucas, G Hostetter,C Stockwell,C Sweet,X Hesprioh,W Wilson, C Brown,L Riddle,M Heirell,W Johnson,E Omakwu Row8:M Corbett,B Johnson,A Johnson,M Otinger, C Rhodes,B Burgess,S Watkkis,G Vertican,D Carson giving selfishly. ...It takesthem along timetounderstand why collegestudents would want tospend time with any high schoolstudents,"shesaid
As aresult, Young Lifecurrently reachesmore than 75high school students through weekly clubmeetings, in-depth Biblestudiesand other various activitieswhich arefilledwith singing, a shortpresentation ofthegospel and good,old fashioned "hangingout."
"Atfirst, theythinkifsour 'job' or schoolassignmentto hang outwith them and spend timewiththem," Sandy Zukowski, an LU seniorwho has participated in Young Life for two and a half years, explained.
"They can'tbelievewe would take time outforthem They think it's weird atfirst because they don'tunderstand why we hang outwith them, but then it develops into friendships," Zukowski continued.
Both Robin and Sandy believethat theministry, which began blooming in 1991, hasbenefited dozens ofteenagers and willcontinue tohelp dozens more
"Young Lifegoesintothe same schooland does thesame thing week afterweek We're consistentinwhat we do. Kidscan seerightthrough you. They know when you'rejust doing itfor Christian serviceand when you're doing it tohelp,"Sandy said.
©th e "extramile"phone calls, letters, sincerefriendship — thatmakes theYoung LifeProgram successful Senior Darren Shelburneand threeYoung Life teenagersenjoyan evening ofrelaxing — hangingout.
"There is one girl— Jodi— who sticksout inmy mind The first meeting I attended,she justlooked atme, and Isaw her, and it was as if she was tellingme thatwe'd getalong."
Since then, Sandy has not only seen Jodidevelop into a strong Christian, but she has also helped her through various struggles with her family and boyfriend.
"Next year, she'llbe going toa Christian school, and she has become very smart in theWord Idon't credit any ofthattome.It justgoes to show what God can do inthelivesof Lynchburg area young people," Sandy concluded.