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By Laurie Tevepaugh !••#•##•••••
Romania,China, Russia, Ecuador, Japan, Jamaica . . .thesearejusta few ofthecountries studentshavevisited with Light Campaigns Many more culturesthroughout thisworld have been touched by theirwitness. Often, life-longfriendships have beendeveloped
Iwent on oneofthesemission tripstoRomania It wasa life-changing experience I sawGod work before Ieven arrived inRomania justin the way He provided thefinances I needed. Once I arrived, I began to see justhow much they need God andhow much they longed for Him.
A specialmemory I have of the tripis thedaywe visited a gypsy village. A Christian man was so excited we had come thathehada heartattack while we were singing. The pastors went intoseehimand latertold usoftheirconversation I willnever forget hiswords:
"A man candieofsadness or a man candieofhappiness; today I was ready todieofhappiness becauseyou came tomy village."
Isaw many other wonderful things Thecountryside was beautiful, thecities were interesting and the people were giving. I sawGod change theheartsofdoctors, militaryofficers, lawyers, farmers, factoryworkers, teachers and children. I saw Him change my heart, also.
But it wasn't allwonderful Isaw heartbreaking things,too Isaw children inrun-down orphanages with no onetolove them Isaw teenagers who had never heard ofGod Isaw men inthe military who were no longer sure of which politicalview to believe. Isaw hurt,anger andconfusion everywhere Ibegan to realize that thisisfound notonly inRomania, but allthroughout the world
Light Campaigns arean outreach ofLight Ministries which is based atLU butisa separate ministry with thegoal ofevangelizing the world. Each year,Light takes several missions trips todifferent partsof the world. They work with missionaries already located inthecountries or with national pastors Many times, Light helps toopen doors that previously have been shut to the missionaries and pastors.
Light campaigns arelargely comprised ofLU students who create singing teams,puppet teams and distribution teams toperform concerts,visit schools and orphanages, distribute tracts and Bibles and preach thegospel.
By promoting campaigns, Light Ministries istrying toeliminate some of this pain and confusion Their goal isto "carry thelight" toall the world; and, with thehelp of students here, they arereaching that goal
^m sends ministry teamsto China, Russia, Japan, Jamaica, Ecuador, and other needyareas The teams areinvolved in singing, drama and puppets Senior Laurie Tevepaugh,amember of the Romania Team '93 pictured here,said:"It [thetrip]was alifechanging experience I saw God change the heartsof doctors, militaryofficers, lawyers, farmers,factoryworkers, teachersand children I saw Him change my heart, also."
^CTye intoall theworld and preachthegospel..."
The missionfieldof Cap Hatian,Haiti, awaitsthe HaitiHealthTeam and Cross CulturalNursing ClassofLU. Whilein Haiti, theteam performed doortodoor health clinics, hosted Bibleschool classesby day and health seminars by evening. The team alsodistributed eye glassesand medicinesto those inneed. Before ending its monthof service,theteam donated fundstoward a badlyneeded floorforthecity's school t Cross Cultural ingclassand the Haitian Nursing Team metwith mixed acceptance asthey ministered toand served thenursing needs ofthe Haitian people. Senior Brenda Justicefound her experience inHaititobe "oneofthe most memorable and powerfully challenging" timesinher life
Billy Hampton Coordinator, Student Affairs 987, TobyMcKeehan andMichaelTait performed arapcalled Heavenbound for thousandsoffellowLibertystudents.Theywent berserk, man, Taitsaid. Theduosoonadded KevinSmith, anotherLU student, totheirgroup, D.C. Talk, andtheywereontheirwaytofame.
Kronen Curtis Chapman joined D.C. Talk for concertat Creation aChristianmusicfestival in Mt Union, Penn LU haswelcomedboth Chapman andD.C Talkoncampusforacouple of crazy concerts.