1 minute read
this little Storm
Dark cloudsfilledtheskyas Greg First, a youth ministry andpsychology major from Wooster, Ohio, was finishinghis supperin his home onadairyfarm
"It was gettingreallywindy outside, and I remembered thebarn doorswere open, so I decided to gooutandshutthem,"
By Jennifer R. Hale
"The skywas all different colors and thewindswere reallypicking up. I ranoverto closethechicken house. I heard aloud noiseand ran outthedoorandsawthebottomof thefunnel...thetornado tookmy hat off and I dropped ontheground.
"I could feel thepressureof the tornadogoing overme asI lay there
"Afterit passed, I watched it level about 12trees in our fields."
Greg gotupandsawelectrical wires on theground. The barn itselfwaspretty much still intact.
"I startedwalking to thehouse, but I couldn'tseevery good. It was starting to rain. When I gotcloser, I noticed the whole westsideof ourhouse was gone Our patio, my parents' cars, everything was totalled. It was thesidewhere Ihad just been eatingsupper."
Greg hadjust received theLorda yearago when this happened,andhe had been telling his unsaved parentsabout God
"You need God'sinsurance,"he had told them.
The miracleof howGod keptGreg safethrough such devastationgavehim another chancetosharewithhis parents about "God's insurance."He hopes and praysthatthey'll buyinto it soon.